10 Best Steakhouses in The Strip (Las Vegas)

best casino steakhouse las vegas

best casino steakhouse las vegas - win

New Year's in Las Vegas

A very good friend of mine is getting married in Vegas on New Year's.
He asked me to stand up with him for the ceremony and given the history of our friendship, there's no way I would refuse to go.
It's been over 30 years since I personally have been to Las Vegas.
There are 4 of us in our group and we will be there for 4 days (12/31 - 1/4; Thursday - Monday).
We're all in our 50's age-wise, in decent health (no underlying health conditions) and are fully aware of the Covid spike happening there right now.
While there we will be masking up and following the Covid/Social Distancing protocols.
All of us are staying at a Downtown hotel/casino and don't plan on going to The Strip at all.
For 3 of the 4 days we're there, we will be playing golf, so our group will definitely be practicing Social Distancing by virtue of just being on the golf course. I'm really not interested in seeing any shows even if they're available.
My questions are:
  1. What will we experience at the Downtown casinos as far as table availability and table limits for craps, etc.?
  2. What are the best/can't-miss places for food and/or drinks (it doesn't have to be fine dining for every meal, but we're not going to be eating McDonald's either)?
Andiamo's (if it's even open) is one splurge I'd like to experience unless there is a better steakhouse.
  1. Are there any must-see Downtown attractions/experiences we need to catch?
If it's open, I'm definitely going to do the zipline down Fremont St.
submitted by Hoobie_Joobie to LasVegas [link] [comments]


As I was picking myself up off the shooter’s shack floor, I glanced over to the TV.
The ballplayers were all wandering around the field, looking skyward. Evidently, there was this hellacious explosion…even the television sports commentators were speculating as to what happened.
I looked out into the quarry. The wall that I had charged had receded some 75 feet.
There was rather a large amount of shattered, blasted dolomitic limestone now in the quarry. Enough, I found out later, for a full month’s worth of orders.
We never did find the blasting mats. I think they sort of evaporated.
Luckily, the quarry is essentially an open amphitheater in plan view; basically a big hole in the ground with vertical limestone walls. The shockwave of the blast that didn’t spend itself shattering the limestone into which it was housed, blew out laterally, hit the opposite quarry wall, rebounded, and then dispersed, rather energetically, vertically upward.
I set off car alarms for a 20 block radius.
There were no broken home windows, as the lion’s share of the shock wave was redirected upward.
Good thing there were no low flying zeppelins or dirigibles in the area...
I waited the requisite time to allow for any loafers. There were none, so I jumped into the nearest wheel loader and began clearing the quarry floor. Hell, I had to so I could open the front gate.
As I was clearing the floor, making pile number eight of the loose rock I had liberated, I heard the characteristic whoop-whoop of emergency vehicles.
I parked the wheel loader, opened the front gate, and raised the green flag. That was enough blasting for one day.
A few minutes later, three police cars zoom into the site. Two were local city cops, and one was a state trooper.
“Hi, guys!” I waved, “Nice day, innit?”
“Doctor Rock! We should have known.” One of the local boys groaned.
“Hey, I did call you beforehand, as per procedure,” I said.
Polack the cop walks up, just knowing I was responsible. “Yeah, but we didn’t figure on you terrorizing the entire city.”
“Polack! How goes it?” I asked.
The other local cop and the state trooper look to Polack, “You know this maniac?”
“Oh, hell yeah. For years. Don’t worry, the good doctor is mostly harmless.” He chuckles.
“Damn. OK. I guess everything’s OK. Just no more shooting today, please, Doctor. It’s going to take hours to calm everyone down.” He laments.
“Yes, sir. I’m done for the day.” I reply, snickering slightly.
The one local and state trooper depart, shaking their heads in amazement. This left Polack to follow me over to the shooter’s shack to mooch a cigar and whatever else he can find.
“Jesus Hula-Dancing Christ, Rock. What the hell was that? I was all the way out in Whitewatosa and heard you.” He asks as he sneakily snakes a smoke out of my case.
“Just some common chemicals in the proper proportions.” I snicker.
“Which were?” he asks.
I go in the back of the shed and toss him an empty container of one of the parts of the binaries I used. He catches it, reads the label, and drops it like a live grenade.
“Binaries? Fuck! Like what you used at the tower?” he asks.
“Yep. I used just a little more.” I reply.
“Little more? Damn, as I said, we’ve been briefed on the stuff. This shit’s nasty.” He shakes his head.
“Yeah. Fun, too.” I reply.
Polack grabs a Sprechler’s Cream Soda out of the fridge as I opt for a cold Cream Ale and shot of potato juice. Hell, I was done for the day, so…
We sit around and have a chat, just shooting the shit, as it were. Manly topics, so the conversation eventually steered over to guns.
“Hey!” Polack remembers, “That’s right! You fucking owe me. Let me borrow that fucking cannon you carry. I want to show the chief a thing or two.”
“Yeah, that’s right”, I agree, “When do you need it?”
“This Friday, after shift. It’s the monthly qualifiers for us.” He notes.
“Are pyromaniacs allowed in?” I ask.
“To observe? Sure. To shoot? Nope. Insurance regulations.” He says.
“What time?” I continue.
“1800 hours.” He tells me.
“I’ll be there. I’ll bring my gun and an assortment of loads. Hey, this could be fun!” I evilly smile.
“Doctor. You’re doing that thing again. You’re grinnin’ like a shithouse rat. You know how much that scares me. Stop it.” He pleads.
“No worries. Friday at 1800 hours.” I reply, grinning.
Polack slurps down his Sprechlers, snitches another stogie, and squeals out of the quarry in a cloud of dense dolomitic dust.
I arrive back at our flat, after stopping for two frozen custard Turtle Sundaes, to go. I give one to an appreciative wife and I ask her about her day.
“Oh, went shopping with Oma. Got the cutest shoes, and a new purse, and…oh well, never mind. You’ll see.”
Between bites of Turtle Sundae, she asks how my day went.
“Oh, my dear. I had a real blast.” I replied, not lying in the least.
Monday, after my first classes, I’m back in the faculty lounge, savoring a Greenland Coffee.
There was the usual instructor chatter when Dean Vermiculari walks in.
“Good morning, Dean!” I say. “Care for a sit-down and a coffee?”
“Good morning, Doctor Rock. Yes, please to both.” He replies.
I fix us both a fresh Greenland Coffee and return to our table. I hand him one and sit down to savor my soupçon.
“How was your weekend?” I ask the Dean of the College.
“Oh, very nice. Had a fine time catching some perch and crappie out on Lake Genever. I see you had a victorious weekend as well. Twice.” He smiles.
“Twice?” I asked.
“Well, your handling of the tower demolition made all the papers. Very, very well done, Doctor. I congratulate you.” He smiles.
“Thank you, Dean. That means a lot. Just doing what I can with what I’ve got. But twice?” I replied.
“It wasn’t front-page news, but I saw there was some, well, let us just say, ‘energetic activity’ out at the Silurian reef limestone quarry yesterday.” He grinned.
“Oh, yes. I had a job to do and well, as I always say: ‘Nothing succeeds like excess.” I smile back.
“Quite. This beverage you’ve created is really rather extraordinary, Doctor. Again, I thank you.” He tips his mug my direction in the age-old Midwestern salute.
“It’s a little recipe I picked up on my last expedition to the northlands. I grew rather fond of the concoction.” I replied.
“Ah, I see. Marvelous.” He smiles.
“Thank you, Dean. High praise indeed.” I reply.
“Which leads me to…ah, Doctor Rock. I have another favor to impose upon you.” He says, all serious.
“Yes, Dean? How can I be of service?” I ask.
“We, as you no doubt know, have many, many fine extractive mineral company connections. We actually receive quite a large amount of funding and endowments from them. They recruit here extensively for our young geoscientists. Now, since Dr. Pataariki has left for industry himself, I would like to appoint you as the College of Natural Sciences corporate liaison.” He explains.
“Indeed?” I replied, too stunned for words for once.
“Yes, indeed.” He continues, “It will require travel, mostly domestic, and delivering symposia at various companies on differing extractive geological subjects. You will also serve as host and university coordinator when they are present on recruiting tours. There will, of course, be additional remuneration to accompany the added responsibilities.”
I slurped my coffee, thinking furiously.
“Could I please first discuss it with my wife before I answer?” I ask.
“Oh, Doctor. Of course, of course. Take your time. I will not require a reply until… tomorrow.” He smiles, finishes his coffee, thanks me again, and toddles out.
“Yow, Es!” I exclaim, “This is one hell of an opportunity. It’s never before been offered to a junior professor. This will cement my tenure-track. It’s going to be a bitch with time, though. What do you think I should do?”
“Well, Rock, honey, I think you should do…” Es begins.
“No! None of that ‘do what you think is best’ stuff. I want your own thoughts, just like when I decided to go after my doctorate.” I explained.
“OK, then.” Esme looks all serious like she’s going to deliver a bipartisan political speech.
“Yes.” She says, firmly
“That’s it?” I ask.
“Yep. You asked I answered. We’ll make it work. We always do. You can’t let the Dean down. You will accept tomorrow without fear or qualms of your wife’s hesitations, of which I harbor none.” Esme proclaims.
“Did I ever tell you of the myriad reasons I love you so?” I ask.
The next morning I meet with Dean Vermiculari. He’s pleased that I accept and hands over to me the charter. Then the lists of company representatives, their contact information, and some other secret stuff that I can’t divulge right yet.
A raft of oil companies will be coming in the late spring semester, so I need to contact each and every one to solidify dates, times and positions for which they’re recruiting. But that’s for then, I have something more proximal for now.
I have a Friday appointment with Polack the cop at the town police shooting range.
I arrive spot on time with my Casull .454 Magnum pistol, in its carry bag, along with a small duffel crammed with Pyrodex, Tannerite, and selection of specialty loads I had Herman the German, the inveterate gunsmith, create.
Herman the German, his actual sobriquet, was this incredible gunsmith, craftsman, and all-around artillery specialist. Have any sort of problem with a rifle, shotgun, or pistol? See Herman. Gun holding too high? See Herman. Barrel warped? See Herman. Need solid gold projectiles for a certain one-off job? See Herman.
Herman the German can sort it out.
Just never ask him: “How?”
“Ach! I’ve lived so long to learn, and you want it free? I’ll fix it, you pay, but I am only one knowing how!”
Herman was a cranky old Kraut, and has lived here for as long as anyone can remember. Even my Grandfather had deferred to Herman when he had some particularly delicate machining operation that need special attention and was unique.
As far as anyone knew, Herman had no family, but was never at a loss for friends. He was one of the most popular, and well known, but still oddly really unknown, kind of mysterious, old bastards in the entire community.
Herman the German liked me because I could obtain for him certain high-energy things he couldn’t. All were entirely legal, but some were sort of out there in the gray zone.
He also liked that I was educated, as he held education in the highest esteem. He also liked that I was of German extraction myself.
I often made it a point to drop by with odd and unusual high-octane potables while never expecting anything in return other than a story or a shared cigar.
Herman created some special loads for my .454 Magnum, which he prized.
“I like your gun, Doctor Rock, it is so big! I can still see well enough to build things for it.” He told me one day over cheroots and Schnapps.
Herman was a character to be certain. It must have been the pixie in him to dream up some of the specialty rounds he created for me to share with the local constabulary.
He lived out in the county by himself in an old farmhouse. He had a full machine shop in his basement, complete with forge, metal handling equipment, and a firing test range.
He handed back my .454, rather solemnly.
“Doctor, I am afraid to say I couldn’t test all the special rounds I’ve created for you. I need to patch the hole in the cinder blocks in the downstairs range. Your gun punched right through the back…” he apologized.
Now, Herman does all sorts of work on the local’s deer rifles, the police’s ordinance and has even worked some with the Baja Canada National Guard. Some of the little novelties he’s dreamed up for me are the first to escape his homemade basement test range.
I felt oddly honored.
After proving who I was to the nice range officer, I looked around trying to find Polack.
“It’s 1550. Where the hell is Polack? I wondered.
“Rock! Over here.” Polack calls to me.
He motions me outside to the police department’s tactical outdoor range. I had thought all along he was referring to the indoors police target range. This might pose some problems.
The tactical range was a series of clapboard shacks, all setup and designed to represent some downtrodden urban inter-city landscape. There were a couple of junked cars, broken sidewalks, storefronts, houses, bus stops…in short, all things necessary to replicate the seediest sections of a settlement where malefactors live and breed.
The cops all run around this range, shooting at bad guy pop-up cut-outs and avoid the not-bad-guy pop-up cut-outs. They’ve got music blaring, firecrackers going off, all trying to re-create a shady deeply urban environment. Points are awarded by the accuracy of fire on the run, time to maneuver the course, and the ability of not gunning down innocent bystanders.
It is not the best place to test a .454 Cusall. This hand cannon recoils like a fundamentalist Christian being solicited for donations to Anton LaVey, shoots flames and incandescent gasses like Smaug after a hard night of drinking and a stop at the Taco Bell buffet, is louder than a dime-store Karen demanding to see a Manager, and more powerful than a Ghost Pepper suppository.
To quote Joe Piscopo: “It shoots through schools.” Especially faux-schools made of plywood.
A .32 or .38 cop special is the correct weapon here; even a 9mm is a little heavy. Enough power to make a serious dent, easy on control, light on the recoil…a good tactical weapon.
But, nothing succeeds like excess.
Polack’s Chief is running around, capping off his ‘big ol’ .44 Magnum, and making the valley echo. He punches considerable holes in the pop-up cut-outs, but has such a hard time handling the recoil, his score is barely passable.
Polack runs his test with his standard 9mm sidearm and qualifies easily. However, he’s nowhere near done with his Chief yet.
I suggest to Polack we have a shoot-off. And since a .44 Magnum bullet ‘is so close to a .454 Magnum’, which it isn’t…the .454 Casull generates nearly 85% more recoil energy than the .44 Magnum; that we’d need something other than holes punched in plywood to judge the efficacy of each.
We are literally just down the road from Max Yazzer’s farm and market. They’re the place you go for your Halloween jack-o-lantern. However, now, he has a surplus of melons.
I think you can see where this is headed…
I borrow Polack’s personal conveyance and run down to Max’s farm. I return with a trunk-load of elderly, overripe, cheap as chips, melons. Watermelons, Honeydews, Musks, and Casabas.
We place them in strategic areas on the course, five for the Chief to find, and five for Polack.
A .44 vs. a .454 melon-wise results in pretty much the same sort of mess: high-velocity fruit spatter. Although, the Chief was very impressed by the report of the .454. So, after running the tactical-melon course, clear demarcation of a winner was elusive.
OK, OK, clever dicks. How about this? A standing shoot-off? We’ll set up 3 melons each at 30, 20, and 10 yards. Beginning at 30 yards, your time will be until you take out all three melons. But, they’re not going to be in a straight line, we’re going to make them somewhat camouflaged. You will stand in one small demarcated area, hunt those miscreant melons, and bring them to justice. Fastest time and greatest display wins, as determined by the Police Peanut Gallery.
Polack and the Chief agree.
The Chief goes first and dispatches the melons, with a fair amount of spatter, in 15.3 seconds.
Not bad.
Polack is next. He wipes out all the melons and creates some thoroughly impressive displays with Herman’s ‘special’ rounds. Normal ballistics for the .454 are, for a 250 grain (16 g) bullet, a muzzle velocity of over 2,400 feet per second, developing up to 2,800 ft-lb of energy.
Herman’s hot loads are double that.
Polack wins the day on impressive high-velocity melon distribution, but misses, so close, with a time of 17.0 seconds.
Recoil’s a bitch.
Then there are Herman’s ‘specialties’.
The Chief is duly impressed and even comments that his ears are ringing even with the ear protectors. He asks to inspect the weapon. He is even more than duly impressed.
Polack knows what’s up and asks the Chief if he’d like to give a whirl.
Of course, the Chief can’t back down.
Polack loads the .454 with 5 of Herman’s specialties: hollow-point rounds loaded hot, compressed, and tipped with alkaline earth metals, like metallic sodium and metallic potassium…
We set up the nastiest, glorpiest, just barely-holding-together, overripe, laced with Tannerite (an impact-actuated low-explosive) watermelon at the ‘Concealed Carry’ distance of 5 meters.
We slowly fade back into the distance to avoid the inevitable ‘Gallagher reaction’.
The Chief fires one, and just nicks the top of the melon. Don’t laugh, with the type of recoil and heft of the sidearm, and tensing up in anticipation, it’s easy to be off the mark initially.
The second round impacts dead-center. Now, alkaline earth metals and water don’t get along really well. In fact, their relationship is explosive. Especially explosive when delivered at 2,900 feet per second.
The Chief catches a huge smattering of vitamin-packed watermelony back blast goo.
He’s not entirely happy. He looks positively grisly with all that blown-up melon schmoo on his nice, neat uniform.
He returns my gun and bans me from ever showing up at the police range again.
Polack is on traffic duty for the next month.
He figures it was well worth it.
Back at the flat, Esme is shaking her head and wondering if I’ll ever grow up.
“I may grow old, but I’ll never grow up.” I reply.
I see I have several missed phone calls. Ah, me; no rest for the weary. Back to company-university liaison duties.
After I had contacted these companies, I receive no less than 12 requests for symposia, talks, and seminars to be given to various level of industrial scientific employees in their respective companies.
I am now slated to give academic conferences on stratigraphy, sedimentology, and seismic structural geology to different companies in Houston, Oklahoma City, Denver, Casper, Corpus Christi, New Orleans, and Tulsa. In the next 12 weeks, I’ll be giving no less than 8 talks in seven cities.
I speak with Dean Vermiculari on how best to handle the situation. He understands and appoints two graduate student teaching assistants to handle my classes while I’m on the road. That relieves me of being physically there, but I still have to grade papers, compose lesson plans, and keep things running smoothly until finals.
Besides giving the talks, there’s travel to oil fields, production facilitates, manufacturing plants, hotels, restaurants while I’m in town…the pace is excruciating. I’m gone more than I am at university. Plus in my time back home, I’m still the ad hoc master blaster for the limestone quarry.
Then, there’s the companies arriving on campus, and the roles are reversed. Now I’m the welcome wagon and have to sort out the logistics of receiving the company representatives. I need to set up the colloquia to introduce the companies to the prospective students, arrange lodging, arrange passes for the university, transportation, “Meet-and-Greet’s, ad infinitum.
I knew this was having a bit of effect on me when I came back to the flat after one particularly grueling ordeal of canceled flights, full hotels, missed connections and lukewarm reception by the company workers.
“Hello”, I said, as I walked in the flat, “I believe you have a reservation for…”
Esme just stood there, wondering if I was having a laugh.
No, I wasn’t. I was completely hallucinating from road weariness, lack of sleep, jet lag, and total disorientation. This continued on for the next approximately 18 months.
Esme was beginning to have second thoughts about all this.
My teaching load was diminished by one whole introductory course. However, I was still flying hither and yon, delivering symposia, meeting with young geoscientists and getting to know the ins-and-outs of the Oil Industry.
I found it particularly fascinating.
Time marched on and it was once again it was the recruiting season. We had no less than eight oil companies visiting the university in their quest to swell the roster of their junior scientists.
I’m still busier than a one-armed paperhanger in a windstorm, but have settled into a groove of sorts. I know the company recruiters and they now know me. I’ve actually struck up friendships with several. Particularly since I take them to the best local restaurants and bars after their recruiting duties are finished.
I’ve met with recruiting representatives of Shrill Petrol, Mexxon, Nobil, Nocono Oil, Flug, Geddy, Brutish Petroleum, and Qexaco.
The recruiting season is winding down and I find myself with Red (not Adair), of Nocono Oil.
“Well, Doctor Rock”, Red states, “Another fine recruiting run. We’ve snagged two of your young geologists and one geophysicist. I’d say it was almost a perfect score.”
We’re sitting in the Norton’s Steakhouse. After a couple of prime pink porterhouses, we’re working on the post-dinner double vodka and bitter lemon for me, and Lagavulin for Red.
“Almost perfect?” I ask.
“Yeah. There’s been this one small nagging concern from our company higher-ups.” Red continues.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“We need some more senior people. For one thing, we’ve recently opened a new petroleum laboratory down in our Houston office. Going to need some serious talent to run that show.” Red says.
“I see”, I reply, “And…?”
“We need mentors. Those with varied and far-flung knowledge. They must be well educated, global in experience and stature, with an [ahem] diverse set of skills.” Red notes.
“Whew”, I agree, “That’s a tall order. You want my help with names of possible candidates? Is that it?”
“Not as such, Doctor.” Red drains his drink, motions for me to do the same, and orders another round.
Our drinks arrive and Red downs half his in one gulp.
“Well, then”, I continue, “How can I help?”
Red chuckles, “For someone so educated, you can really be thick as two short planks at times.”
I sit back, and sip my Old Thought Provoker.
The mercury-vapors light off.
“No!” I say, incredulously.
“Oh, yes.” Red smiles.
“No?” I ask, slowly taking in the possible effects of what he’s hinting at…
“OK, Doctor Rocknocker”, Red gets all serious and corporate, “We’d like to offer you a position at Nocono Oil as Senior Laboratory Manager and Head of Corporate Continuing Education.”
You could have knocked me over with a grenade. I was stunned. I fumbled with my drink.
“Red, you old con artist” I reply, “Is this a set-up?”
Red, serious as a heart attack, looks directly at me and replies, “Doctor Rock, absolutely not, it’s a genuine offer.”
He slides over a folder with some papers inside. “Here are the particulars.”
Reeling, I accept the folder. I open it and right after the corporate logos and legal bullshit, I see a tall figure with a whole raft of zeros trailing behind it.
I read furiously. The job would be both interesting and challenging. It would be in Houston, with travel and teaching at all other company outposts on a regular basis. I reexamine that figure from before and verify that I’m not now hallucinating.
The job comes with furnished, corporate-paid housing, incredible benefits, loads of opportunity for advancement, more opportunity to travel, really generous vacation time…
“Right. On the level?” I ask again.
“Yep.” Red bluntly says.
“Well”, I gulp, “you know I have to discuss this with Esme”, whom he’s met several times previous.
“Of course, and you probably want to finish out the semester, correct?” red asks.
“Oh, yes.” I reply. There would be a monsoon of paperwork and other grunt work I’d need to conclude or hand over if I were to accept this offer.
“OK, then”, Red finishes his drink, motions for me to do the same, a real rarity; but I was in another dimension at this point. He orders another round and sits back, waiting on a refill.
“You have two weeks to reply” Red states.
“I know that’s not a terribly long time, but we need to fill this position ASAP. Can I ask for that? Your answer, yea, or nay, within a fortnight?” Red demands.
“Yes”, I reply. “I at least owe you that.”
And that was the end of the discussion for the night about me joining the private sector. We stayed a few more hours, chatting, smoking my cigars, and discussing everything but the lumbering elephant in the room.
We part outside as I need to head back to our flat. Red wants to go downtown to one of those “Gentleman’s Clubs” he’s heard were so famous at the time.
I was flummoxed the whole cab ride home.
It was late when I returned, but I simply had to wake Es with the news.
“Rock, for pity’s sake, its 2 o’clock in the morning!” Es protests. “Can’t this wait until later?”
“Sorry, my dear” I reply, probably as serious as I ever had with Esme. “This is a potential game-changer.”
“What is it? Are you OK?” Esme trembles.
“Oh, I’m fine. Better than fine.” I reply.
She’s relieved.
“Then what’s so important?” she asks.
“Um…how would you like to move to Houston?” I ask.
“You going to teach at Cougar High (University of Houston)?” she inquires.
“Nope. Brace yourself. I’ve been offered a job with Nocono Oil.” I finally spill the beans.
Esme is slightly stunned and sits down.
I go to the wet bar, fix me a bracing potato juice and citrus and Esme a stiff white Zinfandel.
I hand her the wine and she is still semi-dazed and digesting the information.
I slurp a good portion of my drink, retrieve her Sobranjes and me a cigar from my Turkmenistan humidor.
I sit on the couch next to her and hug her soundly.
“Esme? Es? Earth to Es? You in there?” I joke.
“Oh, Yeah. Rock. Really? Hang on”, she leaves, returning with her housecoat as this might take a little time.
“So?” I ask, “Your thoughts. Now! Immediately! Initial reaction!” I try to jar her back into reality.
“Well, what do you want?” she asks.
“C’mon, my dearest. You know I hate that. No, what do you think? What do you honestly think?” I reply.
We both fire up our smokes, and I refresh our drinks. We return to the dinner table where Red’s folder lies.
“Es, here. Look at this.” I say, sliding the portfolio over to her.
She reads like a hungry man at a Vegas casino buffet. I can tell where she was stopped by something extraordinary.
“This is for real?” she asks, “Red’s not pulling a fast one?”
“Nope. It’s the genuine article”, I tell her, “He needs my reply within two weeks.”
“Rock, Rock…I just don’t know. It’s a lot to process at 0230 in the morning. Let’s go to bed and have a think in the morning. You have the luxury of at least that amount of time.” She notes.
“Right again, as usual”, I say, “Stuff it. It can wait.” We toddle off to bed.
The next morning, over Cuban omelets and Greenland Coffees, we sort through the particulars.
“Rock, it’s an extraordinary offer. But, do you want to leave teaching? I remember how you got all animated by Dean Vermiculari giving you the corporate liaison job and how that would improve your shot at tenure.” She notes.
“I just don’t know. I’m still shell-shocked.” I tell her. “Let me go to school and we’ll pick this up tonight. We both have work to do no matter what. Oh, bloody hell. I hadn’t considered your job. Another wrinkle in the mess.”
“Don’t you worry about that”, Esme smiles. “One catastrophe at a time.”
“I do so love you.” I hug her soundly. “Think I should mention this offer to anyone at school?”
“No. Definitely not.” Esme shakes her head. “Let’s figure this out on our own.”
“I agree”, I say, kiss her and depart for school once again.
The next week was a blur. Recruiting duties were dragging and I was being preoccupied.
Even my students noted the lack of in-room explosions lately.
I spend the next Saturday at the quarry, doing some small amount of blasting. I quiz the quarry owners about their progress in acquiring a new master for the quarry’s operation.
“Oh, Doctor Rock” they gush, “You’re doing such a fine job, we haven’t really looked. Why do you ask?”
“No particular reason at this time, I reply, “But perhaps you might want to begin looking”
The chinks in my armor were finally starting to show.
Sunday was spent out on Sliver Lake, with Esme and me chasing the elusive crappie, perch, and bucketmouth bass. It also gave us a chance to clear our heads from work, school and other such intrusions. We both needed a bit of downtime.
Later that night, after a meal of beer-battered fillet of crappie and perch on the barbie, we sit down at the dinner table.
The portfolio sits there, taunting us.
I get up, makes us both our drinks, sit down and declare that this is it.
“Es, darling” I say, “its nut-cuttin’ time. We need to make our decision.”
“You’re right.” Es agrees, “Time for risk-reward analysis. Get some paper and some pencils.”
We spend the next few hours listing the pros and cons of accepting the Houston position or staying here and pursuing my tenured professorship.
After several hours, I stretch, stand, and go to the fridge. I retrieve the bottle of Bollinger Les Vieilles Vignes Francaises I had purchased the other day.
I return to the table with the wine and the glasses, pop the cork and pour us both a glass of high-brow bubble water.
I hug and kiss Esme like I had just returned from a long, solo expedition.
“Esme, my darling. I’d like to propose a toast. First to us. Hа здоровый!”
“Cheers!” Esme replies.
“Secondly to Red, Dean Vermiculari, the quarry guys, Polack the Cop, and all the others that makes our life weird around here.”
“Seconded”, Es echoes.
“Finally: to Houston, Texas. Our new home!” I finally add.
The next morning, Dean Vermiculari peers over the top of his pince-nez glasses. He’s not looking overly happy with me right now.
“Why is it, Doctor, that everyone that receives the job of corporate liaison ends up going with corporate?” he asks.
“Perhaps it’s just the exposure to another world that exists beyond academia.” I reply, truthfully.
“Doctor Rocknocker,” the Dean gravely states, “I am not at all happy about your decision. We had great hopes for you here and you were riding right up the tenure track. Another five years and it would have been assured.”
“Five years is a long time, Dean”, I state the obvious.
“Yes, indeed.” The Dean replies frostily. “However, you are young. Perhaps you need to get this private sector nonsense out of your system, then you can return to academia where you belong.”
“Perhaps, perhaps”, I reply.
“Please, do consider this option down the road. You and your antics will be missed here, by students and faculty alike.” He says.
“I will, Dean, I promise.” I reply “However, for now, it’s time for my boot heels to be wanderin’.”
“Doctor, I will miss your strange and unique way of looking at life. I reluctantly accept your resignation at the end of the current semester and wish you all the best in your newest endeavors. Please remember us when corporate support for academia is mentioned in your new company.” he says.
“I promise you, Dean, I will not forget what I’ve learned here and what you’ve taught. It’s the least I can do,” I reply. “I will never forget my roots.”
“All I can ask”, he concludes. He stands to shake my hand. We shake and my audience is over.
I resign from the quarry a week later. They haven’t found a new blaster but wish me well on my new journey. I tell them I’m here until the end of the semester, so I won’t leave them high and dry.
I tell Polack the Cop about all the goings-on.
“Who the hell can I roust for beer and cigars now?” He whines. “Let me know when you get to Texas if they need any cops. I wouldn’t mind trying’ that. Hell, maybe a Texas Ranger!”
“A Cheesehead Ranger…?” I assure him I will and pass a box of cigars to him as a parting gift. He gives me a mayoral-signed get-out-of-jail-free card.
“Now you can drive that old Harley just as crazy as you want.” He chuckles.
“Thanks, Polack.” I say, shaking his hand. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I sold my bike a week earlier.
Red was very chuffed with the news.
“Snagged me a big one this time!’ He laughed, over the phone.
There was enough paperwork, considerations and decisions to be made to last the remaining time Esme and I had in-state until our move. Already, a moving company had arrived, done inventory, and was preparing for our move to Houston.
Esme resigned her position and decided she wanted to take some time off. She wanted to be a housewife, a colleague, and not have to work for once at an outside job. My new position allowed for that in spades. Besides with her credentials, anytime when she wants to re-join the workforce, there are myriad opportunities in the Bayou City.
We made the choice of housing out west of town, in Katy, Texas. We could have chosen Sugarland, Addicks, Greenspoint, Greenway, or the Memorial area. However, these west Houston company properties were closest to the job and largest in square footage.
My students got wind of my resignation and relocation. They threw me an unexpected farewell party at the Gast Haus. It was nickel-beer night and since they were footing the bill, it all worked out just fine.
I would miss the old place. The camaraderie, the seasons, the university; hell my home these last many years. I’ve been on many, many expeditions, but I always returned home.
Now, home was moving and was awaiting our arrival.
Esme and I said our farewells to our families as well. We were the first through college, the first ones to travel international, the first Doctor in the family, and the first to leave the state.
That’s a lot of familial firsts.
I had to keep reminding everyone it wouldn’t be the last. Hell, we’re just moving to Texas, it’s not like we’re off to Greenland or Mongolia…
We saddled up Es’s old Chevy Nova, took one last, lingering look in the rearview mirror, and said fare thee well to our previous lives.
“We’ll be back. Someday. I promise” I told the city of our youth and young married adulthood.
We decided to drive to Houston because we had the luxury of a bit of time. We needed the stretch to chew over some interpersonal and private things on the way to the next chapter in our lives. Besides, the weather was good, the roads ahead open and clear, and Texas had no ‘Open Container’ law, yet.
We pointed the old Nova south and hit the gas.
A week later, we’re wandering around our new house in Katy, Texas. Our belongings, scant though they may be, arrived the day after we did. Esme and I spent the next couple of day rearranging the house, buying necessary domestic bits and pieces, and getting to know our new neighborhood.
First thing, though, Esme wanted to replace the old Nova. I concurred, but insisted we keep it as a second car and went out to purchase our first new car as a couple.
I wanted a Land Rover. We ended up with a glossy black Toyota 4-Runner. Close enough.
I was scheduled to show up at my new job the next Monday.
I had my own parking spot, complete with “Reserved for Dr. Rock” painted on the bumper block. I was shown my new lab and was introduced to my seven laboratory assistants. I was shown the catalogs I could use to order what I needed and went over the requisition procedures.
I was trotted around to meet the company CEO, CFO, CIO, VPs and many, many more company executives and managers. I’ve met with presidents and heads of state, I was impressed but not overly. They seemed like a more or less nice bunch of chaps.
Almost exactly five weeks to the day from our arrival in Houston, I come home, yelling “Darling, I’m home!”
Esme comes to greet me with a rib-rearranging hug. She tells me to sit at the dinner table, where my long hard day at the office drink, cigar, ashtray, and lighter are already set.
“How was work, dear?” she asks, sitting down with her Perrier water.
“Oh, it’s going great. The knotheads let me have an open-ended budget until I get the labs sorted just the way I want it. These guys pay their bills on time and I have carte blanche at Wards Scientific, and other supply houses. My crew is great, no interpersonal crapola, and hard workers. I can smoke in my office and no one dares give me shit about my cigars. I’m getting to know the exploration department quite well. They’re really interested in our expeditions and are more interested in my opinions of their new exploration directives.”
Esme just smiles and sips her water.
“Odd”, I thought.
“That’s great, dear.” She says. “I am so glad to hear it.”
“Me too”, I say, “How are you holding up after all these weeks alone?”
“Oh, I’m getting used to it.” She smiles.
And smiles. Beatifically. Glowing.
“What?” I ask.
“Remember what we talked about in the car on the way down here?” She asks.
“We talked about a lot of things…” I say, suddenly my eyes grew very, very wide indeed.
“Yes. You’re going to be a father. I’m pregnant, Rock.” Esme smiles.
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

MGM Resorts Closes All Las Vegas Properties Effective March 17

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 34%. (I'm a bot)
MGM Resorts International just announced that it will temporarily suspend operations at its Las Vegas properties on Tuesday, March 17.
Casino operations will close on Monday, March 16, followed by hotel operations, says Jim Murren, chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts in a press statement.
"As the coronavirus pandemic has intensified in the United States over the past week, the people of MGM Resorts have worked to try to find a way to continue delivering high quality hospitality and entertainment experiences for our guests while keeping our employees doing the jobs they love in a safe environment. Welcoming people from around the world is what we do, and our employees have tremendous pride in their work."Despite our commitment to dedicating additional resources for cleaning and promoting good health, while making difficult decisions to close certain aspects of our operations, it is now apparent that this is a public health crisis that requires major collective action if we are to slow its progression.
"Accordingly, we will close all of our Las Vegas properties as of Tuesday, March 17, for the good of our employees, guests and communities. This is a time of uncertainty across our country and the globe and we must all do our part to curtail the spread of this virus. We will plan to reopen our resorts as soon as it safe to do so and we will continue to support our employees, guests, and communities in every way that we can during this period of closure."
MGM Resorts will not be taking reservations for arrivals before May 1, but that situation may change.
Major chefs affected include Wolfgang Puck with Spago at the Bellagio, Lupo at Mandalay Bay, and Wolfgang Puck Bar & Grill at MGM Grand; Joël Robuchon's two restaurants at the MGM Grand; Roy Choi's Best Friend at the Park MGM; NoMad Restaurant and NoMad Bar at the NoMad Hotel; Tom Colicchio with Heritage Steak at the Mirage and his steakhouse at the MGM Grand; Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken at Border Grill at Mandalay Bay; and Michael Mina's four-restaurants at MGM resorts.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: MGM#1 Resorts#2 close#3 employee#4 operations#5
Post found in /news, /Coronavirus, /vegas and /CrackStreetBets.
NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
submitted by autotldr to autotldr [link] [comments]

All about Rich Guy, his plans, and other stuff from the offseason

It's been awhile since I posted because I’ve been grinding the game and vegas happened. Dashy filled expectations of being a young formal and its funny that ppl only see that now. Congratulations to Optic on winning Vegas the event was lit. My old sub is fucked up and I can't make it public now so I made the new one and copied the main posts over and locked them but their here now for history. My last post said I could write one last one until next rostermania about small stuff and some stuff I heard that I thought was fugaze. Its good I waited because it turns out lots of it was true and I heard straight from lots of ppl involved. Theirs not too much to talk about for rosters bc everything is set for the qualifier so the only topic left is rich guy and who he is. No its not Marc Cuban lol. I think hes one of the bigger stories in cod since he caused so much movement and was the reason I made my burner in the first place.

So I worked on this post for awhile now in MS Word so its easier to read and made it into sections since everybody kept frying me over it lol. This is going to be my last post until next rostermania so thanks for reading and hope it’s been fun and thanks to ppl that dm’d me info and helped me figure this out.

If you weren't around for Seattle Rostermania when the Optic roster of Scump, Crim, Formal, and Karma broke up, I heard from multiple people that the plan was for them to actually leave together and join some rich guy. These are the two posts I made about it and if your confused they can help.
  1. https://www.reddit.com/CoDCompetitive/comments/8egdaintel_on_og_i_was_1010_on_rostermania/
  2. https://www.reddit.com/CoDCompetitive/comments/8f6bhn/new_thread_for_intel/

(1) When Rich Guy first came up

Before ww2 even started the optic guys weren’t happy with what they were being paid and felt like infinite didnt care about them. They would joke about leaving and talking to other teams but other players thought it was just banter. Then infinite kept part of their paycheck bc part of it said they didn’t have to pay it bc it was a good behavior bonus which lots of players have and the org decides if you behaved good or not and it happened around new orleans. That’s one of the things they were pissed off about along with infinite taking forever to redo their contracts bc they only made 8000 up from 3000 and it was about to end.

Then crim made the reddit AMA in February where he publicly said they weren’t happy with optic... https://www.reddit.com/OpTicGaming/comments/7xk9sp/crimsix_surprise_ama/du8yest/

Guys in optic started to think they made a huge mistake selling to the wrong group months before.

Then rich guy probably heard about the AMA post. He got someone to get him in touch with the cod roster to see if they were for real about what was said in Crims AMA. Theres a rumor rich guy was one of the ppl that tried to buy optic when they were looking for investors but hecz sold to the rangers guy instead so he knew of the cod team.

(2) CWL Atlanta WW2

So the optic guys talked on skype with rich guy a few times before cwl atlanta which was in march and they planned to meet at the event to talk in person. Supposedly right before they were going to meet infinite decided to drop the halo team and very nearly dropped the cod team the day before the event too. That’s something scump said himself to lots of different players. I heard it was only crim that met in person at first with rich guy on Wednesday before the event and funny theres a post by someone who saw it and posted way before I made my burner account. Basically he saw crim meeting with rich guy at a strip club.

You can read the other guys post thread here...
This is going to sound made up but I live in Atlanta and I saw crim having a meeting with a guy in a suit who I think is the ceo of another team. It was the wednesday before Atlanta open and they were both wearing suits. My friends and me sat at a table behind them and we heard them talking about money. they stayed about an hour and when they were leaving his friend in a suit went to the bathroom so i went to crim and shook his hand and said good luck this weekend. He was surprised and it seemed like they went there bc they didnt want anyone to see them meeting. When they left they got into a Roles Royce. I can post more after work if anyone wants to know more...
I didnt think anything of it either when we first saw them but as i watched them it was obvious the guy was from another team. Both him and crim were in suits and i swear I heard crim say he loves the offer or something. This was on wednesay or Thursday night near midnight.
Then on monday one of my friends that was there with me told me that he saw the same suit guy out sunday night with karma and scumpi and that they were talking loudly about teams or something. so my friend brad walked up to them and asked if he could get a picture with all 3 of them. The suit guy said no so my friend said he really wants one with all 3. Karma and the suit guy said no and that my friend could have a picture with just him and Scumpi without the suit guy or else no picture at all. My friend said ok so he just got a pic with Karma and Scumpi. After he got the picture our other friend Travis walked up to the suit guy and told him we saw him and Crim out in suits the other night. He laughed and shook my friend's hand and asked where did we see them. My friend told him we saw them at tattletales and that he said hi to Crim there. The suit guy laughed and smiled and told my friend to keep that secret. My friend asked him which team he was from or if he could even tell them who he was and he smiled and said dont worry about it everyone will find out in about a month then gave a wink. Then Scump got in a car with Silly and Study and left but the suit guy and Karma talked a little more then both of them got in the same uber and said they were going to hang out more at the hotel since it was closing time already.
From what I saw on wednesday night and what my friends saw on Sunday night we all say it was obvious something was happening because of how they were acting all secretive.

One of Crims friends and other pros say he said the post was all true but he took him to an expensive steak dinner first and it lines up with what I know about rich guy. The guys second post says something about rich guy and scump getting into an argument and I can see it happening bc scump is a dick when hes wasted which always happens after events.

Other ppl I talked to said they saw rich guy around the W hotel bar downtown where everyone was staying but didnt know who he was. He was talking to attach but attach was trolling and said he was his cousin when ppl asked him so thats where the intel came from that rich guy was someone attach knew. No one knows why attach was talking to him or why he knew him then either even now.

(3) CWL Birmingham WW2

rich guy took scump and crim out to dinner and smoothed things over. After the team lost they went to the bars and gambled until morning. i heard this is where he upped his offer to them to 20k a month salary each for the next 4 games. Scump and rich guy smoothed out things at the event here bc before that they didnt like each other after atlanta. I heard from a friend of crim that he said scump was rude to rich guy the first time they met in person but I dont know if the argument in the guys second post is the first time they met in person.

This is when formal wanted karma gone and tried to get him dropped since he was costing and gunless would easily be available since rise didnt win yet. Im told rich guy then told crim he only wanted all 4 of them and no one would come close to salary and crim and karma thought all they needed was a team change away from infinite then.

I heard attach say rich guy knew cod would be 5v5 the next year and crim said they would want him as their 5th at the bar in bham. I cant confirm that though but it makes sense on why attach would of been talking to him at Atlanta.

(4) CWL Seattle WW2

I heard rich guy took Crim, Attach, Felo, Dashy, and Study out to dinner at a steak house there then went to a few bars with crim and attach. In the players lounge the optic guys were all saying it was done deal and they were leaving optic. Then we all know what happened with t16 so optic knew they needed a change and thats when the talk of gunless came up with him taking karmas spot but crim and scump really wanted john and octane. John was cool with playing with them but only if it was to the rich guy since he thought hed get so much blame if they didnt win from the fans.

I heard that night they settled on scump crim john and formal and they had a party to celebrate. Karma wasnt told at the time for sure he was getting dropped and wouldnt go to the rich guys team with the others so he still went to the party. We all heard what happened here with a tshirt being made but it wasnt finger paint but was from a stripper party rich guy threw for all the players in the hotel not even those he was going to sign. I heard it got freaky and one of the strippers had green hair. Karma was high and going off no sleep so he went down to the lobby and hecz saw him and told him to take the shirt off and told other non optic players to go back upstairs and stop being retards. There is more than one shirt that got made which is why karma says the one in the pic isnt his.

Then scump crim and a bunch of other players went out to the bars with rich guy. I heard they partied Wednesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday nights based on what other players said especially Saturday and Sunday ppl saw them get back to the hotel real late with rich guy. Everyone thought it was a done deal when they left on Monday morning.

Sometime after that I made my first post about optic leaving. scump and crim were insisting on john and octane but then john couldnt get out of his contract with LG because there wasnt an even trade with him unlike octane for formal. I heard thats what then scared rich guy off because if formal and karma stayed on optic together and he only got scump and crim then he wouldnt get a league spot since it would stay with optic bc of the rules. So in the end formal got traded for octane and scump and crim got new deals. Then optic tried to get Zooma but faze wouldnt sell him. So optic bought methodz contract because tk didnt pay for it and then tried to trade him for zooma bc the other faze guys like methodz. Faze said no and then told Zooma they will give him a raise to 20k a month. He said they had their locks on him and wouldnt let him go. So optic then tries to get Kenny but his contract said he had to give notice of using his buyout 20 days in advance and that meant it would be after roster lock so he was stuck too. So optic got stuck with methodz as the 4th. I heard from an optic content guy they asked karma to come back but he said no.

(5) CWL Anaheim WW2

Im not fully sure if rich guy was here but I heard after this event is when he hired apoc to work for him once the season was fully over ( https://twitter.com/Apoccc ). Apocs been in the scene for a long time and knows everyone so it makes sense why hed do it. It also makes sense because after the season it turned out unilad got sold to someone else and got rid of esports.
I heard rich guy hung out with a few of the owners from other teams but I never got real confirmation.

(6) Pro league stage 2 WW2

In July between weeks 7 and 8 for group B (optic eu unilad rise lg col MF TM) that nameless had a house party on some random night and rich guy went with the optic and eu guys. I think he took all of them to dinner. One of the players said he was the only one at the party that wasnt a caster or a player. I heard they went out to a small bar after.

(7) Champs WW2

This is where it gets good. So Apoc was supposed to start working for rich guy officially when unilad was knocked out but the unilad owner let him do work for rich guy earlier since unilad was leaving esports anyway.

Rich guys original plan was to build around john and attach and start talking to them after the event. Then they were going to go after slasher bc with those 3 on board they could get anyone they wanted to fill out the roster. Also behind the scenes I heard nade was already offering players to come to 100t before champs even started offering 10k. This is the start of the bidding war for lots of players that happened during rostermania.

That fourth they went after was scump. After optic was eliminated in groups scump and methodz were the only ones who stayed while crim and octane flew home the next morning and skipped the autograph session at champs. So its just scump and zinni hanging out with nothing to do so I heard they partied alot with rich guy. From what I know scump and rich guy are actually friends and drink together so thats what happened Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. A player who heard some of their talks said that scump was still unhappy with optic and wanted to leave and start his own thing like nade did with 100t so he went to dinner on one of the nights with rich guy and heard he still wanted a team. Rich guy and apoc told him they wanted to try to try to get john attach and slasher. I heard scump was going around the venue the next few days telling ppl thats what he was going to do.

Someone said John told them rich guy asked him if he would play with scump and he said yes. The thing is so many ppl say they hate each other but their good friends and hang out alot in cbus and other places. Fans always get things wrong or blow things up when its not a big deal. Ppl thought scump hated jkap but in cbus he started working out with him bc he had back pains and it helped. Or ppl thought formal was mad about karma piping lisserboo when it was opposite but no one its not a big deal. One thing true is the players completely hate larew’s +1 even mlg staff bc she’d get drunk at the venue and cussing security out for not letting her back stage just bc larew was on optic.

Scump couldnt leave champs after losing in groups was bc his mom and friends and family were coming into town to watch him. They were seen talking to rich guy at the venue and I heard he took scumps whole group of 15 ppl out to steak dinners the next few nights.

The story about scump being drunk on Sunday at the hotel bar talking to karma was true but he also talked to lots of players like apathy and asked him to team too but its normal for scump and all the players to be wasted on Sunday nights after events. Lots of them talk fugaze but ppl say scump was serious and also said it wouldnt be with optic but sometimes he blacks out so idk. He was carrying a printed contract with him from rich guy and I heard the offer was 50k a month for 3 years plus a small ownership part of the org. Supposedly scump agreed and wanted it down in writing so rich guy flew one of his lawyers in to write it up and give it to him. Lots of ppl are going to say 50k a month is crazy but for scump its definitely not just look how he got 30k subs on twitch plus all the other stuff he brings to the table for exposure like playing with guys like jack and shroud and ninja. Scump is the face of optic and cod so its good to see salaries going higher.

(8) Rostermania BO4

Everybody leaves champs and rostermania started alot earlier then before. At the start optic didnt know if it was 4v4 or 5v5 yet so they were planning for 4v4 although they found out earlier than the other teams. They thought they had scump locked up but he went awol for about a week and I heard thats bc john and him were calling around to see who would want to play with them. I heard a rumor of slasher scump john Kenny as a 4 and with karma as the 5th.

I heard this is when rich guy had players sign NDAs if they wanted to negotiate so thats why no one really said anything about the details or who he is because he can sue them if they go public. Someone close to one of the players confirmed it. I also heard from another person close to one of the players that rich guy scheduled face to face meetings where him apoc and their lawyers would fly to see the players and talk. One of apocs former players told me rich guy moved him to the USA from England full time to work for him and go around doing face to face meetings with everyone for 2 months. The players were also supposedly shown detailed presentations about marketing stuff salary investments and other things.

Around then John and Scump decided they wanted Clay instead of slasher so he became the new target and they wanted to get it done quick before other teams made moves and so scump could get away from optic without it dragging out. Now idk exactly what happened but I heard scump started getting worried they couldnt get players out of their contracts with their current teams so he decided to go back to optic when crim and him decided to get Teej and dashy instead then add karma if it went to 5.

So karma was still the most wanted FA out there still and everyone wanted him…eu, rise, LG, faze, etc, but for a time he agreed to go to 100t and Nade but then decided he didnt want to go there because he didnt believe in one of the players they signed. John and Karma also wanted to play together so nade thought karma could bring john with him but john said no and he would only go to rich guy or stay on LG. He would only go to rich guy because apoc is his close friend for 8 years. Karma liked it too bc he knew apoc for about a decade. Here’s Karma talking about Apoc in an old video...

So Karma and John got talking and also decided they would want to play with Clay so that became the new core for team rich guy. I heard they stopped going after attach because faze wouldnt sell him and they thought he would be too slow and be a bad fit. Even though rich guy supposedly really liked attach…remember how they were talking in atlanta before anyone knew anything…I heard he wanted to be hands off when it came to roster moves and let the staff decide that. Someone who talked to him told me he wanted to hire the experts and trust their advice and just be the guy paying the bills.

Karma supposedly didnt know what he wanted to do so rich guy wanted to fly to see him with Apoc.

This is unconfirmed but theres lots of evidence to support it that rich guy flew clay to frisco to help meet with karma in person. Clay tweeted out this pic of a steakhouse...

Google maps street view shows that restuarant is in Frisco...

So Karma agreed on the core 3 and they decided to try to get Gunless since they heard they were leaving the scene after selling teej to optic and knowing they didnt have alot of money to invest into cod. Gunless didnt want to go to team rich guy because he wanted to play with formal on LG. Someone said rich guy was going to buy him anyway for 200k but then changed his mind when he found out gunless’s contract would end on December 31st so he’d only have him for one event then he could walk away for free to LG if he wanted. The word on the street is the core 3 convinced rich guy to still go after him bc if they placed top 4 at vegas they would be locked into a league spot and it would be risky for him to tank and be stuck in the qualifier where anything can happen.

That weekend is also when holly had her birthday and rich guy wanted to help win over holly so karma would sign. The story is rich guy took hollys group out at a club with vip service that cost maybe 5000 then a strip club afterwards. She told them to not take pics of him and apoc and it was some big surprise. She supposedly spent alot of time talking to him on a couch in the corner. I posted more details about it here before...
Here's a portion of it...
i know alot of u are wondering who rich guy is bc crim confirmed today he exists and partly confirmed what i posted about him going over to karmas house and seeing he was already there. i dont know exactly who it is but a few ppl DMd me a few likely suspects that i wont name without more proof. maybe u guys can help out here. When i posted about crim running into him i thought it was insane timing but now i think rich guy was there in frisco for a week.
i dont post stuff without hearing from ppl first and if it sounds crazy i wait even longer before doing it and with crim kinda confirming what i said in my other post i decided to. A few weeks ago someone DMd saying that their friend in frisco met rich guy but he didnt know who he was at the time. the story is holly had a birthday where she invited her twitch subs to show up. she said the plan was to go out to a nightclub to meet up with ppl and she didnt say who it was. when they got there some big guy met them outside and walked them past a huge line right into the club and they had vip and bottles of goose and champ all night on the mysterious dudes tab at a vip table while holly hung out with him for alot of the night talking on the couch. then they went to a strip club. my source said his friend swears this was rich guy.

Here's a pic of Apoc at the party...

Tweets of hollys videos from the party...
  1. https://twitter.com/HollyyLive/status/1043722384035987458
  2. https://twitter.com/HollyyLive/status/1043721923992141826
  3. https://twitter.com/thekatebaby/status/1041561065992192000

Ive later been told some of those ppl at hollys party were...
  1. https://twitter.com/iElegantay
  2. https://twitter.com/VyviesCoD
  3. https://twitter.com/thekatebaby
  4. https://twitter.com/OGBeattie
  5. https://twitter.com/FeelsGoodClap
  6. https://twitter.com/62yKreJ
  7. https://twitter.com/AllysGotGame

I think Clayster left the morning of but I think ppl at the barlow house saw him when he went to visit.
This was the weekend before the 5v5 announcement so they thought the roster if it stayed 4 would be john karma gunless clayster. If it went to five and faze still wouldnt sell attach, I heard they were looking at jurd, felo, bance, shockz, censor, or slacked. Someone told me rich would of wanted dashy bc hes a fan of his but he knew he was already signed to optic.

Remember rich guy was paying for apoc to live in the usa the whole time so I heard he stayed there in frisco for 2 weeks. The announcement happens that week that its 5v5 and I heard rich guy and apoc watched it happen with the barlows in their house. Optic guys said karma didnt answer his phone all day so crim decided to go over there the next day to find out what was going on. All the teams were calling him trying to get him but I heard from someone close to holly that karma really wanted to go to rich guy by then. So I posted about this before but I had the details wrong…the old post is here:

What really happens is crim goes to karmas house in the morning but karma wont see him bc hes playing pubg and wont get off the game bc he didnt want to talk to him. Supposedly crim sat there for 4 hours and decided to leave when he figured out karma wouldnt talk. He almost gets to his car when another car pulls up and its rich guy, apoc, and a lawyer in it…they get out and holly says hi to them then they walk inside the house. So the word starts spreading and optic thinks karma is gone for sure if rich guy is going to fly in like that so higher ups at optic start calling karma and he still doesnt answer but then holly tells them they all went out to dinner. I heard hecz was about to go over there and whoop rich guys ass. Somebody sent me a clip from hollys stream showing apoc was at least in the house. Holly also talks to someone who tries to stay off camera.

The next day I heard optic started talking to other players and their big target was apathy. I heard aches got really mad and called karma and told him to sign back with optic because NV wanted to buy EG and it got stuck when optic talked to apathy. But apathy is too loyal at times and decided to stick with EG/NV after a raise even though splyce was trying to buy that roster because all their contracts expired in November and add jurd to them. So optic called eu about arcitys and he wasnt available and gunless wanted to go to LG but nade and rich guy would start a bidding war for him.

So I heard john and clay were happy and rich guy started doing more face to face meetings with the other players he wanted.

Another week goes by and Karma had a 150K buyout, clay had 100K, and johns contract was ending so no buyout at all. Then optic announces the next vision episode will have the cod roster announcement and everyone that was supposed to be on team rich guy thought it was gunless. Im not sure on the timing of this now but I heard sometime around rich guy then offered 300k each for zooma and attach for a five of john, zooma, karma, attach, clay but faze still wouldnt sell them.

So all the players involved with team rich guy were watching it and were surprised when karma was announced...it aired during the last week of September. The story is he got really nervous because john’s contract ended second week of October so that was the earliest rich guy could sign him and he was scared he would get left out of competing again and was really stressed about waiting 2 more weeks. Someone really close to the other players told me they were surprised because the night before they all group texted and said everything was good including karma. After that clay wanted to stay on eunited and that left rich guy with just John. I heard he called up faze and offered them 800k for their whole roster but they said no. Ghost and splyce originally tried to buy them too. So that would of left john and a bunch of leftovers. 100t bought slasher and signed enable to complete their squad and Rise left the scene and sold loony to splyce and gunless to LG. I heard thats when rich guy decided it wasnt worth signing john + am players so he backed out. All ended good for john though bc I heard he got a raise to 25k. I heard rich guy was pissed but hes still friends all the guys but doesnt talk to karma but is friends with holly.

In the end this is how the team rich guy wanted changed….
First… Scump, John, Attach, Slasher
Then… Scump, John, Attach, Clayster
Then… John, Attach, Clayster, Karma
Then… John, Clayster, Karma, Gunless
Then… John, Clayster, Karma, Gunless, Jurd/Felo/Shockz/Slacked/Bance/Censor
Finally… John, Clayster, Karma, Attach, Zooma
Then after Clay and Karma weren't joining and he tried to buy the whole Faze roster... John/Attach/Zooma/Reep/Priest

I also heard rich guy offered 250k about a week after champs to get John out of his contract 2 months early but LG wanted to keep him and thought they could convince him. I gotta say steve LGs owner has big iron balls bc he could of lost john for free instead of taking the 250k but it worked out for him in the end so huge win for him. I think if karma smoked some green and chilled for a few weeks until john was free then the most likely roster would have been the John/Karma/ClaysteGunless core with rich guy taking a gamble on Gunless and adding one of Felo/Slacked to them because Shockz wanted to finish school and splyce wasn’t going to sell jurd and ended up getting loony, temp, aqua, and lamar.

So karmas decision to go back to optic changed the fates of eU, LG, Optic, NV, possibly faze, and mostly rich guy. A different decision could of changed this season too….last year john signed his contract with LG late and it was for exactly 1 year. If he signed it 2 weeks earlier it obviously ended 2 weeks earlier and rich guy could of signed him before the 5v5 announcement and that probably could of gotten karma to commit because he wouldnt of been nervous about optic and not having a spot anymore. From there rich guy pays for clays buyout then the rest is history.

Im also gonna say optic with J in charge is in a much better place now and the players feel like their being taken care of unlike during ww2. I heard rumors orgs are still looking for money and some reached out to rich guy to see if he would invest in them instead of making his own but either way I hope he comes into the scene if its franchise next year since he has balls trying to come in and get the best guys like nade did and makes things interesting.

All the pros in the scene benefitted from nade and rich guy being around since they all got raises and other bonuses so their happy but I can see orgs being mad lol but thats what happens when you have nade opening at 10k then splyce coming in at 12k then rich guy going in at 20k lol.

(9) CWL Vegas BO4

So rich guy was at Vegas but idk if he went inside at the event. He was at the casino with players and a few people came up and talked to him. He was doing $500 and $1000 roulette and blackjack so he attracted attention. I heard he was mainly playing with Felo, Clay, and Revan but holly and nufo came up to bet on roulette with them too. One egirl told me they talked to him and he was nice and bought people some shots. All the players including optic guys hung out with him at the hard rock bar after the event and then took them out for a wild night at the nightclubs and strip clubs and apparently he did that every night with different people in the scene. A caster told me they approached him and said his name and acted like they already met before when they didnt and he was chill about it. People were calling him Edgar in person including Scump.

(10) Rich Guy’s Twitter

From what I know and what ive heard im 99% certain rich guy is this guy on twitter and he uses it as his own burner for online stuff only:

He has an interesting group of followers including Nadeshot, all the old and new Optic roster, along with some of their girlfriends, the faze roster, Clayster, Felo, Saints, and other big people in the scene. It doesn’t look like hes really active but he has pics of exotic cars, first class flights, receipts from bars, and he has a 100k pc setup to play video games thats linked on his page.

It looks like he gifted 5000 subs on twitch during Christmas time according to his tweets and people saying thank you to him. That’s $25k.

Someone sent me this clip from scumps stream where he gifted him 500 tier 3s which is $12.5k and like a grand donation over an hour. He says he knows him IRL and he wants to hang out with him next time hes back in dallas and get dinner. He even jokes about edgar and hecz being close. This clip is after karma resigned with optic and bo4 was already out and it shows how much scump and rich guy/edgar are friends even though the team didnt work out.

He has another 400 subs in Crims that I think are tier 3. Then he has another 500 in rallieds and I think 300 in nadeshots supposedly.

Theres also these tweets between holly and edgar that make it sound like theyre friends including meeting up in Vegas and at a bar in Frisco in November. Edgar even tweeted a location pic of where he was.
  1. https://twitter.com/HollyyLive/status/1058893944795348992
  2. https://twitter.com/HollyyLive/status/1069642626725343232
  3. https://twitter.com/HollyyLive/status/1069639538560180227

Finally the Edgar twitter has tweets of him being in cities when cod events were happening.
This is a bar in Seattle….

This is in LA the day before Anaheim and he tags a bigwig at EA in it. I think he works on battlefield…

This is in Ohio during champs…

This is a tweet exchange between edgar, clayster, and felo about meeting up to play blackjack Wednesday before vegas started while they were already there...

This is a tweet of edgar spending $12k at a place that if you google comes back as crazy horse strip club in vegas. Hitch said on his stream something about meeting rich guy there and having a wild night.

If I had to bet my life on it I’d bet this edgar guy on twitter and twitch is rich guy and he was hiding in plain sight.

(11) What I know about EdgaRich guy from sources

(12) Final Thoughts


Thanks for reading and I will monitor this thread for a few days to answer a few questions possibly and add something I might remember later. If not then this is my last post until the next rostermania or if Rich guy gives me an interview lol.
submitted by Codburner2018mania to codburner [link] [comments]

Planning a Guys Trip for 5 - Noob at Gambling, Resorts, and Budgeting

Hi, I've gone through dozens of threads but I feel like I can't really figure out a few things so I thought I'd ask:

Really I'm just overthinking everything but I've been wanting to hang out with my friends for a long time. We all moved away for college and I want to make sure we plan this trip right and make the most of it.
submitted by CluelessWill to vegas [link] [comments]

Going to Vegas in July - I've been doing my research so hope this can help others.

I'm going in July and have done some research.
Plenty of this is from the sidebar, but other notes are from many of other sources.
The Vegas Degenerate Tour ( . ) ( . )
Things to do:
Sex/Swingers Clubs (Or; no, you filthy pervert - what's wrong with you?)
Drive along east CA down US-395 and crossing over to Nevada after Death Valley is one of the greatest drives I have ever done.
Edited to include corrections.
submitted by mkgl to vegas [link] [comments]

Las Vegas trip report (restaurant heavy)

I went on vacation to Las Vegas with my wife from July 2nd-7th. This was my 5th trip and our 3rd together. Here's my (excessively long) trip report:
This time we stayed at the Cosmopolitan, and we had a Terrace Studio Fountain View room. It was our first stay at Cosmo (I'd been to Wynn, Luxor, Aria Sky Suites, and Bellagio previously), and the hotel was great. I thought our room was nicer than the one we had at Bellagio last year and for a cheaper price (friend who is a travel agent got us a pretty good deal). Literally the only downside I can think of is not being able to listen to the fountain music on TV. We were in the Chelsea Tower (which is larger than Boulevard), and had a great balcony view.
Cosmo definitely attracts a younger crowd than some of the other casinos on the strip- lots of people in their 20s and 30s staying here. There are two main pools, one in each tower. When we went down to the Chelsea Pool around 11am on the 3rd, literally every seat was already taken. Note: Chelsea Tower is much larger than Boulevard, but its pool is much smaller. We hiked over to the Boulevard Pool and settled in. Great view looking over the strip with a livlier atmosphere than you'll find at the Bellagio's pools. Also worth noting the water is pretty shallow- no more than 4' deep. The most amusing part of our swimming experience was watching an Asian kid, probably 10 years old, swim all around the place, bumping in to every other group there, and saying hi. Seemed odd that he was basically on his own at that age, but he was clearly having a helluva time.
One of the best parts about Cosmo is its location- right in the center of the strip, which makes an easy walk to most of the other casinos. It has a great selection of restaurants (see below) and modern decor as well. One notable omission in my opinion is it doesn't have any shows/productions in house. The casino also doesn't have a poker room, but I didn't end up playing during this trip anyhow. Easy walk to the Bellagio or Aria poker rooms regardless.
Checkin to the hotel was very easy. Our flight got in to Vegas at about 8am on Sunday, so the room wasn't ready yet when we arrived. They took down all my info, and we left our bags with the bellhop. They sent a text message when the room was ready around noon, and they brought the bags up to our room. I used the online checkout on Friday morning. Easy peasy.
Side note- I'd never used Uber before this trip. Definitely recommend it for others in the same boat. Cheap/easy to use, and I liked riding with the average Uber driver more than the average cabbie. Each hotel has its own pickup/dropoff location for UbeLyft- just ask any employee, and they'll point you in the right direction. I never had to wait more than five minutes to get my ride.
The only show we saw on this trip was Ka at the MGM Grand. I'd pretty much recommend any Cirque du Soleil show on the strip- they're all pretty amazing. O at the Bellagio is probably my favorite, but Ka was great in its own right. Supposedly it's unique among Cirque shows in that it has a big storyline, but uh... I'd just say there's not much of one. Amusing moment before the show: I get a text message from my wife, who is sitting right next to me. "Am I sitting next to a drag queen?" I looked over. Yes, yes you are.
We also made a trip to the Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay. I felt like the line for tickets was pretty absurdly long. I realized the reason for that when we got in- the whole aquarium was about half as big as I expected, so they needed to keep the flow of people in fairly slow. Having said that, the exhibits they did have were great, and there was no shortage of staff floating around to answer any questions you might have. Definitely a good spot to bring the family to in Vegas.
The biggest reason we love Vegas is the food. Yes, my wife and I are the annoying people who post pictures of thier food on Facebook. The great thing about Vegas is there's multiple restaurant for just about any cuisine you can imagine right on the strip.
Wicked Spoon Buffet at Cosmopolitan (7-2-17 brunch): I like to hit up a buffet once whenever I visit Vegas, and none have disappointed. These places definitely aren't the Golden Corral. Our flight got in pretty early Sunday, so stuffing ourselves at the buffet and having extra time before dinner seemed like a good idea. To start things off, I'm a sucker for an omelette station, so I grabbed a Denver style omelette. Added some cheesy hash brown casserole (one of the best things I had), and a verrine. I have no idea what a verrine is, but it was basically a shot glass filled with mashed avocado, grapefruit, and a bit of crab. Good stuff. Had I stopped here, I would have had a normal sized brunch by most people's standards. Of course the entire point of a Vegas buffet is getting full value by stuffing yourself so full you can't walk, so I made more trips.
Next up I grabbed a jerk chicken thigh, a few pieces of spicy tuna sushi, some house-made italian sausage, and yogurt/fruit. The jerk chicken was perfect in that after the first bite I thought- that's not that spicy. 3 bites in, I'm feeling it a bit. By the end, I'm chugging my coffee/juice.
Finally it was time for dessert. When I first visited Vegas back in 2005, my friend informed me that the #1 rule of Vegas buffets is that you must try the bread pudding. You are not supposed to question the reasoning behind the rule, nor are you supposed to debate whether it's necessary. You simply do it. Wicked Spoon featured a bourbon white chocolate bread pudding. It was good, but I wasn't sure what to make of it since it tasted more like butterscotch than bourbon to me. I also had half a mango danish and some little chocolate tart. I thought I was done at this point until my wife brought back some gelato. I couldn't sit there and watch her eat, so I ended up getting some coconut-lime gelato for myself. The selection is pretty ridiculous- about 18 flavors to choose from. After the gelato, I finally waved the white flag.
Picasso at Bellagio (7-2-17 dinner): We've been wanting to visit Picasso for a while now. I was going to book a reservation here for our honeymoon back in 2014, but as it turns out they typically take a 2 week vacation in July every year. We ran into the same problem last year, but they were open on Sunday the 2nd this time before closing. Finally, we had our chance.
Picasso is basically fancy-pants French fine dining at its best. If you've ever seen the movie Ocean's Eleven, the restaurant scene was filmed there. We were seated at a table next to the window with the Bellagio fountain outside, and my wife had a real Picasso painting above her shoulder. So uh... not bad. I wore a suit and tie, but you really don't need to- wear khakis and a nice shirt, and you'll fit in fine.
We both ordered from the four course prix fixe tasting menu. My goal when eating out at nice places is to get stuff I don't cook myself / haven't tried much before. First course I got the poached oysters. The dish was basically smooth, melt-in-your-mouth like butter. Next up was the foie gras. This was the second time I've foie gras, and I've decided it's just not my thing. I could tell it was prepared properly, but I just don't think it has much flavor. The rhubarb chutney on the side was good, though. For the entree, I had the roasted milk-fed veal chop. After the first bite I literally started laughing, basically thinking, "Where has this been all my life?" Literally one of the best things I've ever eaten. If I had to nitpick, it was cooked a touch rare for my liking. But it was amazing. I wanted a lighter dessert given how much food I'd stuffed myself with that day, so I got a pineapple tart with prickly pear sorbet. Almost too pretty to eat.
Picasso is definitely the type of restaurant you take your date to if you're wanting to impress them. I like Le Cirque a bit more based on my two trips there previously. Le Cirque is a much smaller restaurant, just feels like a more intimate setting, and the service seemed a little more personal. But really you can't go wrong either way. Also, it was a nice touch seeing the chef, Julian Serrano, as we left the restaurant.
China Poblano at Cosmopolitan (7-3-17 lunch): The best way to explain China Poblano is that it seems like one person wanted to start up a Mexican restaurant at Cosmo, one person wanted to start up a Chinese restaurant, and then some executive asked, "Why don't we have both?" There are literally two different kitchens in the same restaurant, and the food is served tapas style- dishes just come out one by one whenever they're ready.
We started off with the queso fundido for an appetizer- pretty standard stuff. I ordered two tacos from the Mexican menu, one taco suadero (brisket), one carnitas. The brisket was good, the carnitas was great. Because if eating a taco with pork rinds on it is wrong, then I don't want to be right. I decided to get Mongolian beef lettuce from the Chinese menu, because I remember reading an IAMA from a Chinese restaurant owner a while back who said that was one of the best things on the menu that people rarely ordered. And he was right. We skipped dessert since our stomachs were still half full from eating the day before.
Estiatorio Milos at Cosmopolitan (7-3-17 dinner): Milos is proof that food doesn't have to be fancy to be fantastic. They just use high-quality ingredients, use a simple preparation, and let the food do the talking. The neat part about this place is that they really don't have specific fish on the menu. Instead you walk up to the fish case, pick out the one you want, and let your server know how you want it prepared. And marvel at the produce while you're at it.
We ordered the tzatziki as an appetizer, and at first I wasn't going to take a picture of it since it's just tzatziki. And then I tasted it. And I decided it deserved a picture- the best I've ever had. Next up was a Greek salad which was ridiculously good. Those definitely aren't the tomatoes you buy at Kroger. We chose lithrini, which seemed like a generic white fish, for our entree. Pan-seared with lemon, capers, and herbs. Some basic potatoes and broccoli for our sides. Milos is one of our top recommendations for people visiting Vegas.
Milk Bar at Cosmopolitan (7-3-17 dessert): We skipped dessert at Milos because we wanted to try out the Milk Bar. I grabbed one of the much-hyped compost cookies, which I actually thought was nothing special, and a spiked chocolate malt milkshake. The shake was awesome. I ended up coming back later in the trip and got a spiked coffee shake as well. Not sure they're worth $12 apiece, but you're in Vegas, so what the hell.
Eiffel Tower Restaurant (7-4-17 lunch): My wife had put this on the list of places to visit a month ahead of time, so we ended up going here for lunch. You enter the restaurant by going up an elevator in the main floor of the casino, and the doors open to give you a nice view of the kitchen. I always like restaurants where you can see people work in an open kitchen, so I thought this was a nice touch. We had reservations for when the restaurant opened, so we managed to snag one of the best tables in the place with a great view of the strip. We started off with the cheese tray as an appetizer, which was most notable for the honeycomb. I think that's the first time I've ever had real honeycomb, and it was delicious. I decided to go brunch-ish for my meal and order the lobster eggs benedict, which was easily the best eggs benedict I've ever had. We shared a frozen strawberry souffle for dessert, and the best compliment I can give about this is that we immediately began looking up recipes to make our own when we got back to our hotel room. Overall a great meal, and I think we'll head back here for dinner during our next trip to Vegas.
Tetsu at Aria (7-4-17 dinner): I'd wanted to visit a Japanese steakhouse while in town (especially since the favorite place in my town was run down by new ownership and closed), and I was a little surprised to find there weren't many options. Tetsu is actually a sectioned off portion of the BarMasa restaurant in Aria, and you can order sushi from BarMasa's menu while there. Which I did. I'm far from a sushi connoisseur, but I thought it tasted like a standard salmon roll- good, but I wasn't blown away by it or anything.
As far as the hibachi grill itself goes, the first thing to note is that the chefs basically just prepare the food in front of you but don't put on any sort of show. So if you're wanting to impress the family with a flaming onion volcano and eggs juggled on a spatula, this isn't your place. It's about the food, and the food was fantastic. I had the whole lobster, which is every bit as good as it looks. The chili shrimp cilantro fried rice was as good as the lobster, and I had some brussels sprouts on the side. My wife got the fingerling potatoes as a more photogenic side dish to her chicken. They also serve prime A5 Japanese Ohmi beef, but I couldn't justify spending $132 on a 4 oz steak. We had chocolate sesame ice cream for dessert, and the sesame was actually a lot stronger than I thought it would be (might actually put some people off).
Of course one of the fun parts of eating at these places is talking to people seated with you at the table. One of the ladies next to us teased a server, trying to get his name badge, Harvey (definitely not his given name), since apparently a guy named Harvey founded the golf club she worked at. Even went so far as to summon the manager to see if she could get the badge, but ultimately she failed in her negotiations. Everyone at the table had a laugh about the situation.
Burger Bar at Mandalay Bay (7-5-17 lunch): We were looking for a lunch spot down on this end of the strip before heading to the aquarium, and the Burger Bar (actually located in a walkway between Mandalay Bay and Luxor) came recommended by several people. To start with, they had a great beer menu. I ordered the classic bacon cheeseburger with onion rings. Great burger, cooked perfectly. I know there are several excellent burger joints on the strip, so it's probably not worth making a special trip far out of your way to come here. It's a great option if you want a burger and are on the south end of the strip, though.
Lemongrass at Aria (7-5-17 dinner): Next up, some Thai food. We had some pot stickers for an appetizer, which I thought were pretty average. Nothing to stand out here from your average takeout in either taste or presentation. My wife decided to order some wonton soup to share, and I'm glad she did. It was freakin' amazing- easily the best part of the meal. I wanted something light for my meal, so I ordered the garlic and lime steamed cod. The surprised reaction of the waitress seemed to imply that nobody ever ordered that. It was good, but you better love lime if you get it.
As luck would have it, the one time we received poor (exceptionally slow) service on the trip was when we had our meal before a show. We had to skip dessert so that we could make it down to MGM Grand in time to see Ka.
Olives at Bellagio (7-6-17 lunch): We thought about hitting up Lago for lunch, but since we were headed to Sinatra for dinner we wanted to avoid back to back Italian. Olives had a nice deal on a 3 course prix fixe lunch menu, so we ordered from that. I had the Caesar salad to start, followed it up with fish and chips, and finished it off with tiramisu. A bit of an odd combo, but a good meal. Nothing exceptional. Great server, though.
Sinatra at Encore (7-6-17 dinner): Another place we'd wanted to visit on previous trips but never had a chance to. There's tons of Frank Sinatra themed memorabilia in the place, including a Grammy, Emmy, and Oscar as you walk in the door. I'd describe the place as lively but classy as hell- which is pretty much what you'd want when going to a Rat Pack themed place.
To start off with, I ordered an Old Fashioned. It's one of my favorite drinks to order because everyone does it differently, and you never know what you're going to get. Well, it was the best Old Fashioned I've had in my left. I meant to ask the waiter what type of boorbon they used, but ultimately forgot. We ended up sharing the estiva for an appetizer, which is basically a watermelon salad. I ordered the gnochetti for my entree, which tasted great, but the portion size kind of left me wondering where the rest of it was. We shared the panna cotta for dessert, which was as good as it looked.
Eggslut at Cosmopolitan (7-7-17 breakfast): Eggslut is a casual stand at Cosmo that pretty much sells egg sandwiches all day long. I had the Fairfax with bacon, which is pretty much what they're known for. I think the reason why it was such a great sandwich was they kept the eggs inside creamy, whereas most breakfast sandwiches have the eggs cooked hard as a rock. When you walk up to the place your first thought is- whoa! Only $8... finally a reasonably priced meal. And then you realize they charge $5 for a cup of coffee or orange juice, and you remember you're still in Vegas. Regardless, this place is a good stop for breakfast or a late night snack.
Overall a great trip. Can't wait to go back again and try some different places.
submitted by MogKupo to vegas [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jul 11th - Tue, Jul 17th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jul 11th

  • Anxiety Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness and affect more than 40 million Americans. Symptoms may include: overwhelming feelings of panic and fear, uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, painful intrusive memories, recurring nightmares, physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach,…
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Hawthorne Heights in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) In the peak of the emo music wave, Hawthorne Heights toured the country, playing to packed crowds of fans. Best known for…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 15th Lyric Theatre's lavish new production of "Hello, Dolly!" will take the audience into the tale of widowed…
  • International Finals Youth Rodeo (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) Thru Fri, Jul 13th The International Finals Youth Rodeo, held at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee, is the ultimate rodeo event for…
  • 😂 Michael Malone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 14th
  • National Little Britches Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jul 15th See 1,200 youth rodeo contestants from 33 states compete in 33 events at the National Little Britches Finals Rodeo. With…
  • OKC Energy FC vs Las Vegas Lights FC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on Las Vegas…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Connections Academy Hosts Free Family Information Session (Jo's Famous Pizza - Edmond) Start Time: 6:30pm More information: 1-800-382-6010 http://www.connectionsacademy.com/oklahoma-virtual-school/events
    Oklahoma Connections Academy, a tuition-free online public school, will host a free information session for families interested in learning about its online program and individualized approach to education. Oklahoma Connections Academy is…
  • Parents Supporting Parents (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm This group is for caretakers and parents who are supporting an individual managing the complications often associated with having a pervasive development disorder such as autism or aspergers disorder. This group will also provide education and support to those parents who have loved ones with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental, emotional,…
  • Rodkey House Summer Camp 1 (Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Ages 6 – 12 years. Must have completed kindergarten by the start of camp to register. At Rodkey Summer Camp your children will… Pretend, play and learn like they are in 1900 Churn butter Learn about home life in Edmond in 1900
  • Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…
  • 🎭 Young Company Shakespeare Camp (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Jul 13th Daily topics will include proper voice work, performance preparation, memorization techniques, building cast unity, and Shakespeare's world. There will be daily performance opportunities for all students, planned visits from Shakespeare scholars. and exciting interactive workshops over topics like stage combat and swordmanship.

Thursday, Jul 12th

  • 🎨 An Evening of Watercolor (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm This will be fun! Through step-by-step demonstrations and individual hands on help, you'll learn the basics to include a variety of watercolor techniques in a small, no pressure class. Instructor: Jim Pourtorkan, a professional watercolor artist. Refreshments will be served.
  • 🎨 Best in Show featuring Colby Bowers, Erin Curry, & Holly Wood (DNA galleries - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Featured in our gallery for the month of July are three artists that were voted Best in Show from our Oklahoma Inspired group show. After counting hundreds of votes from our patrons, we are excited to exhibit the work of the winners, Colby Bowers, Erin Curry Art, and Holly Wood. Join us Thursday, July 12th from 6-9pm for the Exhibition Opening…
  • Four Star Leadership Banquet (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Start Time: 6:30pm General Tommy Franks requests the pleasure of your company at the 2018 Four Star Leadership Awards Banquet! Please join us to recognize the hard-work of our 2018 Four Star Leadership Class as we honor their accomplishments with scholarships. Miss Oklahoma 2017 Triana Browne will be joining us as our keynote speaker.
  • 🎭 Garden Bros Circus (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 4:30pm Location: Shawnee / Firelake Arena Day/Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018 Showtimes: 4:30 & 7:30 PM
    Come see the All New GARDEN BROS CIRCUS! This year’s production is packed with breathtaking special effects, concert style lighting and 3 RINGS bursting with excitement, laughter and memories that families will cherish. We have brought the very…
  • 🎭 Garden Bros Circus (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 7:30pm Location: Shawnee / Firelake Arena Day/Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018 Showtimes: 4:30 & 7:30 PM
    Come see the All New GARDEN BROS CIRCUS! This year’s production is packed with breathtaking special effects, concert style lighting and 3 RINGS bursting with excitement, laughter and memories that families will cherish. We have brought the very…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 15th Lyric Theatre's lavish new production of "Hello, Dolly!" will take the audience into the tale of widowed…
  • International Finals Youth Rodeo (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) 1 day left The International Finals Youth Rodeo, held at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee, is the ultimate rodeo event for…
  • 🎓 Legislative Reception (Edmond Chamber of Commerce - Edmond) Start Time: 4:00pm Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018 Time: 4:00 p.m - 5:30 p.m. Hosted at: Edmond Chamber RSVP Required; $15 for members, $20 for non-members/guests, Free for Elected Officials
  • Meditation Class (St Stephen's United Methodist - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Weekly meditation and discussion group conducted by the monks from Oklahoma Buddhist Vihara.
    St. Stephens UMC 6-7pm Look for the shoes.
  • 😂 Michael Malone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 14th
  • National Little Britches Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jul 15th See 1,200 youth rodeo contestants from 33 states compete in 33 events at the National Little Britches Finals Rodeo. With…
  • Rodkey House Summer Camp 1 (Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Ages 6 – 12 years. Must have completed kindergarten by the start of camp to register. At Rodkey Summer Camp your children will… Pretend, play and learn like they are in 1900 Churn butter Learn about home life in Edmond in 1900
  • Saints Sessions: Garrett Jacobson (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm The Plaza District is the place to be on a Thursday night if you’re looking for live music and good vibes.
  • Showtimes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Social Repose (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🏆 Surf and Turf at The Bricktown Brewery at Remington Park (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • Thirty Seconds To Mars (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Head to the Zoo Amphitheatre this summer for a jam-packed lineup, featuring opening acts Welshly Arms, K. Flay and Walk…
  • 🏃 (Virtual) Ice Cream Day 5K (Pioneer Library System - Oklahoma City) You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream! Did you know that National Ice Cream Day is July 15, 2018!?! Let’s run (or walk) for Ice Cream! To celebrate we are hosting a virtual race, where you can choose to run a 5K to honor this special day and get a beautiful Ice Cream Day 5K medal!
  • 🎭 Young Company Shakespeare Camp (Paseo - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Daily topics will include proper voice work, performance preparation, memorization techniques, building cast unity, and Shakespeare's world. There will be daily performance opportunities for all students, planned visits from Shakespeare scholars. and exciting interactive workshops over topics like stage combat and swordmanship.

Friday, Jul 13th

  • 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk (Norman Arts District - Norman) The 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk, a monthly celebration of the arts in Norman, connects the downtown arts district with…
  • Alpaca Yoga on the Ranch (Newcastle) Relax and unwind in the peaceful serenity of an alpaca pasture tucked away in Newcastle during Alpaca Yoga on the Ranch.…
  • 🎡 Andy Alligator's Water Park After Dark (Andy Alligator's Fun Park & Water Park - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm Come visit Andy Alligator’s on July 13th and 27th to experience the water park after dark! This 18 and older event is a perfect way to splash into summer and is free for season passholders. Release your inner kid and experience the park in a completely different light. Andy’s After Dark is the perfect place to bring friends and start your…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 15th Lyric Theatre's lavish new production of "Hello, Dolly!" will take the audience into the tale of widowed…
  • 🏃 HOTTER Friday Night 5K (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City)
  • International Finals Youth Rodeo (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) Last Day The International Finals Youth Rodeo, held at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee, is the ultimate rodeo event for…
  • LIVE on the Plaza (Oklahoma City) In Oklahoma City's Plaza District, every second Friday is LIVE on the Plaza, an art walk featuring local artists, live…
  • LIVE! on the Plaza - 10 Year Anniversary (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Help us say "Cheers to 10 Years!" We will be featuring some of our favorite activities from the past 10 years as well as our outdoor Market featuring work from local artists & live music!
  • 😂 Michael Malone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • My So Called Band (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • National Little Britches Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Jul 15th See 1,200 youth rodeo contestants from 33 states compete in 33 events at the National Little Britches Finals Rodeo. With…
  • River Tour (Narrated) (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Escape the Ordinary, learn about OKC from a different point of view. Relax in the climate controlled cabin on one of our 65’ cruisers, or enjoy the breeze on the viewing deck and listen to the guided commentary while you enjoy a drink from the bar. Indulgence and relaxation aren’t the only purpose of this cruise. During the tour you’ll…
  • 🎭 Young Company Shakespeare Camp (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Last Day Daily topics will include proper voice work, performance preparation, memorization techniques, building cast unity, and Shakespeare's world. There will be daily performance opportunities for all students, planned visits from Shakespeare scholars. and exciting interactive workshops over topics like stage combat and swordmanship.

Saturday, Jul 14th

  • Asleep at the Wheel in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Shine up your boots and unpack that Manuel suit, you're going to dance the night away when Asleep At The Wheel…
  • Byron Berline Band (Double Stop Music Hall - Guthrie) Start Time: 7:00pm Enjoy and evening of award winning Bluegrass Music by the Byron Berline Band. Homemade pie from Manna Eatery avaliable at intermission
  • Norman Conquest (Norman) This summer, get on your bike to conquer the hills and heat during the Norman Conquest. This all-day, annual ride is open to…
  • David Carr Jr (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Othello's - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Free Family Make + Take Art Project (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Enjoy some quality time with your children and help them develop those creative skills at this family friendly art event.…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Lyric Theatre's lavish new production of "Hello, Dolly!" will take the audience into the tale of widowed…
  • 🎭 July Social Dance - Patriotic Day (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm It's never too late to celebrate!
    Save the date - July 14th - for our July Social Dance! Keep the 4th of July celebration going with some dancing! Wear your RED, WHITE AND BLUE! Light refreshments provided. No partner necessary!
    USA Dance of Central Oklahoma is non profit organization promoting and creating awareness of the health and social…
  • 😂 Michael Malone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • National Little Britches Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left See 1,200 youth rodeo contestants from 33 states compete in 33 events at the National Little Britches Finals Rodeo. With…
  • OKC Fitness Expo (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Head to the Cox Convention Center as bodybuilders from all over converge on downtown Oklahoma City for the OKC Fitness…
  • River Tour (Narrated) (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Escape the Ordinary, learn about OKC from a different point of view. Relax in the climate controlled cabin on one of our 65’ cruisers, or enjoy the breeze on the viewing deck and listen to the guided commentary while you enjoy a drink from the bar. Indulgence and relaxation aren’t the only purpose of this cruise. During the tour you’ll…
  • Showtimes (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • The Smashing Pumpkins: Shiny And Oh So Bright Tour (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Alternative rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins are bringing their Shiy and Oh So Bright Tour to the Chesapeake Energy…

Sunday, Jul 15th

  • Garden Brothers Circus (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Children 2 years & younger are free unless they require a seat.
    GARDEN BROS CIRCUS--ALL NEW--2018--3 RINGS bursting with excitement, laughs and memories. One and half hours of real quality family entertainment. Over 60 performers from 18 countries featuring the Human Pyramid, Aerial Daredevils, Crazy Cossack Horse Riders, 6 Motorcycles in the…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Lyric Theatre's lavish new production of "Hello, Dolly!" will take the audience into the tale of widowed…
  • Jimmie Vaughan (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Kicklahoma (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City) At Kicklahoma, pick up the latest shoes and check out fresh offerings from a variety of local streetwear designers. In…
  • National Little Britches Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day See 1,200 youth rodeo contestants from 33 states compete in 33 events at the National Little Britches Finals Rodeo. With…
  • Public Access : Open Mic (The Venue - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm The Original Open Mic in The Plaza District Okc. All Talents welcome. Comedy, HipHop, Live Music, Poetry, Magic, and more...All ages welcome. Parental Discretion Suggested.
  • Sunday Twilight Concert Series (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Bring a lawn chair, a picnic and the whole family to the Sunday Twilight Concert Series on the Myriad Gardens…
  • 🏃 (Virtual) World Chocolate Day 5K & 10K (Pioneer Library System - Oklahoma City) Did you know that July 7th is World Chocolate Day? That’s the BEST DAY EVER! We LOVE our chocolate! So we are celebrating with our first annual World Chocolate Day 5K & 10K! You’ll have the entire month of July to complete your race! We will be donating at least 15% of every registration to Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.).

Monday, Jul 16th

  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. New Orleans Baby Cakes (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Jul 19th Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the New Orleans Baby…
  • 🏆 SUMMER RIDING CAMP (Cottonwood Creek Ranch - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Week-long, all-day summer camp is a great way to give your horse-crazy kids their pony fix! Camp is packed full of adventure, including riding lessons, crafts, barn activities, and games. Campers receive a daily riding lesson from our academy instructor and learn pertinent information regarding horses and their care in a hands-on, interactive…
  • UADA (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm UADA with The Black Moriah and Wolvhammer Tickets are $12 in advance at ticketstorm.com, charge by phone 18669661777, purchase hard copy tickets at any Uptown Grocery/Buy For Less location or Starship Records in Tulsa.

Tuesday, Jul 17th

  • 🎭 The Bard's Book Club (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm OSP is launching our first ever book club! Members will meet once a month to chat about the four plays in our 2018 season, guided by OSP staff. Experience the pleasure of discovering and discussing the richness of character, language, plot complications, and modern interpretations of Shakespeare (and non-Shakespeare) plays with other Shakespeare…
  • 🍴 Brown Estate Wine Dinner (Opus Prime Steakhouse - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Join us in celebrating Brown Estate Wine and their first time in Oklahoma! MMR is excited to offer Brown, Napa Valley wines with delicious pairings prepared by our Chef, Jonas Favela. Reservations can be made from 5PM - 9PM, so guests may enjoy at any time of the evening. Tickets are $79 per person, plus tax and gratuity. Call today or click the…
  • Depression Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Depression is an illness that affects the whole body, causing persistent changes in a person’s mood, behavior and feelings. It is one of the leading causes of disability in the U.S. In addition to causing emotional distress, it can lead to physical pain. This group gives those battling depression a place to talk through their struggles and…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. New Orleans Baby Cakes (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Jul 19th Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the OKC Dodgers take on the New Orleans Baby…
  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in Blanchard…
  • Rodkey House Summer Camp 2 (Edmond) Start Time: 9:00am $50 per child 9 AM to Noon Each Day Ages 6 – 12 years. Must have completed kindergarten by the start of camp to register. At Rodkey Summer Camp your children will… Pretend, play and learn like they are in 1900 Churn butter Learn about home life in Edmond in 1900
  • Silent Planet in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Silent Planet is best known for their metal riffs, complex lyrics and heavy vocals. Come see this metal rock band live as…
  • Splash N' Dash (Joe Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Challenge budding athletes in the family to a non-competitive, free biathlon held for children ages 7-12. Kids will embark…
  • 🎓 Storytime Science (Science Museum Oklahoma - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:30am At Storytime Science children read a story and follow it up with a fun, hands-on scientific activity related to the book. Love the story? Storytime Science books are usually available for purchase in The Science Shop!
  • 🎓 Sunset Reception (Bricktown Entertainment District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm Networking Event Sponsors Sunset Reception Date: 07/17/2018 Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Location: HeyDay Entertainment 200 S. Oklahoma Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Map to Event Add to My Calendar Make business connections with other Chamber members at HeyDay Entertainment. Free admission includes one drink ticket and complimentary hors d'oeuvres.…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each and…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 14th - Tue, Feb 20th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Feb 14th

  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Anxiety Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness and affect more than 40 million Americans. Symptoms may include: overwhelming feelings of panic and fear, uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, painful intrusive memories, recurring nightmares, physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach,…
  • 🎭 Deadly Dancing (Cattlemen's Steakhouse - Oklahoma City) Award winning, nationally recognized Whodunit Dinner Theatre is performing our 27th year in OKC. We've been titled the 'Masters of Murder Mystery Mayhem' for good reason - we 'KILL' it! We are available for private shows for your group, church and organization, so give us a call or email anytime!
  • 🎭 Deadly Dancing (Ted's Escondido - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:15am Award winning, nationally recognized Whodunit Dinner Theater is performing our 27th year in Oklahoma City. We've been titled the 'Masters of Murder Mystery Mayhem' for good reason — we 'KILL' it! We are available for private show for your group, church and organization so give us a call or email anytime!
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Feb 16th Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00am Visit LanceGraves.com for full details!
  • Magic Mike Tour (Big Dick's Roadhouse - Yukon) Start Time: 8:00pm You've seen the movie, now come see the hottest men on the planet, Live, and onstage, for your eyes only with this Las Vegas style show. Let these calendar men take care of all you fantasies. Don't forget your dollar bills. There will be an opportunity offered at the show for those Ladies that want to give a special friend or herself an up close…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Venture Forum Speaker Series (PHF Conference Center at OUHSC University Research Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Oklahoma Venture Forum kicks off their 30th membership session with the Speaker Series Luncheon featuring Chad Jordan, CEO of Arrow Global Capital.
    OVF continues to foster the growth of new and existing small business ventures in Oklahoma by creating the setting for entrepreneurs, investors, service industries, incubators and collegiate…
  • Parents Supporting Parents (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm This group is for caretakers and parents who are supporting an individual managing the complications often associated with having a pervasive development disorder such as autism or aspergers disorder. This group will also provide education and support to those parents who have loved ones with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental, emotional,…
  • Saints - Rock & Roll Camp for Girls Benefit (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Split Lip Rayfield (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 TCAA Leather Working Workshop (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am February 12 – 14, 2018 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Traditional Cowboy Arts Association (TCAA) members Pedro Pedrini and Troy West claim whether you call it leather carving, tooling, or stamping, you can hone your skills with the comprehensive workshop they are presenting. This hands-on workshop, held February 12 – 14, 2018, in the Museum’s…
  • Valentine's Day Dinner (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a four-course meal and live music by Music Maker at the Museum Cafe! Details: Reservations can be made at 6 or 8 pm Please call the Museum Cafe at (405) 235-6262 to reserve your table. Pricing: $58 per person (tax and gratuity not included)
    See menu below: Amuse Bouche
    • Oyster Bienville: Mushroom and parmesan…
  • Valentine's Day with Split Lip Rayfield (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Come celebrate Valentine's Day 2018 with us in #OKC at The Blue Door!! Tickets on sale soon but RSVP NOW!
  • Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…

Thursday, Feb 15th

  • Bahamas et al. (Oklahoma City) Each ticket purchase receives a code to digitally download Bahamas' new album Earthtones when it comes out January 19.
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • FLY Dance Company (Te Ata Memorial Auditorium - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Travel with your Valentine to the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for The Gentlemen of Hip Hop by FLY…
  • Joe Crookston (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00am Visit LanceGraves.com for full details!
  • Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Songwriter, guitarist, painter, fiddler, slide player, eco-village member and believer in all things possible. Named 2016 Folk Alliance International Artist-in- Residence and signed to Tamulevich Artist Management along with John Gorka and Peter Yarrow. His songs are being made into films.
  • Lunar New Year (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm The Lunar New Year is the cycle of time switching from one Zodiac to the next. This year, the Asian American Student Association in collaboration with the Vietnamese Student Association brings awareness, exposes Central's campus, and educates participants in the different customs and traditional celebrations of the Lunar New Year from different…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • Meditation Class (St Stephen's United Methodist - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Weekly meditation and discussion group conducted by the monks from Oklahoma Buddhist Vihara.
    St. Stephens UMC 6-7pm Look for the shoes.
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • Path of Destruction Tour: OKC (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Catch Lex The Hex Master, Axe Murder Boyz and SCUM at 89th Street OKC!
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • Share at the Showroom | Marissa Raglin and Chelsey Cope (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm To kick off the 2018 season of Share at the Showroom, we'll be talking with Oklahoma City-based collage artist Marissa Raglin, the current Artist in Residence at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel. In addition, Guthrie-based singer-songwriter Chelsey Cope will perform an acoustic set of songs from her upcoming album, Where Nobody Goes.
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 17th
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Thru Sat, Feb 17th Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
  • Tekashi69 (The Criterion - Oklahoma City)
  • Watermelon Slim et al. (VZD's - Oklahoma City) "The most exciting and authentic blues performer I've heard in years." - A.W., Paste Magazine
    2x Winner: 2008 Blues Music Award - Band of the Year and Album of the Year 2x Winner: 2006 & 2007 MOJO Magazine's #1 Blues Album of the Year Winner: 6th Annual Independent Music Awards - Blues Album of the Year
    Watermelon Slim - Ringers: An…

Friday, Feb 16th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • Bully et al. (Opolis - Norman)
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Tennis vs Southern Nazarene (Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Tennis vs Southern Nazarene http://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=5652
  • The Disaster Artist (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:00pm This is a General Admission seating screening. This film is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. NOTE: This is a movie screening and NOT a live performance event. With fees tickets are $10
  • 🎨 Filmography: "Mickey Reece’s Alien" (21C Museum Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Art goes to the movies with 21c Oklahoma City’s Filmography, a free monthly film series at 21c Oklahoma City in partnership with deadCenter Film and the OKC Film Society. Filmography takes place on the third Friday of each month.
    Join us in February for a screening of "Mickey Reece's Alien." Conveyed through sensual black and white…
  • Funny AF Friday Comedy Show (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Funny AF Fridays is the weekly comedy show that features celebrity comedians and provides a platform for local comedians to get their shine. If you are interested in getting your "5 min" of comedy, contact Marc Flemon at 4052084240.
  • Jason Boland & The Stragglers (The State Theatre - Harrah)
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00am Visit LanceGraves.com for full details!
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • Luke Combs: Don't Tempt Me With A Good Time Tour (The Criterion - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎭 Lunar New Year at the Gardens: Year of the Dog (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm We are partnering up with our friends from Super Cao Nguyen in the OKC Asian District to celebrate the Lunar New Year! Join us for a late afternoon of music, face painting and fun for the entire family. The Gardens will have lion dancers from the St. Andrew Dung Lac Lion Dance Association, festive décor, crafts for the kids, cultural…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • Moon Taxi (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Advance $22.50 | Day of Show $25 | Mezzanine $50 (21+) For information on purchasing VIP booth tickets, click HERE $3 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Jones Assembly Box Office. No re-entry. No refunds. No smoking. Under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Support acts are subject to change without notice. More…
  • 🏆 Perfect 10 Challenge (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:45pm THE CHALLENGE The Oklahoma women gymnastics team heads to Oklahoma City to face Nebraska women gymnastics team in the annual Perfect 10 Challenge, held inside the Cox Convention Center.
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) 1 day left Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Souled Out (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm Souled Out will perform in concert at 8 p.m. at the UCO Jazz Lab, 100 E. Fifth St. Tickets are $15. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit ucojazzlab.com.
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 18th Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…
  • World Premiere of The Vaudevillian, An American Opera (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Join us Feb. 16-18 for the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a new opera by Thomas Pasatieri! The backstage backstory dramatizes the rise and fall of American soprano Rosa Ponselle, who began her decades-long performing career in a vaudeville sister act and made her Metropolitan Opera debut at the age of 21. OCU's 2018 world premiere marks the…

Saturday, Feb 17th

  • 🎓 4th annual Beads & the Brave gala (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Warriors for Freedom is hosting their annual charity Mardi Gras gala! Enjoy games, amazing food, great beverages and so much more! This is one party you do NOT want to miss!! Grab a date a join us! Or, if you're looking for volunteer opportunities, we have that also! For more information, visit www.beadsandthebrave.org
  • 🎭 4th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:30pm Let Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation give you a magical evening with your daughter that will create lifelong memories. Come join us for a Night on the Red Carpet in the beautiful Meinders Hall of Mirrors at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. There will be a grand red-carpet entrance, photo opportunities and a light dinner with…
  • 🏆 The Bart & Nadia Sports Experience (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am The Bart & Nadia Sports Experience weekend hosts a variety of events that all have an emphasis on sports, health and wellness. These activities include world-class gymnastics competitions, a FREE family sports experience and the OKC RUNderground. Our goal is to encourage families to take ownership of their health through activities that embrace…
  • The Centennial Rodeo Opry (Rodeo Opry - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Adults - $15.00 Children 7 -12 years - $7.50 Children 6 years & younger - FREE *Military discount available at box office with military ID
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian (Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian http://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=5685
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian (Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Softball vs Oklahoma Christian http://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=5686
  • 🎓 The Coded Life: Beginners | Angel Little (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Welcome to the next step in the coding life. Now that you have a taste of how coding works, it’s time to further explore the concept of computer programming, learn how to write in functions, compare and contrast code online and scratch the surface of the designing process. Come enjoy the life, the coded life! Limited Enrollment. Ages: 10+
  • Daddy Daughter Dance (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Let Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation give you a magical evening with your daughter that will create lifelong memories. Come join us for a Night on the Red Carpet in the beautiful Meinders Hall of Mirrors at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. There will be a grand red-carpet entrance, photo opportunities and a light dinner with…
  • Dylan LeBlanc (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City)
  • 🎓 Essentials of Raja Yoga Meditation- a day course (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Taking time out has always been a vital part of improving the quality of life, refreshing our understanding of events and re-charging the spirit. A day Retreat is an opportunity to step off the conveyor belt of life and spend time in a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, reflecting upon and exploring the important factors governing our…
  • 🎨 Exhibition: "The New Art: A Controversial Collection Fifty Years Later" (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm In 1968, the Oklahoma Art Center, OKCMOA’s predecessor, purchased the 150-piece permanent collection of the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, the first art museum in the nation’s capital dedicated to the collection of contemporary art. That decision proved deeply consequential for the Oklahoma City arts community, first as it led the Art…
  • 🎓 Free Device Workshop to Winterize your Phone (U.S. Cellular - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am The cold temperatures can be taxing on people and even technology. As you layer your clothing in preparation for wintry conditions, don’t forget to protect your mobile device with the latest accessories.
    U.S. Cellular will host a free Device Workshop in Oklahoma City on February 17th from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at 2130 W Memorial Rd, where…
  • 🏆 Lance Graves International Barrel Horse Sale (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm New at the Lazy E is the Lance Graves International Barrel Horse Sale! The consignment deadline is November 15, 2017 and we are only excepting 125 head total, so get your forms in quick! Under new mangament and with a few changes to the bill this year 2018 is looking good! We hope you are as excited about the sale as we are! Forms can be found…
  • 🏆 Lance Grave International Barrel Racing Championship (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 8:00am Visit LanceGraves.com for full details!
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) 1 day left For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • Man of La Mancha (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 7:30pm Performance Dates & Times: 7:30pm. Thursday, February 15 2018 7:30pm. Friday, February 16, 2018 7:30pm. Saturday, February 17, 2018 2:00pm. Sunday, February 18, 2018 Free for UCO students with curent ID
  • 😂 Moby Dick! The Musical (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm Presented by OKC Theatre Company By Robert Longden and Hereward Kaye Directed by Megan Montgomery Facing the closure of their rough and tumble school due to unpaid utility bills, The young juvenile delinquents of St. Godley's School for Girls write and stage a spectacular musical production of Herman Melville's great novel, MOBY DICK. With…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam® is the most action-packed live event on four wheels where world-class drivers compete in front of capacity crowds in both monster truck racing and freestyle competitions. Celebrating 25 years of adrenaline-charged family entertainment, Monster Jam combines spontaneous entertainment with the ultimate off-road, motorsport…
  • Mother and Son Soiree (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy an exciting evening at the Orr Family Farm with your son! Designed for ages 4-14, the Mother and Son Soiree includes an evening of dancing provided by a professional DJ, light snacks, a commemorative photo from the photo booth and fun!
    Attire for the Mother and Son Soiree will be church-appropriate clothing with a western flair! Wear…
  • Myriad Kitchen: An Intro to Healthy Cooking (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Enjoy a delicious lunch that will taste so good you’ll have trouble believing it’s healthy. The program includes an overview of: eating well and using in-season fresh fruits and vegetables; adding flavor with fresh and dried herbs; and best methods for healthy cooking.
  • 🎨 The New Art Opening Weekend (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am OKCMOA is happy to open the upcoming exhibition, "The New Art: A Milestone Collection Fifty Years Later," which will be on view starting February 17. Come see us opening weekend! Details: In 1968, the Oklahoma Art Center, OKCMOA’s predecessor, purchased the 154-piece permanent collection of the Washington Gallery of Modern Art (WGMA), the…
  • Noah Gundersen (Oklahoma City)
  • 🏃 OKC Riversport Canoe/Kayak Indoor Championships (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Members of the OKC RIVERSPORT Junior, Master and Corporate Rowing League will race in the OKC RIVERSPORT Erg Challenge on indoor rowing machines.
    Members of the OKC RIVERSPORT Canoe/Kayak Youth League, Juniors, Masters and High Performance Team will also race in the OKC RIVERSPORT Indoor Canoe/Kayak Championships.
  • OU Sooners vs Texas Longhorns (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Experience the action and excitement in Norman as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the Texas Longhorns. Since the team's…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…
  • RUNderground (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) OKC Riversports' RUNderground 5K is one of Oklahoma City's most unique competitive running experiences. This 3.1…
  • 🏃 Run for Recovery 5K/10K (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) Let's get running at the 2nd annual Run for Recovery! Proceeds from the run benefit Teen Recovery Solutions, an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit benefiting teens in substance abuse and addiction recovery and their families. More than 300 runners attended this sanctioned event in 2017! Each runner will receive a commemorative beanie, and runners who…
  • Ruthie Foster (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Ruthie Foster
    In the tightknit musical community of Austin, Texas, it's tough to get away with posturing. You either bring it, or you don't.
    If you do, word gets around. Praises are sung. And one day, you find yourself duetting with Bonnie Raitt, or standing onstage with the Allman Brothers at New York's Beacon Theater and trading verses with…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • 😂 Shaun Jones (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • 🏆 Sooners Basketball: Discount Tickets (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Start Time: 12:00pm
  • 🎭 Sooner Theatre Murder Mystery (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Last Day Start Time: 6:30pm On a dark and stormy night, a group of friends, enemies, lovers and haters arrive at an isolated manor to try their hands at solving a staged mystery before returning to their normal, boring lives the next day. But for one of them, there is no going back after they develop a very real case of being DEAD!!! The game they all came to play becomes…
  • Sprouting Chefs: Fun and Fresh Lunches (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Start the Lunar New Year off right with a healthy cooking class for kids. We’ll learn the basics of making healthy, easy dishes that your little ones will love. Families will work together to create a few nutritious lunch options and leave with the skills and inspiration to continue the fun at home.
  • 🏃 Tri-OKC Memorial Trail Race (SCIP Recreational Trail - Oklahoma City)
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…
  • Wanda Jackson (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Join the Queen of Rockabilly for a very special evening when she takes over OKC's historic Tower Theatre. Since the…

Sunday, Feb 18th

  • Davy Knowles et al. (VZD's - Oklahoma City)
  • Lalah Hathaway (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready for a soulful evening, when five-time Grammy winner Lalah Hathaway brings her Honestly tour to OKC's…
  • The Little Mermaid (Oklahoma City Ballet - Oklahoma City) Last Day For one special weekend in February, get your tickets and surrender to the magic of fairy tales as Oklahoma City Ballet…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam® is the most action-packed live event on four wheels where world-class drivers compete in front of capacity crowds in both monster truck racing and freestyle competitions. Celebrating 25 years of adrenaline-charged family entertainment, Monster Jam combines spontaneous entertainment with the ultimate off-road, motorsport…
  • Monster Jam Pit Pass: Preshow Pit Party From 10:30am-12:00pm (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm PIT PASS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN EVENT TICKET! The Pit Party is a preshow event taking place from 10:30am to 12:00pm. Ages 2 & up require a ticket.
    The Monster Jam® Pit Party provides unprecedented access to the Monster Jam trucks and drivers, you can meet the drivers, get their autographs take photos and see the trucks up close. It is a…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…
  • RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena - Oklahoma City) Last Day The 49th Annual RV Super Show, held at Oklahoma City's State Fair Park, features hundreds of RVs on display under…
  • The Vaudevillian (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Last Day Come to the Kirkpatrick Auditorium at Oklahoma City University to experience the world premiere of The Vaudevillian, a…

Monday, Feb 19th

  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…

Tuesday, Feb 20th

  • The Dangerous Summer in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Head to 89th Street in Oklahoma City to see The Dangerous Summer live. Four years after their breakup, The Dangerous…
  • Dublin Irish Dance (Armstrong Auditorium - Edmond) Tap your toes to the sights and sounds of Dublin Irish Dance at the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond. This eight member…
  • 🏃 Love Your Pet Day 5K & 10K (Your Pro Choice Hardwood Flrs - Oklahoma City) February 20th is Love Your Pet Day! We want to celebrate all of the animals we love so much with a Love Your Pet Day 5K & 10K!
    We will be donating 15% of each registration to Petsmart Charities, who are committed to end pet homelessness.
  • P.O.D. in Concert (The Ruins Live - Oklahoma City) Get ready for some serious rowdiness when Nu Metal pioneers P.O.D. take over The Ruins Live for the venue's…
  • Prairie Moderns: The Artwork of Don Holladay (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Thru Fri, Mar 16th Come to the Nesbitt Gallery at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma for an exhibition of works by Oklahoma…

See Also

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