Save File Request (Yakuza 0) : yakuzagames

yakuza 0 chapter 3 save file

yakuza 0 chapter 3 save file - win

Came to criticize/complain after completing the game. (Switch)

My save file says that my play time is 96h, activity log says +125 hours. Now I have to say that i bought the game like 1-2 years ago(?) and back then i only played about 7-9 hours and stopped. Around last December i wanted to play something and i found this and decided to play it. I feel weird saying this after +100h that i felt that half of the story and over third of the game was missing if that makes any sense.
Before I start Let me say couple things. I enjoyed the combat for most part. Early game: liked a lot. mid game I really enjoyed it. Options opened up and game was still fresh. second party run was too easy even with all restrictions.advanced Shrines were dissapointing because 2 are absolute jokes with dancer Divine+ reflect. Warmaster was fun(I banned using all advanced classes until I beat all shrines) I really enjoyed Managarmr and Galdera.
First mistake this game does is that it locks the starting character to your party until you complete his/her story. This only limits possibilities and brings nothing to the table. Especially in this job based game that wants you to experience it in the order you want. Knowing this from experience 1-2 years ago i decided to make two teams and play their stories separately. Main team is H'aanit(starting char.), Primrose, Ophilia and Olberic. And also when I found Purple chest I would go get Therion.(lot of back and forth)
I banned BP items and i didn't steal or buy any equipment/items until completing "main party" stories. On secondary team I also banned all high level(relative to current lvl) gear (against story enemies/bosses)and only main class support skills allowed(main party had only main and subclass support skills, exceptions were Ophilia had second wind(3rd dancer) and H'aanit Inspiration(1st Apothecary).
This is something I almost always complain about in these kind of games: maps. Why can't I make notes, put pictures with screen capture or just color mark things? Even the last thing would've made things better. Even something simple like able to make location marks different colors would help. Red for still dangerous/not explored, purple for locked chest etc. But no I have to make notes about location levels and hopefully remember to check them.
I totally "missed" bunch of elite monsters(relatively low health "boss" encounters in caves etc). "Missed" I mean i missed them when they were level appropriate and not me going to just stomp them. Having ability to lower your level like in Xenoblade chronicles DE would've helped. Minor but honestly it would make different challenge runs against Galdera possible when you don't have to worry about overleveling.(if you want to grind job levels or something)
equipment menu... why isn't the right side menu(where you see what weapons are in your inventory) always visible?And while we are at it, why are the equipment/item details under what you choose? In inventory there's extra space on bottom of the screen and in equipment the could show it in the space between the equipment and the "equipped" space. Having details location change depending where your cursor points is pretty annoying and also makes scrolling through items pain in the ass while checking descriptions. Yes they probably made One thing that works for all menus and combat but it really isn't great on any of them. Also sell only items should have dedicated icon and category but some items like Red Apple(Grants full BP to a Single ally.) share the same icon.
Why doesn't Support skills become visible for all character when one character has that skill in the jobs menu? When they also have the marker if the character actually has it.. very minor but something that they could easily improve.
Ability to Make Loadouts for support skills. Honestly not required for most of the game. experimenting/swapping jobs would be more pleasant when you don't have to start from scratch towards end of the game.
The Translation and item descriptions .I don't remember really any problems when it came to the story (not story related but why is the octopus boss called leviathan?)but the item descriptions and Support skills really do suck from time to time. Werner's sword just doesn't mention that it has hard coded chance to miss even broken enemies. When It comes to Support skills I think the descriptions should've assumed that It only affects the character and mention separately when it affects whole team(exp/job boost example.) and also actually tell what the skill does precisely Vim and Vigor. Regenerate 10% health per turn. Also use same terms so i don't have to pointlessly experiment. Game uses Augment,enhance and increase stat but mean same thing (a stat buff) Stronger Strikes could mention that It does nothing if enemy if broken and the list goes on. Now yes there is probably someone who has made document about what exactly every support skill does but it won't fix the game. Also like to experience the game without looking stuff up because you generally can only experience it once.
Now finally the stats. No descriptions on them. Now yes they are easy to understand but I have a problem with Accuracy, critical and Evasion. attacks and defs are straightforward so is speed(Pretty sure there is some random multiplier going on there). But the 3 stats are a question mark not because what they do but for example what is difference between 100 Evasion and 268? does evasion get compared to opponents accuracy? And what about critical? Does 999 always crit? Because of this I pretty much ignored evasion,critical and missing was so rare that acc didn't really matter.
Now finally I'm going to mention the story. OT story is like cliff notes version. Stories are short and don't have enough time to establish characters or go more in depth into concepts they give. I liked lot of the lore that i saw but it started to feel like my imagination was doing most of the work. For example the image i had of Riverford (before Olberic CH.4)definitely would not get into the 12+ game. I think that the possible world and lore is more interesting than the stories here. (as far as I can see, this game was put out before the game was fully ready.)
I enjoyed Primroses, Cyrus and H'aanit stories(simple as they were). Meh About Alfyn and Olberic and disliked Ophilia, Tressas and Therion stories Also disliked the secret boss story. Alfyn story "problem" was that Miguel didn't have time to do anything "except" beat up a child. Honestly I think it would've worked better if Alfyn actually failed to save the child. Olberics was generic swordman loses his life's purpose. There's pretty much no easy "fix", all of them would require more details to Erhardt, their time in Hornburg and especially the conflict in Riverford needed more time develope.
Ophilias was generic and the worst part was Liana. "My heavily religious father is dead so I want to revive him by screwing the whole religion by sabotaging important ritual but also using unspeakable powers of Jonathan Cthulhu." of course with more time you could have bunch of bad things happen to her that makes the situation be final blow to break the camels back but that's not it. And she does it willingly, sacrificing people and not caring about anything. I started to think there was something magical persuasion going but that felt like my mind trying to find some explanation.
Tressa just didn't interest me as a character, she acted more like a corpse looter from the gameplay side for me and only interesting thing about her story was the notebook(never get to know any of the entries but i guess it doesn't matter because Tressa gives it away and Esmeralda says so.) I liked Leon but Ali and Tressa made sure that one side character can't save a story also it didn't feel like a "merchant" story for me.
Therion....he felt too edgy for me. (jap voice actor didn't make him easier to like but I was already got used to the rest of the cast)Trust no one(work with no one. but 5 minutes later he joins players group). The whole fool's bangle thing just bothered me because it raised way too many questions. Why can't it be taken off? the lock itself can't be picked? highly doubt it? it's magical? and also in artwork it doesn't really come of as something nobody can remove. on. So I decided to throw my brain in the trashcan and stop thinking about it.
I'm gonna start going into "fantasy" side on how things could be and I will fully ignore how much money, effort and time this would take. Now honestly I think that the character stories should've been fully solo when narrative was concerned. Literally make it so that you only see your current story character and fully separate gameplay. (like Yakuza series for example)Get rid of the current Travel banter. Right now the game has confusing mix of only the "story" character exists while "cutscenes" are going, but second later a character appears and starts talking as if he/she was there and what makes it even worse is that the one that "appears" feels more like the after chapter 4 version of the character. Especially if the character is Primrose, Alfyn or Therion (because of their state of mind during parts of their story. And yea, the totally normal villagers (Ophilia ch. 4)knocked out and threw Unbending Blade, Dragon(or Red eye) Slayer and the one who ended Obsidian into a cell.(ps. Also here is the only time you can't view all travel banter) Yea trying to make things work with all possible ways you can do things in this game is probably was not possible so better to just not have it when it distracts from the already lacking story bits.
Of course I would've wanted the stories to have more details, characters, exploring the ideas they gave(because there are good ideas) but I think more pressing matter is that the "middle" game is missing. After chapter 4 there's pretty much only Galdera(shrine bosses and managarmr doesn't add story just 5 boss fights) and the story that is there gets pushed into one section with diaries(I liked reading them but it doesn't fix how obviously rushed the game was. Or that's how it feels like. )
Kit...just what is wrong with this man...or kid? Is he a teenager or adult? I have no clue but he's even more stupid than...Liana?"Oh yes. Your father is behind this big ominous gate that clearly looks like gates of hell." "Sure. I'll jump in." How desperate are these people? or how trusting is this bint? Didn't your father ever tell you about your bloodline? Wait now that I think about it he probably didn't even know much but who knows. And After sending Galdera back, Kit comes back and gets to see his dead parents....ffs. I was thinking Gate of Finis was conjuring things from the peoples consciousness or something (yea me writing the story for them. of course nothing explain why the exposition books come from except developer trying to tie things together in 5 minutes) Why is Kit totally fine getting shoved into Galderas junk? And he is the one who gets rewarded after getting others to clean his massive mess. Yea this is not dark fantasy clearly but getting swallowed by the dark god should mean something. Why doesn't Ophilia, Primrose or Olberic get something out of this? I guess Liana could've resurrected her father with Galderas power if this thing really is the underworld rather than a location that has been corrupted by Galdera. Also they didn't even bother making the "cutscene" between the fights make it seem like they split into groups: Save the bint and Stop Galdera but the whole group just shows up. Don't get me wrong I honestly enjoyed Galdera (not so much the boss rush) But the ending felt like a slap in the face.
While you are playing the main stories of the characters I think there should've been Side stories that get unlocked when you complete certain chapters. Something simple could've been Alfyn and Ophilia where obviously there would be dialogue but also the game could properly show the player difference between apothecary and cleric. (Currently it seems like clerics are basically useless(healing wise), can't actually use healing magic storywise?) Could've shown us limits of both medicine and magic while making them work together or something. Current side stories honestly didn't make me want to do them(yea some of the rewards are sometimes good but they were so boring. Some of them you can you do 2 different ways but basically has almost no difference and some of them I think you could've done both of them. I don't remember which quest but you basically had to either beat some girls drunk father enough(hit him with Brand's thunder to the face) and make him responsible adult or give the girl a dream job. Why couldn't I do both? Now that girl works in a bar singing and the father drinks the money away rather than also working?
Having to swap characters in the bar. Honestly it started to become pain in the ass once you start doing it more often than once a hour. Bar is the good old friend of adventures. Honestly I would've rather have quests start there. Hear rumors/clues about new side content. Find actual jobs there "Need Apothecary fast" notice. Making all the bartenders actually unique. Now yea all of them don't need to have essays worth of things to say but it would've been nice that they didn't go pokemon nurse route.
Once player is done with the main stories, This would open storyquests where you use 2,3 or 4 prechosen characters to explore ruins, caves, castles(instances) but also finally making the 8 characters not just a group but also connecting all stories together. Yea I know this is so broad that honestly doesn't give much but I rather not make this even longer with my lacking writing skills. Because they do have things to explore Hornburg, Gate of Finis, Obsidians, Crossford bloodline, Dragonstones, 13 Gods, Dark rituals, all the manipulation going on by Lyblac(who apparently is half breed? gods can reproduce with humans? or is she just part out of Galdera?)and Galdera himself. This is honestly probably the biggest reason why I even bothered to write(barf) this thing right after beating Galdera. So much wasted potential and clearly rushed out before it was ready.
For my playthrough these things didn't really do much. 2 guides and 2 challenges. Game basically has 4 pairs: Guide/Allure, Scrutinize/inquire, Provoke/Challenge and Steal/purchase and they are generally split into 2: if your level is high enough->always succeed(or have enough money) and other is save scum the skill. I noticed that with steal you can get some overpowered items as long as you don't mind loading bunch of times so this is save scummers heaven. and there's like less than 5 instances per skill that you have to use certain skill.(not 100% sure but there were very few of them). I personally didn't care for this at all. And Steal is just better than purchase outside of few purchase only items.
Guide/allure was pretty much to get meat shield and/or buff/debuff buddy and provoke is outright worse than challenge. not only does it have limitations but also you actually have to go capture things and use limited resources or you can just hit enemy once with Brad's thunder. Lot of these could've been used as a way to start side stories.(even failures) Cyrus is obnoxious and put his nose where i doesn't belong out of curiousity: dark mysteries about magic, murders or just some high noble getting pissed at his nonexistent social skill and accidentally seducing his sister. Alfyn actually inquire would get you quests to heal people, find herbs .etc even some of these could be side stories where alfyn ask help from H'aanit because of some local monstepredator that has made nest around the specific flower or something. Primrose and Cyrus go undercover as a couple to masquerade. So many possibilities. But nah, you get some text whichever you choose and characters have one response to all failures pretty much.
My experience with most of these skills were that after I was done with all Chapter 4s, The biggest crime spree happened, Everyone gets inquired/scrutinized, while talking Therion steals everything, if they still have their socks on: buy them and finally Olberic beats them up. And this happened to every citizen(I also did all side quests that were left)
This is a mixed bag for me. honestly all character should've had 2 of these. One for combat, One for exploration/interacting with the world. Combat one would've made them truly unique in their main joband 2nd could give more reason to backtrack areas and not make you hate one characters existence. H'aanit :tracking,Therion: Pick locks(not just chest but doors), Cyrus: deciphetranslate murals,runes and texts etc. to open new areas/find secrets.
Once I played Alfyn I noticed how broken he is. On my playthrough he was heavily nerfed because of the no BP items but he still was good(concoct + Saving Grace= 9999 health) Yea the offensive ones didn't make much sense to me also having ???? in as effect but showing that you're going to do fire dmg from enemy weakness seemed really pointless. Also having only one component that made unique effects seemed really boring. Honestly thought that They would fit Thief more but thanks to them alfyn can break all elements multiple times max 3.
H'aanits capture honestly made game more fun because I could cover certain weaknesses with it but also it would make me play differently if I wanted to capture something. Felt bit silly to be able to tell the move you get before I had ever captured one but whatever. Then again H'aanit is able to capture beastmen, constructs(elementals?) and even undead. Truly unique as hunter( even though about chapter 3-4 they become mostly useless (especially linde)or worth the effort.)
Cyrus Study foe is more useful in the early-mid game. And yes I played the game in a way that I always got all the weaknesses(otherwise small part of my brain would start giving a wegie to the rest of my brain) Why is the no Beastiary in this game?
Olberics make him perfect meat shield against (atleast) physical attacks. BP defend made him eat Winnehilds Warcry alone so.... 24 hits. Was pretty funny to see his corpse block reast of the hits when he was already knocked out
Primrose and Ophilia have Summon random pervert or believer to do something and/or take hits. doesn't really make them unique but they are atleast useful but nothing out of ordinary. Buff/debuff ones were most useful to me(no idea what highest strenght even do cause they don't exactly seem very useful.
Rest? nothing. Nothing that makes them unique (yes they are the only ones that are able to make main class+ any class combo but only truly unique combo in the game is merchant+runelord.
FINALLY. Best part of the game. You will spend most of your time with this(most likely).But why do you only use 4 buttons(2 for boost). Persona 5 has already shown that you don't need to just use 2 buttons and d-pad for menus. Left and right always swap weapons in "main menu", B acts as back outside of main menu, A is confirm or choose outside of main menu. A= attack, B = talent, Y= Main class, X Sub Class, d-pad Up= items, L and R boost, ZL=Defend, ZR=Flee. once you go into specified menu you start using the basic Up/down menuing. or something along those lines. Why is no other turn based game using something like that? no you don't need the slick UI that persona has . Or if this is too foreign, have the old way as option. I just feel silly holding controller and not even taking advantage of the few buttons there are.
The games lack of ability to show all buffs on enemies and your own characters. move turn order to lower part of the screen or have it be on right side of the screen going up to bottom. and then move the character info to top of the screenand then you gen show more buffs per character if you move the buffs/debuffs under the SP bar. Also why can't I check buff descriptions in fights? all them are not available and you have to guess/try and see what they do: Immune for example(galdera) what button? I don't know Select? Also no way to reorder your skills. For example Cleric has most obnoxious order: heal wounds, holy light, sheltering veil, luminescence, heal more, reflective veil, revive. what the heck is this? I would've liked maybe something like Heal wounds, Heal more, Holy light, Luminescence, sheltering veil, Reflective veil, revive. I never got used to this.Also thiefs but I think you get the point.
I like the weakness system. It gives all characters something unique and it makes a difference if character swings with a two-handed axe or a wand. Having weaknesses always appear in same order did make the guessing easier but also have certain predictability. And also the Boost system also makes supports more flexible but makes it so that base attacks never become fully useless right after beginning. Personally I would've liked having able to go negative like the bravely default but I guess they wanted something newplayer friendly. once you hit weaknesses enough the enemy breaks and you start doing extra damage. (about 1.5x)Game shows criticals and hitting on broken enemies as same. It becomes "problem" because it gives illusion that all damage done to broken enemy is critical rather than additional damage. they could fix it by making critcals have own font. Something that makes sure to teach the player correct and NOT making you think that "crit is useless because you always crit on broken enemy" Learned the difference when Brad's thunder made crit on broken enemy" bad design if you ask me.
Breaking itself does have "problems" and that is you can basically use a toothpick to break enemies(do 1 dmg multiple times. This also makes it that you really only need to upgrade your main damage weapon). Having enemies/bosses/enemy types that would have minimum dmg requirements to break shields. Before you can start breaking the enemy you would've to do a strong hit to lower enemy guard/"stun" them until next enemy turn. Enemies would've reaction abilities. If you cast fire spell, enemy can dispel it unless you use 2 or more boost. Having bosses go into counter state that randomly picks one of the weaknesses that it counters against.(would make you more careful about using multi hit abilities.(obviously this should not be send you to heaven dmg counter that the current game has but rather does damage compared to how much was done to the enemy and as many times as there were strikes) Making reason NOT to use aoe magic or skills.(via enemies always countering against sword hit, or thunder magic) All the single hit/single target spells are basically useless outside early game and against souls in omniscient eye encounter.(if you want to make them have same weaknesses) aaaaand that's it. Things that keep your brain active. Yea these are no brain teasers but giving enemies more personality, keeping your mind in the game(at least when you play for first time)
After you Break the enemy you always go for the same combo/s. Enemies don't soak anything really enough for you to bother making dmg multiple ways(50% reduction against swords. something that would give reason to spread your options). Enemies that would change their damage reductions during fight? Maybe some monster you first had to hit it 5 times to expose its core or use fire magic? get creative. now when I'm saying these both breaking and doing damage things I mean mostly in the post chapter 4 Game in my "fantasy version" because the chapters really should've been tutorial(that's what it felt like) give players room to experiment and try things but mid/late game should be about you swapping characters, adjusting your team to bosses after you lose. (Of course I think that the game then should make it possible for you to actually change your characters in special save points before boss or something)
Now "balance" issues. Now I'm not some "wizard" who knows all perfect combos but yea the magic dmg combo got way too ridiculous and even the physical dmg got pretty high. But weird things first. If you had phy.dmg augment from support skill, enemy cast debuff on you, you cant actually "cancel" the debuff with normal buff. Is it on purpose? dunno. thought it was weird. honestly the whole tressa+runelord combo is just stupid(banned it ) but also the reflect feels too good. These things stay as long as they are not cancelled. these "augments"/buffs are so strong that literally there is pretty much nothing you can do to fix them. Unless you make opponent have something that overrides them(honestly I hoped that the archmagus would dispel reflects but no. So only option becomes that Managarmr and Galdera both nulify all buffs once in a while.
But honestly the biggest problem in the game is hunters leghold trap. Makes speed stat mostly useless but also makes break loops easy. Lot of bosses seem to have hard coded responses after recovery and after that response you have +7 turns(if you have to reapply leghold) to break the enemy again and then you just have a loop.Starseer just becomes a joke with reflect because after breaking her she always uses one turn to swap weakness and another was her aoe spell that hits wind, light and darkness was it? so you litterally hit her 12 times and she even breaks herself with probably her "hardest" to break 4 darkness. So yea you can literally beat her with any level team as long as you break her once. then you just loop it and she never gets out of it.Lot of ways to nerf: making it affect all but first action , making it affect only last action . This thing enables so many things that it's not even funny. I doubt I'll play this game again(not because it's so bad but rather it eats lot of time) but I would throw this thing into the ban list too.
Random final barf of thoughts:
Healing items are too powerful. you can basically heal everything with single item. Now this is totally personal preference but I would like that characters would have individual inventories. Just feels weird that all the characters have space pocket to my teams almost infinite healing items. Also you could make merchant have biggest inventory followed by apothecary. Also this would nerf concoct. Making a difference between magic items but also making most effective healing combination of the two. Maybe getting hurt would also lower your max hp and healing skills would have 2 values. how much they heal max hp and your current hp. Getting hurt multiple times a round would make your max hp drop faster? Would also nerf delay tactics. Making enemies who do same amount of max and current hp damage? getting revived would make the character have debuff that if you down again (within next 2 turns)you take x% negative buff to all stats. Making stronger medicine have side effects like: fully heals but you take physical debuff for 3 turns(can't be removed with items/magic) Making more mechanics. debuffs that you can't remove with items or magic. Force the player to handle something outside of just using a item.
Also I just checked I didn't use A SINGLE Herb-of-grace during my playthrough. Why doesn't redeye use the petrification? Even though he seems to use it smg style in cutscenes. yes there are only limited amount but I'm gonna guess that he never uses it when he gets out of break. Great.
Also the game is too "convenient" when it comes to learning support skills. Felt weird that you would master bunch of classes in the end even though the character has never even touched it.
I'm aware that making these kind of things would probably be a nightmare to balance but then again I am just dreaming here. I'm starting to run out of steam here. Rough to write this kind of thing in one sitting. Thank you for anybody who bothred to read this whole thing.
submitted by WolfClient to octopathtraveler [link] [comments]

Potential Secondary Purpose of Loans in Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Haven't purchased the game yet, but my brother wanted my help with the business management section of Yakuza 7, so I came over and completed it within a few hours with me handling the business management side, and my bro handling the shareholder meetings. He already had gotten a couple ranks, so I missed all the tutorials and had to learn as I went. Had a pretty great time, and am considering purchasing a copy on Steam, and scouring the internet for a save file that starts you at Chapter 5(?).
Anyways, I've been thinking about the business management section for a couple days after playing it, and rather than be an obnoxious ****** about any ideas I might have for an iteration, I wanted to confirm a suspicion that re:topic name.
Is it possible that taking out bank loans outside the initial loan - which was all I've ever found necessary - serve a purpose in satisfying the shareholders? I recall that one of the three criteria that gives you a boost in shareholder approval is spending as little money as possible. So is it possible that taking out a loan would help guarantee a 10% boost in that category whenever you need to spend large sums of cash on new businesses?
P.S. I'm aware of the real estate minigame in Yakuza 0. Is it as engaging as the business management mini game in Y7? Also, does Judgement have a related business management mini game? Are there business management sims similar yet more complex and involved than Y7's that anyone can recommend (preferably with great UI, but not a must)?
submitted by Maek_Labul to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

How did you get into Yakuza?

I'm a pretty recent fan but boy, my story is interesting.
It was in 2017. Back when the "male fantasy" meme was in rage. And one of them that stock with me was, you guest it, 24 Hour Cinderella. And idk, I think this one made burst of laughter. It was perfect. The male fantasy wasn't about hot girl but about one guy with an eyepatch wearing flashy color singing one of the most 80 disco song I have ever heard. It was just so perfect then i needed to see the game it came from.
I think show it to some of my friends and they told me the game's name is Yakuza 0
After that, I think it was in 2018, I bough Yakuza 0 on my PS4. I got from around Chapter 2 and then stop. I don't remember why, maybe I was still in my Persona 5 craze and kept playing this game. I can't remember well.
I do remember back in 2019 to have streamed the game once from the beginning (and deleted my old save file by accident or I though I would restart from there). And after a while, I just stop and this game ended in my long list of backlog.
That is until August of this year... you know what I'm going to say. The Baka Mitai meme. Yup. It took me an other song from Yakuza 0 to get me to maybe continue the game (and mostly because one of my friends was also starting to play the game. It was also because I wanted to play something new and play a game I put behind for too long.
And since then... I didn't stop playing. I'm already at chapter 12 and I'm loving everything about this game. I love then the tone going from Serious in the main story and then goofy in the side stuff. The combat is so fun, the mini game are actually fun as hell and the music is amazing. Definitely a gem then I slept over for 2 years and now, I love it.
I do have Kawakami 1 with PS+ (because it was free because why not). I haven't touched it yet but once I'm done with 0, this will be my next stop to the series.
submitted by Antogames97 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Reading Project Rewrite Part 5 (DR2 AND Mild DR3 Spoilers)

Well, the delays are over, so I can finally get back on schedule with this series. This is part 5 of me reading the fanfic ‘Project Rewrite’ by sophie_enoshima, and sharing my thoughts on it. Here’s the last thread, if you missed it. Here’s the story if you’re reading along. Since there’s only 8 chapters left, I was tempted to binge them all together and wrap this up, but sophie has made a distinction between chapters 5 and 6, so let’s respect that. We’ll only be covering chapters 25-29 today. Spoilers for the…spicy parts of this story will be marked, but spoilers for the actual DR2 won’t be. Also yes, you read the title correctly. There are mild DR3 Spoilers in this one. They appear in the spicy parts, so they’ll be spoiler marked as well, but this is just me reminding you that if you haven’t watched DR3, you might want to give this thread a miss.
We start right where the last chapter left off, with the others learning that Hajime is not the Ultimate Hope, but is in fact a reserve course student. Now, in the canon, they took this news rather well. Well, Nagito didn’t, because he believes average people are worthless in comparison to the Ultimates, but the others didn’t mind. Hajime was their friend for who is, not because they thought he was an Ultimate like them.
The news doesn’t go down quite as well in this sequence. Sonia, makes a pretty compelling case; she’s not upset that Hajime’s a reserve course student, she upset that he decided to lie about it. She now has to wonder how much of the Hajime she’s got to know during their time in the killing game was real, and what else he could be hiding. These are all perfectly valid grievances. We knew all the way back in the beginning that introducing himself as the Ultimate Hope was going to come back and bite Hajime one day, so this is fair.
However, Sonia’s the only one who really frames her grievance that way. The rest of them either say nothing, or come across more like Nagito, as if Hajime being a reserve course student literally offends them.
“Tsk, so we worked our asses off to get a place at that school, and you just strutted in ‘cause you could.” Fuyuhiko’s temper was rising,
“Oh, so you bought your way in!” Ibuki was scowling furiously at him. “Ibuki thought you had more respect than that.”
Not only does this not make sense (Talent is the antithesis of hard work, most of these guys didn’t work to get into Hope’s Peak, at all) but it also contradicts Fuyuhiko’s character. In his FTE’s, Fuyuhiko talks about how he doesn’t think he deserves to be the heir to the Kuzuryu Clan, or the Ultimate Yakuza. He believes his sister is better than him in that regard in every way. This uppity attitude doesn’t really suit him at all.
Nevertheless, Hajime is essentially ostracized from the group, literally asked to isolate himself until things have cooled off. Chiaki wants to keep meeting Hajime in private, but he believes it’s more important that she keeps her distance, keep peace within the group since they’re just got four more days until the rewrite will be complete. Monokuma also catches Hajime alone to try and proposition him into continuing the killing game, even promising to bend the rules and assist Hajime anyway he wants with the murder, but Hajime says no. Obviously…seriously, what was the point of this? Was there ever any doubt Hajime would turn the offer down?
(Also, it turns out Kazuichi wrote a second suicide note, addressed to Hajime, revealing that he had regained pretty much all his memories, even pertaining to why the rewrite was happening at all, and he admires how brave Hajime has been. I guess it’s a nice silver lining right now.)
So, Monokuma brings out the big guns. He calls everyone to Jabberwock park, where they find 13 gravestones, dedicated to the 13 murdered students of the Student Council Massacre, the original killing game.
Between Monokuma and Nagito (who by coincidence found a file about the Kamakura project just moments ago) the group learn about Izuru Kamakura and the massacre. Monokuma then unveils the motive of this chapter…which isn’t really a motive. He just suspends the rule against killing more than 2 people. He ‘encourages’ the group to take inspiration from the massacre, and go kill everyone else, since if there’s no one else to stand on a trial with, you win automatically.
Now, before I recap the next part, I want to stress, the group does NOT suspect Hajime and Izuru are one in the same. A couple of them figure it out later, but that’s not what triggers what’s about to happen. The group decide to restrain, sedate and lock Hajime up inside of the old building, literally for no other reason, than because he’s a reserve course student, and reserve course students can’t be trusted. No seriously, this is what Fuyuhiko says;
“Nagito’s right.” Fuyuhiko agreed. “This Izuru fella was on the reserve course, these people can’t be trusted.”
See what I mean when I said Sonia’s the only one who’s grievance makes sense? And everyone else has just flown off the handle and started acting like Nagito?
So, Hajime basically spends a chapter locked up inside the old building. Everyone takes a shift to check in on him and bring him food, and seemingly as if the story is trying to walk back how the group has been acting so far this chapter, pretty much everyone on these shifts refer to Hajime as their friend, and tell him they don’t want to do this, they’re just scared, etc. I was one of Hajime’s harshest critics when he decided to call himself the Ultimate Hope, and yet even I find the others horribly disingenuous here. They’ve treated him like dirt ever since learning the truth, and literally locked him up for the flimsiest of reasons, and now I’m supposed to buy that they don’t really want to do this?
Now, we’re about to enter the spoiler territory, and boy do I have a lot to say about the twist that’s about to occur. As I was reading this, I was 200% convinced that this was another trick by Monokuma. And maybe it still will be, we’ve got 3 more pages in the 6th case to look at next time. But as far as Chapter 5 presents what’s about to happen, it appears to all be genuine, and I cannot stress enough how much I think this hurts the story. I am not being even remotely hyperbolic when I say that, in my opinion, if there’s no other twist coming up in chapter 6 to counteract this, then what happens next is on DR3’s-Mastermind-reveal levels of nonsensicalness.
…Ok, here we go.
Chiaki is about to take her shift with Hajime when she collapses and starts glitching out. Hajime breaks through the door with a chair and tries to understand what’s wrong with her. Chiaki’s trying to say something about Future Foundation, but keeps glitching out, so Hajime can’t make out what she’s saying…Then, her glitching spell suddenly passes and she tells him that Future Foundation is trying to kill him.
As if on cue (Which is something that happens a lot during this sequence, hence why I was convinced this was a hoax) the monitors on the islands come on with a message from…Kyosuke Munakata, who proceeds to explain his master plan.
Project Rewrite, from the get go, was just an elaborate trap to lure all the Remnants back in once place, so they could all be purged at once. To ensure this, Kyosuke built in two fail-safes. First, if Hajime were ever to die in the simulation, everyone else will die alongside him. Secondly, if everyone hasn’t died by Day 20 (this is in the late hours of Day 19) then the islands will begin to self-destruct, a process that takes 2 days to complete. After which, he’ll send FF agents in the real world to Jabberwock Island to apprehend Makoto and the others.
Now, I shall attempt to explain all my issues with these turn of events.
From here…pretty much everything else that happens in this case is a major event. So, I’ll save the rest of what I have to say for the character section. The only other thing I want to mention is that apparently there was some sort of hiatus for this story between chapters 28 and 29? And when sophie came back to the story, she decided to rewrite whatever ending she had in mind. Whatever that means for what’s left to read, I don’t know.
Last minute edition I was just about finished typing this up when I realized I forgot to mention something potentially big. Towards the end, Chiaki starts talking about the graduation program, and says
”Well," Chiaki resumed. “The Future Foundation couldn't allow the graduation program to happen again.”
"Why ever not?" Sonia asked, attempting to keep up.
"Because it gives Monokuma and A.I. Junko too much power." Chiaki replied.
This is, to my best recollection, the first time A.I. Junko is being acknowledged as a thing at all in this story. And it seems to be in present tense? Does that mean she’s still here? That feels like something that should’ve been brought up a lot sooner than now. I mean, wouldn’t she have posed a huge risk to this plan (Both Hajime and Kyosuke’s) from the beginning? She already hacked her way around the NWP’s settings once.
As is tradition for second to last instalments in this series, I’m going to give my thoughts on all the remaining characters.
Chiaki: I really felt like this was going to be Chiaki’s chapter. When Hajime tells her to keep her distance from him at the beginning, it’s genuinely heart-wrenching to realise this is how Chiaki has to spend her final days; watching her friends fight amongst themselves, over one of them just trying to find a way to save them all. Unfortunately, I had a harder time getting invested in her repeatedly glitching out in the latter half, as I spent half of it convinced that it was just some sort of trick by Monokuma due to all the oddities I mentioned earlier.
Fuyuhiko: It seems like the story was attempting to make Mahiru’s death from the last chapter play the same role for Fuyuhiko as Peko’s did in the canon. I applaud them for putting this new spin on Fuyuhiko’s arc, but not only have they left it really late into this story to attempt to pull it off, but the whole ‘Hajime is evil because he’s reserve course!’ movement of this chapter really interfered with those efforts. Fuyuhiko was the main proposer of Hajime’s treatment throughout this chapter and, unlike the others, the story didn’t really try to hard to endear him back to Hajime whilst he was locked in the building. They basically spent his shift arguing with each other.
Gundam: ...I’m…really having a hard time thinking of what to say here. Gundam in this story…just sort of exists? The story is definitely leaning towards his ship with Sonia, but other than that, he’s been a pretty big non-factor.
Hajime: If it wasn’t obvious enough already, I was rooting for Hajime hard all chapter. For as much as lying about his talent was a mistake, I felt like damn near every part of his treatment this chapter was pretty hard to justify. Kyosuke and Monokuma are also seeking to really single him out in their attempts to kill the rest of the cast, so it feels like he’s being attacked on all fronts. His ability to accept and move past Ibuki’s death towards the end is another testament to how far he’s come since the start of this story. Honestly, the only thing that kind of bugged me is why he continued to keep up his lies right up until Makoto gave him permission to finally come clean. I felt like some of the drama in this chapter could’ve been avoided if Hajime came clean a little earlier. Would they have believed him? Probably not, but it still would’ve been better to have it come out of his mouth first, instead of Monokuma’s.
Ibuki: Ibuki was sort of the second biggest offender of the persecution of Hajime in this chapter, but the story at least did a better job trying to justify her actions. She’s at her stress limit. She just watched two good friends die, including the guy that fixed up her hands so she could play instruments again. The fact that it was Kazuichi’s voice that dragged her out of hiding and got her killed goes a long way to suggest how indebted to him she felt. It was definitely better handled than Fuyuhiko’s explanation, but I’m still feeling pretty conflicted over whether or not this explanation excuses how she thought the worse of Hajime and ignored everything good he’s done up until this point.
Monokuma: If you’ve been following these review threads for this, or the other two fanfics I’ve covered, you probably know by now I’m not a big fan of when Monokuma gets too involved in the deaths of the characters outside of executions. So, it’s not really going to come to any surprise that him killing Ibuki doesn’t sit well with me. Yes, FF’s bug has removed the rules that bound him (not that they were really doing that properly anyway cough Ibuki’s concert cough) so there is an explanation in story, but I wasn’t very fond of it.
Nagito: Had Nagito found himself playing the same role as Fuyuhiko or Ibuki did this chapter, I probably would’ve let him off for it. It would’ve been in character for him, and would’ve made for an interesting role reversal between his and Hajime’s standings with the rest of the group. Yeah, it would’ve been pretty farfetched for the group to completely forget everything that Nagito’s done to them to that extent, but the reveal from last chapter (that he was planning to kill, win the trial, and have everyone but him and Hajime executed) seems to be pretty much ignored this chapter anyway. In the end, he didn’t actually give Hajime a particularly hard time over the lie. I also have no theories as to where he is right now, I’m glad the story’s at least acknowledging that he probably wasn’t killed of screen, but I really can’t make any guesses as to what’s going to happen next.
Peko: Peko kind of struck a pretty neutral balance in this chapter. She’s still pretty much a satellite character to Fuyuhiko, so she sided with all the decisions to restrain and imprison Hajime, but doesn’t show the same level of spite as her master did. She actually showed some compassion and understanding to the possibility of him massacring the student council incident. Acknowledging that it was still a killing game at the end of the day, so what Izuru did in principle is no different to what all the culprits in this killing game have done is a fair point, and it’s a nice use of Peko’s background to deliver it.
Sonia: She managed to steer clear of the mess that was the Hajime situation in the first half, but I still don’t really have much to say about her either. Maybe you can argue her last minute advise to Hajime, about letting Chiaki go and thinking about his death will doom everyone else, is a fitting message to come from a princess, someone who understands the need to examine the bigger picture and put the needs of the masses first? Yeah, Sonia says she’s basically just a figurehead in Novaselic currently, but her FTE’s give off the impression that she wants to do more for her kingdom, so showing this wisdom was a nice call.
Normally, this is the point in the story where I give my survivor predictions, but I haven’t got the foggiest idea. We’ve pretty much abandoned all traces of the typical DR formula at this point. I’m not even convinced we’ll get a chapter 6-type trial. Given that what remains of this story was written after DR3 and V3 came out I think there’s a solid chance sophie’ll follow the canon and have everyone escape their NWP in the end, sans Chiaki.
This story tends to do well when it focuses on the here and now (the cases themselves have met a pretty consistent quality) but falters slightly at setting up long-term plotlines (see everything I’ve said about characters surviving longer than the canon.) Maybe that’s why this late game plot twist just isn’t really landing with me. It attempts to recontextualise things that were set in motion weeks ago, and it just doesn’t add up when you step back and look at it from afar. There’s still three chapters to go, and the story can still make me eat my words and reveal something that makes everything unearthed in this chapter into a masterpiece. I’m still holding out hope.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]

Reading Project Rewrite Part 4 (DR2 Spoilers)

I apologise for the delay in this series. I’ve got caught up with a particular project that still hasn’t actually been resolved yet, but I’ve reached a point where I’ve got a day free so I’m hurriedly throwing this thread together. The next thread may take a while as well for the same reason.
Anyway, to make this quick, this is a series where I read the DR fanfic ‘Project Rewrite’ by sophie_enoshima and share my thoughts on it. Here’s the last thread if you missed it. Here’s the story if you're reading along. Spoilers past this story’s deadly life will be spoiler marked, but spoilers for the canon DR2 timeline won’t be.
The story starts with another despondent Hajime morning. Last chapter marked the first death of one of the original DR2 survivors, the group that volunteered to go back into this virtual world and put their trust in Hajime to make sure everyone would come out, so I can understand why this particular death would hit him so hard. That being said, Chiaki once again does a really terrible job of giving him a pep talk.
Chiaki smiled supportively. “You’re over halfway, and look how many people are still alive.”
What? A whopping one more than this point in the previous canon? Thanks Chiaki, you really know just what to say.
Anyway, Chiaki cheers him up by playing video games with him. It’s pretty wholesome, and it’s in this sequence that Hajime kind of has that realisation that Chiaki is the only person here Hajime could never save, there’s no physical body for her to wake up in when this over. But rather than get depressed about that, Hajime chooses to interpret that to mean he just has to make as many extra memories with her that he can, a strong indication that this video game therapy is doing its job.
As it turns out, Hajime wasn’t the only one having a hard time bouncing back after the last trial as basically everyone else but Nagito is keeping their distance from each other. So, taking inspiration from the ice cream breakfast from the last chapter, the trio hold a feast to commemorate the fallen and lighten up the others spirits, which works pretty well. Also, Kazuichi makes Ibuki some new mechanical gauntlet…things that let her play music again, so she’s basically back to her old cheery self. (As a sidenote, there’s an author’s note in one of these chapters that acknowledges that Ibuki isn’t really reacting to her role in the last case. They explained that they thought that topic was too ‘heavy’ for this opening, and they’ll get to it in a later chapter. I really hope that holds up, because I can confirm that this topic doesn’t get brought up at all in this section.)
The next day (Yes, that interlude took up an entire day!) the group finally decide to explore the fourth island…except they don’t! Monokuma tries to make up for lost time by hurrying the group to the two attractions that matter; the rollercoaster and the train. The group ride the rollercoaster and get the file talking about THH’s killing game, like in the canon, but Hajime and Chiaki put their foot down at riding the train, knowing they’ll just end up at the funhouse, and be forced to kill someone or starve. And Monokuma, who remember, is trying to make up for lost time…caves and gives up on the train ride.
A few hours later, Monokuma gathers everyone back at the movie theatre, and tells them they’re going to help him put on a play, and if they refuse, they will face the Monobeast’s wrath…Couldn’t he have made the same threat to get them to go on the train?
Anyway, the play is just the Twilight Syndrome Murder Saga story played out with one of the days missing, but that doesn’t stop sophie from quoting the rest of the scenes word for word and WWWWHHHHHYYYY!? Why do that in a story that’s essentially a sequel to DR2, for people have played DR2? Why make us read through these same series of events we already know and talked about to death in the actual game? It was bad enough in the game having to explain who girls A through C were in the trial when they were irrelevant in the story, and now I have to go through it all again? Multiple times in this chapter nonetheless!
After the play, the program leaflets basically confirm that Fuyuhiko’s sister is the victim, and Mahiru was Girl D, so we’ve got that tension back, and then Monokuma announces the motive for this chapter; if the blackened is successful, they can choose one other person in the group to graduate with them. So of course, Hajime suspects Fuyuhiko and Peko will take advantage of this. It’s a fine motive, I think a lot of us have considered how you could shake DR up just by offering a way to escape without executing everyone. The only downside is that it doesn’t really give me much to say here. For all intents and purposes, TSMS is the real motive of this chapter, so I’ll just end up sharing my thoughts on the canon game.
Credit where credit is due, I gave Hajime a lot of flack in the early part of this story for not really doing as much as he could to prevent the murder, but he’s really stepped up his game as the story progressed. Hajime does take a very proactive role with trying to intervene with Fuyuhiko in this chapter, confronting him not just once, but twice, as well as trying to diffuse any tense situations that come up between him and Mahiru.
There’s also a sub-plot I should’ve talked about earlier involving Kazuichi. Ever since his near-death experience in the last chapter, he’s been having flashes of events from the first iteration of this killing game. Hajime acts like this is a terrible development, but…is it? The only reason the first set of survivors had to have their memories erased was because the system demanded it, but there’s no actual downsides to it happening, is there? If anything, this can give Hajime a third ally in the killing game (Well, fourth if we count Monomi,) so have I missed something?
Moving on, as if he hasn’t done enough this chapter, Monokuma decides to remodel Monomi’s home and turn it into a haunted house, which everyone is required to attend, and as Hajime points out, Monokuma cannot be defied…except for the train. Never forget the train.
And Hajime spends the rest of the daily life having picnics on the beach and baking cakes with the girls. I’m not kidding. I’m guessing now he knows their bodies are virtual, he’s not concerned about putting on weight here, because half this story seems to be bloody feasts and picnics!
And that’s where I’m going to leave the daily life portions of this review. As for the deadly life, I kind of liked it. I could’ve done without the repetition of TSMS they literally have to explain everyone’s roles again, and getting Fuyuhiko to admit his sister is the victim is like pulling out teeth and the case is a little bit on the predictable side, but it’s a solid enough premise. Onto the characters!
Hajime: We saw a lot of range from Hajime in this chapter. Starting with his struggle just to get out of bed following Akane’s death, he would step up to really try and hold this group together, both by keeping their spirits up, and by interjecting himself in the conflict between Fuyuhiko and Mahiru. I guess it’s not so surprising that after that he took things easy with that picnic and baking with the girls, but it all came full circle once we reached the deadly life. These two deaths hit him hard, bringing out that dry cynicism he usually restrains for his internal thoughts. And finally, he broke down, considering himself worthless and the wrong person for Future Foundation to trust for this mission. It’s an exhausting trip, and now that Monokuma has revealed the truth about his talent, it doesn’t look like things are going to get easier anytime soon.
Nagito: Nagito’s role in this chapter was a real bitter pill to swallow. In the last thread, I shared my concerns that this story may be relying a little bit too much on Nagito’s chaotic nature in order to generate the murders, and this chapter only ended up continuing that trend. A part of me feels like congratulating the story on being able to pull the wool over my eyes on this one, because I legitimately didn’t think Nagito had anything to do with the murder this time. I thought he just caught on to the solution quicker than the others, and was acting OOC because there’s no hope to be found in a murder-suicide. But nope! He was planning his own murder and talked Monokuma into helping in a way that would’ve been completely out of order for Monokuma’s supposedly neutral role, and if the haunted house hadn’t created a black out, neither of the victims would’ve panicked. And I’m not mad. Just disappointed.
Mahiru: I…stunningly have nothing to say about Mahiru dying here. The repurposing of TSMS means she pretty much found herself back in the same situation as the canon, only this time she took up a more cautious approach to it. Arming herself is fair enough, when you know you’ve done something to piss off a Yakuza, it’s only reasonable. It’s tragic that this ended up getting her killed, but I just don’t have anything else to talk about. Routinely, the characters that have survived longer than they did in the canon don’t really seem to have any specific purpose for doing so in this story.
Sonia: I’ve had a hard time trying to decide whether or not Sonia’s reaction to this case was satisfactory enough. On the one hand, she was particularly cruel towards Kazuichi this entire chapter, going all the way back to discarding his gift at the feast, yet it can be argued that she’s under no obligation to show gratitude for it. Lashing out against him in the King’s game was uncalled for, and yet so were Kazuichi’s advances on her. In the end, she does revaluate her opinion that he’s a coward, but she didn’t really seem to be too broken up about it. Honestly, I think I’m more bothered by her handling of the haunted house (Fuyuhiko warned her away because it’s ‘dangerous’ which she listens to…but then doesn’t think to share the warning with anyone else?)
Kazuichi: Look, as someone who believes that Kazuichi is routinely underrated, I’d feel for this guy any day of the week, but in this chapter especially…damn, he went through hell. Like I said, the case was relatively easy to solve once they started drawing your attention to the pens and different ink colours and even the signs that some note had been written upstairs, but that didn’t make the final confirmation of his own suicide any less brutal. Especially since he really took the high road in this chapter, making the gloves for Ibuki, trying to do something genuinely sweet and not sleazy for Sonia, having to try and make sense of his split memories and trying to intervene to save Mahiru…Yep, this has been the most painful death so far.
Ibuki: Just wanted to take a moment to say I really don’t know what on earth they’re going to do with that lingering plot thread about the stuff Ibuki did whilst under the Despair Disease. Now that Kazuichi’s dead, there’s pretty much no reason to bring it up again, and that’s going to be really disappointing if so.
Fuyuhiko: So it looks like the story is trying to finally address Fuyuhiko’s ‘redemption’ so to speak. He finally bared his soul to the others (with a lot of prodding, mind you) and apparently Hajime’s confrontation with him was enough to get him to put what happened with Natsumi behind him. I think I bought that as connivingly as Hajime did to be honest, his speech didn’t seem to affect Fuyuhiko that much, but we’re approaching the final case, so I guess they’ve got to get Fuyuhiko’s arc moving along somehow.
I’m going to try not to repeat myself too much in these final words. The last two chapters have had some pretty decent cases, particularly impressive when you remember that they sticking really closely to the canon motives and set ups. And Hajime has really come into his own as the main character. I’d be lying if I said his more depressed moments didn’t grate a little, but honestly that’s kind of the character that he should be. The concept of his character is supposed to be this guy with a deep inferiority complex. Someone who always aspired himself to one day enrol at Hope’s Peak the ‘right’ way, as an Ultimate Student, only to have to make do with the reserve course instead. I liked Hajime in the canon, but the reveal of his talent was kind of lacklustre in the canon, because Hajime didn’t really feel like a guy that was desperate to be recognized as an Ultimate despite what the story was telling us. This Hajime feels more accurate to that background, and I think I prefer it.
Once again, apologies for how long it took to get this out, apologies if it’s a bit on the short side compared to the other threads, and please be patient if it takes me a while to get the next one out.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]

Cannot find Officer Majima in Yakuza Kiwami PS4

This will be a bit long, but I want to be thorough.I don't know if this has ever happened to anyone before. I played through the campaign on hard and managed to do very well up until Chapter 8. I had forgotten about Majima up until this point because I forgot he was hiding under a cone, so I didnt even have the Komaki moves yet as you need to unlock some of Majima's moves before Komaki allows you to train more (He will say he is preparing until you do). You can imagine how frustrating the fight was. I thus reverted my save to the beginning of the chapter to grind through both Komaki's and Majima's moves to what I could. I Tiger Dropped those breakdancing a**holes and continued building the Dragon Style as much as it was possible. I quickly got to SSS rank with Majima then got to the Finale and Tiger Dropped my way through Jingu. By this point, the only Majima line in the Dragon Style I was missing was the Officer Majima one (Essence of Mad Dog: Chokehold). I finished the game and began a Premium Adventure run, but I have yet to receive an email or encounter Officer Majima anywhere.
Now, here is what I know about Officer Majima:
His apparent first encounter occurs when you level up to Rank F and you get a call from Nishida, which is evident from the green waypoint like other Rank upgrade events. From here on out, the encounters with any type of Majima are randomized. However, how could I be allowed to level up to Rank SSS without having triggered the event to upgrade rank F? Did I break the game? Also, Majima begins to hide in Rank E, so this means I must have already passed the point of upgrading my skills. I have also looked for information here, here, and here, but albeit having roamed for days on end around Kamurocho I have not found him. I think I need to trigger the first meeting or else Officer Majima wont randomly appear, as in the videos I've seen Majima mentions "Time for ANOTHER random inspection" which implies these random encounters do occur after the first encounter that acts like an apparent trigger.
What can I do to unlock this last ability? I am really far into my save file trying to get 100% and I dont want to start over from scratch simply because of this apparent bug. Thanks a lot to anyone that can help me figure this out. I am on PS4 on the digital version btw.
TLDR: Finished the game, have Majima on SSS rank, never met Officer Majima so cannot complete Dragon Style. Need help to figure out why he won't show.
Edit: I have also had my weapon inventory almost full during my entire game.
submitted by HeftyBug4101 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

[H] A Ton of Bundle Games (IndieGala, Humble, and Fanatical) [W] Nov. Humble Monthly Games (Not Darksiders III or Yakuza Kiwami)

I already own Darksiders III and Yakuza Kiwami 2, so I figured I'd just skip this month and trade for the other games on here. I haven't updated my list in a long time, so there may be one or two games that I don't have anymore, but I still own most of them. So far, the games I'm looking for are:
Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition
Crying Suns
Little Misfortune
Smile for Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt

The ones that I have for trade are:

Humble Gift Link -

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

Knights of Pen and Paper 1+2 Collection

Road Redemption

This War of Mine

Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit


Torchlight II

The First Tree

One Deck Dungeon

Skybolt Zack

Golf With Your Friends - OST

Codex of Victory

Conglomerate 451

Deep Sky Derelicts

Gift of Parthax


Quantum Replica



Through the Woods

The Inner World

Pixel Heroes Byte & Magic

Safety First!

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell

The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia + Soundtrack

Vambrace: Cold Soul Soundtrack


AER Memories of Old

Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

State of Mind

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series


The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - 400 Days

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries

The Walking Dead: Season Two

Astebreed Definitive Edition


Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae

Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight


Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics

Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game

Small World 2


Twilight Struggle

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father

Black The Fall

Children of Zodiarcs

Deadbeat Heroes

Forgotton Anne


Tokyo Dark

The Turing Test

Train Valley 2

A Good Snowman is Hard to Build

A Mortician's Tale

Alien Spidy

Broken Age

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Brutal Legend

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

Darksiders Warmastered Edition

DUCATI - 90th Anniversary

Europa Universalis IV

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered




Hollow Knight

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham



Music Maker EDM Edition


Party Hard



Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Sniper Elite 3

Speed Brawl

Stealth 2: A Game of Clones

Stick Fight: The Game

Super Hexagon


This is the Police

Tilt Brush

Tropico 4



World of Goo

Worms Revolution


Dead Rising 4

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

RESIDENT EVIL 2 - All In-game Rewards Unlock



Reigns: Her Majesty



Samorost 3

1 Screen Platformer

A Glider's Journey

Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX

Animal Super Squad

Anomaly 2

Anomaly Defenders

Anomaly Korea

Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign

Artemis: God-Queen of the Hunt




Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud

Dead by Daylight - Spark of Madness

Deadlight: Director's Cut

Dino Run DX

Downtown Drift

Draw Your Game

Drink More Glurp Jingle Jam Challenge

Invisible Inc.


Kingdom: New Lands

Motorsport Manager

Must Dash Amigos

Nemo Dungeon

Neverwinter: Vestments of the Wind Pack

Ninja Senki DX


Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Pumped BMX +

Rapture Rejects

Rebound Dodgeball Evolved

Red Horizon

Rogue Rocks

Scanner Sombre

Songs of Skydale

Stories: The Path of Destinies

Super Chicken Catchers



Fluffy Horde

Regular Human Basketball

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force Complete Deluxe Set

Megatagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Neptunia)

Moero Chronicle

Neptunia Shooter

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

Trillion: God of Destruction



Rusty Lake Hotel

The Stanley Parable

Thomas Was Alone

Yume Nikki


Game Character Hub PE: DS Generator Parts

Game Character Hub PE: Second Story

Game Character Hub: Portfolio Edition

RPG Maker MV




RPG Maker VX

RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker XP

Visual Novel Maker + Live 2D


Shenmue I & II

SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising

Bridge Constructor Portal

Portal Knights

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell


Tricky Towers

When Ski Lifts Go Wrong

Planet Alpha


The Spiral Scouts

Cat Quest


Immortal Planet

Pillars of Eternity

Tyranny - Standard Edition

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Pound of Ground

Take On Helicopters

Take on Mars



God's Trigger

Guacamelee! 2



Rusty Lake Paradise


The Adventure Pals

Almost There: The Platformer

Yoku's Island Express

60 Parsecs!

Love is Dead

Road Redemption


Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor

Party Hard

Punch Club




Pool Panic

Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered

Black The Fall


The Turing Test

I'm not a Monster


11-11 Memories Retold

Impact Winter

Little Nightmares

PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+

Project CARS

Genital Jousting

Highway Blossoms

Just Deserts

Purrfect Date

Sunrider Academy

Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain's Edition

Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition

Tooth and Tail



Steel Rats

12 is Better Than 6


Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!



Soft Body

Way of the Passive Fist


Dear Esther: Landmark Edition



Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Bleed 2

Rapture Rejects

Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder

Sniper Elite 3

Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition

Worms Clan Wars

Animal Super Squad

Anomaly 2

Anomaly Defenders

Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Blade & Bones

Board Battlefield

Clicker bAdventure



Cube Link

Deep Dungeons of Doom

Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon

Don't Stand Out

Dungeon Escape

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered


Freaky Awesome

Guns of Icarus Alliance Collector's Edition


The Haunting of Billy

Hello Pollution!

Hyperdrive Massacre



Lakeview Cabin Collection

Last Encounter


Lucius Demake

Marvin's Mittens

Match Point

No Time To Explain Remastered

Race The Sun


Road Doom


Super Steampunk Pinball 2D

Sure Footing

Switchblade Starter Pack

Temple of Xiala

Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit

Tower 57


Unit 4


Zero G Arena

Colt Express

King and Assassins

Kentucky Route Zero

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse

War for the Overworld + Heart of Gold DLC

The Dwarves

Resident Evil Revelations

Gremlins, Inc.

Old Man's Journey

Pathfinder Adventures

Talisman: Digital Edition

Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics

Talisman: Digital Edition

How to Survive 2

Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition

12 is Better than 6

Bear With Me - Collector's Edition

Dungeon of the Endless


NBA Playgrounds

Action Henk


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Kingdom: New Lands

Laser League

Holy Potatoes! We're In Space?!

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Filthy, Stinking, Orcs

Sanctum 2

Grey Goo

Sorcerer King: Rivals

Green Man Gaming -





















Fanatical -



How to Take Off Your Mask


Garfield Kart

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Styx: Master of Shadows

Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition


Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Rain World



The Technomancer

Chess Ultra

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!


Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

XBlaze Code: Embryo

XBlaze Lost: Memories

Duke Nukem Forever


Party Hard 2

The Walking Dead

This War of Mine

Blood: Fresh Supply

Syberia II

If My Heart Had Wings

LoveKami -Divinity Stage-

LoveKami -Useless Goddess-

The Surge

Dungeons 2

The First Templar - Steam Special Edition

Urban Empire

The Dark Eye: Demonicon

Chronicles of Magic: Divided Kingdoms

Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor

King's Heir: Rise to the Throne

Lost Grimoires 3: The Forgotten Well

My Brother Rabbit

Noir Chronicles: City of Crime

Path of Sin: Greed

Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce


Little Big Adventure 2

Return to Mysterious Island 2


Return to Mysterious Island

Odyssey - The Story of Science

Little Big Adventure - Enhanced Edition


The Royal Marines Commando


Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition

Guns of Icarus Online


Gates of Hell

Perfect Heist

Aces of the Luftwaffe

Operation Thunderstorm

Clouds & Sheep 2


The Crown of Leaves


Tales From Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation

Last Dream: World Unknown

The Swindle

Robothorium: Cyberpunk Dungeon Crawler


Rogue Wizards

Codex of Victory


In Fear I Trust

In Fear I Trust - Episode 2

In Fear I Trust - Episode 3

In Fear I Trust - Episode 4

The Watchmaker

The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day

World's Dawn


Infinite Air with Mark McMorris

Super Inefficient Golf

Tales of Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation


Creeping Terror

Fantasy Wars

Ascension to the Throne

Savage Lands


Still Life

Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead



Syberia II



Lost Civilization


Railroad Pioneer


Thunder Wolves

Airline Tycoon Deluxe

Overclocked: A History of Violence

Dark Strokes: The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collector's Edition

Eternal Journey: New Atlantis

Forest Legends: The Call of Love Collector's Edition

House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside

House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame

Joan Jade and the Gates of Xibalba

Love Alchemy: A Heart in Winter

Magic Encyclopedia: Moon Light

Mind's Eye: Secrets of the Forgotten

The Fog: Trap for Moths

Analogue: A Hate Story


The Coma: Recut

The Coma: Recut - Soundtrack & Art Pack DLC

Revolution Ace



Clinically Dead

Out There Somewhere

Fate Tectonics

Plazma Being

One Finger Death Punch

ESport Manager

Dungeons 2

Galaxy Squad

Oriental Empires

Stars in Shadow

TASTEE Lethal Tactics

The Lion's Song: Season Pass

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Shuyan Saga

Steel Vampire

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Lifeless Planet Premier Edition

Snake Pass


DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon

Destiny Warriors RPG

Gun Rocket

Labyronia RPG

Labyronia RPG 2


Out There Somewhere

Storm of Spears RPG


Sun Blast: Star Fighter

The Odyssey: Winds of Athena

Tiny Bridge: Ratventure

Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon





Replay - VHS is not dead

Wooden Sen'SeY

House of Caravan

Cultures Northland

Splatter Zombie Apocalypse


Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle

Airscape The Fall of Gravity

Revolution Ace

Labyronia RPG


Cultures 8th Wonder of the World


STAR WARS Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy

STAR WARS Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast



Hive Jump


PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist


Blades of Time Limited Edition

Blood Knights



GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

Heroes of Annihilated Empires


Knights and Merchants

Lichdom: Battlemage

Numen: Contest of Heroes

Rune Classic


Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition

Wizardry 6&7

Asteroid Bounty Hunter

Charlie's Adventure

Cube Runner

Duke of Alpha Centauri

Fly and Destroy

Hungry Flame

Neon Space

Neon Space 2


Slash It

Slash It 2

Spin Rush

Survive in Space

Upside Down

Distant Worlds: Universe

Heavy Burger

I am not a Monster

Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle


Sword Legacy Omen

Moero Chronicle

Moero Chronicle - Deluxe Pack DLC




Killing Room

March of the Living

Savage Lands


Valnir Rok Survival RPG

Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition

Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition

Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition

Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition

Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger

Taken Souls: Blood Ritual Collector's Edition

Silver Tale

A Plot Story


Jane Angel: Templar Mystery

Dream Walker

Witch's Tales

Escape Doodland

Mad Dream: Coma


Clinically Dead

Mech Rage

Camper Jumper Simulator

ESport Manager

Darkest Hunters

The Sexy Brutale


The Last Door - Collector's Edition

The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

System Shock: Enhanced Edition

System Shock 2

Metal Fatigue

Spirits of Xanadu

Shadow Man

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation







Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure


The Long Reach


Coffin Dodgers

The Rivers of Alice - Extended Version

Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn

The Walking Vegetables

Unbox: Newbie's Adventure

System Shock: Enhanced Edition


Killing Room

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Styx: Shards of Darkness

STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic

STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition

STAR WARS™ - The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition



Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition

Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes

The Political Machine 2016

The Corporate Machine

Sorcerer King: Rivals


Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~

March of the Living

Four Sided Fantasy

Dungeon Rushers

The Invisible Hours

Dead Secret

The Free Ones


Castle of no Escape 2

Galactic Lords


Nogibator: Way Of Legs

WN - ShP

Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems

Drill Arena



Risky Rescue

Frederic: Evil Strikes Back

16bit Trader

Midnight Mysteries

Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini

Zombie Bowl-o-Rama

Little Farm

Silver Knight


Lift It

3 Coins At School

Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey

Green Ranch

The lost joystick


Trip to Vinelands








Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok


Chaos Control

Bubble Ghost


Alien Rampage

Frederic: Resurrection of Music

Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure

Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking


Sparkle 2 Evo

Story of the Survivor


Goodbye My King

Watch This!

Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale

Crystal City

Bloody Boobs



Casino Noir

Detective Noir

Reptilians Must Die!

The Braves & Bows


The Dweller



Sparkle 3 Genesis

Cat on a Diet


Asteroid Bounty Hunter


Neon Prism

Slash It

Slash It 2

Cube Runner

Upside Down

Spin Rush

Neon Space

Neon Space 2

Duke of Alpha Centauri

Hungry Flame

Survive in Space

Fly and Destroy

Charlie's Adventure

Luxor Evolved

Luxor: Amun Rising HD

LUXOR: Mah Jong

Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

Red Risk


Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf



Cubium Dreams

Iron Impact


Marco Polo


Mr. Dubstep



Lethe - Episode One


I Shall Remain

Silence of the Sleep

Rebel Galaxy

Punch Club - Deluxe Edition

Grey Goo Definitive Edition




Goodbye My King

Crystal City

Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny

Art of Murder - Deadly Secrets

Art of Murder - FBI Confidential

Art of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer

Art of Murder - The Secret Files

Chronicles of Mystery - Secret of the Lost Kingdom

Chronicles of Mystery - The Legend of the Sacred Treasure

Chronicles of Mystery - The Tree of Life

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual

Megadimension Neptunia VII

Megadimension Neptunia VII Digital Deluxe Set DLC

Galactic Lords


Nogibator: Way Of Legs

WN - ShP

Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems

Drill Arena




Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Marco Polo

Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok


Chaos Control

Bubble Ghost


Alien Rampage

Ocean Classics Volume 1

200% Mixed Juice

War of the Human Tanks


Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition

Worms Ultimate Mayhem - Deluxe Edition

Worms Crazy Golf

Worms Blast

Worms Pinball

The Mooseman

Sky Break

Tropico 5

Super Cloudbuilt

Tower 57


Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Deponia: The Complete Journey

Table Top Racing: World Tour

Riff Racer - Race Your Music!

GT Legends

GTR Evolution


Insane 2

Zero Gear



Race: The WTCC Game + Caterham Expansion

Little Racers STREET


Super Toy Cars

Mini Motor Racing EVO

Drift Streets Japan

Instant Death

Spirits of Xanadu

Swipe Fruit Smash

Voxel Baller




BoomTown! Deluxe

City Siege: Faction Island

Bomb The Monsters!

Crazy Belts

Rush for Glory

Naval Warfare


Blood Knights

Heroes of Annihilated Empires

Wizardry 6 & 7


Rune Classic

Gemcraft - Chasing Shadows

Knights and Merchants

Etherlords I & II


Numen: Contest of Heroes


Commands & Colors: The Great War

Making History: The Calm and the Storm Gold Edition

Attrition: Tactical Fronts

Imperial Glory


Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty

Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle

Beyond the Invisible: Evening


Entwined: Strings of Deception

Vengeance: Lost Love

The Rosebud Condominium

Where Angels Cry: Tears of the Fallen (Collector's Edition)

Lightning: D-Day

Congo Merc

Hold the Line: The American Revolution

Battles of the Ancient World

Peninsular War Battles

1812: The Invasion of Canada

Russian Front

7 Wonders II

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour

7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven

Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure

Gardens Inc. 2: The Road to Fame


Little Farm

Luxor 2 HD

Luxor 3

Luxor Evolved

Luxor HD

Luxor: 5th Passage

Luxor: Amun Rising HD

LUXOR: Mah Jong

Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife

Midnight Mysteries

Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi

Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini

Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials

Midnight Mysteries: Witches of Abraham - Collector's Edition


Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena

The Dweller


EM: Shader Attack


Labyronia RPG

Labyronia RPG 2

Legend of Mysteria RPG

Chosen 2

Balloon Blowout

Bayla Bunny

Block Blowout

Chess Knight 2

Dessert Storm

Fantastic 4 In A Row 2

Fantastic Checkers 2

Ludo Supremo

Mahjong Deluxe 2: Astral Planes

Mahsung Deluxe

Mini Golf Mundo

Pepe Porcupine

Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzzles Under The Hill

Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed

Bubble Blowout

Train Valley

Broken Sword Trilogy


Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess

Prophecy I - The Viking Child


Marco Polo

Hostage: Rescue Mission

King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok

Bubble Ghost


Ocean Classics Volume 1

Pandora: First Contact


Grand Ages: Rome GOLD

GT Legends

Nether: Resurrected

CAT Interstellar

Circut Breakers


Sins of the Demon RPG

Gladiator Trainer

Dragon Sinker

Neon Chrome


Mad Games Tycoon


Patrician IV - Steam Special Edition

Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty

Patrician III

The Swindle


Hive Jump

ICY: Frostbite Edition

Commandos Collection


Car Mechanic Simulator 2015

Demolish & Build 2017

Robot Squad Simulator 2017

Skullgirls & DLC

The Mims Beginning


Cally's Caves 4

Tank Battle: East Front

Tank Battle: Pacific

Tank Battle: Normandy

Tank Battle: North Africa

Tank Battle: 1944

Tank Battle: Blitzkrieg

Tank Battle: 1945

Civil War: 1861

Civil War: Bull Run 1861

Civil War: 1862

Civil War: 1865

Civil War: Gettysburg

Civil War: 1864


King of the Eggs

Bouncy Bob

Hotel Dracula

Warfront Defenders: Westerplatte

Pony Island

Who's Your Daddy



SWARMRIDERS: Original Soundtrack DLC


Super Sports Surgery

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition



Kathy Rain

Table Top Racing: World Tour


Dark Years


Total Extreme Wrestling

World of Mixed Martial Arts 3

IGT Slots Paradise Garden


Wrestling Spirit 3

Draft Day Sports College Basketball 3

Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 4

Defend Your Life

Hyperdrive Massacre

The lost joystick

Orbital Racer




Trip to Vinelands


Bad Dream: Coma

Mad Games Tycoon

Perfect Universe

Daddy's Gone A-Hunting

Deep Dungeons of Doom



The Way

Indiegala -

Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders

The Secret Order 6: Bloodline

Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light

Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery

Animal Lover

Magi Trials Deluxe Edition

Highschool Possession

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Hentai Hexa Mosaic


The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan

Eventide 2: The Sorcerers Mirror

Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones

Beach Bounce

Beach Bounce - Soundtrack

Beauty Bounce

Bunny Bounce

Club Life

Club Life - Soundtrack

Divine Slice of Life

Divine Slice of Life - Soundtrack

Echo Tokyo - Wallpapers

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

Echo Tokyo: Intro

Highschool Possession

Highschool Romance

Magi Trials Deluxe Edition

Summer Fling

Summer Fling OST

Sword of Asumi Deluxe Edition


Systematic Immunity


The Quest for Achievements Remix

Moot District



Magic Trials Deluxe Edition

Hentai Zodiac Puzzle

PUZZLETIME: Lovely Girls

Girls of Hentai Mosaic

Girls of Hentai Mosaic - HQ Artbook & Wallpapers

Hentai Hexa mosaic

Hentai Hexa Mosaic - Soundtrack

Lady's Hentai Mosaic

Lady's Hentai Mosaic - OST

Lady's Hentai Mosaic - PNG Artbook

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Pixel Hentai Mosaic - OST

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Topless Hentai Mosaic - OST

Topless Hentai Mosaic - PNG Artbook

Echo Tokyo: An Intro

Echo Tokyo - Wallpapers

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

Last Anime boy: Saving loli

Witch College

Pleasure Airlines

Senpai Teaches Me Japanese: Part 1

Chibi Volleyball

My personal Angel

Riddled Corpses



?????2 / Seven boys 2


Girls of Hentai Mosaic

Topless Hentai Mosaic

Hentai Hexa mosaic

Lady's Hentai Mosaic

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Book Series - Alice in Wonderland

On Earth As It Is In Heaven - A Kinetic Novel


Frank & the TimeTwister Machine



Franchise Wars

Rush Bros

Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride

Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden

Without Within 2

Cursed Sight

Beauty Bounce

Highschool Romance

Beach Bounce

Club Life

Echo Tokyo: Intro

Echo Tokyo: Graphic Novel

This Strange Realm Of Mine

Bot Vice

Eliosi's Hunt


Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan

Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

Particle Mace

Secret of Magia

Sins of the Demon RPG

Splatter - Zombie Apocalypse

Airscape - The Fall of Gravity

Fate Tectonics

Battle Ranch: Pigs vs Plants

Earth Overclocked

Greyfox RPG

Wish -tale of the sixteenth night of lunar month-

Cursed Sight

A Winter's Daydream

Empty Horizons

Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold'em

Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire

Pretty Girls Panic!

Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle

Boneless Zombie

Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire

Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards]

Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle: Schools Girls Edition

Wild Romance

Pretty Girls Panic! (Chinese version only)

Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire (Chinese version only)

Slash or Die

Slash or Die 2


Stellar Interface

Trench Run

12 Labours of Hercules VII: Fleecing the Fleece (Platinum Edition)

A Dream For Aaron

A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher


Adelantado Trilogy. Book Two

Adelantado Trilogy. Book one

Adventures of Dragon

Aircraft Evolution

Alice in Wonderland - Hidden Objects

Alicia Quatermain 2: The Stone of Fate

Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures



BELPAESE: Homecoming

Battle High 2 A+

Beat The Game

Bitcoin Miner

Blind Men


Border of her Heart

Bottom of the 9th



Broken Minds

Burnin' Rubber 5 HD

Chinese Ink Painting Puzzle & Creator


Coffee Crawl

Crashday Redline Edition

Crazy Pirate

Crisis in the Kremlin

Crystal Catacombs

Crystals of Niberium

Cube Zone


Cubiques 2

Curse: The Eye of Isis

Digital Resistance


Drake of the 99 Dragons




Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance


Gothicc Breaker

Hentai Puzzle

Hentai Sokoban

Hide The Body


Inexplicable Geeks: Dawn of Just Us

Insert Paper: Update

Joy Climb

Judge Dredd 95

Krampus Quest



Legend of the Skyfish

Lunch Truck Tycoon


Maze of Infection

Mines of Mars

Mini Ghost

Mission: Escape from Island 2

Moto Racer 4

Moto Racer 4 - Space Dasher

Moto Racer 4 - The Truth

Navalny 20!8 : The Rise of Evil



Next Hero


PLATI NALOG: Favorite Russian Game

Panzer Hearts - War Visual Novel

Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?

Paradox Wrench

Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3

Pixel Hentai Mosaic

Pixelpunk XL

Plant This

Q-YO Blaster


Ravensword: Shadowlands

River City Super Sports Challenge All Stars Special

Rot Gut



Science Girls


Shield Impact

Shout Of Survival

Spooky Cats

Store Simulator



The Adventures of Elena Temple

The Bluecoats: North vs South

The God

The Last Dawn : The first invasion

The Lost Gardens

The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 - Prelude

The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day

They Are Hundreds

Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found

Usual John

Visceral Cubes

WeakWood Throne

Welcome to Princeland

Wings of Vi

World's Dawn

Zombie Desperation

the Line
submitted by MystRChaos to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

Which Actor had the best run in the 70s?

Best run in terms of anything
Jack Nicholson: Five Easy Pieces, Chinatown, On a clear day you can see forever, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Missouri Breaks, The Last Detail, Carnal Knowledge,The Last Tycoon, The King of Marvin Gardens, Tommy, The Fortune,The Passenger, Goin' South, and The Rebel Rousers.
John Cazale: The Godfather 1 & 2, The Conversation, The Deer Hunter, and Dog Day Afternoon.
Donald Sutherland: MASH, Dont Look Now, Kelly’s Heroes, Klute, Alex in Wonderland, 1900, The Day of the Locust, Steelyard Blues, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Animal House, The First Great Train Robbery, Murder by Decree, The Eagle Has Landed, Fellini's Casanova, Start the Revolution Without Me, The Act of the Heart, F.T.A., Little Murders, Lady Ice, Johnny Got His Gun, Alien Thunder, End of the Game, Bear Island, A Man, a Woman, and a Bank, The Kentucky Fried Movie, Blood Relatives, The Disappearance, and SPY*S.
Al Pacino: The Panic in Needle Park, The Godfather 1 & 2, Serpico, Scarecrow, Dog Day Afternoon, ... And Justice for all!, and Bobby Deerfield.
Robert DeNiro: 1900, Taxi Driver, The Godfather 2, The Last Tycoon, Mean Streets, Bang the Drum Slowly, The Deer Hunter, Bloody Mama, The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, New York, New York, Hi, Mom!, Jennifer on My Mind, and Born to Win.
Robert Redford: The Sting, The Candidate, The Hot Rock, Jeremiah Johnson, Three Days of the Condor, All the President's Men, The Electric Horseman, A Bridge Too Far, The Great Waldo Pepper, The Great Gatsby, The Way We Were, and Little Fauss and Big Halsy.
Robert Duvall: The Eagle Has Landed, MASH, The Godfather 1 & 2, The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, The Greatest, THX 1138, The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, Tomorrow, Network, The Greatest, The Great Santini, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, Breakout, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Joe Kidd, Badge 373, Lady Ice, The Killer Elite, The Betsy, and Breakout.
Gene Hackman: A Bridge Too Far, The French Connection 1 & 2, The Poseidon Adventure, Bite the Bullet,The Conversation, Superman, Night Moves, I Never Sang for My Father, Prime Cut, Cisco Pike, Scarecrow, Zandy's Bride, The Domino Principle, The Hunting Party, Doctors' Wives, and March or Die.
Marlon Brando: The Godfather, Missouri Breaks, Last Tango in Paris, The Night Comers, Apocalypse Now, and Superman.
Dustin Hoffman: Little Big Man, Straw Dogs, Papillon, Lenny, Marathon Man, All the President’s Men, Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?,Kramer vs. Kramer, Agatha, Straight Time, and Alfredo, Alfredo.
Roy Scheider: Jaws 1 & 2, All That Jazz, Marathon Man, The French Connection, The Seven-Ups, Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York, The Outside Man,Klute, Loving, Puzzle of a Downfall Child, Last Embrace, and Sorcerer.
Richard Dreyfuss: Jaws, American Graffiti, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Goodbye Girl, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Dillinger, The Big Fix, Inserts, and The Second Coming of Suzanne.
Bruce Lee: Enter The Dragon, The Big Boss, Game of Death, Fist of Fury, and Circle of Iron.
Ned Beatty: Nashville, Network, Superman, Silver Streak, All the President's Men, Deliverance, 1941, Wise Blood, Friendly Fire, Mikey and Nicky, The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, The Great Bank Hoax, White Lightning, W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings, The Last American Hero, The Thief Who Came to Dinner and Alambrista!.
Warren Beatty: Heaven Can Wait, Shampoo, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Fortune, Dollars, The Fortune, The Only Game in Town, and The Parallax View.
Paul Newman: The Sting, Slapshot , WUSA, Sometimes a Great Notion, The Towering Inferno, The Mackintosh Man, Buffalo Bill, Silent Movie, and The Drowning Pool.
Steve McQueen: The Towering Inferno, The Getaway, Junior Bonner, Le Mans, Papillon, and An Enemy of the People.
Clint Eastwood: Joe Kidd, Kelly’s Heroes, Play Misty for Me, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Every Which Way but Loose, Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, High Plains Drifter, The Enforcer, Escape from Alcatraz, The Gauntlet, Beezy, Two Mules for Sister Sara, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, The Eiger Sanction, and The Beguiled.
Michael Caine: A Bridge Too Far, Get Carter, The Man who would be king, Sleuth, The Eagle Has Landed, California Suite, and The Last Valley.
Martin Sheen: Badlands, Apocalypse Now, Catholics, That Certain Summer, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Eagle's Wing,
Elliott Gould: A Bridge Too Far, MASH, Little Murders, Nashville, The Long Goodbye, California Split, The Touch,Capricorn One, The Silent Partner, Matilda, The Muppet Movie, I Love My Wife, Getting Straight, SPY*S, and Escape to Athena, and Harry and Walter Go to New York.
Jeff Bridges: Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, The Last Picture Show, Fat City, The Last American Hero,Stay Hungry, Somebody Killed Her Husband, King Kong, The American Success Company, Winter Kills, Hearts of the West, Rancho Deluxe, Halls of Anger, Lolly-Madonna XXX, Bad Company, The Iceman Cometh, and The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go.
Jon Voight: End of the Game, The Champ, Catch-22, Deliverance, Conrack, and The Odessa File.
Gene Wilder: The Last Valley, Silver Steak, Blazing Saddles, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask), Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and Young Frankenstein.
Harrison Ford: American Graffiti, Apocalypse Now, Getting Straight, The Conversation, Star Wars, and Heroes.
James Caan: The Godfather 1 & 2, Cinderella Liberty, Chapter Two, Brian's Song, A Bridge Too Far, Funny Lady, The Gambler, Freebie and the Bean, Rollerball, The Killer Elite, Gone with the West, T.R. Baskin, Harry and Walter Go to New York, Another Man, Another Chance, and 1941.
John Travolta: Grease, Carrie, Saturday Night Fever, Moment by Moment, and The Devil's Rain.
Michael Murphy: Nashville, Manhattan, Phase IV, The Front, MAS*H, Count Yorga, Vampire, Brewster McCloud, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Lawyer, What's Up, Doc?, The Great Bank Hoax, The Class of Miss MacMichael, An Unmarried Woman, I Love You... Good-bye, I Love You... Good-bye, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.
Ryan O’ Neal: Love Story, A Bridge Too Far, What's Up, Doc?, The Driver, Barry Lyndon, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, Oliver's Story, and Nickelodeon.
Fernando Ray: The French Connection 1 & 2, Land Raiders, Tristana, That Obscure Object of Desire, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, A Town Called Bastard, Cold Eyes of Fear, The Two Faces of Fear, The Doubt, High Crime, Bianco, rosso e..., The Murri Affair, Seven Beauties, The Desert of the Tartars, Illustrious Corpses, Manuela, A Matter of Time, Smiling Maniacs, The Assignment, Jesus of Nazareth, and Traffic Jam.
Klaus Kinski: Vengeance Is a Dish Served Cold, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Woyzeck, And God Said to Cain, A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe, and Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead.
Burt Reynolds: Deliverance, The End, Semi-Tough, Hooper, The Longest Yard, Smokey and the Bandit, White Lightning, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask), and At Long Last Love.
Gian Maria Volontè: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, The Working Class Goes to Heaven, Todo modo, Le Cercle Rouge, Sacco & Vanzetti, and Christ Stopped at Eboli.
Charles Bronson: Death Wish, Breakout, Rider on the Rain, Città violenta, Someone Behind the Door, The Stone Killer, From Noon Till Three, Raid on Entebbe, and Mr. Majestyk.
Woody Allen: Bananas, Play It Again Sam, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, Sleeper, Love and Death, Annie Hall, Manhattan.
George Segal: The Hot Rock, California Split, Blume in Love, Where's Poppa?, A Touch of Class, The Black Bird, The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox, and Fun with Dick and Jane.
Richard Pryor: Silver Steak, The Wiz, Blue Collar, Greased Lightning, Lady Sings the Blues, and Hit!.
Keith Carradine: Nashville, A Gunfight, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Hex, Run, Run, Joe!, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, An Almost Perfect Affair, Old Boyfriends, The Duellists, Lumière, Idaho Transfer, Emperor of the North Pole, Antoine and Sebastian, Thieves Like Us, Welcome to L.A., and You and Me.
David Carradine: Bound for Glory, The Serpent's Egg, Fast Charlie... the Moonbeam Rider, Circle of Iron, Je te tiens, tu me tiens par la barbichette, Gray Lady Down, You and Me, Deathsport, Thunder and Lightning, Cannon Ball, Death Race 2000, Boxcar Bertha,! A Country Mile, The McMasters, The Long Goodbye, Mean Streets, Macho Callahan, and A Country Mile.
Jack Lemmon: Save the Tiger, Kotch, The War Between Men and Women, Avanti!, The Out-of-Towners, Killer Cop, The Front Page, Wednesday The China Syndrome, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, Airport '77, and Alex & the Gypsy.
Sylvester Stallone: Rocky 1 & 2, MASH, The Lords of Flatbush, Paradise Alley, F.I.S.T., Farewell, My Lovely, Capone, No Place to Hide, and The Party at Kitty and Stud's.
Harvey Keitel: Pretty Baby, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Brewster McCloud, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Fingers, Buffalo Bill, That's the Way of the World, Blue Collar, Eagle's Wing, and Mother, Jugs & Speed.
Robert Mitchum: Ryan's Daughter, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Farewell, My Lovely, Going Home, The Wrath of God, The Yakuza, Breakthrough, Midway, The Last Tycoon, The Big Sleep, The Amsterdam Kill, and Matilda.
Peter Finch: Network, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Lost Horizon, Something to Hide, The Abdication, Bequest to the Nation, England Made Me, and Raid on Entebbe.
Dennis Hopper: Apocalypse Now, CIA contro KGB, Les Apprentis Sorciers, The American Dreamer, Crush Proof, The Last Movie, Tracks, Kid Blue, The Festival Game, Mad Dog Morgan, The Sky Is Falling, Flesh Color, and The American Friend.
Sean Connery: The Man Who Would Be King, Murder on the Orient Express, Robin and Marian, The Wind and the Lion, A Bridge Too Far, Ransom, The Dream Factory, The Next Man, Cuba, Meteor, The First Great Train Robbery, Zardoz, The Offence, The Molly Maguires, The Anderson Tapes, and Diamonds Are Forever.
Jason Robards: Julia, The Ballad of Cable Hogue, Rosolino Paternò, soldato…, Jud, Fools, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Julius Caesar, The War Between Men and Women, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Johnny Got His Gun, All the President's Men, A Boy and His Dog, Mr. Sycamore, Hurricane, Comes a Horseman, and The Spy Who Never Was..
Warren Oates: Dillinger, The Hired Hand, Race with the Devil, Two-Lane Blacktop, Sleeping Dogs, Barquero, The Movie Murderer, There Was a Crooked Man..., Kid Blue, Chandler, A Job for Mr. Banks, The Reluctant Heroes, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, Tom Sawyer, Badlands, Drum, Race with the Devil, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Rancho Deluxe, Dixie Dynamite, The White Dawn, Cockfighter, The African Queen, True Grit: A Further Adventure, 92 in the Shade, 1941, American Raspberry, And Baby Makes Six, My Old Man, China 9, Liberty 37, and The Brink's Job.
Robert Shaw: Jaws, The Sting, Young Winston, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, Robin and Marian, Black Sunday, Figures in a Landscape, The Deep, Avalanche Express, Force 10 from Navarone, Diamonds, End of the Game, Swashbuckler, A Reflection of Fear, The Man in the Glass Booth, A Town Called Bastard, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, and The Hireling.
Kurt Russell: Used Cars, The Barefoot Executive, The Captive: The Longest Drive 2, The Strongest Man in the World, Now You See Him, Now You Don't, Superdad, Fools' Parade, and Charley and the Angel.
Michael York: Cabaret, The Three Musketeers, Logan's Run, Zeppelin, Something for Everyone, Touch and Go, Murder on the Orient Express, The Four Musketeers, Conduct Unbecoming, England Made Me, Great Expectations, Fedora, Lost Horizon, The Last Remake of Beau Geste, The Riddle of the Sands, Seven Nights in Japan, and The Island of Dr. Moreau.
Jack Warden: Shampoo, All the President's Men, Being There, Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, The Champ, ...And Justice for All., Dreamer, Raid on Entebbe, Heaven Can Wait, Death on the Nile, The White Buffalo, Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?, The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, The Sporting Club, Summertree, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Welcome to the Club, and Billy Two Hats.
John Wayne: Rooster Cogburn, The Shootist, McQ, Cahill U.S. Marshal, The Train Robbers, Brannigan, Chisum, Rio Lobo, Cancel My Reservation, The Cowboys, Big Jake, Harry Jackson: A Man and His Art, Swing Out, Sweet Land, and No Substitute for Victory.
Malcolm McDowell: O Lucky Man!, A Clockwork Orange, Caligula, Time After Time, The Raging Moon, Figures in a Landscape, The Passage, Voyage of the Damned, Royal Flash, and Aces High.
Kris Kristofferson: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Blume in Love, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, A Star Is Born, Convoy, The Last Movie, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Vigilante Force, Cisco Pike, Semi-Tough, and The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.
Sterling Hayden: The Godfather, 1900, The Long Goodbye, King of the Gypsies, Winter Kills, Is It Any Wonder?, Cry, Onion!, The Final Programme, Deadly Strangers, Le Grand départ, Loving, Ternos Caçadores, and Le Saut de l'ange.
Lee Marvin: Prime Cut, Monte Walsh, The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday, Avalanche Express, Emperor of the North Pole, The Iceman Cometh, Pocket Money, The Klansman, Shout at the Devil, and The Spikes Gang.
Ben Johnson: The Last Picture Show, Chisum, Corky, The Wayne Train, Locusts, Hustle, The Savage Bees, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, The Sugarland Express, Blood Sport, Bite the Bullet, Breakheart Pass, The Sacketts, The Greatest, The Swarm, Grayeagle, The Red Pony, The Train Robbers, The Getaway, Junior Bonner, Kid Blue, Something Big, Runaway!, and Dillinger.
submitted by Britneyfan456 to flicks [link] [comments]

I lost my Ng+ of yakuza 0

I was in ng+ of Yakuza 0, chapter 11, does anyone have a save file for it?
submitted by Dr-CD to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

[H] 90+ games [W] VR games (also dead by daylight dlc)

Looking for VR games and also some dlc for dbd (Halloween chapter, ghostface and leatherface in order of priority.)
Depending on both the games you want and the game / games you have I will be willing to trade all of mine for a few of yours.
Darksiders III Yakuza Kiwami 2 Imperator Rome Deluxe Editiion Crying Suns Darksburg Little Misfortune Smile for me Tsioque Rover Mechanic Simulator Youropa Townsmen A kingdom Rebuilt
October bundle Basement Shadows: Awakening Autonauts Iron Danger The Sunless Bundle Fantasy Blacksmith Lightmatter The Suicide of Rachel Foster The Uncertain Basement
Shuyan Saga
Smoke and Sacrifice Idle champions , Celeste's Starter pack Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition
Throne of lies This War Of Mine Star Trek Online: Klingon Elite Starter Pack on PC Neverwinter Companion Pack
Bulb Boy Beyond Eyes Dog Sled Saga Shenmue I & II Lethe - Episode One Wrongworld Wulverblade Kevin and the Infamous Machine Old mans journey Shoppe Keep
140 A case of distrust A new beginning final cut American fugitive Beat hazard 2 Broken Age Brutal Legend Costume Quest Day of the tentacle Remastered Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive EARTHLOCK Escape Goat 2 Fun with ragdolls the game Genesis alpha one Gnog Hack 'n' Slash Headlander Iron Brigade Kids Lethal League Blaze Little big workshop Massive Chalice Metal Unit Psychonauts Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin RAD Railway Empire -Thinking of keeping Realpolitiks Rise of Insanity Sigma Theory Spacebase DF-9 Stacking Stygian Reign of the old ones The Occupation The coma 2: vicious sisters Thoth Through the darkest of times Vampire: The Masquerade coteries of new york Verlet Swing Vikings - Wolves of Midgard Void Bastards Wargroove World of Zoo Yooka-Yaylee and the impossible lair Yuppie Psycho in between mirror moon ep
Dead by Daylight DLC - The Halloween Chapter Dead by Daylight DLC - Leatherface Chapter Dead by Daylight DLC - Ghostface Chapter Dead by Daylight DLC - The Stranger things chapter Skyrim VR Fallout VR Looking for VR games as am soon to purchase vr. Half-Life: Alyx Superhot VR Asgard’s Wrath Boneworks Tetris Effect Robo Recall Accounting+ Beat Saber Blade and Sorcery Brass Tactics Trover Saves the Universe Gorn Superhot VR L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files Boneworks Tetris Effect Robo Recall No Mans Sky Accounting+ In Death Sacralith QuiVr Brass Tactics Sairento Rolling Line Red Matter Obduction Chronos Trover Saves The Universe Skyrim VR Fallout 4 VR GORN Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time Blade & Sorcery Resident Evil 7 Biohazard No Man's Sky Boneworks Beat Saber Until you Fall SculptrVR Arizona Sunshine Kingspray Graffiti VR Dungeon Knight Cave Digger Portal Stories: VR Half-Life: Alyx Tiny Town VR Swords of Gargantua Budget Cuts Accounting+ Serious Sam VR Prison Boss VR Ark Park Superhot VR Space Pirate Trainer Smashbox Arena Cosmic Trip Trover Saves the Universe Obduction Red Matter Rolling Line QuiVr In Death L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files Cartonfall: Fortress
submitted by WhyGamingWhy to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

[Request] [Yakuza Kiwami] [Pc] Need save file.

Need a yakuza kiwami 1 save file.Was around chapter 11 when my data got deleted so if anyone could help me out i'll be glad
submitted by fk826 to Gamingsaves [link] [comments]

Which Actor had the best run in the 70s?

Best run in terms of anything
Jack Nicholson: Five Easy Pieces, Chinatown, On a clear day you can see forever, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Missouri Breaks, The Last Detail, Carnal Knowledge, Drive he Said, The Last Tycoon, The King of Marvin Gardens, Tommy, The Fortune,The Passenger, Goin' South, and The Rebel Rousers.
John Cazale: The Godfather 1 & 2, The Conversation, The Deer Hunter, and Dog Day Afternoon.
Donald Sutherland: MASH, Don’t Look Now, Kelly’s Heroes, Klute, Alex in Wonderland, 1900, The Day of the Locust, Steelyard Blues, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Animal House, The First Great Train Robbery, Murder by Decree, The Eagle Has Landed, Fellini's Casanova, Start the Revolution Without Me, The Act of the Heart, F.T.A., Little Murders, Lady Ice, Johnny Got His Gun, Alien Thunder, End of the Game, Bear Island, A Man, a Woman, and a Bank, The Kentucky Fried Movie, Blood Relatives, The Disappearance, and SPY*S.
Al Pacino: The Panic in Needle Park, The Godfather 1 & 2, Serpico, Scarecrow, Dog Day Afternoon, ... And Justice for all!, and Bobby Deerfield.
Robert DeNiro: 1900, Taxi Driver, The Godfather 2, The Last Tycoon, Mean Streets, Bang the Drum Slowly, Jennifer on My Mind, Hi, Mom!, The Deer Hunter, Bloody Mama, Born to Win, The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, New York, New York, Hi, Mom!, Jennifer on My Mind, and Born to Win.
Robert Redford: The Sting, The Candidate, The Hot Rock, Jeremiah Johnson, Three Days of the Condor, All the President's Men, The Electric Horseman, A Bridge Too Far, The Great Waldo Pepper, The Great Gatsby, The Way We Were, and Little Fauss and Big Halsy.
Robert Duvall: The Eagle Has Landed, MASH, The Godfather 1 & 2, The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, The Greatest, THX 1138, The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, Tomorrow, Network, The Greatest, The Great Santini, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, Breakout, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Joe Kidd, Badge 373, Lady Ice, The Killer Elite, The Betsy, and Breakout.
Gene Hackman: A Bridge Too Far, The French Connection 1 & 2, The Poseidon Adventure, Bite the Bullet,The Conversation, Superman, Night Moves, I Never Sang for My Father, Prime Cut, Cisco Pike, Scarecrow, Zandy's Bride, The Domino Principle, The Hunting Party, Doctors' Wives, and March or Die.
Marlon Brando: The Godfather, Missouri Breaks, Last Tango in Paris, The Night Comers, Apocalypse Now, and Superman.
Dustin Hoffman: Little Big Man, Straw Dogs, Papillon, Lenny, Marathon Man, All the President’s Men, Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?,Kramer vs. Kramer, Agatha, Straight Time, and Alfredo, Alfredo.
Roy Scheider: Jaws 1 & 2, All That Jazz, Marathon Man, The French Connection, The Seven-Ups, Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York, The Outside Man,Klute, Loving, Puzzle of a Downfall Child, Last Embrace, and Sorcerer.
Richard Dreyfuss: Jaws, American Graffiti, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Goodbye Girl, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Dillinger, The Big Fix, Inserts, and The Second Coming of Suzanne.
Bruce Lee: Enter The Dragon, The Big Boss, Game of Death, Fist of Fury, and Circle of Iron.
Ned Beatty: Nashville, Network, Superman, Silver Streak, All the President's Men, Deliverance, 1941, Wise Blood, Friendly Fire, Mikey and Nicky, The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, The Great Bank Hoax, White Lightning, W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings, The Last American Hero, The Thief Who Came to Dinner and Alambrista!.
Warren Beatty: Heaven Can Wait, Shampoo, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Fortune, Dollars, The Fortune, The Only Game in Town, and The Parallax View.
Paul Newman: The Sting, Slapshot , WUSA, Sometimes a Great Notion, The Towering Inferno, The Mackintosh Man, Buffalo Bill, Silent Movie, and The Drowning Pool.
Steve McQueen: The Towering Inferno, The Getaway, Junior Bonner, Le Mans, Papillon, and An Enemy of the People.
Clint Eastwood: Joe Kidd, Kelly’s Heroes, Play Misty for Me, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Every Which Way but Loose, Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, High Plains Drifter, The Enforcer, Escape from Alcatraz, The Gauntlet, Beezy, Two Mules for Sister Sara, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, The Eiger Sanction, and The Beguiled.
Michael Caine: A Bridge Too Far, Get Carter, The Man who would be king, Sleuth, The Eagle Has Landed, California Suite, and The Last Valley.
Martin Sheen: Badlands, Apocalypse Now, Catholics, That Certain Summer, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Eagle's Wing,
Elliott Gould: A Bridge Too Far, MASH, Little Murders, Nashville, The Long Goodbye, California Split, The Touch,Capricorn One, The Silent Partner, Matilda, The Muppet Movie, I Love My Wife, Getting Straight, SPY*S, Escape to Athena, and Harry and Walter Go to New York.
Jeff Bridges: Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, The Last Picture Show, Fat City, The Last American Hero, Stay Hungry, Somebody Killed Her Husband, King Kong, The American Success Company, Winter Kills, Hearts of the West, Rancho Deluxe, Halls of Anger, Lolly-Madonna XXX, Bad Company, The Iceman Cometh, and The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go.
Jon Voight: End of the Game, The Champ, Catch-22, Deliverance, Conrack, and The Odessa File.
Gene Wilder: The Last Valley, Silver Steak, Blazing Saddles, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask), Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and Young Frankenstein.
Harrison Ford: American Graffiti, Apocalypse Now, Getting Straight, The Conversation, Star Wars, and Heroes.
James Caan: The Godfather 1 & 2, Cinderella Liberty, Chapter Two, Brian's Song, A Bridge Too Far, Funny Lady, The Killer Elite,The Gambler, Freebie and the Bean, and Rollerball.
John Travolta: Grease, Carrie, Saturday Night Fever, Moment by Moment, and The Devil's Rain.
Michael Murphy: Nashville, Manhattan, Phase IV, The Front, MAS*H, Count Yorga, Vampire, Brewster McCloud, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Lawyer, What's Up, Doc?, The Great Bank Hoax, The Class of Miss MacMichael, An Unmarried Woman, I Love You... Good-bye, I Love You... Good-bye, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.
Ryan O’ Neal: Love Story, A Bridge Too Far, What's Up, Doc?, The Driver, Barry Lyndon, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, and Nickelodeon.
Fernando Ray: The French Connection 1 & 2, Land Raiders, Tristana, That Obscure Object of Desire, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, A Town Called Bastard, Cold Eyes of Fear, The Two Faces of Fear, The Doubt, High Crime, Bianco, rosso e..., The Murri Affair, Seven Beauties, The Desert of the Tartars, Illustrious Corpses, Manuela, A Matter of Time, Smiling Maniacs, The Assignment, Jesus of Nazareth, and Traffic Jam.
Klaus Kinski: Vengeance Is a Dish Served Cold, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Woyzeck, And God Said to Cain, A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe, and Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead.
Gian Maria Volontè: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, The Working Class Goes to Heaven, Todo modo, Le Cercle Rouge, Sacco & Vanzetti, and Christ Stopped at Eboli.
Charles Bronson: Death Wish, Breakout, Rider on the Rain, Città violenta, Someone Behind the Door, The Stone Killer, From Noon Till Three, Raid on Entebbe, and Mr. Majestyk.
Woody Allen: Bananas, Play It Again Sam, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, Sleeper, Love and Death, Annie Hall, Manhattan.
George Segal: The Hot Rock, California Split, Blume in Love, Where's Poppa?, A Touch of Class, The Black Bird, The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox, and Fun with Dick and Jane.
Richard Pryor: Silver Steak, The Wiz, Blue Collar, Greased Lightning, Lady Sings the Blues, and Hit!.
Keith Carradine: Nashville, A Gunfight, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Hex, Run, Run, Joe!, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, An Almost Perfect Affair, Old Boyfriends, The Duellists, Lumière, Idaho Transfer, Emperor of the North Pole, Antoine and Sebastian, Thieves Like Us, Welcome to L.A., and You and Me.
David Carradine: Bound for Glory, The Serpent's Egg, Fast Charlie... the Moonbeam Rider, Circle of Iron, Je te tiens, tu me tiens par la barbichette, Gray Lady Down, You and Me, Deathsport, Thunder and Lightning, Cannon Ball, Death Race 2000, Boxcar Bertha,! A Country Mile, The McMasters, The Long Goodbye, Mean Streets, Macho Callahan, and A Country Mile.
Jack Lemmon: Save the Tiger, Kotch, The War Between Men and Women, Avanti!, The Out-of-Towners, Killer Cop, The Front Page, Wednesday The China Syndrome, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, Airport '77, and Alex & the Gypsy.
Sylvester Stallone: Rocky 1 & 2, MASH, The Lords of Flatbush, Paradise Alley, F.I.S.T., Farewell, My Lovely, Capone, No Place to Hide, and The Party at Kitty and Stud's.
Harvey Keitel: Pretty Baby, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Brewster McCloud, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Fingers, Buffalo Bill, That's the Way of the World, Blue Collar, Eagle's Wing, and Mother, Jugs & Speed.
Robert Mitchum: Ryan's Daughter, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Farewell, My Lovely, Going Home, The Wrath of God, The Yakuza, Breakthrough, Midway, The Last Tycoon, The Big Sleep, The Amsterdam Kill, and Matilda.
Peter Finch: Network, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Lost Horizon, Something to Hide, The Abdication, Bequest to the Nation, England Made Me, and Raid on Entebbe.
Dennis Hopper: Apocalypse Now, CIA contro KGB, Les Apprentis Sorciers, The American Dreamer, Crush Proof, The Last Movie, Tracks, Kid Blue, The Festival Game, Mad Dog Morgan, The Sky Is Falling, Flesh Color, and The American Friend.
Sean Connery: The Man Who Would Be King, Murder on the Orient Express, Robin and Marian, The Wind and the Lion, A Bridge Too Far, Ransom, The Dream Factory, The Next Man, Cuba, Meteor, The First Great Train Robbery, Zardoz, The Offence, The Molly Maguires, The Anderson Tapes, and Diamonds Are Forever.
Jason Robards: Julia, The Ballad of Cable Hogue, Rosolino Paternò, soldato…, Jud, Fools, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Julius Caesar, The War Between Men and Women, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Johnny Got His Gun, All the President's Men, A Boy and His Dog, Mr. Sycamore, Hurricane, Comes a Horseman, and The Spy Who Never Was..
Warren Oates: Dillinger, The Hired Hand, Race with the Devil, Two-Lane Blacktop, Sleeping Dogs, Barquero, The Movie Murderer, There Was a Crooked Man..., Kid Blue, Chandler, A Job for Mr. Banks, The Reluctant Heroes, The Thief Who Came to Dinner, Tom Sawyer, Badlands, Drum, Race with the Devil, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Rancho Deluxe, Dixie Dynamite, The White Dawn, Cockfighter, The African Queen, True Grit: A Further Adventure, 92 in the Shade, 1941, American Raspberry, And Baby Makes Six, My Old Man, China 9, Liberty 37, and The Brink's Job.
Robert Shaw: Jaws, The Sting, Young Winston, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, Robin and Marian, Black Sunday, Figures in a Landscape, The Deep, Avalanche Express, Force 10 from Navarone, Diamonds, End of the Game, Swashbuckler, A Reflection of Fear, The Man in the Glass Booth, A Town Called Bastard, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, and The Hireling.
Kurt Russell: Used Cars, The Barefoot Executive, The Captive: The Longest Drive 2, The Strongest Man in the World, Now You See Him, Now You Don't, Superdad, Fools' Parade, and Charley and the Angel.
Michael York: Cabaret, The Three Musketeers, Logan's Run, Zeppelin, Something for Everyone, Touch and Go, Murder on the Orient Express, The Four Musketeers, Conduct Unbecoming, England Made Me, Great Expectations, Fedora, Lost Horizon, The Last Remake of Beau Geste, The Riddle of the Sands, Seven Nights in Japan, and The Island of Dr. Moreau.
Jack Warden: Shampoo, All the President's Men, Being There, Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, The Champ, ...And Justice for All., Dreamer, Raid on Entebbe, Heaven Can Wait, Death on the Nile, The White Buffalo, Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?, The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, The Sporting Club, Summertree, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Welcome to the Club, and Billy Two Hats.
John Wayne: Rooster Cogburn, The Shootist, McQ, Cahill U.S. Marshal, The Train Robbers, Brannigan, Chisum, Rio Lobo, Cancel My Reservation, The Cowboys, Big Jake, Harry Jackson: A Man and His Art, Swing Out, Sweet Land, and No Substitute for Victory.
Malcolm McDowell: O Lucky Man!, A Clockwork Orange, Caligula, Time After Time, The Raging Moon, Figures in a Landscape, The Passage, Voyage of the Damned, Royal Flash, and Aces High.
Kris Kristofferson: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Blume in Love, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, A Star Is Born, Convoy, The Last Movie, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Vigilante Force, Cisco Pike, Semi-Tough, and The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.
Sterling Hayden: The Godfather, 1900, The Long Goodbye, King of the Gypsies, Winter Kills, Is It Any Wonder?, Cry, Onion!, The Final Programme, Deadly Strangers, Le Grand départ, Loving, Ternos Caçadores, and Le Saut de l'ange.
Lee Marvin: Prime Cut, Monte Walsh, The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday, Avalanche Express, Emperor of the North Pole, The Iceman Cometh, Pocket Money, The Klansman, Shout at the Devil, and The Spikes Gang.
Ben Johnson: The Last Picture Show, Chisum, Corky, The Wayne Train, Locusts, Hustle, The Savage Bees, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, The Sugarland Express, Blood Sport, Bite the Bullet, Breakheart Pass, The Sacketts, The Greatest, The Swarm, Grayeagle, The Red Pony, The Train Robbers, The Getaway, Junior Bonner, Kid Blue, Something Big, Runaway!, and Dillinger.
submitted by Britneyfan456 to criterion [link] [comments]

yakuza 0 chapter 3 save file video

Dead Space 3 SaveGame PC [ Full with All Weapons ] - YouTube Gears 5 PC (Insane) 100% Walkthrough 21 Act 3 - Chapter ... selected save file is damaged or corrupt in The Amazing ... Dating My Daughter v0.23 SAVE DATA  Android Pc Mac ... Yakuza 0 CPY Save FIX [ENG/PL] - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami How to save the dog in Chapter 4 - YouTube How To Unlock Chapters - Bendy and the Ink Machine ... Playin' Yakuza Kiwami Save File Got Bodied Edition - YouTube Yakuza 0 Save game FIX *NEW UPDATE* - YouTube

whats to say the game dosent have a bug that happens and it gets baked into the save file you use now if you had 2/3 saves on rotation you would loose an hour of gameplay or so, not so big of a deal just annoying but you with a single save file need to go make a new game and start all over have fun with that trash and rage quit Additionally, there is an option to save your game after every chapter is completed. Unfortunately, that’s about it! But Yakuza 0 won’t make you lose all your progress if you happen to not ... Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Find 100% Save Game Files for your Favorite New and Old Video Games for Free. Yakuza 0 Save File Request for PC. So I've bought a new computer and somehow lost the save file during migration. I had just started chapter 5. Can anybody upload a save file for CH4, CH5, or CH6. I'd really appreciate it. 6 comments. share. save. hide. report. 72% Upvoted. This thread is archived. ↑ 1.0 1.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/.steam/steam/userdata/ <user-id> / 638970 / in addition to or instead of this directory. Save File Request (Yakuza 0) Okay, so I'm not sure what happened, but I launched my game and all I see is a save file at the top from late september from chapter 4, and a save file from today with the same progress from chapter 4. FOR SAVE ISSUES,go to installation folder Yakuza 0,then in MEDIA folder open CPY.ini, change SavePath to etc. SavePath=C: \Games or something else it will work. Spiritual Circle (12 Dec 2018, 23:18) Yakuza 0 2018 download best savegame files with 100% completed progress for PC and place data in save games location folder I now would like to share my yakuza 0's saves to you guys. They serve as my favorite events checkpoints in the game which are

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Dead Space 3 SaveGame PC [ Full with All Weapons ] - YouTube

To save the dog you need to buy a paper plate,dog food and mineral water. I mistakenly bought milk instead of dog food at first but you dont need to buy milk... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Yakuza 0 Save game FIX *NEW UPDATE*#patch#fixupdate#fix#Yakuza_0_Save_game I had a problem after returning to Bendy and the Ink Machine and no longer having my old save file and was disappointing when I couldn't jump straight into C... Hello Webheads !This video's the updated version of this video right here.. file DATING MY DAUGHTER CHAPTER 3 V0.23 DOWNLOAD FOR ANDROID WINDOWS MAC + SAVE DATA 【Adult Game 18+】📍Telegram📍Discord https:/... download: work o... [ENG]Hello!Do you have problems with saving game? In this tutorial i will show you how to fix this![PL]Cześć!Czy masz problemy z zapisywaniem gry? W tym pora... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Gears 5 PC (Insane Difficulty) 100% Walkthrough 21 Act 3 - Chapter 3 (Some Assembly Required) Full HD 1080pWelcome back everyone to my channel and my 100...

yakuza 0 chapter 3 save file

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