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[Engineering] Companies whom I can contact in Karachi ?

Hello ladies and gentleman, Boys and girls, Uncle and aunties and everyone in between.
I want your help / advice / suggestion / recommendation / guidance / and everyother useful stuff that you can give to me for free (Yeah broke student here)

If you have been through university, you probably know that after 6th semester is over, there comes a part of life when you friend text you on whatsapp and ask "Bahi thumra internship ka kia scene hay ? mere toe full pawaa scene on hay"
Unfortunately, me and my parents have not lived much time in karachi and we don't have professional "LIKNKS" here. OH OH and now is a pandemic situation too. I desperately need a internship.
What shall I do in this situation? What are some good companies to give a cold call and ask? What shall be my approach? Anyone who have been through this?
A little about myself :
- Finding internship in Karachi.
- Mechanical Engineering student
- Loves Automation
- Can program decent (Python, C++, C, Matlab, Excel VBA, R)- Decent GPA
- Can do Machine Learning related task
- Good with CAD designing and highly interested in data science
- Way way better then most people in : Excel, Access, Web designing
That's all what I had about me on the top of my head.
ya'll know links key begar interntship bhol jao.

No joke but that's probably the biggest hurdle in my way and any help would be really REALLLY appreciated :)
submitted by I_hate_C4TS to pakistan [link] [comments]

What description of Brahman from the Upanishads resonates with you?

There are many descriptions of Brahman in the Upanishads. Post the ones you like the most!
I have four favorites:

Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.1

“Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma”

Anantam == na antam (no limit): Limits of Space, Time, Objects
Satyam: Real, that which exists.
A table exists, but it does not fit the “Anantam” definition. Brahman is something which has to exist without limits. What is common to all objects that exist? Pure Existence!
Jnanam: Any kind of knowledge.
You can have book knowledge, place knowledge, etc, but they are not “Anantam”. What is common to all knowledge? Consciousness!
Brahman == Consciousness.
Swami Sarvapriyananda thinks this is the best definition of Brahman. His excellent explanation.

Kena Upanishad 1.2

“Shrotrasya Shrotram manaso mano yadvAcho ha vAcham sa u prAnasya prAna chakshusya chakshuh”

It (Brahman) is the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind, the Speech of speech, the Life of life and the Eye of the eye.
It is the subject that is Brahman.
More explanation: Swami Paramarthananda’s discourse transcript.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.4.1

“Yat SAkshAt AparokshAt Brahma, ya Atma SarvAntarah”

In Vedic convention, Aparokshat’s secondary meaning is Pratyaksha (i.e. non-remote or direct experience). The word “SAkshAt” is used to underscore that the primary meaning is intended, not the secondary.
Any knowledge is acquired through a pramanam (source of knowledge):
The Upanishad says that Brahman is that knowledge that is not acquired through a pramanam! Consciousness is the only knowledge that is inherent even if all the pramanams are removed.
Sarvantarah – the inner essense of everything
This is a maha-vakya indicating that the Self == Brahman == Atma.
Swami Paramarthanamda says this is the best definition of Brahman. More detail.

Mandukya Upanishad: verse 7

The shortest Upanishad (12 verses) has the most detailed description in verse 7. Luckily Swami Gaudapadah provides 215 verses of commentary!

“nAntah-prajñam, na bahis prajñam, nobhayatah-prajñamna prajnaña-ghanam, na prajñam, naprajñam;adhrishtam, avyavaharayam, agrahyam, alakshanam,acintyam, avyapadesyam, ekatma-pratyaya-saram,prapañcopasamam, santam, sivam, advaitam,caturtham manyante, sa atma, sa vijñeyah”

nAntah-prajñam: Not the inward turned consciousness (dream state) na bahis prajñam: Not the outward turned consciousness (awake state) nobhayatah-prajñam: Nor in between na prajnaña-ghanam: Nor a mass of undifferentiated consciousness (hard to grasp this) na prajñam: Not Knowing – the self becomes a Knower only if it decides to know using a sense organ naprajñam: Not Unknowing adhrishtam: invisible avyavaharayam: without transactions agrahyam: intangible, ungraspable alakshanam: without any properties acintyam: inconceivable, unthinkable avyapadesyam: indescribable, unteachable, indefinable ekatma-pratyaya-saram: the sole essence of being prapañcopasamam: transcendent beyond the Universe (Gaudapadha spends one whole chapter discussing this word) shAntam: peaceful shivam: blissful, infinite advaitam: without a second (Gaudapadah spends one chapter discussing this word) chaturtham manyante, sa atma, sa vijñeyah: That which is known as the Fourth, that is the Atman to be realized
submitted by chakrax to TheVedasAndUpanishads [link] [comments]

FTL TTRPG Session 7: Arrival at Golgatha

First Session
Previous Session
Welcome to the short-ish 7th session of FTL TTRPG. In this session, all of the players were available, despite a very late start. So, onward to the show:
The team is currently aboard the research vessel Bequer, floating near the FTL beacon at the Bahi system waiting to jump to Golgatha.
As a reminder, the PCs are:
Viktor the slug merchant (played by B)
Deltan the engi researcheNabla the engi sleeper agent (played by R)
Cameron the former Rebel (played by T)
Ket (not Keth, as I've been informed, but I'm too lazy to correct all previous mentions of the name) the mantis repair worker (played by F2)
And the NPCs are: Jason the human captain, Clod the human pilot and Frederick the zoltan researcher.
In the last one and a half sessions (6 and 6.5), the slug military from Bahirisa jumped to Golgatha to provide assistance against the Rebel embargo/attack.
The Bequer now waits for the lone slug vessel acting as an impromptu checkpoint at the FTL beacon gives them the pass to proceed to Golgatha.
They get the greenlight that things are settling down on the other side.
The Bequer jumps.
Mid-jump, Ket remembers to give everyone their communication devices that he picked up from his place back at Bahirisa.
The Bequer arrives at the space above the medium-sized planet Golgatha to a warzone on its last dregs.
Rebels ships and Slug ships are flying haphazardly, shooting at each other.
Bequer decides to wait by the beacon until things settle down before attempting a planetary landing.
In about half an hour, most of the Rebel ships are routed and they FTL jump away. Of the remaining Rebel ships, most float as scraps around the FTL beacon, with the surviving slug ships skimming through the wreckage for information or salvage. Some of the ships surrender, who are being guided down to the planet by some slug ships for interrogation.
The slugs took hefty casualties as well but have still emerged victorious.
One of the slug light-assault crafts approach the Bequer and ask why they're here in a warzone.
The Bequer provides identification and are permitted to land on the planet by the slug craft.
The ship lands at the spaceport at Effluvium, a large city where Viktor's warehouse is located.
As the ship settles on the tarmac, Clod gets busy with managing the document and permission and refuel and other costs.
The rest of the crew leave the ship and enter the elevator next to the tarmac to reach the terminus area underneath the tarmac ground level.
It's a large underground area filled with people. Many of whom are leaving the planet due to fear of another Rebel attack. They see some military activity, managing the flow of the agitated crowd.
They pass through customs relatively quickly, considering very few civilians are actually arriving currently.
The team arrives at the passenger waiting area. Being a slug planet, there's vendors and stalls or various commodities and knickknacks everywhere.
Most passengers are waiting to catch a ferry off-planet after the recent spot of bother.
They see a slug slumped in a bench, dressed in formal business-wear crying inconsolably, with a slug security guard telling him to go to not cause a scene and go to the bathroom to cry.
Yeah, the Rebel occupation has been hard on everyone, specially with the damage the local economy took because of the bombings.
Viktor spots a row of communication terminals and heads for them, with Jason in tow.
The human captain is suspicious that the slug might run off without paying him for the passage.
Cameron sees a few food stalls. Two in particular catches his eyes, both selling sandwiches and one manned by a jovial-looking human and the other by a cranky-looking slug.
Ket, Deltan and Frederick decides to watch the newsfeed on a large screen.
Cameron approaches the human-owned food stall and the man welcomes him, asking if he's a new arrival.
Cameron admits and asks to see their sandwich selection.
The man displays a list on the digital screen on the side of the stall.
All the selections are made from the local flora and fauna.
Cameron randomly selects one that seems the most 'normal' to him.
"Ah yes, excellent choice. That one is particularly preferred by the young slug crowd," the man replies as he quickly prepares the food.
Cameron is briefly concerned by this but before he could dwell on it, the steaming sandwich is placed in front of him.
Cameron takes a whiff and doesn't find it revolting like he suspected.
Asks for the price and the shopkeep asks for almost double the amount listed on the menu.
Cameron naturally argues.
T Rolls for Perception but fails.
The man defends himself saying that the recent Rebel bombings have made the supply of ingredients much costlier, resulting in a hike in the price.
Cameron isn't sure how much is truth and how much is a lie but he decides to concede and pays the price, taking his sandwich and biting into it cautiously.
It's surprisingly agreeable.
Meanwhile, Ket, Deltan and Frederick check the news, which reports that the fleeing Rebel forces are being chased through the Brume nebula by slug military ships and are expected to be caught soon.
The captured Rebels have been taken to undisclosed locations for interrogation.
The news lists the total number of casualties due to the bombings number at 200 but the number of factories demolished are well beyond 25. That's in the whole planet.
The damage to the local economy is in the trillions.
Local merchant guilds are furious and many are proposing to sue the Federation for allowing the Rebellion to spread so far in slug space.
At the communication terminals, Viktor calls Bob, his subordinate.
Thanks to a successful Perception roll, Bob happens to be online.
He's ecstatic to see Viktor on Golgatha.
Viktor's all business though. Asks for the damage done by the Rebels to his business.
Bob says that although he had sent out electronic countermeasures to all his trade ships, he hasn't heard back from them so he's unsure if they're laying low or the Rebels have captured them.
I ask B how many trade ships Viktor has and he says 4. One of them was captured when he was left stranded on Jaakard. And the rest 3 are out there, hopefully not in Rebel hands. He also has a prototype ship at the warehouse where Bob is.
Due to the absence of said ships and the blockade, his profits have dwindled and his business has pretty much halted, considering half his supply has gone up in smokes in the recent bombings.
They're running on savings now and it's not looking too good. Which is why he's so happy Viktor's here as soon as the Rebels are gone.
Bob is fully confident that Viktor can make a miraculous turn-around, like he did the first time by going from a street hustler to a skilled business-slug.
Viktor is upset at the news but thanks Bob all the same.
He accesses his bank account and sighs at seeing his savings reduced to almost one twentieth of its previous value.
He pays up Jason, who nods in appreciation.
"Thanks. Try to keep that temper in check. It did almost got us caught by those Rebels," Jason reminds him.
Viktor says he can't make any promises but he'll try.
Jason approaches Frederick and Deltan and asks their plan.
The engi and zoltan decide that since Viktor is offering them to study his own ship, they guess that they can let Bequer off the hook.
They provide Jason with a permission document, to give at Merwyg research station and get paid for his ship's services.
He thanks the duo and tells them to be safe.
Jason also turns to Cameron, whose face is stuffed with a sandwich, and tells him to at least try not to get into too much trouble.
Cameron nods comically with his mouth filled with the sandwich.
Jason, lastly, turns to Ket and asks if the mantis would like a position aboard Bequer as the repair crew.
Ket recalls being asked to mop the floors of the ship by Clod, which he did grumblingly, and decides to decline the offer.
Jason sighs and nods him farewell as well and walks back towards the tarmac.
And thus the team says their tentative goodbyes to the Bequer and its crew.
The team decides to go with Viktor as he boards a cab to his warehouse on Bleek street.
Yes, it's a flying car. Gravitic manipulation exists in FTLverse, so it made sense to me that the in-lore Impulse Drives are gravitic propulsion allowing for non-FTL propulsion of spaceships, specifically during combat or docking or whatever.
Anyway, the driver is your stereotypical friendly human driver, who tries to keep quiet for a while but then decides to pipe in the conversation when the team start discussing if the Rebel occupation had any adverse affect on Viktor's business.
The driver adds that the Rebel embargo has the whole planet agitated. His neighbours, a family of rocks were particularly perturbed and wanted to return to their home planet in rock sector as soon as possible.
He also mentions that ever since the Rebel embargo began, he's been seeing a lot more human faces in his cab heading towards the industrial districts of the city. He's not sure if they're Rebels in disguise or just normal folks but it's something he just mentions in passing.
They discuss more with the guy. The dude's clearly not impressed with the Federation turning a blind eye to slug space.
He says his family has been here for over 2 generations and he doesn't quite understand why the Federation shunned the slug merchant guilds.
They arrive at Bleek street and Viktor pays the guy.
They walk a short distance to his warehouse and sees a slightly slug standing in front, looking extremely nervous.
The slug almost jumps (quite a feat as a slug, as you can imagine) at seeing the team approach.
It's Bob. He hurriedly walks to Viktor.
Viktor asks why's he outside.
Bob says there's some bad news.
Some people are here to repossess Viktor's prototype ship. They seemed to have official papers and told Bob that since he's not the owner, he has to step outside.
Yeah, you didn't honestly just expect me to let the players have a ship of their own so easily, did you?
Bob says there's 4 humans and a rock who looked at Bob really intimidating-like and he skedaddled outside.
Here is where I think the videogamer mentality of everyone kicks in overdrive.
Instead of Viktor walking in and trying to talk this out, the players immediately plan this like a stealth mission and think about how they can use Viktor's remote control over the warehouse lighting system to turn off the lights and then use a crate of night vision goggles (that Viktor spends a Fate point to have in his warehouse) to get to his ship before the repo guys.
Frederick is told to stay outside as his green glow will be a hindrance when they turn off the lights, a suggestion he happily agrees to.
The nervous Bob is also told to stay outside.
The PCs, Viktor, Deltan, Cameron and Ket decides to walk in the warehouse.
The warehouse has an empty bit of land in front, for ships to takeoff/land.
After that is the warehouse itself, a large set of blast doors in the front with a smaller door to the side. The blast doors are currently closed.
The group enters through the smaller door to the side and come face to face with the rock fellow, guarding the door to the room inside.
The rock says that this area is currently being assessed by repossession crew and they'll have to leave.
Viktor introduces himself as the owner and shows his ID on his datapad.
Rock dude allows him to go inside.
Viktor asks everyone to follow but the rock says only he can go inside, as the owner, but his posse will have to stay behind.
Viktor enters the second room, which has a terminal as well as chairs and a table and some filing cabinets, although not quite as many as Thomas did back in Bahirisa.
There's also a male and female human, both of whom look up from their datapads when Viktor enters.
Before they can say anything, Viktor introduces himself as the owner and asks what's going on.
The male human says that due to his recent business failures, the local governing authority has decided to repossess his prototype ship until he can pay back his proper bribes to the respective authority.
Viktor's not buying it, asks to see official permission of repossession.
The female human hands him her datapad with the official document.
It all seems pretty legit.
Viktor peruses his own datapad feigning to cross-check his sources, and sends the remote control access to the blast doors to Deltan's datapad.
Deltan receives the control access and whispers it to everyone.
All the while, the rock watches them with stern eyes, crossing his stony arms.
Cameron suggests to open the blast doors and try to get to the ship before the repo guys can.
Deltan agrees and sends the signal.
The blast doors start slowly opening with a loud whirring noise.
All 3 of the visible repo guys are startled by that.
The female yanks her datapad back from Viktor and asks what did he do.
Viktor attempts a bluff, saying that the doors are automated to open whenever a delivery ship is approaching. Maybe one's coming right now.
B rolls Perception against the two humans' Knowledge roll.
Fails. Chooses to succeed with major cost.
The humans buy the bluff but at that time a new sound is heard from beyond the door in the small room, leading into the warehouse floor.
It's the sound of an impulse drive warming up.
The male human gives a smug smile. "Well, delivery or not, it's certainly nice of the doors to open just as our team is powering up the ship. I'm sure you know how to contest a repossession claim through the right channels. So we bid you farewell," he says as he steps out of the door to the warehouse floor, followed by the female.
And this is where the short session 7 ended. I spent the rest of the session setting up a turn counter and looking up how to roll for initiative. Have I mentioned I'm super-newbie at this?
I'm quite excited for session 8 though, because I suspect it's possibly going to be the first conflict scenario.
If you have any suggestions for a super-newbie GM, give them in the comments. And till next time, may the dice roll in your favour :)
Next Session
submitted by Anistuffs to DnDGreentext [link] [comments]

My four favorite definitions of Brahman from the Upanishads

There are many different descriptions of Brahman offered in the Upanishads. Here are four of my favorites:
Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.1
"Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma"
Anantam == na antam (no limit): Limits of Space, Time, Objects * Space limitation: Every object has a space limitation. i.e. if something is here, it is NOT there. Brahman is all pervading, or omnipresent. * Time limitation: Every object has a beginning in time, and end in time. Brahman is eternal, or outside of time. * Object limitation: If some gold is a ring, it is not a chain. Brahman does not have this limitation. There is no object separate from it. Another wayto say this: there is no second object apart from Brahman. Brahman is non-dual.
Satyam: Real, that which exists. A table exists, but it does not fit the "Anantam" definition. Brahman is something which has to exist without limits. What is common to all objects that exist? Pure Existence! Jnanam: Any kind of knowledge. You can have book knowledge, place knowledge, etc, but they are not "Anantam". What is common to all knowledge? Consciousness!
Swami Sarvapriyananda thinks this is the best definition of Brahman. His excellent explanation
Kena Upanishad 1.2
"Shrotrasya Shrotram manaso mano yadvAcho ha vAcham sa u prAnasya prAna chakshusya chakshuh"
It (Brahman) is the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind, the Speech of speech, the Life of life and the Eye of the eye.
The ear hears, but it is the listener that makes it possible. The mind thinks, but it is the thinker that makes it possible. The mouth speaks, but it is the speaker that makes it possible. The body lives, but it is the Jiva that makes it possible. The eye sees, but it is the seer that makes it possible.
It is the subject that is Brahman.
More detail - Swami Paramarthananda's Lecture Transcript
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.4.1 - the best definition of Brahman according to Swami Paramarthananda
"Yat SAkshAt AparokshAt Brahma, ya Atma SarvAntarah"
In Vedic convention, Aparokshat's secondary meaning is Pratyaksha (i.e. non-remote or direct experience). The word "SAkshAt" is used to underscore that the primary meaning is intended.
Any knowledge is acquired through a pramanam (source of knowledge): * pratyaksha (5 senses) * anumana (inference) * upamana (comparison or analogy) * arthapattih (postulation or derivation) * anupalabdi (negative or elimination) * shabda (word or testimony)
The Upanishad says that Brahman is that knowledge that is not acquired through a pramanam! Consciousness is the only knowledge that is inherent even if all the pramanams are removed.
Sarvantarah - the inner essense of everything
This verse indicates that the Self == Brahman == Atma.
More detail
Mandukya Upanishad verse 7: The shortest Upanishad (12 verses) has the most detailed description. Luckily Gaudapadah provides 215 verses of commentary!
"nAntah-prajñam, na bahis prajñam, nobhayatah-prajñam; na prajnaña-ghanam, na prajñam, naprajñam; adhrishtam, avyavaharayam, agrahyam, alakshanam, acintyam, avyapadesyam, ekatma-pratyaya-saram, prapañcopasamam, santam, sivam, advaitam, caturtham manyante, sa atma, sa vijñeyah"
nAntah-prajñam: Not the inward turned consciousness (dream state) na bahis prajñam: Not the outward turned consciousness (awake state) nobhayatah-prajñam: Nor in between na prajnaña-ghanam: Nor a mass of undifferentiated consciousness (hard to grasp this) na prajñam: Not Knowing - the self has to decide to know to use a sense organ naprajñam: Not Unknowing adhrishtam: invisible avyavaharayam: without transactions agrahyam: intangible, ungraspable alakshanam: without any properties acintyam: inconceivable, unthinkable avyapadesyam: indescribable, unteachable, indefinable ekatma-pratyaya-saram: the sole essence of being prapañcopasamam: transcendent beyond creation (Gaudapadha spends one chapter discussing this single word) shAntam: peaceful shivam: blissful, infinite advaitam: without a second (Gaudapadha spends one chapter discussing this single word) caturtham manyante, sa atma, sa vijñeyah: That which is known as the Fourth, that is the Atman to be realized
More detail
Edit: format
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