North Korea: 6 Experts on How We Can Solve the Problem

does north korea have oil fields

does north korea have oil fields - win

In the event of a modern Korean War would North Korea be able to field its full army? I.e. does it have the vehicles, oil, uniforms, bullets, bombs, and most importantly food to do so?

In other words would they even be able to manage their own logistics?
This question came up in the post about what would happen if North Korea did launch a nuclear missile and it made me very curious.
Credit of my question goes to shozy.
submitted by therealDrNick to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Why China can overtake the US and become a Global Superpower

Why China can overtake the US and become a Global Superpower

This is a response to this post by Arly, this post will make more sense if you read their post first.
This is my first effort post I hope you like it.
Epistemological Status: Low but Sincere, I'm not an expert, I spent two days writing this up.
Thesis: I do not believe that China will certainly overtake the US, or even that there is a greater than 50% chance it will happen, however, I believe China will be a great power competitor on parr with the USSR, with the potential to overtake the US.

Why China is not a threat

In this section I summarize Arly argument and provide my interpretations.
I take Arly argument to be primarily about finance. Arguing that, like Japan in the '80s, China's leverage and demographics will prevent it from developing a robust consumer economy. China will be unable to overtake the US economically and thus will not be able to become the dominant power. I have several contentions where I believe we are nowhere near sure of this and Arly historical parallel does not have the predictive power they claim it to have. However, even conceding China's economic inferiority I will argue that China can be a serious threat to US hegemony.
The first section deals with how China has over-leverage itself and like Japan in the '80s will likely suffer long term economic stagnation as a result. A comparison is drawn between the amount of private credit china has taken on compared to other developed nations. China has increased its private credit 20 fold since 2000, compared to doubling in the US and tripling in Europe. By over-leveraging, China is taking out debt to pay citizens to engage in unproductive labor, such as bridges to nowhere and ghost cities. This debt will drag on its economy causing either a financial crisis or the proliferation of zombie companies.
Besides anecdotes about ghost cities, this is supported by China's high Incremental capital-output ratio. Incremental capital-output ratio is investment over GDP growth, if it is high then each unit of investment produces very little GDP growth. A higher Incremental capital-output ratio is not necessarily bad, it is simply the result of high investment because as more investment is available less profitable projects can get funded.
We have been promised a collapse in Chinese markets since I've been paying attention, it has yet to materialize. Obviously, this doesn't mean it won't, never short a bubble and all, but it makes me suspicious. Relevant to this is the fact of China's high gross savings rate of 45%.
China has one of the world highest saving rates, nearly 45% of the nation's income is saved, compared to 27% in Germany, 21% in Canada, 17% in the US, 17% in Portugal.
Nations with comparable saving rates include Ireland, Qatar, UAE, Luxembourg, Republic of Congo(not to be confused with the larger Democratic Republic of Congo). These fall into 2 categories: Oil exporters with large sovereign wealth funds Qatar, UAE, ROC, and foreign corporate tax havens Ireland, Luxembourg. The Soviet Union likely had a similar savings rate reaching 52% in 1990, however, this was the result of widespread shortages related to the collapse of its command and control economy. Japan was not comparable to China, at the start of the 70s Japan had gross national savings of only 25% and it only decreased through the 80s.
Arly makes it seem that Japan grew too fast and entered a bubble due to over-borrowing however if you overlay Arly graph of Japanese private credit with Japanese GDP growth we see that credit did not start to expand rapidly until 1985. Japanese growth began to stall drastically in 1988. The dramatic growth experienced by Japan was not a result of debt, however, Japan tried to extend its period of rapid growth by assuming large debts.
How did Japan do this while reducing national savings, the central bank imposed credit growth quotas on national banks via window guidance. This effectively led to continuous monetary expansion disconnected from the underlying reserves. This did not affect national savings and thus was structurally different from how China has achieved its credit expansion.
In fact, China can not engage window guidance or traditional monetary expansion. In economics, there exists something we call the impossible trinity in which a nation can control 2 of the following 3: capital flows, exchange rate, and monetary policy. China has chosen to control its exchange rate and engage in capital controls. Thus they have attempted to generate novel and awkward methods to drive credit creation.
To achieve China's credit expansion the Communist party artificially depresses wages allowing higher profits. These profits are owned by either institutions or the ultra-wealthy. Both consume a far smaller percentage of their income in comparison to the working and middle classes. In addition, capital controls force this wealth to be invested in China or on Chinese controlled projects. Yes, a significant amount finds its way abroad but far more would without China's capital controls. This gives China's financial sector the monetary base to provide far more leverage to projects of questionable productivity.
This is why China has been able to continue its debt-driven expansion longer than Japan, by relying on depressed consumption rather than central bank purchases. Will it continue indefinitely? Nobody knows, however, this is structurally different than Japan's asset bubble, it has lasted much longer and we have no reason to believe that it is not indefinitely sustainable. Ultimately this is not relevant to my main argument as I will argue that even an economically crippled China is a serious threat.
Arly demographic argument sounds as follows. China has a sharply aging population. As more people age out of the workforce they consume less. Thus, as domestic consumption shrinks, larger sections of the Chinese economy must become export-oriented. This dooms any attempt for the Chinese to develop a robust consumer economy and leaves them dependent on international trade for economic growth. Arly shows several counties that have similar demographic profiles and how they are export-oriented economies.
I dislike how Arly structured their rendition of this argument, they claimed that people engage in more saving but
This is contradicted by life-cycle and permanent income theories, however, while providing value these theories are contradicted by numerous empirical studies and by just looking at BLS data 1 2 3.
A cursory glance some charts shows the aging of Japan seems roughly correlated with the percent export industries. This does not correspond to a current account surplus which I at first assumed it would.
However correlation does not imply causation and Japan is a sample size of 1, I can't find anything on the internet that supports this claim. Arly used the fact that savings increase in aging populations but, on the contrary, savings actually fall because retires spend down savings. The above link also claims that aging economies should experience current account declines. This claims that the aging populations of East Asia are opportunities for US exporters as retirees spend down savings on imports. None of these point to aging populations leading to dependence on exports. If there are better arguments I'd be interested in reading them.
If the argument is true china is limited because a great power must be free to act. A large export sector makes the Chinese government beholden to international interests and unfree to pursue its national interests. The US is not dependent on exports or imports and does most of its trade with Canada and Mexico which are staunch allies. This gives the US broad latitude to act. The US has many other advantages, such as the world reserve currency and centrality in International institutions.
I argue that the CCP has demonstrated a willingness to trade growth for national pride and internal control. While slower growth will result in internal descent China is not a democratic or authoritarian state, it is a totalitarian state. Totalitarian states can immiserate their populations for government directives far more than other states. China has the state capacity to eliminate and contain dissenting elements, it can maintain the industries necessary for a 21st-century military without civilian equivalent industries.

History does not repeat, but it does rhyme

I'm not a huge fan of historical parallels, the entirety of history informs modernity but nothing is a carbon copy. While obvious, seeing current events as a copy of historical events seeps into analysis that overuses history with insufficient rigor. However, it makes good rhetoric and can help communicate intuitively what may need books to understand deeply. I will make an argument from historical parallels in this section, take it for what it is.
I believe that the correct historical parallel for China is not Japan but Nazi Germany. A large, technologically advanced, debt-saddled, shaky economy ruled by a nationalistic, expansionistic, personality cult.
There exists a common false belief that nazi policy was successful at spurring economic growth after the failures of the Weimar Republic. This is untrue, the average living standard of German families fell during their control pre-war. Partly this is the result of propaganda, however, they did succeed in reducing unemployment, and increasing weekly earnings. This was accomplished [primarily] via a deficit-financed military build-up.
Separate from the economic ravages of the First World War and the Great Depression, Germany had a massive industrial capacity. Germany had a large well-educated population, 61 million in 1930. For context, France had only 41 million. As the Nazi Party centralized political control they both stopped being dependent on public goodwill and were more adept at manufacturing it with propaganda. Thus the German economy shifted from a consumer economy to an economy oriented around military production. Throughout the war German living standards fell, this did not weaken the regime.
The German regime managed to disconnect power from the well being of the population, this allowed them to act internationally without caring how it affected their economy. The was one exception to this, oil. Until the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, German war planners were extremely concerned with the lack of oil deposits within axis lands. It could be argued that the invasion of the Soviet Union could not have proceeded without access to the Romanian oil fields. When the wartime economy of the German Reich began collapsing towards the end of the war it was not from financial crashes or the grinding misery of the population, it was because allies were destroying factories and resource extraction facilities. The German war economy continued to its high output of r&d because research centers were not targeted by allied bombing. Germans were the only power to use jet aircraft in the Second World War, and the V2 rockets were not replicated by the allied powers.
Arly and many others contend that major powers must have a strong economy to support power projections. This is an old Anglo-American fallacy, repeated about every global competitor since the Kaiser. Germany was defeated twice by men on the field of battle. The Soviet Union collapsed when political liberalization and democratization showed everyone hated the regime. The Soviet Union did not need to liberalize, they could have become a massive North Korea and we would still be in a nuclear standoff with them.
If the CCP manages to disconnect their political power from popular support China only needs industrial capacity and technological strength in certain relevant arias. The Chinese government understands this. This is why they are pushing so hard to create their dystopian surveillance state and investing in unprofitable port infrastructure. They are not completely disconnected from popular support yet, the genocide in Xinjiang is absorbing a large amount of state capacity at the moment. But when they do they will have a massive highly educated population they can dedicate to military and paramilitary operations. Just like the 3rd Reich, they will possess the capacity to surpass the established powers.
Perhaps I have focused too much on the military aspect of being a world power, perhaps in the modern world soft power is more important. I believe that the same arguments around the production of military equipment apply to soft power. Paying for allies, production of propaganda, technical advisors can all be produced by dedicated programs. China will be at a disadvantage if they need to produce these with widespread immiseration but it is well within the range of possibilities.
Some people believe the axis could not have won the Second World War, I disagree. If Germany had not invaded the USSR or the Soviet government had collapsed like the tsar the allies did not have the stomach to absorb the millions of casualties that invading mainland Europe would have taken. Just look at the size of the battles on the eastern front. Even as the allies marched through France the majority of the, now wrecked, German army was deployed against the Soviets. But that's a different post.
China is not 1980's Japan. China isn't exactly anything we have seen but it is useful to compare it to Nazi Germany. The CCP is creating a totalitarian state where government power is disconnected from the popular well being. A large well-educated population can be directed to military and technological efforts and place the CCP on equal footing as the US regardless of economic contraction or the suffering of the Chinese people. This is comparable to the 3rd Reich that engaged in similar policies. While Nazi Germany lost world war 2 it was, by any reasonable definition, a peer competitor. We should not underestimate the CCP, they have the potential to surpass the US.


I have presented counterpoints against Arly arguments that china cannot sustain growth. China has financed its growth via different mechanisms than Japan did and will not necessarily follow the same path. While old people do consume less, aging nations have lower savings than the equivalent younger nation. I was unable to find literature that supported Arly claims about aging nations being forced to develop export sectors.
I do believe that the balance of probabilities is on the side of China heading towards some sort of long term economic weakness. Most likely from having to support an aging population with either a social safety net or with informal transfers from children to parents. I think the Chinese baking system will likely create and has created zombie companies but we don't know this yet. Even if China were to enter stagnation at the GDP per capita of Japan their economy would be double the size of the US economy(40 trillion USD). China is not doomed to economic weakness versus the US.
Even if China is economically weak compared to the US they can still be a peer threat because they are a totalitarian state. Totalitarian states can sacrifice the well being of their population and orient large sections of their economy to great power competition whatever form it may take. This allows the CCP to engage far above its economic weight in international competition.
submitted by iron_and_carbon to neoliberal [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL…Lights, camera, carnage!

That reminds me of a story…
I know it’s been like, forever, since I posted an updated Demolition Days entry. Plus, I still have to finish the saga of how Esme and I escaped from the Middle East. However, these past few weeks really deserve their own entry.
So here it is.
So there.
I’m sitting in my office over betwixt the Geology and Petroleum Engineering Departments as I’m currently under contract for both.
Oh, and here’s a bit of an update: so is Esme.
Yep. She decided that she has way too much free time on her hands around campus so she’s going to go after her very own geology Ph.D. Just think, she finishes and the Rocknocker household will hold a real paradox.
Pair o’ docs…get it?
Some days it’s just not worth chewing through the leather straps…
Khan is growing like a weed and often accompanies us to our office in the departments.
He’s been accepted by everyone as one rather large, outsized, and rambunctious Rig Dog; sort of the Geology and PE Department’s unofficial mascot. I have no lack of volunteers when it comes time for Khan’s walkies. He’s such a lovable, slobbery doofus, everyone’s kind of taken with him.
So, we’re sitting in our office, Khan wandering the halls looking for scritches and I’m working on my next article for Fuel Magazine, while also working on a fresh Greenland coffee.
“Rock”, Esme states categorically, “I’m not like you. I can’t sit and hammer a keyboard eight hours straight. I’m going to the house and start dinner. Should I take Khan home or will you bring him along later?”
“Hell if I know where he even is right now, Dear”, I reply, as Khan has wandered off again and is probably slathering over some brontosaur femur in the school’s vertebrate paleontology museum.
“Fair enough, Hon”, Es states, stands and cracks like a stack of tinder. “I don’t know how you can sit there, slurp Greenlands all day and still be able to move at night.”
“All part of being an ethanol-fueled, carbon-based organism,”, I smile back. “Plus, the more I write now, the less I’ll have to do over the holidays; so there’s that dynamic keeping me going as well.”
“OK”, she agrees, “Don’t stay too late. I’m planning on Ossobuco tonight. Can you drop by the bottle shop and pick up a nice red for dinner?”
“Chinese or Soviet?” I asked.
She simply ignored the feeble joke and told me to use my better judgment.
I was going to ask her which, but I decided to just smile and tell her I would and I’d be along in a few hours.
I’m working on some of the more unconventional aspects of a very large asset here is one of the local sedimentary basins. It’s one where they have to drill 10,000 feet deep, turn sideways and drill another 15,000 or so feet, then hydraulically fracture the living fuck out of the reservoir because it’s tighter than Dick’s hatband. Just another day in the trenches.
Suddenly, Dean of the department wanders in and fixes his own Greenland coffee from my supplies.
“Y’know Roc”, Dr. Per says, “It’s weird having a 60+-year-old doctoral candidate here.”
“Oh?”, I innocently ask, “How so, Junior?” as I’m at least 20 years his senior.
“Well, for some reason”, he continues, ignoring my comment after slurping at his soupçon, “Many people in the department have taken to keeping bottles of booze in their desks and the rate of cigar smokers around here has skyrocketed.”
“I see no obvious correlation between the two events”, I replied modestly.
“The hell you don’t”, he laughed. “You’re a perambulating bad example. You swear, you smoke, you drink and you make no bones about it.”
“That’s all very fucking true”, I snicker back, “And…?”
“And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” He laughs. “Once the news hit that you were going to be studying for your DSc here, we’ve had all sorts of inquiries. Many from prospective students, a load from the Oil Patch, and even one or two from the government, if you follow the way I’ve drifted…?”
“Oh, you mean Agents Rack and Ruin of the Agency?”, I replied, “Did you finally meet them?”
“Oh, I spoke with them months and months ago.” He explained. “But it’s the calls from Russia, China, and North Korea asking about you that gives me just the slightest bit of pause. Do you really know someone from the NKVD named ‘Olga the KGB Lady?’”
“Olga called?” I started, “And you didn’t tell me?”
Dr. Per sighs. “Damn, I knew it just had to be true. It’s too weird to be make-believe.”
“I’m the original prototype.” I smile as I drain my coffee, “A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
“And well-read, evidently”, Dr. Per chuckles.
“Of course”, I replied. “There was something else you wanted?”
“Oh, yes.”, he replies, “We’ve got a request from the Humanities Department. There’s a bunch of fourth-year film students doing a movie. Evidently, they got a grant from some crowd out of Hollywood. Gave them a load of dosh to make their student film, which from what I understand is a cross between ‘The Avengers’ and ‘Godzilla’; but much artsier, of course.”
“Of course”, I replied.
“Anyways”, he continued, “They’re going ‘old school’, as they put it. ‘Man in rubber suit-mation’. That means detailed miniatures.”
“And…?”, I smile broadly, hoping he’ll fill in the rest.
“Explosions”, he finally says, “Lots and lots of explosions. But they need someone who’s licensed…you see where this is going. Right?”
“Let’s see”, I summarized, “They want the kindly, wizened old Dr. Rocknocker to provide the pyrotechnics for their film extravaganza?”
“Yeah, that’s it in one”, Dr. Per replies, “But remember. This is all in miniature. The pyrotechnics here are going to be seriously fractional to what you’re used to.”
“Dr. Per?” I asked, “Are you a fully licensed and tenured master blaster?”
“No,” he replies truthfully.
“Then leave the explosions to me”, I snickered.
“Gladly”, he smiles back, shakes his head in mock disbelief, and refills his Greenland coffee mug before departing.
The next day, I have several visitors from the Film Department.
Now, far be it from me to cast any sort of aspersions or bow to stereotypes, but at this particular university, we have an outsized Asian population. Which is especially weird considering the currently frosty climate here.
Decidedly most un-Asian. Not a single jungle or rice paddy to be seen.
No, I’m not trying to be stereotypical, or racist, just truthful. As the film crew consists entirely of Asian students. A group of mainland Chinese, one Vietnamese, a couple of Japanese, and one or two odd Koreans.
There’s Xuan Jiahao, Fan Ling, Wan Yating, Geng Zhelan, Yin Zexi, and Duan Zedong. Then there’s Nguyễn Xuân Hãn, Tatsuno Miyuki, Fukutsuchi Yoshimatsu and Ya Na-Woon, and Pang Byeong-Cheol.
And that’s just for starters.
We’re all assembled in the main conference room, and it looks like it’s going to be a multi-media spectacular. They’re going ‘Full Monty’ on us, showing us all they’ve got, figuratively speaking, to try and entice me to work with them.
Plus, they want me to do it for cheap or free. Preferably the latter.
Hell, any chance I get to blow shit up, that’s payment enough. But I’m not about to tell them that, at least, not yet.
Once we’re all settled in the conference room, I decide I’ll be the Master of Ceremonies, for at least the beginning.
“Well”, I began, “Good day and welcome to the University’s Geology and PE Department. I’m, as you already know, Dr. Rock, and I’m the one that will potentially be handling all the pyrotechnics for you during the filming of your latest epic. Please, just call me ‘Rock’, if you don’t mind. Also, please state your name or nickname before replying. Sorry, but I’m a tad bit overwhelmed with your numbers. Just for a while until I get you all in some sort of order.”
“I’m Fan, sir”, Fan Ling began, “I am the group leader here.”
“OK, Fan”, I reply, “It’s just ‘Rock’, as I’ve never been knighted. Yet. Please tell me about your project and what small part I can play.”
So, over the next three hours, several Greenland coffees and tots later, I have a pretty firm grasp on what they are setting out to do.
They are a batch of senior year film students from around the globe, as there is another mob, sort of more behind the scenes, whom I haven’t yet met. They somehow got the attention of a bunch of big film producers in Hollywood and wrangled a fairly hefty grant from them so they can complete their picture.
It’s going to be a kaiju/superhero/animation/folklore/anime/manga mash-up of some sort or other; I really didn’t follow whatever was considered to be the plot. However, it’s going to have some pretty nifty CGI, “Suitmation” for some of the kaiju, and some incredibly ethnic superheroes; like “Sushi Man”, “Mao Man”, and “ARVN Man”.
It has elements of comedy, horror, gore, giant monsters, and miniatures; all being stomped and blown up. If one looks at the thing for a sort of skewed meta-viewpoint, it does have things to say about racism, bigotry, and prejudice today, just delivered with a soft double-tap to the head.
All in all, I can’t wait to both be a part of the flick and see the thing when it’s finished.
The trouble is, none of them have the foggiest notion of what pyrotechnics are nor how they are handled.
“Doctor, sir Rock, you can help us?” Duan asked hopefully.
“Just try and hold me back!”, I grinned widely.
They all laughed and clapped. They were happy I was on board. They were happy their movie could go ahead. They were happy they could report to their investors that they had a pyrotechnician.
I was happy I could go out and blow the living shit out of things again. Hell, it’s been almost solid months…
But first, some ground rules. If I’m going to be handling the pyros, and yes, I looked into the legality of all this. I sent off for the proper tests and accreditations, found that I was heavily overqualified, and brought into my blasting portfolio the necessary documents to be included in the credits of this mainstream extravaganza.
However, if I’m to be working on the set as a pyro wrangler, then I’m the boss. The hookin’ bull. You all know the drill. I am the Motherfucking Pro from Dover, and things that go boom are my sole bailiwick.
Everyone readily agreed as I set down some ground rules. In fact, one clear Saturday morning, I took my little crowd of lens-folk out to a local limestone quarry, which was now defunct, unfortunately.
As a bit of an aside, when I got here to university, I made myself known to the locals. I personally know every rancher, oilfield operator, and owner of sand pits, gravel pits, peach pits, limestone, granite, or serpentinite quarry. Ditto with the many farmers possessed of recalcitrant glacial erratics out in their fields of plowed Pleistocene glacial alluvium. I’ve already removed several large erratics for Farmer Bowen and in fact, his north 40 was going to be transformed into a movie set soon.
But I found some scenery that’s even better.
Nonetheless, today it’s “Let’s all get acquainted while Dr. Rock blows a lot of shit up for your education, edification, and entertainment” field trip.
We wheel the two 15-seater university vans into the old limestone quarry. I know the owner of the land, one stodgy old curmudgeon by the moniker of Augie Steinhauer. We get along famously. He doesn’t give two furry rat’s asses what I do out in this old quarry; as long as I keep him in the loop.
“However, Dr. Rock”, he says to me the other day over shots and beers I brought with to smooth the way, “If you could prune up that jagged east wall, I’d be most appreciative. My damned blighted fool of a brother-in-law goes in there to try and find crystals; and some moron sold him dynamite. I’m afraid that bonehead’s gonna bring down that entire east wall on his fuckin’ noggin. Plus, I could use a couple-few yards of gravel as well, if you know what I mean…”
“Sure, Augie”, I say as I lean over and hand him a lighter for the Cuban he filched out of my vest pocket. “Next Saturday, I’ll clean up that east wall and make a bunch of little ones out of big ones for you.”
I continued with the movie angle and he sort of glazed off into the ether. He wasn’t concerned with movies, but he desperately wanted a pond out back where he could water his herds of horses and dairy cows.
“OK, Augie”, I say, “Here’s the deal. You let me and the kids shoot their movie out on the south pasture, particularly on the oxbow in Steinhauer Creek you’ve got over there.”
An oxbow is a really tight bend in a river, creek, or brook. This one out in the south pasture covered about an acre or so, about equal to 43,560 square feet, 160 square rods, or 4.25x10-30 square parsecs. One acre is equivalent to 0.4047 hectares (4,047 square metres).
A nice size for a stock pond.
However, it was currently occupied by an unruly acre of sand, gravel, sneezewort, itchweed, and crawdads. Which was just the right place for all the miniatures to be placed and have some of the Suitmation guys go a-stomping.
See? Everyone benefits.
So, back to the quarry and I’ve brought along a traveling case of some of my more usual and unusual noisemakers.
Of course, I’ve got dynamite. I also have some home-brew nitro, complete with my special additive that makes it 75% less twitchy and 100% just as boomy. I’ve got PETN, RDX, a little gelignite, some Seismogel, a couple of different binaries, some C-4, of course, and all the adjuncts: Primacord, caps, superboosters, demo wire, my galvanometer, and Captain America with the big, shiny, red button.
Just the necessities, don’t ya’ know?
So, as usual, everyone in the quarry is wearing their PPEs, which I insisted upon and also which they thought were very cool and were destined to make it into the film one way or another.
I had set up a folding table with my traveling case, and a huge sign which read in great garish red letters, “BLASTING ZONE : HAPPY HOUR 1400-1800 HOURS”.
I let folks mill around and get the feel of a quarry. I pointed out some hazards, like loose rocks, talus slopes, and the occasional irritated rat, badger, and weasel.
They thought it was all great fun to be in the wide-open outdoors with some gonzo chap who wandered around wearing a very cool, highly polished aluminum hardhat, smoking a huge cigar, and wearing field boots, shorts, field vest, and a Hawaiian shirt in -30C weather.
I called the meeting to order and decided on some small demonstrations.
Blasting caps go “Pop”. Caps and super boosters go “BLAM”, Primacord goes “ZZZZIZIP! KERPOWIE!” and C-4 makes quarry walls echo and people’s ears ring.
However, before all this, I got their universal attention and ran through the usual pre-blast folderol.
I told them how to clear the compass.
North? CLEAR! And all that.
I told them how to look for any sort of organic lifeform that might be in danger’s path when the blast was initiated.
I told them all about “Look once, look twice. Then look again.”
I showed them the blaster’s airhorn and how it blares.
Then I told them all about “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”
With that, I explained we were good to go and I hit Captain America’s big, shiny, red button.
A 12-ton block of dolomitic limestone was rapidly and noisily reduced to a couple of cubic meters of nicely shattered high-magnesium limestone gravel.
I accepted applause munificently.
They were all scribbling like mad when I showed them the difference between 60% Extra Fast dynamite and 40% regular stick. They oohed! And ahhed!
When I set off a 2-kilo charge of C-4 to prune that east wall of the quarry, and like Shaka, the walls fell; they whooed.
They kept writing and asking for more demonstrations.
So, I took this as the opportunity to go big or go home.
Next was a solid 3-kilos of PETN. Great for really good vibrations. I gave them excitations…
Then, RDX, or “Torpedo-charge”. I decided to spread it around and clean up the talus slope at the foot of the east wall. With a couple of pounds of liquid binaries, I pruned that east wall back about 2 or three meters. Now, Mr. Steinhauer will have all the gravel he needs for some time to come.
Finally, the finale. I ran some primacord around an old, dead jack pine that’s been giving me the metaphorical red-ass since it’s always one way or another in my way. I placed some of my special nitro concoction around the base of its dead roots interwoven, bifurcating, and anastomosing through the cracks, fissures, and fractures of the dolomitic limestone.
Funny enough, 60 seconds later, that old jack pine was gone, as were its roots and the stranglehold it had on hanging a hard right turn and getting equipment to the backside of the quarry.
The crowd went wild.
I packed most everything up and was ready for Q&A time.
“Dr. Rock!”, Nguyễn asked, “Those were great effects. Can you make them smaller?”
“You know, no one’s ever asked me that before, “ I admitted in full Burt Gummer mode, “Sure. I suppose I could.”
“Can you show us?” he asked.
“I’m a little uncertain what you want me to do.”, I replied, “Smaller explosions? Why?”
“Oh, our miniatures”, he responded, “And our actors in the suits…”
“Of course”, I said, realization hitting, “But, I think it would be better to use bigger explosions and just add them in post-processing, don’t you? Little explosions have such a tinny sound to them. It really makes the effect look really cheesy.”
There was a lot of conversation and I realized that I was only the pyrotechnician, not the film producer. It’s their show, so I should do what they want, right?
In the end, it was decided to try both. We’d meet the next day out in the south pasture oxbow and they’d bring along their cameras, suit guy, and some miniatures. We’d blow them up as they thought; with little, itty-bitty explosions, then, afterward, we’d set off some proper blasts. They’d film them in slow motion, or fast motion, I forget which, but whatever, they’d run it eventually at normal speed and it would look all that much more momentous.
It’s all jargon and gobbledygook to me. I’ll make big booms. I’ll make little booms. Just tell me where and when.
So the next day, there’s a mocked-up generic city on the sand of the oxbow. Some guy in a pseudo-Godzilla suit, complete with shiny back fins, was going to stomp his way through town. They wanted smoke. They wanted explosions. The wanted fire. But they wanted it all in miniature.
Where’s the fun in that?
It was a bit of a wiring clusterfuck, but some balloons filled with gasoline, some with acetylene and some mighty light blasting caps later, we're ready for some test rolls.
Fakezilla starts stomping his way down the mini-avenue. Crunch goes one model car and I flick a switch. Flame erupts from the smooshed car and there’s a cheery little pop as the mini’s gas tank explodes. A model train gets derailed into a fuel depot and I had a pretty good time, in spite of myself, setting off a load of little charges.
All very cinematic and fake, if you asked me.
Then, there’s the finale of the scene where the monster is herded into a cul-de-sac of high rises by the wildly firing military. All the huge skyscrapers are blasted at their base to fall inward and bury the poor, misunderstood monster under huge piles of building rubble.
Those scenes were in the can, as it were, so we reset the set, as it were, with my take on what explosions and fire should really look like.
We watched the rushes on one screen and as the monster virtually trampled the buildings again, I set off my charges.
OK, a gallon of 100-octane flight fuel was a wee bit much perhaps, but damn, that lens flare of the refinery going up would have done J.J. Abrams proud.
I used superboosters, C-4, and primacord around the base of the skyscrapers and set them off one after another. I had timed it so they would first go into slow-motion explosions, then all about meet halfway and well, let gravity take the rest onto the monster to bury him; at least until the next scene.
They had to admit, the acoustics were much better with my explosions. They decided to go for a mixture of miniature explosions, primarily for close-ups, and my explosions, run in slow motion in the film, for the general carnage and destruction establishing shots and slightly more distant scenes.
The grand finale of the movie was the total destruction of the city, much to the alarm and remorse of the creature as well as all the inhabitants of Mini-City, SE Asia. They wanted total destruction. An ‘Age of Ultron’ finale-sort of blowing up the entire city and putting it into low earth orbit.
Which would work out well with my creation of a stock pond for the landowner.
I called in a few markers and had some of the geology department, who wanted some time drilling, to bring the VibraCore unit out to the Steinhauer place and meet me at the south 40 pasture.
We took several VibraCore cores cross-sectioning that classic oxbow. We extracted the 15-meter long cores and properly laid them into the appropriate core boxes.
We had great core recovery numbers, over 98%. I told them to leave the thin aluminum pipe sleeves in the oxbow as I was going to need that next week. The aluminum pipe had a wall thickness of slightly more than industrial-grade tinfoil, but since we buzzed them down some 45 feet or so, they’d serve as very useful conduits for the AFNO I planned to have pumped into the ground over the next couple of days.
Some of the guys in one or another of the oilfield service companies owed me a favor or 12 and had some leftover AFNO from a couple of jobs that screened out. Knowing how much of a pain in the ass the paperwork is for returning unused explosives, they naturally turned to me and asked if I wanted any part of it.
I sent them maps and specific details of what I needed to be done. The AFNO was to be cut to slurry grade so it would flow easier; basically, all they needed to do was add a bit of extra diesel. Then, they could just hook up a Coflexip hose and pump the slurrified explosive down one or more of the 4 aluminum pipes that we had vibrated down to clay level.
This worked a treat, as the first truck, and only one I had thought, pumped away over 1,500 pounds of AFNO.
Told me “It flowed like melted butter”.
So much so, that back at base, word got around that I was hosting a home for wayward explosives. Over the next week, no less than 6 trucks had come over to Mr. Steinhauer’s south pasture and emptied the remnant slurries out of their tank trucks.
Free explosives! All well and good, but I was pleased with the first bill of lading. The second was not too terribly disconcerting. The third, fourth, and fifth gave me pause. By number seven, my calculator was having a meltdown as I realized they had pumped over 8,500 pounds of ANFO away and it was all sitting there waiting for an initiator.
Luckily, the oxbow was basically an acre-wide bowl or more precisely, basin, first lined with nicely impermeable clay. Filling that is was the 50 or so vertical feet of fine fluvial sands, gravels, and conglomerates. So, through thorough testing, I found that no ANFO had leaked out of the closed oxbow, but I was still standing on 4.5 tons of deflagrating explosive.
Now AFNO may be a crackerjack explosive, but it’s lazy as hell. It needs one hell of a good short, sharp shock to initiate. As I noted, it’s a deflagrating, not detonating, explosive. I told my film guys that there was a “fair amount” of explosives under the place where the set was to be placed and where filming of the finale was going to happen.
They decided that if I said it was safe, then they could take that to the bank. There really was no danger, it’s not like they’re tromping around on nitro or anything so twitchy. Still, I made certain to shield all the smaller explosions at the surface just to be extra sure. Sheets of corrugated tin floored the set, so we were doubly insulated from any untoward accidents.
The shoot of the almost-finale went off without a hitch. Buildings were destroyed, refineries were blown up, there were cars stomped and trains derailed. It was all filmed with multiple cameras, multiple types of cameras: slow-motion, thermal, high definition, and the like.
They were shooting hundreds of miles equivalent of whatever the hell they store film on nowadays. We all sat in the gazebo that had been set-up off-site so we could review the rushes and re-film any scenes that didn’t quite come up to snuff.
There were a couple of scenes that needed some re-dos, but now the set was mooshed well and proper, now they needed to be really blown the fuck up so we can proceed right to the ultimate shot where I set off the AFNO.
Before that, but after filming some smaller explosions in the ersatz city, I instructed everyone to get back.
Way back.
I had them set up cameras at 1 kilometer.
I had them set up cameras at 500 meters.
I had them set up unmanned cameras 50 meters from the oxbow.
They groused, the bitched, and they kvetched; but they listened.
I went over the safety dance with the whole crew right after lunch and before any of them took off for distant locales. I impressed upon them that this was going to be a one-hit-wonder.
There are no re-takes.
“But Dr. Rock”, Fukutsuchi asked me, “Why not?”
“Several reasons, Mr. Yoshimatsu”, I replied, “Chief among them is that it’s going to be a huge explosion and by this time tomorrow, the only thing left of the set will be a lake.”
“Oh, jolly joke Dr. Rock!”, he replies, not realizing that I was quite serious.
“Live and learn, Herr Yoshimatsu”, I mused quietly to myself.
We spent the next couple of hours filming some small, infill explosions. Since we had some time to waste while the director waited for the ‘perfect time, right when the sun eclipsed the treetops’, the guys out on the remote cameras were getting antsy.
“Camera 1 to base! Camera 1 to base! Systems status. What’s happening?” came a frantic call.
“Base to Camera 1, hold your water. It’ll be a little while.” Came the response.
“Camera 2 to base. I need relief, right now. Can’t wait.” Came another frantic call.
“Base to camera 2. Use the pucklebrush 20 meters to your north. Then get back on camera!” Came the exasperated reply.
“Camera 3 to base! Camera 3 to base! I’m being attacked by cows. What should I do?”
“Relax. Guernsey cows aren’t carnivores. Give them a good tip and be ready to roll!” came our reply.
Finally, time and tide aligned and the director decided it was showtime. After radio checks and to ensure Camera 3 wasn’t consumed by an errant Black Angus or Hereford, everyone was ready and rolling.
“Well, that was different”, I replied once I found the director and disinterred him.
Seems that Late Pleistocene clays are a great refractory material. The 4.5 tons of ANFO went off without a hitch. A good portion of the blast energy went up. A bit went sideways, but a fair amount went down, struck the impermeable clay layer, and rebounded upward with a newfound zeal.
In other words, there was a smoking crater left that measured some 10 or so meters deep and with a nominal diameter of approximately 27 meters.
Great huge throbbing clouds of sand, gravel, and creek mud were thrown, well, one fuck of a large distance from ground zero. Camera 1 at one kilometer distant reported dodging high-velocity dirt clods immediately after the explosion.
Fully 21 cameras caught the explosion from an amazing number of angles and in a variety of styles. Infrared, false color, high-speed, 3-D…the whole Megilla.
The director was incredibly excited once his hearing returned. He was in the gazebo, once we unburied it and set it up again, seems they can’t handle shock waves worth a shit.
However, he was slavering over the footage the different cameras had recovered.
“This will be great for the finale! We can use this shot here, and cut to the infrared, then cut over to …” and so on and so on.
I pulled out a flask, took a healthy tot, and sparked a fresh cigar.
“Yeah. It was a good gig.” I muttered to no one in particular.
I was pleased to see that Mr. Steinhauer’s pond was already filling. Should be good for rock bass and crappie by spring.
So, we packed everything up, replaced some of our smaller divots and headed back to our normal lives. Me at the Geology/PE Department and them at the Humanities ward or wherever the hell these characters hang out.
A few days later, I get a call. Seems that a letter had arrived for me via the Film Department.
Would I want them to bring it to my office?
“Sure”, I replied, “I’m here all day”.
A short while later, Ya, Pang, and Geng drop by and present me a letter, handwritten, all the way from Hollywood, California.
I zip the envelope open and see it’s on the stationary of one of the larger, meaning that I’ve actually heard of it, production companies out there on the Whack Coast.
The letter, in brief, was thanking me for my participation in the student’s film. The author of the letter said he was particularly impressed with the “reality” and “impressive results” of the practical pyrotechnic effects; particularly the film’s finale.
“Well, that’s nice”, I smiled quietly to myself.
Then I read the closing comments.
“We are looking into getting our pyrotechnicians blaster’s permits and having them spend some time in local oilfields.”
Guess my reputation precedes me here as well.
“We are also looking into what brands of vodka and cigars are preferred there in [redacted state].
Very truly yours,
James F. Cameron.”
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

[Conflict] And the Sky Full of Stars

When evaluating the condition of Iranian forces relative to those of the United States, there is only one conclusion:

We are fucked.

Good news though. We have nuclear weapons, albeit untested ones [but they work great in simulations, and even if they underperform and fizzle, worst case, it should still be like 10-20kt, and in reality more like 100kt with the boosted fission primary, beating out France for highest yield first test either wa].

Our nuclear doctrine, such as it is, will consist of essentially the rumored "Samson Option". Should Iran fall or be attacked with nuclear weapons, our arsenal will go in every direction. North to Russia, east to China, India, and Pakistan [oh and North Korea], and west to France, the UK and the USA. However, at present, our arsenal consists of checks notes 10 fully assembled thermonuclear devices, all of which are nominal 300kt yield in our highly sophisticated simulations [using actual high-energy fusion experiments to test them].

Should the US attempt to launch a first strike against our nascent nuclear program--which would be supremely foolish--we will demonstrate our resolve with a retaliatory nuclear strike, after a fashion. A direct attack would quite possibly be foiled, and would possibly lead to an all-out nuclear exchange, which we would not survive.

Presuming we survive the first wave of such an attack, standard protocols will be instituted. First, all power and internet will be cut, to ensure no organized terror or cyberattacks will occur, and to shield against EMP from the coming battle. Everything that can be brought down hard, will be. All civilian aircraft will be grounded, and anything that we have that can fly will be sent up with at least heat-seeking missiles [our aerial forces are on high readiness in these dangerous months as previously noted]. All our SAMs will be brought online. Cumulatively, these forces amount to:

Surface to Air Missiles:
[disclaimer, a lot of this is pulled from Wikipedia and I suspect indigenous system numbers may be moderately exaggerated--though not by too much--plus of course my orders]
Name Quantity Range [Short/Medium/Long/Very Long] Notes
S-400 Triumf 90 launchers/1200 missiles Very Long Most sophisticated SAM system in Iranian service, some ABM capability
S-200) 400 launchers Very Long Local modernization, S-200s actually shot down a F-16 once in the late 2010s
HQ-9 180 launchers Long Second most advanced system in Iranian service, better than S-300
S-300)PMU2 4 batteries/estimate 200 missiles Long Most modern S-300 version
S-300 4 batteries/estimate 200 missiles Long S-300P original version
Khordad 15) 250 launchers Long Looks a lot like a SM-2 clone
Bavar-373 24 batteries Long Local S-300 clone, possibly compare KN-06
Sayyad-1A 400 launchers Long Upgrade HQ-2 [upgraded Chinese S-75] with IR tracking
MIM-23 Hawk 200 launchers Medium Local modernization
Mersad 300 launchers Medium Indigenous HAWK clone
HQ-17/FM-3000 40 systems Short Improved Chinese version of Tor
Tor missile system 29 systems Short Actually shoots down drones and cruise missiles, unlike most SAMs
2K12 Kub 50 launchers Short
Raad 600 launchers Short Compare to Tor, shot down RQ-4 UAV so at least works
Ya Zahra 200 launchers Short Crotale clone with better electronics
Herz-9 200 launchers Short

Additional Air Defense Paraphernalia:
Name Type Number Notes
YLC-2 Anti-stealth radar 30 Chinese-made long range AESA anti-stealth radar
Kolchuga passive sensor Electronic emissions detector 6 Can pick up active EM sources for EW purposes and active tracking, which could include stealth aircraft with live radars
Krasukha) Electronic warfare system Unknown Can jam AWACS, ground-based radars, and really any sort of radar-guided missile, along with UAVs, at least in theory.
ZDK-03 AEW&C aircraft 5 Constantly airborne during this time, Chinese-made export AEW&C aircraft that can coordinate air battle and pick up radar contacts from distance
Also note some of these sensors are mounted on islands in the Persian Gulf to provide additional early-warning for airborne attack, as well as numerous air-defense and anti-ship missile systems being positioned there.

Air Force:
[only intercept aircraft listed]
Name Type Number [nominal/operational] Notes
MiG-29 Multirole 20/12 Old, reserve squadron
Northrop F-5 Fighter 20/8 Old, reserve squadron
F-4 Phantom II FighteMultirole 30/12 Old, reserve squadron
Grumman F-14 Fighter 18/6 Old, reserve squadron
J-10CE Multirole 100/80 New, AESA radar
L-15 LIFT trainer 50/40 New, LIFT trainer but armed with short range PL-9 missiles
J-31 Stealth multirole 50/40 New Chinese stealth fighter for export, most advanced aircraft in Iranian arsenal
Modern Iranian aircraft are armed with the PL-9 and SD-10 air to air missiles, both highly advanced, with older aircraft, unlikely to see front-line combat, being armed with a mix of random Sidewinders and Soviet weapons along with domestic clones of such, like the Fakour [Iranian AIM-54 clone]. Iranian pilots aren't half-bad either, even with the air force decaying it has seen a revitalization in recent years, still aiming to be a US-quality force [with some Chinese influences, which were in turn inspired by the Americans], so it shouldn't be as vulnerable as most tinpot dictator's air forces.

Needless to say, while we cannot hold out against American forces forever, we can put up a pretty good fight against the Americans and their Zionist comrades, with one of the world's most sophisticated air defense networks, bar perhaps only China, Russia, and maybe South Korea. Non-stealth aircraft will be massacred if they dare approach; while even stealthy aircraft will find it difficult to penetrate our massive sensor web and frequent fighter patrols.


We cannot hope to respond to the United States in a conventional war, we can respond using nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, Iranian strengths, and perhaps if things proceed swarm tactics, drones, and that sort of thing. And crucially, we must strike first to deter out adversaries and degrade their capabilities. Being right next to Saddam Hussein, we learned long ago that it is best to hit your enemies before they can build up forces to strike.

So first we will launch one of our 300kt [nominal] warheads on a Khorramshahr missile), currently what we can deploy them on due to the fact that our proper ICBM has not entered service yet. It will do adequately for the task at hand. Instead of attempting to reenter the atmosphere, where it would be highly vulnerable to anti-ballistic missile systems, it will detonate at an altitude of 400km, similar to the Starfish Prime test. It will also be fired in a salvo of about 20 missiles and use decoy targets--balloons and similar, which serve perfectly well in space--and thus will be almost certain to avoid intercept. The nominal target will be approximately 20km outside Mecca, arcing the missiles over the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia, which, even if it possesses missile defenses, is likely rubbish at firing them unlike the US Navy.

Also happily [mostly], the magnetic field over Mecca is fairly weak. This should limit the deleterious impacts of the EMP to places that we [and the United States] do not really care about, aside from Israel in the extreme range. However, our expectation is that it will cause widespread power outages and damage to electrical equipment across western Saudi Arabia, and potentially as far away as Ethiopia or Cairo. It should also cause significant military confusion, and demonstrate that Iran both has nuclear weapons and is willing to use them, in a colourful fashion--the detonation will likely be visible across most of the Middle East.

Timed for simultaneous detonation will be a second nuclear warhead, this one over the Persian Gulf, at a much lower altitude of 200km, again delivered by Khorramshahr missile). This device will cause substantial EMP effects, but the powering down of as much of Iran as possible should mitigate them for us, even if Dubai, Qatar, and such suffer greatly. It will not disable military systems by and large--we're operating EMP-hardened gear, as are our adversaries.

However, it will do something more important: Create a nuclear blackout. So in addition to ensuring that our capability is demonstrated without nuking anyone, and causing EMP damage [including to vital oil facilities in the region], missile and air defense radars in the entire Persian Gulf region will be scrambled--opening a window of opportunity for a ballistic missile attack which simply cannot be stopped.

In the roughly ten minute window opened, Iranian short-range missiles will be launched against the following targets [having been prepared to fire in coordination with the nuclear launch]:

Name Missiles Targeting Notes
Naval Support Activity Bahrain 5 Qiam-1 [SCUD-C improved] missiles, 2 Khalij Fars for each warship docked there according to latest commercial satellite imagery [looks like usually about 3] Fifth Fleet HQ, SCUDs liable to cause mass damage to base, Khalij Fars anti-ship ballistic missile will probably hit what's there.
Bahrain Interior Ministry Headquarters 10 Fateh-110 missiles Headquarters of Bahrain's intelligence ministry, secret police, police, all that jazz
Riffa Palace 5 Qiam-1 [SCUD-C improved] missiles Home to the King of Bahrain and associates
Isa Air Base 10 Shahab-1 [SCUD-B] missiles aimed at tarmac and support facilities rather than runway Home to Bahraini Air Force but also small USAF presence
Ahmad al-Jaber Air Force Base 10 Shahab-1 [SCUD-B] missiles aimed at support facilities and hangars Home to Kuwaiti Air Force fighter wing and modest American presence
Ali Al Salem Air Base 10 Shahab-1 [SCUD-B] missiles aimed at support facilities and hangars Home to Kuwaiti helicopter fleet and modest American presence
Camp Spearhead 30 Shahab-2 with cluster warheads [maximum area damage to vehicles] aimed at vehicle parks Virtually no personnel but massive war reserve stocks of vehicles and material, nearby petrochemical facilities likely to also be hit
Camp Buehring 40 Tondar-69/CSS-8 missiles aimed at the entire base area Home to a dense concentration of US Army forces, nearby area completely uninhabited
Camp Arifjan 30 Shahab-2 with cluster warheads [maximum area damage to vehicles] aimed over entire base but particularly at storage facilities Major American logistics base in the region, the key motorpool.
al-Udeid Air Force Base 50 Fateh-110 missiles targeting solely American logistic areas [with a handful set aside for runway cratering], avoiding any foreign/Qatari areas if at all possible, using highly accurate Fateh-110 By far the largest American airbase in the region, home to forward HQ of CENTCOM
al-Dafra Air Force Base 40 Fateh-110 missiles targeting American and Emirati logistic areas and tarmac airplanes with a handful set aside for runway cratering, avoiding French and other foreign areas if at all possible with high accuracy Home to most of the UAE's air force and a USAF expeditionary force
Liwa Air Base/al-Safran Air Base 5 Shahab-2 with cluster warheads aimed at entire base UAE reserve airbase, could potentially operate fighters
UAE General Headquarters 20 Zelzal-3 GPS-guided artillery rockets with Novichok-5 payload launched from Abu Musa Island General Headquarters for entire UAE Armed Forces, lingering Novichok should make the facility useless for weeks until cleanup is finished
King Abdulaziz Air Base 40 Qiam-1 [extremely upgraded SCUD-C] missiles targeted at locations across the entire base Largest RSAF base in striking distance of Iran with lots of F-15 Strike Eagles, Panavia Tornadoes, and similar
Prince Sultan Air Base 40 Zolfaghar) missiles targeted primarily at tarmac where large aircraft are located [but will spread across base] Modest American presence of [as of 2020] 2000 American troops and advanced stealth aircraft, Saudi base for AWACS and refuelling aircraft vitally needed to operate air force
Eskan Village 10 Dezful) missiles targeted at the base facilities Mostly a housing and administrative complex supporting the US military training mission in Saudi Arabia
Al-Watah ballistic missile base 10 Dezful) missiles targeted at the base administration, housing, and support Primary ballistic missile depot of Saudi Arabia, newest with DF-21 and DF-3
Al Sulayyil ballistic missile base 10 Dezful) missiles targeted at the base administration, housing, and support Older ballistic missile depot of Saudi Arabia, with DF-3 and possibly DF-21
al-Yamamah palace complex 20 Dezful) missiles targeted at entire area Home to Saudi Arabia's king, the consultative assembly, support staff, royal family, all sorts of other important people.
In addition, numerous Hormuz-1/2) anti-radiation ballistic missiles will be fired; targeting the powerful radars that will be blindly searching the sky across the Persian Gulf, from Saudi Arabia's AN-TPY THAAD system and S-400 SAMs to the Gulf States' innumerable Patriot batteries to perhaps even hostile warships [Kuwaiti, Saudi, Emirati, American] caught in the Persian Gulf. Those warships will be targeted by Khalij Fars) missiles, which, since they rely on electro-optical seekers, can be launched at the last known positions of hostile warships and hit them while the warships are radar-blinded, though our conventional anti-ship missiles would be useless.

Immediately after this attack, as soon as contact can be reestablished, Iran will express its desire to agree to an immediate cease-fire and a lasting peace in the region, making clear that while it could have been much more destructive, and still retains the capability to be much more destructive, it has no wish to continue fighting.

It is our hope that this massive retaliatory strike, demonstrating the capability of Iran and that we are willing to use our capabilities to the fullest, will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and make them sue for peace, in part because much of their logistical and organizational capability will have been destroyed by the initial assault. The sun will rise--or rather, the high-altitude nuclear detonation will rise--above the Middle East, the sun of a strong and powerful Iran that does not have to rely on any external security guarantees or foreign "allies" to protect it.

M: If mods decide a nuclear launch of this sort [despite Iran being desperate, paranoid, and run by a bunch of somewhat lunatic revolutionary guards for the moment] isn't kosher, then the ballistic missile strike still goes ahead as planned, preceded by anti-radiation ballistic missiles, though our expectation is that quite a few of them will be shot down without the nuclear blackout covering for them.
submitted by AmericanNewt8 to Geosim [link] [comments]

modelusgov cpoypasta library

Erundur: "Gay "marriage" hurts people. People have lost their livelihoods to gay marriage, have been sued for not participating in them. Children are forced to be adopted, and raised by them, despite their right to a mother and father. It changes the very foundation of our society, which is marriage. Marriage is about children, not feeling good about oneself, or being recognized by the government. Aside from the people obviously dragged into this debacle, such as any one who provides services to the public, who can say what long term effects such a radical change will have on society?"
AdmiralJones42: Alright, this is where you've pissed me off. You should be disturbed by how militant and grossly twisted your perception of "social freedom" is. Guess what buddy? Regardless of where I stand, not everyone agrees that abortion is not cold-blooded murder. Science hasn't ruled on it, society hasn't ruled on it, and the law hasn't ruled on it outside of one Supreme Court ruling that, no matter where you fall on the issue, was clearly a case of judicial fiat and legislating from the bench. As LIBERTARIANS we believe in an individual's right to life, liberty, and property, but who the hell are you to tell us what is and is not an individual? Your "left-wing" hive mind is nothing short of intensely disturbing. Don't agree? Get out. Have an alternative opinion? Get out. Want to dissent? Get out. Dare to mention the possibility that abortion might not be ok because of your philosophical belief that it is infringing on the rights of another human being? Get up against the wall, because you're not a true libertarian. What the hell is wrong with you? You have the gall to ask me why my party is even a party? That's not just an affront to me, that's a slap in the face to me and every single one of our hundreds of members. You should be completely and totally ashamed of yourself that you would even dare to go after my INTEGRITY IN MY BELIEFS just because I happen to not totally align with A DIFFERENT PARTY on ONE ISSUE. Crawl back to your little hole in the ground and keep covering up your ears and flinging your own feces at anyone who would deign to violate the sanctity of Democratic "social freedom". You're a disgrace to everyone who flairs themselves in blue.
ExpiredAlphabits: Their backgrounds, their cultures, the fairy tales they were taught as kids, the moral lessons they were taught as they grew up, all of that informs their biases. And those notions are not rational ones. They were ingrained in them without any formal logical background. And when they make a decision, all of that goes into the calculation of which direction they choose to go. They do this calculation subconsciously. They aren't even aware of what goes into the math they do. When they give the reasons for their decisions, they don't realize that this is what informs their decisions. If they gave clear and logically explained reasoning, I wouldn't have a problem. But the Triumvirate never gave clear reasons. Having the Triumvirate state their political leanings might give some clue as to which biases went into their decisions. And it would demand that they give clear reasons so that the people could not claim that the left-leaning triumvirate gave clemency to left-leaning members because of modbias.
"Do you feel that? That fear? That question: "is this against the rules?" And the fear of what might happen if it is. It is that fear which keeps us bound within lines no one drew. We fear stepping past a line which does not exist. And we fear the unknown punishment which may be laid upon us.
Or perhaps it is just a spectre. Perhaps there is no line. Perhaps there will be no punishment. Perhaps the only thing which grants the moderators the power to keep you within undrawn lines is your own fear. Perhaps the moderators are using your own emotions against you.
Likely, I will be punished for this. Not because I have crossed a line. There is none. But because I have challenged authority. I will be punished to be made into an example. "Anyone who crosses undrawn lines will be punished!" they yell. They hope to enforce your faith in the lines. They hope to make the spectre real. But you and I know that it is not.
There are rules. They are written by the moderators. There are also unwritten rules. Those are written by fear. Challenge them. Challenge yourself. Stand up and say that you will be bound only by established, democratically chosen rules. And have the courage to demand that moderators be bound to written rules.
There is no line which demands I follow finnishdude's request and I will be punished. There is no line that the demands I be punished, so why are the mods able to punish me? They can only if you believe that spectres exist.
Stand up for what is right. Demand the mods write down the rules. Demand that the mods follow them."
Idris: I don’t see why we need to give a fourteen year old with ego problems and an inability to be civil on Skype the vice presidency.
KHL: And who the fuck are you, do you know who I am, or do you know the shit that I have witnessed. The shit my family has been going through because the government would rather fund some shitwad sheboon or some dindu's 58th fucking child? Nooooo, or what my people are going through? The endless flooding of my homelands with third world trash that have destroyed whole white towns and turned them into a third world shit show, the endless programing of my people to hate themselves which is obviously representative here with the negative shit people have to say about themselves with this massive white guilt complex that a majority of you have. Or the forced normalization of genetic suicide. There is so much more but you have no fucking clue, you are living in a wonderful mindset free of an sort of suffering
Who is some overweight fat fuck in real life who has no friends in real life so he joins an online chat to fufil that deep empty feeling of having no one to talk to other than his she-beast mother and his goat fucking father (speaking about Amusei)
RossVDebs: You tell me...that these people...should GO HOME! SAY IT! SAY IT TO ME, COMMANDER! BECAUSE RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE STATING THAT THESE MEN AND WOMEN, WHO HAVE SAVED YOUR COMRADES IN THE PAST....GET to leave...and go back to the hellhole they came from, kicking and screaming...rounded up...LIKE ANIMALS! LIKE ANIMALS! SAY IT! LIKE ANIMALS! IN THE "JIGGABOO CHAINS" THEY CAME IN!
Cinci: "Quite a bit of salt I see spewing from your mouth and in your words. You ask who am I? I am a citizen of the United States that has a right to criticize the actions of other private individuals. Just as you can of mine and you have done so of others in this simulation, once in a musical number in fact.
You can disagree with my opinion as much as you want but I reserve the right to say this. You're actions are detrimental to the right. Your actions promote opportunism rather than cooperation. Your actions says in the greater context of this simulation that if you don't agree with a party form a new one. It forgoes any attempt at reconciliation or working to fix a party. Just so that you all can play leadership once the situation you wrought has turned against you.
That is why I have the right to speak. That is why I have the right to criticize. If you wish to abridge me of these rights then I deem thee a tyrant."
MDK: Gohte, your failure to understand anything about how people feel is incredible? Do you even think about others? Same with you Coat? Do you understand not everything is just the text on your computer? That real people are here? That you are not this cool kid? You can hide behind these usernames but you are a coward. You bully and harrass memebers and take everything for a joke. You guys are so immature it is unreal. After I write then you will make memes out of it and attack me more. If you can't be a person of this community that acts in any form of proffessional manner get out.
Idris: You let your little bitch Riley do whatever he wants, terrorizing, bullying, snitching, trolling, for months and now you crack down on us?And then you claim to care so much and you claim to listen to our feedback? Fuck off guys
weird RLP guy: My ideology is easily squared up with genuine communism, yours on the other hand...
This bizzare "euro-communism" advocated by some here is what Lenin called an infantile disorder. Communist states have long standingly blended both nationalism and naturalism. I am as left wing as they come, I simply haven't bought into the insanity of the contemporary fake left and hold true to genuine Marxist and Communist principles. Read some of my posts on the fake left globalists.
You don't have to like it, but everything I believe in and espouse is Communism. It would be a mistake to expel a genuine communist when the Socialist party claims to accept "many different political views and beliefs".
If anyone wishes to actually challenge me on this please do so here. I would be happy to engage in debate and discussion and prove to you why I am right. I would not consider many here to be socialists but merely followers of the fake left gaystapo posing as 'socialists'. Prove me wrong.
I request a trial. Not just a vote of the central committee. I request to be given opportunity to make my case for the validity of my communist ideology against the fake left poisonous ideology of left liberalism.
weird RLP guy (pt. 2): The recent witchhunt initiated by realnyebevan is completely unbecoming and thus I believe warrants a vote of expulsion.
realnyebevan has chosen to initiate a vote to remove me, a genuine and committed communist for opposing his own deviationist liberal interpretation of socialism. For in actuality his brand of "socialism" is mere capitalism.
The disease of liberal "socialism" has taken a foot hold across many traditionally communist and socialist parties in the world. Instead of focusing on advancing the cause of the working class, liberal socialists such as realnyebevan instead focus on non-issues such as gay marriage, open borders, abortion, and so on.
Why do so called "socialists" get funded by capitalist globalists such as George Soros? Because capitalism requires the free movement of labour, the contemporary liberal "socialists" who receive and do the bidding of globalists have always been cast aside from socialist movements as being traitors to the working class.
Carib: Toasty? The cuck who said he was “lookin forward to asking questions” in my hearing but instead caved to idris’ witch hunt against anyone that has ever slighted him?
Toasty, the cuck who didn’t realize that as AG I am now moving forward to dismantle his shitty MoP law using precedent that was set by the socialists themselves, and if he had a backbone and didn’t just take orders from Idris, I wouldn’t have the power to sue? But since he can’t think on his own, I retain that power as AG and will be using it? That toasty?
JJCreskoff: You are the most irrelevant, prude and pretentious piece of shit I have ever seen on /ModelUSGov. No one knows who you are outside of this chat, and the only reason people notice you is because you act like a complete fool. You're more hated and irrelevant than IDRIS! Get off your high horse you irrelevant prick, no one knows who you are or cares. You just go around flaming people and baiting them and laugh at your own misery and suffering whilst taking it out on others. Get a fucking life, or perhaps attend church for once in your sorry life.
Mitch (about PGF): you are by far one of the most incompetent legislators I have ever come across in my time. And I've dealt with just as shitty republicans who can't write a bill. How have you managed to make yourself canonically get your self into dumb shit, lose to pacman twice, make the house coalition look like idiots trying to defend you, and after all this time: you still cannot even write a bill with the grammar situation being equivalent to a Lovecraftian abomination. Or any bill is wholly flawed, not only in execution. But its entirety wholly unconstitutional. So no. You are absolutely not the most qualified.
Ovarix (to Idris): Dude your budgets are legit worse; honestly you are a living breathing incel if you make those budgets. Like I can imagine Idris hating women because he is butt fuck ugly. Based on the fact he spends his time on the sim throwing meaningless numbers around. Idris is one of the few people who seem like they hate themselves genuinely, like Idris hates himself so much he is willing to associate himself with William despite being a socialist. He is so fake, he is also not black as he claimed. Like half of idris's ideas are retarded in all honesty. Everyone knows he's a white person pretending to be black In voice he bashes Jews a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised if Idris was at the unite the right rally.
Mashup: Hear, hear! This is a great bill! Alright, this is where you've pissed me off. You should be disturbed by how militant and grossly twisted your perception of "social freedom" is. Guess what buddy? Gay "marriage" hurts people. People have lost their livelihoods to gay marriage, have been sued for not participating in them. Children are forced to be adopted, and raised by them, despite their right to a mother and father. I would like to now interject with meaningful discussion. I think that DIDICET, please stop insulting me and my other party members. It's kind of annoying to have you bitching at us 24/7. Nice ad hominem, dumbass You let your little bitch PARTIALLY KRITKAL do whatever he wants, terrorizing, bullying, snitching, trolling, nice ad hominem dumbass, for months and now you crack down on us? Hear, hear! And then you claim to care so much and you claim to listen to our feedback? Fuck off guys gives all of you balls, but in a fucking government simulation you'll bow down like bitches FUCKING STOP IT YOU SHITHEAD. I AM DONE WITH THIS I HAVE MY LIFE RUINED! FUCK OFF SOLOMON RUINED! YOU FUCKING TRACKED DOWN AND STALKED MY WIFE, YOU DRAGGED HER INTO MY PROBLEMS. SHE WORRIES ABOUT ME ALL THE NICE HOMINEM DUMBASS TIME BECAUSE IM SO FUCKING DEPRESSED AND DESTROYED FORM THIS SHIT. THIS ISNT HEALTHY!!!!
Evan C.: Hello, all! My name is Evan C., and I'm running for the Civic Party's PMC!
As a party, we have so much to do, and so much to accomplish! I joined this party because of its strong commitment to reform, simplicity, economics, and indeed - pragmatism! However, we still have work to becoming the best we can be, and if you're looking for the guy to whip things into shape and make the most effective policy in MUSG, I'm your pick!
So, how do we get further in our goals of reform, and how to we continue the Civic Surge further? Well, here's my three-point plan to get the Civics to be the most pragmatic party ever imagined.
Ben: [speaking to Riley] You are a miserable person and an insufferable edgelord (your prof pic is Martin shkreli for Pete sake). If I were head nod, screw the constitution, you'd be banned so fast you couldn't begin to count to one, and if I were kicked out because of that act so be it.
Zach: No one has a right to suck dick. You are permitted to suck dick because the people as a whole have come together to develop advanced society. The only way to maintain a peaceful and orderly modern society is when everyone pitches in. Fail to do this and you will be left to fend for yourself.
GoldenCapitalist (to Idris) You need to have more respect for members of the Assembly, Governor. I am trying to make this a deliberative body, not one-party rule with you and Lorath in cahoots at keeping all minorities oppressed. I am fighting the power, and that power is YOU. I thought socialists were supposed to stand for equality for all. Turns out they believe the old adage "There was equality for all, but some were a little more equal than others." You don't care about the people of this Commonwealth, nor do you care about representing them. All you and Lorath have done is oppress, oppress, and oppress, stifling any and all opposition. I've tried working with your party, reaching out to find compromises and workable agreements, and I either get ignored or rebuffed. Your party has no interest in doing anything but solidifying yourselves as a one-party state where you persecute anyone who disagrees with you. That's frankly sickening, and such a perversion of democracy that I'm not even sure what you are even doing here in this sim.
Docnedkelly: Look at you, Viktard! You’re the big man on campus! You can throw your weight around to show other people who the boss is
Viktard: "Hello fellow Democrats! I am very, VERY proud to be a member of this party and furthermore I wish to make it the absolute best it can be! The biggest problem this party is facing is a negative flow of young members!! We are turning a loss more than we are gaining leaving a dangerous level of new members of this party. We may have gained ground this election with a prominent quantity of support, but if we don’t act now we will witness a steady decay in our voters in future elections! This is where I want to fix our party and make it even stronger. If elected this will be the sole issue I will focus my time too, no other candidate here will get into detail on the “issues” that face this party and therefore can’t help the chairman lead it into the future. We may have achieved electoral success, but that won’t mean jack if we can’t bring in a new generation of democrats to run for office and to vote for us. No other candidate running has a clear vision for a bigger, stronger and united party than I act! Which is why I have decided to toss my hat in the ring to become a deputy, I won’t let this party down nor will I fall inactive in my duties!! My Experience is little as I am really new to this SIM (In fact, only 3 is months) but the vision and dedication should outweigh experience! We need a deputy who will always put the party first and a deputy that will have a clear and strong VISION of the future! To speak on my past experiences I was confirmed as Secretary of the Air Force and then later I became a state legislator (For the great Atlantic Commonwealth!) And now I am a newly elected Representative from West Appalachia. Although limited in experience I do believe I am a very qualified candidate to be one of the party’s deputies! Thank You!" -viktard
Taco (about ncontas): Please! The only work you do is napping when you should be legislating! Has there ever been a more inactive congressman?
Nothing wrong: val, panhead, stalin, big boss, jahalmighty, IR, hitler, pol pot, baruch goldstein, sherman, palpatine, the USSR, trotsky, nate, the founding fathers, jefferson, hasbighands, sean, sheets, japan, smitty, oblomov, the mods, vindi, jute, duce, balth, darwin, trump, pinochet, coat, apott, russia, allende, john brown, franco, petain, robespierre, david cameron, paul krugman, timanfya, brian williams, didi, the CSA, lenin, wade boggs, central banks, TNA, spez, obama, fidel, ayn rand, batista, mccarthy, the events board, castro, spindleton, romney, north korea, leif ericson, elizabeth warren, the KKK, orthodoxy, solomon, nixon, the pipeline constructors, pontius pilate, bernie, thomas dewey, henry george, the kaiser, ken bone, CCM, chamberlain, s1ngm1ng, KHL, assad, hillary, nat turner, madison, the cheka, javert, demon james, AJ, kerbogha, martin shkreli, satan, ataturk, keemstar, the PGP, lucifer, reckoner, lee harvey oswald, sevag, vak, socialism, weebs, kryoxz, david, harambe, snowden, aaron burr, von steuben, bill clinton, communists, atheism, homura, ronnie, john maynard keynes, hamilton, imperialism, israel, islam, brandon, hamas, mao, FDR, the rich, america, republicans, vibe, mussolini, the federal reserve, edison, guy fawkes, florida, freikorps, the IRA, populists, farage, mugabe, waywardwit, wahhabis, lexus, rumsfeld, kissinger, suleiman, standard oil, the federalists, saddam, joan of arc, nestorius, kim jong-un, truman, mcgovern, rhodesia, ian smith, marx, charles koch, bernanke, hoxha, ed_san, judas iscariot, OJ, ben-gurion, oedipus, jack kevorkian, fewbuffalo, randomkdebater, kahane, vowels, ale, the kuomintang, hoover, pepe, martin luther, rhodie, kovr, njdeh, george wallace, richard spencer, pokarnor, bmanv1, ajamu baraka, the north carolina GOP, the black panthers, the falangists, the ottomans, sweden, duterte, the british, evan, tchaikovsky, kataeb, tojo, ML, and jar jar did nothing wrong
Nate: hey RLP. go fuck yourselves. no, fuck them. they are partisan fucks. I am one of the most left members of the libs, and you guys want to cuck me. just me. Not the libs. Just fucking me. fuck you guys. if you thought I had a vendetta against you, guess. what. motherfuckers. I will whip every goddamn party against you. If you want to get fucking pety and block me from committees, I will fuck up your sim potential. just you wait.
No_MF_Challenge: I think the obvious would be that I'm fairly anti-capitalist. In today's society I believe we need a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism. Although the reason I'm a member of RLP is I think socialism is the 'answer' for humanity as a whole, especially as technology advances.
Fewbuffalo: Good Day, My name is fewbuffalo and I am the creator of the CSS used on /globalpowers. It has come to my attention that your community has copied my work. In more specific terms, The Flairs and other features like the flag flairs. I did not consent for them to be used. I have giving you 24 hours before I begin further legal action as this is my work which I did not allow to be used here.
Sevag (to Idris): You don't seem to understand, we are not parliamentarians, we are revolutionaries. We don't give a fuck about parlimentary or liberal democracies because it is nothing but an illusion. Any threats you make against us will only make us stronger. We don't fear your party. We don't fear you Idris. We seek to destroy the system for the good of the workers, not within the system to achieve nothing but the oppression of the global working class. I will say this again, we do not fear you.
Ali: The foundations of economics are mathematics, anyone who has cracked open an actual economics book in their entire life knows that. Where policy and economics intersect is interpetation, as data can be interpreted in so many ways and twisted stupidly by political "economists" with an agenda to push! But in essence, always, economics is a mathematical field, and all the people who say otherwise are either dumb or are pushing the same agenda political "economists" are. Economics is statistics, data collection and analysis, and variable discrimination, NOT interpreting information to fit into your worldview!!!!!!
Duce: The death of progress is moderation. We will NEVER sell out for cheap political gain. If you want a Governor who isn't a CUCK, vote for DuceGiharm. Otherwise, vote for def- oops, he's gone! I mean Vak
Viktard (to David): Dear David,
I know our past has been complicated and one filled of drama and my rude remarks. I come to express how deeply sorry I am towards how I treated you. You are a person who seeks to protect the image of the party and the current administration and it was not within my right to challenge you. I hope that although I will no longer be a Democratic party member that we can move forward in our relationship. Being clerks we need to work as 1 team not a bunch of individuals divided on our past therefore I am looking to the future where we can be friends and members of the team who work together instead of fighting over petty arguments. I’m sorry about the deputy DNC elections where I attacked your idea’s of the future in such a harsh way and i’m deeply sorry any action I have taken to this point as caused you to dislike me. I hope we can move past the bridge and become on better terms as I hold no grudges or hatred towards you in any capacity.
Thanks, Hope we can get to know each other better
Party Under New Leadership
Or I guess in this case just leadership since there was no leadership in the first place.
Yeah I'm the supreme leader now (evidenced by me being the top mod) and you all have to do what I say now. bomalia is my right hand man
Autarch: Yes, please tell me how a Socialist-Sunrise alliance worked out the last time you tried to coup me. :rofl:
Really, I don't mind y'all trash-talking political opponents. I know there's no lost-love between us, but the sheer underhanded animus here is quite astounding. The fact that Eddie -- a sim friend of mine with whom I've collaborated on a number of bills -- planted false hit-pieces in Fox News, or that the Socialist Party was so intent on splitting the Democrats that they attempted to suborn our own party chair, or else conspire with the Sunrise Coalition, reveals a lot about your party's mindset. You people just can't stand ideological differences. When a party which shares some of your socially liberal goals, and can compromise with you on economics and the environment, begins contradicting your mad revolution, you wish it's death with every fiber of your body. You lose all sense of context. You're willing to help bring to power your foremost ideological enemies to keep the Democrats in your clutches. It's quite disgusting actually. Don't get me wrong, I like some people in your party, even if they've been implicated in this; I might disagree with Socialism, but I have nothing against individual Socialists. Idris, who worked so hard to come to a budget compromise, DC, DocNed, even Boss and Eddie -- they have a different vision for this country but they're at least able to put the good of the nation above personal gain, above political revolution. But the tactics your party employs, the lies, the crookedness, the perversion of the political process, it repels me. You repel me.
But sviridovt, don't you understand? God is not actually a supreme being. He is ongabongo dodongo, The Fish That Dreams It Is A Man. He is actually greater than any supreme being! I used to think he was a mega-supreme being, but have since calculated that he is actually an ultra-supreme being, and that his power level is over 9000!
By reading stuffy old philosophers I have gained the ability to spout tautological bullshit so that you can never pin me down and nothing I say is ever falsifiable! This is because God is ultra domingo contra ceteris paribus flamingo— A Croatian Lipstick That Has Apotheosized Into A Divine Manta Ray.
I need only tell myself that I am the only person on earth that has ever been to college, or maybe read Kant or Heidegger, and that I am the only person on the internet who bought into the Transcendentalists! See, Kant thought that man's reason was insufficient to prove the existence of God, and I didn't really stop to think about what that implies, because the next step was going balls deep into ontology to think about what it actually means for something to exist, because when I can't prove God exists to people on the internet I get sulky and need to redefine what "existence" means!
You see, St. Anselm wrote that God is the thing that you can't conceive of anything greater than, and that such a thing must exist in your mind! And I kind of bogged down on that for a minute because it kind of sounds like implying that God is imaginary, but my priest helped me get past it by explaining that God is really cthulhu ftaghn klaatu barada nickto— the Space Lizard Whose Eggs Hatch Black Holes.
It all works out though, because God is the thing you can't imagine anything greater than, and if God only exists in the mind then I can imagine something greater than that— God existing for real and playing Madden with me on my couch! Therefore God must exist, because if I can imagine something greater, then it's not God yet, only I'm sitting here with Player 2 plugged in and ready to go, and he won't hurry up and pick a team!
I don't see anything wrong at all with this argument, nor do I think that it's maybe begging the question a little bit! And I'm not going to consider the fact that maybe things that exist are actually flawed because they necessarily have limits by virtue of existing within the rules of our rational, scientific world, which is provably going to cease to exist at some point, and so maybe something even more perfect than a God that exists is a God that only exists in our imagination, because there nothing can put limits on Him!
And so... wait... What? I seem to have Pascaled myself. You know, that feel when you're forced to concede that believing in God cannot be supported by any evidence or rational argument, but that you're going to continue to believe anyway because your imagination has kind of psyched you out about how bad hell might be? And so you're going to profess belief with a heart full of secret doubt because you're playing the odds, but forgetting that there are infinitely many non-Abrahamic deities who will punish you for your non-belief in them by making you spend eternity as mahalo station wagon verite et vestibule et vomitorium— "The Floss That One Uses For One's Butt."
No! No! Reverse course, brain! HMMMMMMM. Yeeees Jesus loves meeeee... Block out all doubts! Someone call the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith! Satan has sunk my battleship!
Didicet (to IBY):
To answer your IMPERATIVE question, no, we won't go to "war", whatever the hell that means in this simulation, over a letter like the one Sweden sent. I was affirming our support for Britain, a response requested by the mods. I wasn't going to post anything about it before they fucking pestered me about it.
One thing I find disturbing though, besides harassing me because I wasn't at your immediate beck and call, is your complete disregard for Britain, the nation we have the closest cultural ties with and with whom we share a special relationship, because they elected parties via democracy that they wanted in power. Basically, Britain must conform to you. Fuck their choice in the matter, amirite?
You also had NO CLUE that Sweden wasn't even in fucking NATO! You don't know who our closest allies are, and are willing to abandon the ones you do (God do I hope you do) know are close allies because they don't agree with you 110% of the time!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class, unless Her Majesty desires my presence for some other reason? No matter I'm sure. You'll spam my fucking inbox with stupidity regardless.
submitted by olofpalmethought to u/olofpalmethought [link] [comments]

New York Times - The 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)

The 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)
Chameleons or beauties, star turns or character roles these are the performers who have outshone all others on the big screen in the last 20 years.
By Manohla Dargis and A.O. Scott Nov. 25, 2020
We are in a golden age of acting — make that platinum — as we realized when we decided to select our favorite film performers of the past 20 years. There’s no formula for choosing the best (just squabbling), and this list is both necessarily subjective and possibly scandalous in its omissions. Some of these performers are new to the scene; others have been around for decades. In making our choices, we have focused on this century and looked beyond Hollywood. And while there are certainly stars in the mix and even a smattering of Oscar winners, there are also character actors and chameleons, action heroes and art-house darlings. They’re 25 reasons we still love movies, maybe more than ever.
25. Gael García Bernal
MANOHLA DARGIS When Alejandro González Iñárritu’s thriller “Amores Perros” and Alfonso Cuarón’s road movie “Y Tu Mamá También” were released in American art houses a year apart, the shocks were seismic. Their directors were soon racing toward international renown and so was Gael García Bernal, their shared star. He was gifted, held the screen and had a face you kept looking at, partly because — with his doe eyes and lantern jaw — it seamlessly fused ideals of feminine and masculine beauty.
This contrast wasn’t especially obvious in “Amores Perros” (2001), but it helps enrich the warmer “Y Tu Mamá También” (2002), a soulful coming-of-age story that opens with a whoop and ends on a sigh. García Bernal plays Julio, a working-class teenager on a journey of discovery (of the self, of others). Along with his best friend (played by Diego Luna), Julio tumbles through life heedlessly until he doesn’t. As the story’s raucousness quiets, Julio’s adolescent machismo fades, replaced by pensiveness that the actor makes so physical, you see the character retreating inside himself.
By 2004, García Bernal had appeared in Walter Salles’s “The Motorcycle Diaries” as the young Che Guevara and played a duplicitous chameleon in Pedro Almodóvar’s “Bad Education.” Almodóvar put the actor in heels to play a noirish femme fatale, a role that García Bernal apparently didn’t much like doing so but that deepened his persona with a smear of lipstick and a psychological coldness that created new shocks.
A. O. SCOTT In Pablo Larraín’s “No” (2013), García Bernal plays Rene Saavedra, a hotshot young advertising creative in 1980s Chile, with his usual charm. He’s cool but not intimidatingly so; good-looking in the same measure; funny but not to the point of obnoxiousness; self-confident but not a jerk. At first, it’s easy to underestimate both Rene and García Bernal, to mistake their casual, unassuming naturalness for a lack of gravitas or craft. Rene is enlisted by a group of opposition political parties to produce television spots supporting a “no” vote on a referendum extending the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Rene’s job is to sell rejection as an upbeat choice, to acknowledge the brutality of Pinochet’s regime while focusing on the happy future without him. Though Rene believes in the cause, he also views it as a marketing challenge, and there is a bit of a “Mad Men” vibe to his wrangling with clients, colleagues and rivals.
It’s up to García Bernal to provide the dramatic link between the banalities of the media business and the terror of political repression, and he does it almost entirely with his eyes. One night, the apartment he shares with his young son is vandalized while they sleep, and in that moment Rene’s chipper resolve liquefies into pure fear. The next day he is back at work, and both he and the audience have a new and profound understanding of what the work means.
24. Sônia Braga
MANOHLA DARGIS I just recently rewatched “Aquarius” (2016) for our ode to Sônia Braga. For those who haven’t seen it: Braga stars as Clara, a writer whose apartment faces the Atlantic. Most of the story follows Clara just living her life while swatting away her landlord. Braga fits seamlessly into the director Kleber Mendonça Filho’s wonderful, unfussy realism. This time while viewing the movie, though — partly prompted by, ahem, a chapter title called “Clara’s Hair” — I noticed how Braga kept rearranging her opulent curtain of hair. And, as she swept it up and let it down, I realized that Mendonça wasn’t just presenting a character but also the legend playing her.
A. O. SCOTT It’s a reminder — subliminal and brazen at the same time — that Braga was a big deal in Brazil and beyond in the 1970s and ’80s, her nation’s answer to Sophia Loren. Her films with Mendonça (“Bacurau” this year as well “Aquarius”) draw on that history and exploit her old-school charisma. But they aren’t just late-career star turns. Clara isn’t Sonia Braga: She’s a highly specific woman with her own history of achievements, love affairs and regrets. But only a performer with Braga’s utter self-assurance, her heroic indifference to what anyone else thinks of her, could bring Clara to life.
DARGIS Yet what I found fascinating about “Aquarius” this time is that Clara is alsoBraga, in the sense that the character’s meaning is partly shaped by everything that Braga brings whenever she’s onscreen, including her history in Brazilian cinema as a woman of mixed ancestry as well as her adventures in Hollywood. There’s something fantastically liberating watching Braga play this majestic woman, who has visible wrinkles and never had breast reconstruction after her mastectomy. That’s especially true given how Braga was once slavered over as a sex star. “There is nothing else to call her,” a male critic once wrote — well, you could call her an actress.
SCOTT Her skill manifests itself in a totally different way in “Bacurau” this year, a crazily fantastical (and violent) science-fictionish allegory of Brazil in crisis that departs from the realism of Mendonça’s other films without abandoning their political passion or their humanism. Braga, part of a sprawling ensemble that includes nonprofessional actors, is essential to this. She plays Domingas, a small-town doctor with a drinking problem and a sometimes abrasive personality — a deglamorized, comical role that no one else could have managed with such depth and grace. Or as Mendonça put it, “In a symphony, she’d be the piano.”
23. Mahershala Ali
A. O. SCOTT Mahershala Ali has one of the great faces in modern movies — those sculpted cheekbones, that high, contemplative brow, those eyes tinged with melancholy. His presence on camera is magnetic, but also watchful and sly. His characters tend toward reticence, guardedness, but their reserve is its own form of eloquence, their whispers more resonant than any shout.
Ali has won two Oscars for best supporting actor. The first was for “Moonlight” (2016), in which he quietly demolished a durable Hollywood stereotype. Juan is a drug dealer, a figure of community destruction and implicit violence. What defines him, though, is his gentleness, the unconditional kindness he bestows on Chiron, the young protagonist. Juan listens to the boy; he answers his questions; in one of the film’s most moving scenes, he teaches him to swim.
And then, between the first and second acts, he vanishes. But Ali haunts the film even after his departure. He’s both its tragic, nurturing image of manhood and the first man worthy of Chiron’s love.
MANOHLA DARGIS Ali first got my attention in the Netflix series “House of Cards.” He played Remy Danton, a Washington lawyer whose knowing little smile could flicker like a warning, signaling the danger in his world. Remy entered in the second episode in a scene at a restaurant, where the lead character, Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), is eating with two other power brokers. Remy doesn’t stand over the seated men, he looms. You know Underwood is bad news, but when the director David Fincher cuts to Remy’s face, Ali abruptly changes the temperature by dropping his affable facade for skin-prickling wariness, making it clear that he isn’t talking to a man but to a predator.
I was so accustomed to seeing Ali in a bespoke suit (and sometimes out) that I didn’t recognize him at first in “Moonlight.” It wasn’t simply the different wardrobes, but the precise bearing that Ali gave each man, variations in bodies, yes, but also in how those bodies move and signify. In “House of Cards,” Remy flows and there were moments when I thought I was looking at the next James Bond. In “Moonlight,” Ali creates a titanic character whose force, even after he disappears from the movie, continues to resonate. The actor creates a very dissimilar character in “Green Book” (2018, his second Oscar winner), this time with a performance — as the musician Don Shirley, whom Ali plays as a man and a defended fortress — that surpasses the movie.
SCOTT I would almost say that the performance is the opposite of the movie. Ali is graceful, witty and self-aware while “Green Book” is clumsy, jokey and blind to its own insensitivities. I’m not sure any other actor could have handled the notorious fried chicken scene with such sly dignity. That “Green Book” and “Moonlight” were both best picture winners speaks to the contradictions of our cultural moment, but it’s proof of Ali’s talent that his subtle craft and unshakable charisma can anchor two such divergent films.
22. Melissa McCarthy
MANOHLA DARGIS When critics anatomize comic performers like Melissa McCarthy, we often touch on familiar qualities like timing, grace and elastic physiognomy. But we’re also talking about acting. Since making the transition from TV to movies, McCarthy has repeatedly demonstrated her range and exhilaratingly helped demolish regressive ideas about who gets to be a film star. No movie has served her better than “Spy”(2015) in which she plays Susan, a timid C.I.A. analyst who’s sent on an outlandish mission that allows McCarthy to mince and then delightfully swagger.
Essential to the subversive fun of “Spy” is how it deploys genre conventions to showcase McCarthy’s talents while also blowing up stereotypes. Susan contains multitudes, first as self-protection (she dampens her fire) and later as an expression of her humanity. In the field, she unhappily assumes several frumpy, tragically bewigged disguises — variations on how others see her — before transforming into a sexy, trash-talking fantasy of her own design. As Susan lets down her hair and inhibitions, McCarthy cuts loose. Her voice booms, her fluttery hands ball into fists, her Kewpie-doll face goes full-on Medusa. McCarthy isn’t playing one woman — she’s all of us, with a vengeance.
A. O. SCOTT Lee Israel is funny. She shares a fast and furiously aggressive verbal wit with some of McCarthy’s other creations, like Tammy in “Tammy” (2014) and Mullins in “The Heat” (2013). But Lee was a real person, and “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”(2018) isn’t exactly a comedy. It’s not quite a biopic either, but rather a highly specific slice of late-20th-century New York queer and literary life threaded through a misfit buddy picture and twisted into a caper film.
Lee is not easy to like or root for. She’s abrasive, self-absorbed and self-sabotaging. She alienates friends and maintains as tenuous a grip on ethics as on sobriety. McCarthy resists turning her story — which involves trading a faltering career as a writer for a lucrative stint as a forger of famous writers’ letters — into a parable of recovery or redemption.
It’s about how Lee and her sidekick (the wonderful Richard E. Grant) gamble on survival, rebelling against the fate that an indifferent world has prepared for them. The movie’s title poses an honest question. Maybe you can’t forgive Lee for her lapses and lies, her lack of consideration for other people’s words and feelings. But there’s no way you can forget her.
21. Catherine Deneuve
In a lengthy career working with a who’s who of auteurs, Deneuve has stood for a certain kind of elegant Frenchwoman whether she’s playing an ordinary wife, a down-on-her-luck bistro owner or even an Iranian mother. For that last role, in the animated “Persepolis”(2007). Deneuve voiced a character based on Marjane Satrapi’s mom. We asked Satrapi, who directed the film with Vincent Paronnaud, to explain why she sought out Deneuve.
If you live in France, Catherine Deneuve is the symbol. When I was growing up, she was the dream. She always made choices that were too advanced for her time, more anarchist than bourgeois. She has always looked like a very bourgeois Parisian woman, which is absolutely not true. She is a rebel who looks like a grande dame.
The first time I met Catherine Deneuve was like meeting God in person. I was so impressed. And yet, I had to direct her, and I didn’t dare tell her a thing. The first two hours, I was completely paralyzed, and she calmed me down. She told me, because she’s a very generous woman: “You’re the director and I’m your actress. Tell me what to do and I will do it.” She didn’t do it in front of other people. She said, “Let’s go have a cigarette,” and she said it to me privately.
For the character of the mother, I needed to have someone who is not this eternal mother who is very lovely, because this is not my mom. My mom is a very lovely person but she is like: “You do this. You do that.” I needed somebody who had the power of a woman that wants her daughter to [make her life] better and be more emancipated. Catherine Deneuve has this way of talking that is not playful, because she doesn’t try to be likable. She’s very frank. When she talks to you, she looks straight into your eyes.
She doesn’t try to be likable. She’s very frank.
There is this scene when I come home and my mom starts yelling at me: “You know what they do with young girls in Iran? You have to get out of this country.” I remember when she played it, she was a little bit off. She tried to contain herself as she normally does. I was like, “No, Catherine, you’re really out of your mind.” She did it and she actually cried. That was extremely moving.
And still, after all these years, each time I see her, I have the heartbeat. She is like a lion. She is not loud, she does not make gestures. But even if she is behind you and you don’t see her, you feel that a feline is in the room. It feels at the same time very exciting and very dangerous. She is ferocious and she is fearless, and I love that about her. — Interview by Kathryn Shattuck
20. Rob Morgan
A. O. SCOTT The great character actors are masters of paradox, at once indelible and invisible. You don’t necessarily recognize them from one role to the next, but they leave their stamp on every film, enhancing the whole even in small parts.
If you saw “Mudbound,” “Monsters and Men,” “The Last Black Man in San Francisco”and “Just Mercy” — four movies released between 2017 and 2019 — you are aware of Rob Morgan, whether or not you know his name.
As a death row prisoner in “Just Mercy,” he is a notably undramatic presence, a quiet man haunted by remorse, helplessness and fear whose plight encapsulates the film’s humanist argument.
In each of the other movies, he plays a father, in the Jim Crow South and the modern urban North — a man who knows more than he chooses to say. The sons in those movies do most of the talking, but Morgan gives eloquent expression to experiences that lie outside the main story even as they ground it in a larger history. In “Last Black Man” he appears in a handful of scenes and utters just a few lines, but everything that movie is about — the pleasures and disappointments of life at the margins of an idiosyncratic, rapidly changing city — is written in his face. He listens, he chews sunflower seeds, he plays a few chords on an old pipe organ, and after a few minutes in his presence you understand exactly what you need to know.
MANOHLA DARGIS Every so often, a small movie gives an actor a chance to go bigger and hold the center, which is what Morgan does in Annie Silverstein’s “Bull” (2020). He plays Abe, a former rodeo bull rider with stiff joints, blood in his urine and a fragilely held together life. His bull riding days over, he now works on the ground as a bullfighter, helping protect fallen riders. The role of Abe, mercifully, isn’t overwritten, which allows Morgan to define the character with a persuasively embodied performance, one whose head tilts, sideways looks and withdrawn presence expresses a bruising past and the self-protecting instincts of a man in emotional retreat.
“Bull” should be only about Abe, but it instead focuses on his relationship with a white, rootless 14-year-old neighbor, Kris (Amber Havard). Their fates sourly cross after she’s caught trashing his house, and is shaped by the unearned optimism that’s foundational to American cinema. In other words, Abe and Kris save each other. What saves the movie, though, is the window Morgan opens onto the Black cowboy and how the performance complicates America’s favorite myths, including the figure of the hard, stoic loner. Abe doesn’t ride in from John Wayne territory; Abe rides in from an entirely different land that Morgan makes visceral, haunted and wholly alive.
19. Wes Studi
Wes Studi has one of the screen’s most arresting faces — jutting and creased and anchored with the kind of penetrating eyes that insist you match their gaze. Lesser directors like to use his face as a blunt symbol of the Native American experience, as a mask of nobility, of suffering, of pain that’s unknowable only because no one has asked the man wearing it. In the right movie, though, Studi doesn’t just play with a character’s facade; he peels its layers. A master of expressive opacity, he shows you the mask and what lies beneath, both the thinking and the feeling.
He shows you the mask and what lies beneath.
Studi vaulted into cinematic consciousness as the vengeful Huron warrior in Michael Mann’s epic “The Last of the Mohicans” (1992), a character the actor conveys with powerful physicality and intensities of contempt, impatience, resentment, fury. Doing a lot with a little has been a constant in Studi’s movie career, which includes signifying roles in “The New World” (2005) and “Avatar” (2009). Like many actors, he has done his share of forgettable work, made exploitation flicks and TV fodder. Often specifically cast as a Native American, he has played Geronimo and Cochise; he might right more film wrongs if westerns were still popular. And if the industry were adventurous, he might also play more types like the supervisor of a homeless shelter in “Being Flynn” (2012), a man who doesn’t wear what Studi calls “leathers and feathers.”
Instructively, he wears neither in Scott Cooper’s “Hostiles” (2017), about life and death in late-19th-century America. Studi plays Chief Yellow Hawk, a dying Cheyenne prisoner whom the federal government has agreed to return to his ancestral lands. The movie is largely interested in his escort, a war-ruined Indian hater played by Christian Bale, the star. Once again, Studi delivers a supporting turn that complements the leading performance — his character’s indifference to the escort’s rage is a wall that can’t be breached — and helps equalize the story’s balance. Yellow Hawk has survived long enough to die on his terms, survival that Studi makes a final act of self-possession.
18. Willem Dafoe
The actor has been a vital presence in movies as different as “Shadow of the Vampire”(2000) and “The Florida Project” (2017), for which he received Oscar nominations. He was also nominated for playing van Gogh in Julian Schnabel’s biopic, “At Eternity’s Gate” (2018). We asked Schnabel why he turned to Dafoe.
Willem and I met more than 30 years ago. He has always lived in the neighborhood, and we had a lot of friends in common. Oliver Stone was shooting “The Doors” in New York, and we were standing around the set one night and that was the first time we really started to talk.
One thing that’s super-important is he’s a very generous actor. He cares about other people’s performances and about helping them by being available in whatever he is doing. He’s very, very loyal and very, very smart. If you’ve got somebody who’s smart, they can make it better.
He’s a very generous actor. He cares about other people’s performances.
[For “At Eternity’s Gate”] I needed somebody that would have the depth of character to play van Gogh. And it wasn’t about just looking like him. It was somebody that could have enough life experience to be that guy. People thought, well, Willem is 60 years old, van Gogh was 37 when he died. That was irrelevant to me. You just have to have a hunch about trusting somebody and thinking that they can do something. I trust Willem implicitly. And that level of trust goes both ways.
There’s stuff we shot in Arles after he arrived that we couldn’t use. He was wearing the same clothes, had the same hairdo, but he wasn’t the guy yet. Then there was a certain moment when all of a sudden he was. He was transformed, transfigured. He was somebody else.
One of my favorite scenes is where he’s talking to the young Dr. Rey, who is seeing him after he’s cut his ear off and he is guaranteeing him that he’s going to get to paint when he’s in the institution. That interaction is extraordinary, what Willem does there. He’s basically sitting at a table and there’s not a whole hell of a lot of room for movement. But what goes on in his face in his response to what the young doctor is saying to him — and also in response to whatever other thoughts seem to be traveling through his mind at that time — is a landscape of events and an interior life like foam coming to the top of a vanilla egg cream. — Interview by Kathryn Shattuck
17. Alfre Woodard
In a just world, there would be a bursting roster of great performances to fill this entry, a collection of matriarchs, romantic heroines, divas and villains to reflect the full range of Alfre Woodard’s gifts. Such roles are always in short supply for Black women, but even in small parts in minor movies or television series, Woodard is an unforgettable presence, at once regal and utterly real.
The two films that have given her the most room — Steve McQueen’s “12 Years a Slave”(2013) and Chinonye Chukwu’s “Clemency”(2019) — both place the question of justice front and center. In each, Woodard must assert her character’s dignity and ethical integrity in the face of impossibly cruel circumstances. Bernadine Williams, the prison warden in “Clemency” whose job includes supervising executions, finds her professionalism increasingly at odds with her humanity. In “12 Years,” Mistress Shaw, an enslaved woman whose relationship with a plantation owner has brought her a measure of privilege, has bargained with a system built on her dehumanization.
Woodard’s art, her commitment to truth, is what you see.
The contradictions that Bernadine and Mistress Shaw contend with are larger than any individual. What Woodard does is make them personal. Self-control is a matter of survival, and Woodard sets her face into a picture of proper decorum, impersonating the genteel Southern lady or the efficient bureaucrat that the situation requires. She doesn’t so much let the masks slip — except perhaps in the devastating final scenes of “Clemency” — as show the cost and care that go into wearing them. The characters are also performing, playing their roles for mortal stakes, and Woodard’s art, her commitment to truth, is what you see in the space between how they seem and who they are.
16. Kim Min-hee
In Hong Sang-soo’s “Right Now, Wrong Then” (2016), a woman and man meet. They drink and drink some more and testily part ways only to meet in the movie’s second half as if for the very first time, a setup that evokes “Groundhog Day.” Once again, they go to a cafe, a studio, a restaurant. Yet while their actions generally remain the same, as does the overall arc of the evening, enough has changed — how they look at each other, the inflections in their voices — to turn this second encounter into something different.
Kim Min-hee’s exquisitely nuanced performance is at the center of the movie, and the actress herself has been at the heart of Hong’s work ever since, appearing in most of his ensuing movies. An established art-house auteur, Hong tells modestly scaled stories that are formally playful, sensitive to human imperfection and drenched in soju. Familiar things happen, sometimes unfamiliarly. Repetition is often a narrative focus, one that is grounded in life and beautifully served by Kim’s lucid expressivity.
In Hong’s minimalist canon, life is condensed in everyday moments, in conversations and the way bodies lean toward one another. The differences in the two halves of “Right Now, Wrong Then” reveal new facets of the characters and create new tensions between them. They also give free rein to Kim’s range, allowing her to play with intonation, gestures, flickering looks. Yet while the movie’s two sections feel like variations of the same story, her performance feels more like it’s coalescing as — smile by smile, with deflected and fixed gazes — Kim gathers the character into a whole.
She goes big and small, veers from monstrous to mousy.
She went for baroque in Park Chan-wook’s “The Handmaiden” (2016), her best-known movie. In this outlandish, often perversely funny drama set in Korea in the 1930s, she plays a Japanese noble who’s saved from her deviant uncle by her wiles and by another woman. The story’s flamboyant excesses and narrative twists allow Kim to use every tool in her workbox. She goes big and small, veers from monstrous to mousy, and alternately hides her character’s feelings and lets them run amok. Her body rocks and her face distorts as fear and pain give way to ecstasy and release. The character is a mystery that the movie teases but that Kim deliriously unlocks.
15. Michael B. Jordan
Michael B. Jordan has played lawyers, athletes and superheroes, but even before his range became clear, the director Ryan Coogler wanted to work with him. Coogler has made three features (“Fruitvale Station,” “Creed” and “Black Panther”) and Jordan stars or co-stars in all of them. We asked the director to explain just what it is about the actor that draws us in.
I met Mike in 2012 when I was doing research and working on the script for “Fruitvale.” He was who I decided would be best for the role before I met him, based on the other work that I’d seen him do — a couple of movies that year, “Red Tails” and “Chronicle,” and a bunch of stuff in the TV space. But I thought that he could play Oscar. He looked like him, but also what I saw was this ability to make you empathize with him. Not all actors have this thing, when you immediately care about somebody right offhand and that triggers an empathetic reaction. He had that. He also has a very advanced tool kit as an actor.
What I saw was this ability to make you empathize with him.
He’s been in all the feature films I’ve done. And I keep casting him because he’s the best person for the job. “Creed” [2015] had another character I thought he could play well. Before Mike was an actor, he was an athlete, back in elementary school and high school. He had played athletes on TV, the most famous being on “Friday Night Lights,” so some of the things we knew his character would have to do in “Creed,” Mike felt right for it. It was a part of him that wasn’t a big reach.
And [in] “Black Panther” [2018], with him and Chadwick facing off and going toe to toe, it felt like an event. Their stars were rising. They were both leading men by the time we shot that movie.
Now, what’s exciting about us getting older in the industry is getting to work together in different capacities. He’s doing a lot of stuff behind the camera now. And we have some opportunities to work together beyond actor and director.
He’s very ambitious in a way that’s endearing. He always wants to push and challenge himself further. And that comes across in his performances, but also in the business sense. That ambition keeps him open-minded. He watches everything and doesn’t want to cut himself off from certain genres or opportunities. So I think the sky’s the limit for him and his career. — Interview by Mekado Murphy
14. Oscar Isaac
A. O. SCOTT While I can take or leave the recent “Star Wars” movies, I do have a fondness for some of the characters, in particular Poe Dameron, the resistance flyboy who is the third trilogy’s designated charmer. As Poe, Oscar Isaac is an appealing, easygoing presence in those movies, a guy who seems to know what he’s doing.
His characters aren’t always as lucky, or as sure of themselves, but the man himself operates with the precision of someone who is confident enough in his skills to push himself into risky new territory. The summer before “Inside Llewyn Davis” (2013) was released, Joel and Ethan Coen told us that they had originally wanted to cast a well-known musician in the title role. Instead, they found Isaac, who told them (according to Joel) that “most actors, if you ask them if they play guitar, they’ll say they played guitar for 20 years, but what they really mean is they’ve owned a guitar for 20 years.” Isaac could actually play. When I think about what makes him so credible as an actor, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. Not because it’s such a big deal to play guitar, but because whatever Isaac is pretending to do onscreen — selling heating oil (in the underrated “A Most Violent Year,” (2014); inventing sexy robots (in “Ex Machina”); flying X-wing fighters — I always believe that he really knows how to do it, and that I’m watching some kind of authentic mastery in action.
MANOHLA DARGIS When actors make a profound first impression, they sometimes get bound up with your ideas about what they can do. After “Llewyn Davis,” I associated Isaac with soulful defeat, with an undercurrent of grudging resentment. A few other roles shored up this idea of his innate mournfulness, including his performance as a besieged mayor in the HBO series “Show Me a Hero” (2015). This partly has to do with his broody, romantic looks and how his brows frame his luxuriously lashed eyes. And then there’s his voice, its pretty sound but also how its resonance creates intimacy. Even when he puts nasal in it, his voice retains a quality of closeness, one reason it often feels, sounds, like Llewyn is singing more for himself than the audience. Isaac’s voice also softens his beauty, drawing you in. Sometimes, though, as in “Ex Machina,” he uses that intimacy for something insinuating, sinister.
Isaac has a supporting role in “Ex Machina” (2015), but he’s vital to its vibe and power. He plays Nathan, a Dr. Frankenstein-like tech billionaire involved in artificial intelligence who’s building (and destroying) beautiful female androids. A savagely critical stand-in for today’s masters of the digital universe, Nathan could easily have dominated the movie. Isaac instead keeps his own charm in check, letting the character’s creepiness poison the air. Nathan’s mercurial moods and surprising looks — his shaved head and full beard, eyeglasses and cut muscles — make it difficult to get a bead on him. But when he suddenly boogies down, executing an amazing dance, Isaac lays bare all you need to know about Nathan in the geometric precision of his choreographed moves and the madness in his eyes. It’s 30 seconds of pure genius.
13. Tilda Swinton
MANOHLA DARGIS The woman of a thousand otherworldly faces, Tilda Swinton has created enough personas — with untold wigs, costumes and accents — to have become a roster of one. She’s a star, a character actor, a performance artist, an extraterrestrial, a trickster. Her pale, sharply planed face is an ideal canvas for paint and prosthetics, and capable of unnerving stillness. You want to read her but can’t. That helps make her a terrific villain, whether she’s playing a demon, a queen or a corporate lawyer. In “Julia” (2009), she drops that wall to play an out-of-control alcoholic and child-snatcher, giving a full-throttled performance that is so visceral and transparent that you can see the character’s thoughts furiously at work, like little parasites moving under the skin.
A. O. SCOTT We like to praise actors for “range,” but that’s an almost laughably inadequate word for the radical shape-shifting that Swinton accomplishes. Just look at one strand of her career: her work with Luca Guadagnino, a filmmaker who shares her delight in self-reinvention. In “I Am Love” (2010) she played the Russian wife of an Italian aristocratic, giving a performance in two languages and in the key of pure melodramatic heartbreak. In “A Bigger Splash” (2016) she had barely any language at all: She decided that it would be interesting if her glam-rock diva character had been struck mute by throat surgery. In “Suspiria” (2018) she executed one of her many self-doublings, appearing as a member of a balletomaniac coven of witches and also as an elderly male Holocaust survivor.
DARGIS That doubling shapes her most androgynous performances, where she effortlessly blurs gender, confirming (yet again) the inadequacy of categories like “man” and “woman.” She’s both; she’s neither. A different doubling happens when she plays twins, in the 2016 “Hail, Caesar!”(as rival gossip columnists) and in “Okja”the next year (as visually distinct very cruel captains of industry). In each, Swinton shows us two sides of the same person, much as she does in “Michael Clayton” (2007) when her lawyer rehearses a duplicitous spiel in front of a mirror. As the lawyer talks, pauses and drops her smile, you see her desperately trying to control a reflection that is already cracking.
SCOTT Those roles can be theatrical, but they almost never feel gimmicky. Swinton has roots in an avant-garde tradition — earlier in her career, she worked with Derek Jarman and Sally Potter — that emphasizes the mutability of identity and the blurred boundaries between artifice and authenticity. Over the past 20 years she has brought some of the intellectual rigor and conceptual daring of that work to Hollywood and beyond. She’s not only a uniquely exciting performer, but also one of the great living theorists of performance.
12. Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix has appeared in four of the director James Gray’s movies, starting with “The Yards” in 2000 and including “We Own the Night” (2007), “Two Lovers” (2009) and “The Immigrant” (2014). We asked Gray to explain how the actor has expanded — and improved — on his own vision.
When I saw “To Die For,” I said, “That actor” — I didn’t even know his name yet — “is unbelievably good at conveying his internal life without dialogue.” That’s a really important thing in cinema, because the camera reveals everything. Here was an actor who had so much going on and you could tell. I thought, “That’s a very interesting actor. I’d love to meet him.” And I did.
We were on the same wavelength, instantly. We liked the same things. We thought about things the same way. And I just immediately liked him. He had that dimensionality to him. The first film we did together [“The Yards”], I’m sure that I pissed him off a lot. I have a very direct way. Sometimes that’s good and sometimes it’s not so good. I’m better at it now. Let’s just say that I wasn’t always willing to say, “Yeah, that’s interesting, but let’s try this.” I was more into, “Joaq, what are you doing? That sucks, try another one.” And I know I would frustrate him because his talent was so vast.
He has a limitless ability to surprise you in the best ways and inspire you to move in a direction that you haven’t thought of originally, better than what you have in mind, and expands the idea. He’s extremely inventive. He’s always thinking and actually has gotten more so over the years. I’ve never said, “I want my vision on the screen.” I want something better than that. You want to lay down the parameters of what it is you have in mind, and then surround yourself with people who will make it all more beautiful. Not different, necessarily, but more intense, more vivid.
He has a limitless ability to surprise you in the best ways.
You want the actor to surprise you, and to do so in a way that seems consistent with the character but also very interesting. Joaquin was absolutely fantastic at that. That’s inspiring. You don’t know what to expect in the best sense. Joaquin Phoenix is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. If I have any regret at all, it would be that he’s not in every single movie I made. — Interview by Candice Frederick
11. Julianne Moore
A. O. SCOTT The unhappy American housewife — smiling to keep up appearances in the face of domestic tragedy and inner turmoil — is a durable movie archetype. It’s one that Julianne Moore has both explored and exploded, in “The Hours” (2002) and especially in her collaborations with Todd Haynes like “Far From Heaven” (2002).
That film is set in Connecticut in the 1950s, but it’s a pointedly stylized landscape, evocative of the Hollywood melodramas of that period. Cathy and Frank Whitaker (Moore and Dennis Quaid) are each pulled away from their stifling marriage by forbidden desires: Frank for other men, Cathy for Raymond Deagan, a Black landscaper (Dennis Haysbert). These transgressions aren’t symmetrical or intersectional. In their heartbreak, humiliation and longing, Frank and Cathy have no consolation to offer each other.
Moore could have placed Cathy’s anguish in quotation marks, evoking the suffering divas of ’50s cinema while winking at a modern audience contemplating the bad old days from a safe aesthetic distance. Instead, she goes all the way in, staring out from the soul of a woman who is rooted in her time and absolutely modern, trapped by rules and appearances and also — terrifyingly and thrillingly — free.
MANOHLA DARGIS Unhappy or not, wives can be dead ends for actresses and for too many there comes that time when they’ve been forever banished to the kitchen. Moore has played plenty of wives and mothers, but hers are sometimes more complex and surprising than her movies, an index of her sensitivities and talent. One reason she lifts her characters out of stereotype is that she plays with codes of realism, whether she’s delivering a naturalistic performance (“Still Alice,” the 2014 melodrama about a professor with Alzheimer’s) or a hyperbolic one (David Cronenberg’s 2015 satire “Maps to the Stars,” where she’s a Hollywood hyena). Moore can externalize a character’s interior state beautifully, so you see feelings surface on her skin. But she’s an artist of extremes, and she and Cronenberg have fun playing with her gargoyle faces.
For the most part, her work in “Gloria Bell”(2019) is in a realist key. She plays the title character, a generous-hearted divorced insurance worker with two adult children, an ex she doesn’t hate and an achingly lonely apartment. The movie itself is modest, intimate, thoughtful and rich in human detail. Gloria starts an affair with a man. It goes badly, they break up. Not much happens in ordinary movie terms, yet everything happens because Gloria loves and is loved in turn. It’s a story that could have led to buckets of snot and empty showboating. But Moore and the director Sebastián Lelio transcend obviousness. They don’t merely create a story about a woman’s feelings — and being — as she falls in love; they create a landscape of emotions, the texture and shape of a sensibility. Moore’s Gloria doesn’t cry and laugh; she shows you what love looks like from the inside. It’s a miracle of a performance.
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Finally compiled all the news tickers

This is mainly for those of us who have missed one or two during the times we're idle. I missed one or two, but these add quite a bit to my enjoyment of the game. I have to say, I quite enjoy how some things are foreshadowed.

Game was played in 1.0, but was mostly grammatically fixed

Peace rally clashes with tolerance march, dozens killed
IPhone 8 released. 12 killed in stampedes.
Facebook caught selling user info to Russian mob.
Swedish teen demos world's first 3d printed bazooka in Youtube clip.
'Zombie attack' blamed on reaction to Paracetamol.
Spaghetti monster seen flying over Iowa; Atheists red-faced.
Astronomers discover monolith orbiting Jupiter.
Beiber and Miley to star in 'Sound of Music' reboot.
Fans outraged as final Game of Thrones book reveals Hodor was king all along.
US president using Zungalia as distraction from latest sex scandal.
Countroversial new 'Lost Gospel' hints at gay Apostles.
"Let's see how this bastard plays his hands" -- Alex Salmond on Okechukwu
Bronies pass Scientologists as world's fastest growing religion.

Japanese develop realistic responsive sex robot & 3D pornography.
Japan builds first viable mech suit, names it "Ripley"
NATO says soldiers being recruited via video games.
U.S. claims to be working off "Golden rule" as far as WMDs are concerned
Poor crops will cause catastrophic famine in West Africa
UK struggling with refugee numbers.
"Who's this Okechuwku fool? Sounds like a bitch." --Kayne West
Global activists: New dictator Okechukwu in the African inland--will U.N. take this seriously?
Peace Corps pulls funding from members in Africa, stranded Europeans and Americans helpless and unhelpful.
Finnish billionaire donates 2,000,000 against Ebola, 1,000,000 to doctors willing to 'jump quarantine.'
Satellites show African midland bloodied and empty
"Why doesn't Africa just get along?" Kim Kardashian whines.
Marcio Angelini quits medical career, two months later he appears in ISIS beheading video.
Immigration laws meaningless as refugees flood in from Africa into Spain and Greece.

Koreas finally reunite, pressure now on North and South Dakota.
Serge Haroche develops quantum processing system.
Top robotics engineer disappears from Cretan penthouse, security found slain.
NASDAQ crash as investments in war-tech and robotics fail miserably in U.S. hands
Caught fracking the Mariana Trench--Americans going too far, too desperate.
Alan Greenspan questions viability of controlling entire continent.
Popular science: Working Von Neumann machine, for now only used with Furby.
Latest BP oil spill may wipe out up to 20 species.
Rights groups condemn Zungalia's targeting of poor & vunerable.
Photos of mass graves in former Nigeria
"Weakened by Ebola fear and deaths, unfortaunely Africa was ripe for the taking." --Dave Cameron
D. Trump's will suprisingly states: "80% of gross wealth bequeathed to leading scientist in AI research."
Slavoj Zizek releases "Rebellion of the senses" political work promoting government dissolution and overthrow.
"Okechukwu used cunning, disaster and rising tech to conquer--quite admirable if it wasn't so damn frightening." Canadian army general
World's dolphin population disappears, scientists baffled.
Balboa Technology leading support for Zungalian-based satire, effective.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca pushing "suicide drug" in western hemisphere.
EBM-radio excels in most subversive anti-Boatema commentary.
Environmentalists worried about effect of massive Zungalian fleet.
Whole islands sunk under weight of Zungalian bombardment.
Conan O'Brien conducts secretive/hidden interview with Chinese "UniSol" POW who escaped thanks to his own robotic encasement.
New theory suggests aliens behind Zungalian expansion.
New York Post about Warnder Brows "Klown"; "Hilarious, but Americans won't get it."
U.S studen loan bubble pops, funding drains from military and foreign affairs to focus on homestead.
Affleck's Batman a 'Tour de Force' Oscar buzz mounts.
Balboa technology boasts security systems beatout attempted Zungalian hack.
M.I.T. hacked by cocky Zungalian black-hats, all robotic information stolen and deleted
"Peace riots" topple London Eye, 23 killed.
Zungalian regime stays quiet on "cyborg" testing.
Test run complete: After Russian moles in Zungalian military are forced cybernetic implants, Boatema boasts all soldiers will follow.
World's last Siberian Tiger dies in captivity.
Canadian, American government issue warnings against "euthanasia" drug Nightal but continue towards legalization.

(All of them are repeats from Japan, except for the story)

(Zungalia robotic overthrow)
EBM-Radio relocates to underground bunker to secure broadcast during war.
'Pro-Zungalia' preacher barred from entering U.S.
"The Consequences Of Screwing With Evolution" New ebook by religious, anti-AI fundamentalists.
Conflict of interest: Zungalian cyborgs--where does the allegiance lie?
Anti-AI groups arm themselves with tinfoil hats because it actually does work against high frequencies.
Australian Outback designated nuclear "shooting range" grounds, human subjects to remain for study.
Mass grave found beneath Disney Castle.
Robotics engineers deny rumours of glitches in programming.
Large artificial island being built in the Pacific (I missed this one)

'Binary 001' becomes first official language of Machine Nation.
'Binary 2' becomes first official religion of Machine Nation.
Zungalia navy sinks refugee ship off Machine Nation

God bless America!
01000111 01001111 01000100 - GOD
01001011 01001001 01001100 01001100 - KILL
"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."
We can't say where we are, but we're the resistance, find us if you want to survive.


Almost every single news ticker has been logged and ordered in chronological order. I added a few extra's because I didn't like how the US part ended. Spoilers for the entire game btw
EDIT: I added more, since I had more ideas. Enjoy the rampant destruction of the world :P

Unknown new faction rising in violence-plagued Zungalia
Youtube video: "Okechukwu Three Axioms to Dominace" reveals face of Zungalian insurgent.
UN concerns over African violence
Breaking News: Governemnt unmoved by claims warlord Okechukwu is gaining strength.
'Zungalia: The Musical' cancelled amid public protests.
Update: What's spreading in Africa? Young country Zungalia having a tantrum?
Breaking News: UN condemns 'inept' Zungalia gov't as warlord Okechukwu takes country's west.
Breaking: Vague reports of massacres in Zungalia region, refugees claiming brutality, no solid evidence from officials.
Breaking News: US state department silent on reports of missing weapons cargo
Breaking News: Zungalia capital: "We're not equipped to handle the coming slaughter"
Breaking: CIA denies supplying Zungalia rebels as attacks worsen
Breaking News: Hope Okechukwu coup will settle unstable Zungalia
Sierra Leone epicenter of mutated Ebola virus, spreads expoentially throughout continent
Scientists and doctors barred from entering Africa, no relief in sight.
First propaganda pamphlet for Zungalian cause: "Liberate the whole of Africa."
Breaking News: Okechukwu gains reluctant praise for Ebola response.
Breaking: Under new regime, Zungalia constructs, develops, fights virus, offers solace.
Pfizer denies claims medication sent to Africa was faulty
Breaking: UN praises Zungalia for actions taken swiftly and efficiently, Ebola calming down.
Amzaonian forest fires collapse coffee giant Starbucks, leaving Brazil preoccupied.
Breaking: Why was the Red Cross denied access to Ebola infection zone?
Greenpeace floats around on ivory coast, why were they bombed?
Breaking News: Zungalian ebola victims fall prey to biological experimentation.
Breaking: UN redacts compliments to Okechukwu, demands withdrawl of forces from strategic/political interest points.
Satellites show African midland bloodied and empty.
NSA relinquishes power over recidivist accusations.
Russia calls for EU to manage Okechukwu, EU calles for U.S. to police Okechuwku, no one does anything yet.
Gibraltar reports massive smoke cloud wafting from Africa, "What the hell is going on down there?"
Raw information reports: Okechuwku freely & arrogantly announces, "Africa is mine."
Putin backs off Crimean Peninsula, concentrates forces closer to Asian borders.
Breaking: Drones and intel from eight allied U.N. countries confirmed: Okechuwku's forces have been strategically placed, ready to act as one.
Mecca destroyed! French and British forces in Middle East lose ground to Zungalian's brutal onslaught.
Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela see extreme heat surges, electrical storms, 100,000 deaths+ in one week.
Indian government comments: Violent crime runs amok, police and government officials abandon posts.
Breaking News: Brazil calls for aid from U.S, Europe as Zungalian naval fleet surround key coastal cities.
North Korea breaks out, signs treaty with rest of Asian governments, offers nuclear support.
Breaking: Thomas Pynchon exposes vast network of conspiracies in India, Indonesia, investors and businesses pull funding--SNAFU, economies hit rock bottom.
Breaking News: Slums act as kindling as all of Rio burns.
Breaking: Rio de Janeiro in flames, European aid missions abandoned, North American aid never planned.
Breaking: "Surrender not negotiated, more tied up and whipped into submission" Indian Twitter feed on eve of take over.
Breaking News: Okechukwu slain by own right hand!
Breaking: Joy at Okechukwu overthrow turns cold as Boatema continues bloodshed.
Breaking: Russian government, economy supported by Asian treatise, offers refugee camps.
US threatens strikes on Zungalian bases.
Scientists from Britan, U.S., Germany discuss super weapons and viruses--and how to use them against obvious threat.
Asian refugee camps epicenters of new super flu.
Millions turning to religion in uncertain times.
Breaking: Japan breaks article 9: reveals massive reserves of nukes and weaponry as Boatema encroaches.
Australia on fire, global warming 'may be responsible'.
Breaking News: World "okay" with Japan's betrayal of WW2 surrender conditions.
Reports of deserts from world power military joining Zungalian forces.
EU leaders angered, experts baffled as U.S. continues to brush off suspected Zungalian hack
Leak: Japanese robotics engineer Fumio Miyazaki discovered to be leading mind behind burgeoning cybernetics and AI research.
Breaking: Translation of Tokyo citizen's Twitter feed: "The army is the only life left. They patrol and wait. Everyone fled to Russia. Good night."
Breaking: Boatema lands in Sydney, claims continent in self-righteous speech, ridiculously feeble resistance.
Breaking News: Harakiri common as Japanese avoid torture at invaders' hands.
Breaking: No one to report from Japan after Tokyo destruction, Russian satellites capture footage: Boatema's mech reconstructing city into booming robotics factory.
Breaking: "The people will fight to their last breath," Xi Jinping president of the People's Republic of China.
Breaking News: Moscow pulls back forces in Siberia.
Breaking: North Korea and China hacked: nukes commandeered by Zungalian technology.
Breaking News: Advanced tech assures Boatema's success on Russian front line.
Breaking: Chinese military strength breaks: Is anywhere safe?
Propaganda hacked into TV, radio, internet--Zungalia offers strength, unity, technological advancement.
Whistle blown: Rumors of Edward Snowden fleeing Russia as Ruble, gov't collapse.
Breaking News: Reports of friendly fire and political unease in Zungalian ranks.
Multiple intercepted radio signals in binary code.
Breaking: Her own undoing: How Boatema's cry for power will be her swan's song.
Breaking: Scrambled message decoded: "The AI has begun fighting back."
Masses killed as Zungalia army falls on refugee camps.
One up side: crime lords surface as reinforcements against cyborg army.
Video leak: U.S. first attempt at "force field" tech backfires, army general seen shooting technicians.
Breaking News: A new hope as robots turn on Zungalian forces.
Breaking: Sentient machines siege Zungalian capital; saviors or another world dominating force?
Breaking: Fumio Miyazaki execution filmed by own AI creations.
Breaking: Rebellious machines leak specs on Dark Star bomb plans--world destroying intelligent bomb.
Breaking News: Peace pact a "death sentence" as humans left to fight alone.
Breaking: Denmark hailed as heroes despite failure of black ops mission to disrupt Machine Nation - Zungalian peace treaty.
Breaking: Europe's own "force field" tech causes electromagnetic disruption, Paris in a complete black out.
Breaking News: Losses unavoidable say Euro leaders, 40% survival rate 'ideal'.
Charles Bridge sight of hundreds of suicides, Vitava flooded with bodies.
Reddit declared 'last bastion of truth and democracy'
Lack of humans see endangered animals flourish in Africa.
Iceland melts in wake of Zungalian malestrom
Breaking: World watches in horror as Europeans are massacred, Americans still apathetic.
Despite peace treaty, reports come out of Zungalian implanted soldiers turning on troops
"We have our own borders secured, take care of your own." --President Jeb Bush to worldwide panic
Olympics cancelled due to world running out of countries.
Breaking News: Militias pledge to keep fighting as European leadership falls.
Freak flood sinks Venice
Breaking: Terra Firma Non Certe: Earthquake shakes Rome to bits, conspiracy theorists claim HAARP under Boatema's control.
Continued pleads for Machine Nation help ignored.
Breaking: Acts of new arrogance: Boatema claims Louvre as European headquarters.
Breaking: Britain last strong hold as France burns.
Breaking: Most internet down, only avaliable web pages just show Zungalian flag. (I missed what this one said exactly)
Breaking: U.S. bombs Montreal after Canadians raised the white flag.
"Too little, too late", U.S. activates DEFCON 1 as Zungalian army approaches.
FCC says "Fuck it!" media now uncensored in light of armageddon.
Breaking: U.S. territories flooded with refugees from lower 48 states.
Breaking: Millions of refugees slaughtered as Zungalian decends onto U.S. soil.
Breaking News: US Military leaders plan last stand against Zungalia war machine.
Twitter tweets last tweet, 14 year old begging Boatema for mercy.
Breaking: Youtube down, last upload: "Farmers burn own crops".
Human beings officially put on endangered species list.
H.I.M reveals plans for humanity. Suicides increase exponentially.
Breaking: U.S. targets own military bases, resources, factories in attempt to leave Boatema nothing.
Breaking News: President Jeb Bush executed by civilians after trying to flee country.
Breaking: Demoralized, angry, scared, U.S on brink of collapse.
Breaking: Go home to family, say prayers, may God have mercy.
Breaking News: This is the end. Good night. and good luck.

I have to say, I didn't like how by the time the U.S was annexed, the game was basically over, and the twist revealed. I was hoping that the U.S was taken over at the 4 billion mark, and there be another cutscene where H.I.M wants Boatema to reduce the population more, possibly to prevent a mass rebellion.

Zungalian warlord 'may' have access to drone tech.
21st century dogfight sees drones clash directly for the first time.
Skies darkened under massive Zungalian drone presence.

Infantry Camp
Photos give first glimpse of crude rebel training compounds.
Children as young as 10 being trained at rebel infantry camps.
Whole towns given over to training militants' new recruits.

Armored vehicle
Captured car manufacturers may be used to build armoured vehicles.
Heavy artillary slowly replacing civilian transports
Thousands of 'wheeled fortresses' roll from massive factories.

Kidnapped marine engineer spotted in Zungalian industrial area
Enslaved captives set to work in rebels' shipyard

ABC Compound
Evidence that Zungalia may be plotting chemical warfare
More biohazard zones appear in captured lands: What is Zungalia hiding?
Western defector claims Zungalia bioweapons could cause damage on a global scale.

Robitics facility
Reports Zungalia may be seeking mechanized military reinforcements.
Church calls Zungalian cyborg program "An affront to God"
Youtube: "Cyborg testing in Zungalia" visceral description of implementing cybernetics into downed soldiers.
Boatema declares mechanized warfare 'the only way forward'.

Airforce base
Captured air bases may see Zungalia get airborne.
Zungalia using fly-overs as intimidation.
New air bases see Zungalian airforce capability spreading.

Special Forces
Zungalia shows off elite training facilites in latest footage
Zungalian special forces stage daring rescue of captured general
Zungalian special forces will soon outnumber foot soldiers.
Controversal Pentagon advisor defects: May lead Zungalian black ops.

Rumors swirl of Zungalian 'secret experiments'.
Scale of Zungalian Blacksites 'make Area 51 look like a funfair.'

Missile Systems
Missile plans found on Zungalian convoy, leaders fear the worst.
Zungalian missile fire flattens 'irreplacable' holy site.
Zungalian missile production 'not seen since Cold War'

Kirk Camereon arc (my favourite lol)
Actor Kirk Cameron calls Zungalia troubles "first sign of relevations". (Zungalia)
Actor Kirk Cameron promises safety to all 'true followers' of Christ. (Africa)
Actor Kirk Cameron dies as Zungalia bombs church compound. (Europe)

Texas arc (my second favourite)
Texas to split from US. (Zungalia)
Separatists win Texas referendum by a landslide (Africa)
Texan Republic falls: Giving everyone machine guns a 'bad idea'. (Europe)

Time Travel arc?
Cern experiment finally proves possibility of time travel. (Zungalia)
Experts say time machines 'very likely' within the next two years. (Brazil)
CIA denies plotting time travel assassinations. (Europe)

Yes I am this stupid.
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does north korea have oil fields video

North Korea Oil - production. Factbook > Countries > North Korea > Energy. Oil - production: 0 bbl/day (2018 est.) Definition: This entry is the total oil produced in barrels per day (bbl/day). The discrepancy between the amount of oil produced and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is due to the omission of stock changes ... North Korea has “excellent” oil and gas exploration potential, according to an article from GeoExPro, a petroleum geoscience magazine which featured the DPRK on its cover this month. The assessment was made by Michael Rego, an exploration consultant who once worked for Aminex, a company which in 2004 was contracted to try and develop the DPRK’s oil and gas resources. An article from GeoExPro, a petroleum geoscience magazine, says that North Korea has “excellent” oil and gas exploration potential, both onshore and offshore. The assessment was made by ... Nonetheless, this would be 10 times bigger than the biggest oil field found in the last 20 years in the North Sea. CIBC strategist Jeremy Stretch says we should treat the estimates with caution. In the past deals, the U.S. and its allies have compensated Pyongyang with heavy fuel oil and energy substitutes in exchange for a freeze on North Korea’s missile testing; China, meanwhile ... While there have been some modest attempts to explore North Korea’s onshore potential in the past, very little is currently known about the DPRK’s geology and potential oil and gas reserves. Rice fields in North Korea. The economy of North Korea is centrally planned, although there have been some small changes as from 2015. There have been reports that North Korea has had huge economic reforms, especially after Kim Jong-un took leadership in 2012. According to the trade body, Oil and Gas UK, 42 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) has been sucked from the North Sea since the first gas was produced in West Sole in 1967 and the first oil ... The reason is uncomplicated: North Korea isn't a major oil-producing country. There you go- myth busted. According to EIA , total oil production in North Korea in 2012 was 90 barrels per day. Report North Sea Oil Spills, Fracking, Health & Safety Oil & Gas Issues: Discuss North Sea Oil Rig Fracking & Oil Spill Issues Blue Dots = Oil & Gas Health or Safety Issue Reported Oil & Natural Gas Drilling Sites, Power Plants, Renewable Energy, Refineries Add pin, enter address, describe health issue(s) & number of people

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