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Scott Hakala insults ex-Baha'is
Scott Hakala, Ph.D Econ, Baha'i, interest in morals and religion
Why did Denis MacEoin leave the Baha'i Faith?
I became a Baha’i just before Denis MacEion withdrew from the Baha’i Faith and became familiar with the issues that reportedly led to his disaffection and departure. My reading of the subsequent debates and discussions that later became public is that Denis failed to understand and fully appreciate the fact that the Baha’i Faith is a religion (not a mere social organization), was founded by a Messenger of God (who demonstrated on numerous occasions His authority and capacity despite being tortured, imprisoned, and exiled), and has a Baha’i Covenant defined and outlined in its sacred Writings that created a set of administrative institutions (eventually elected) designed to protect the Baha’i Faith from fundamental division. (See a series of letters by the House of Justice regarding these issues relating to individual rights and freedoms and academic scholarship and “Western” materialist perspectives and the balance with responsibilities of Baha’is at 29 December 1988 - Individual Rights and Freedoms, Issues Related to the Study of the Baha’i Faith 2 July 1996 at The Baha’i Covenant | The Covenant of Baha’u'llah; and A Brief Compilation on Criticism at The Baha’i Covenant | The Covenant of Baha’u'llah).
Sometimes individuals join a religion and accept its beliefs on a general level (in the case of the Baha’i Faith because of its more modern and progressive views and teachings) but fail to fully accept the teachings or form their own specific views and beliefs, as though certain religious beliefs are somewhat optional. This approach to religion is increasingly common in “Western” societies and academic traditions, and there is a tendency to distrust and become cynical about religion and religious belief. The approach can lead to each person assuming that their views are correct and insisting on their views prevailing, which is the exact opposite of the Baha’i approach to consultation and decision-making. This self-assured insistence and cynical approach can eventually lead to disaffection and disappointment in the Baha’i Faith.
As explained in a 1996 letter by the House of Justice on this subject:
“The laws, commandments, injunctions and exhortations we have all agreed to obey and follow as Bahá’ís include a clearly defined approach to decision-making and to the implementation of decisions. You are, undoubtedly, well familiar with the various aspects of this approach, which is built on the conviction that the path of unity is the only path that can lead to the civilization envisioned by Bahá’u'lláh. So strong is the emphasis on unity that, for example, once a decision has been made by an Assembly, everyone is expected to support that decision wholeheartedly, relying confidently on ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s assurance that, even if the decision is wrong, “as it is in unity the truth will be revealed and the wrong made right.” This principle of unity is supplemented by other, related guidelines covering such issues as how criticism can be expressed, how the wrongdoing of members of the community is to be corrected, how the principle of justice is to be applied and appeals admitted, and how the integrity of individuals, the institutions and the Cause is to be upheld.” (Universal House of Justice Letter on Issues Related to the Study of the Baha’i Faith 2 July 1996 atThe Baha’i Covenant | The Covenant of Baha’u'llah)
Denis MacEoin was a Baha’i from approximately 1965 to approximately 1980. He studied English language and literature and Persian, Arabic, and Islamic studies. He has held a number of academic appointments. He is reportedly now a “secular humanist” and has reportedly taken very pro-Israel positions and been quite hostile to Islam at times. See Denis MacEoin - Wikipedia
Denis MacEion became highly critical (in a 1979 letter later published) of the Baha’i Faith for its steadfast emphasis on avoidance of partisan politics and potentially divisive causes and its more inward focus from his perspective. On the other hand, certain Baha’i institutions became concerned about the potential for the involvement of Baha’is in political issues to become divisive and ultimately harmful to the reputation and unity of the Baha’i Faith. The Baha’i Faith also was concerned about the tendency of academics studying the Baha’i Faith to fail to give proper deference to its authoritative texts, especially Baha’is engaged in academic pursuits, and the avoidance of claims of superiority in interpretation and importance.
Following his departure from the Baha’i Faith, Denis MacEion became involved in a series of debates with Baha’is as a result of certain articles he wrote after leaving the Baha’i Faith over the issues of Baha’i scholarship and “Western” views of academics and historical analyses. Some of the terminology and the tone of these articles was and still is offensive to Baha’is, including many Baha’is involved in academic pursuits. The essence of these debates revolved around the difference of views between the reliance of Western academics solely on historical documents without any context or reference to the authoritative texts and Writings of the religion. (See for example the 1982 and 1983 exchanges between Dr. Momen and Denis MacEion regarding this issue Response to MacEoin's "Problems of Scholarship" and "A Critique of Moojan Momen's Response," A
; see also Muhammad Afnan and William Hatcher, “Western Islamic Scholarship and Baha'i Origins,” Religion [15 (1985): 29-49] and MacEion’s response in the same publication in 1986 Bahá'í Fundamentalism and the Academic Study of the Babi Movement for the initial debates).)
Unfortunately, Denis MacEion continued his attacks of Baha’i scholarship and the leadership of the Faith for a number of years (and, in my view, repeatedly mischaracterized the Baha’i Faith’s perspectives and teachings). He recently has been more supportive of Baha’is in the sense of defending them against persecution in Iran and their reputations (see The Baha'is in Iran).
While the Faith is still young and still relatively smaller than its other sister worldwide religions, persons with strong ambitions and insistent views can and will be tested and occasionally that will lead to disaffection or removal. I cannot say why or for what reason Denis left the Faith just that the reasons appear related to personal issues with certain principles of the Faith.
In the past religions, this led often to divisions and weakened the unity of the religion and its community. But the Baha’i Covenant set forth in the Writings of Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha and reinforced by the guidance of Shoghi Effendi created a spiritual process and strong basis for preserving the unity of the Baha’i Faith and rendering efforts to divide the Faith ultimately ineffective, as has been proven in the past and continues to be proven today. This concept of the Covenant is often foreign to “Western” academic values and perspectives and can lead to difficulties for such persons that aspire to such values.
My answer to this question is an endeavor (struggle) to answer in light of the no doubt self-serving rationalizations and antagonistic explanations that appear in answers provided by persons that are antagonistic to the Baha’i Faith and that are not Baha’is. One can never fully appreciate why an individual chooses to join a religion and then later becomes disaffected from it. For one thing, the Baha’i Faith respects the privacy of individuals and the rights of individual to believe or not believe. The issue is complicated by the fact that, unlike individuals, Baha’i administrative institutions (which are led by democratically elected “assemblies” from bottom to top through a series of representatives chosen by secret ballot) cannot and do not generally discuss individual issues and circumstances and seek to avoid the backbiting and gossip, cynicism, and negativism so unfortunately present in our current societies.
In the case of the Baha’i Faith, it is a religion with a Messenger, Baha’u’llah, who created the Baha’i Covenant as a means to protect the Faith from division but also provided for a means of expressing concerns and differences within it. The known Writings of the Baha’i Faith and authoritative guidance are quite extensive and vast. Unlike some older religious traditions with less remaining structure (fundamentally divided) and less intact authoritative texts, one cannot pick and choose what parts to believe and obey. Some persons that have more “progressive” leanings and sympathize with the Baha’i Faith and many of its principles do not appreciate this fundamentally sacred claim of divinity associated with the Baha’i Faith.
The Baha’i Faith makes a number of extraordinary claims. It is NOT a mere social club, a mere “sect”, or merely an organization with a set of high-minded and progressive sounding principles. It sets a high standard of conduct for each the individual and values humility and obedience as well as truthfulness and integrity. The Baha’i Faith has a concept of a tradeoff between individual rights and responsibilities (including a code of conduct and behavior). It also has a tradeoff and balance between individual rights and freedoms of expression and the institutions of the Baha’i Faith embodied in the Baha’i Covenant. Some “Western” believers, including in academic communities, have had difficulties with the balance between these competing principles. This is explained in part in the following quote:
“We have noticed with concern evidences of a confusion of attitudes among some of the friends when they encounter difficulties in applying Bahá’í principles to questions of the day. On the one hand, they acknowledge their belief in Bahá’u'lláh and His teachings; on the other, they invoke Western liberal democratic practices when actions of Bahá’í institutions or of some of their fellow Bahá’ís do not accord with their expectations. At the heart of this confusion are misconceptions of such fundamental issues as individual rights and freedom of expression in the Bahá’í community. The source of the potential difficulties of the situation appears to us to be an inadequacy of Bahá’í perspective on the part of both individual believers and their institutions. (29 December 1988 Letter from the Universal House of Justice to the Followers of Baha’ullah in the United States ”The Baha’i Covenant | The Covenant of Baha’u'llah )
In February 1998, the House of Justice addressed the issue of academic scholarship in a letter to an individual, touching upon issues that appear to be consistent with and related to the issues Denis MacEoin experienced:
“It is not surprising that individual Bahá'ís hold and express different and sometimes defective understandings of the Teachings; this is but an evidence of the magnitude of the change that this Revelation is to effect in human consciousness. As believers with various insights into the Teachings converse -- with patience, tolerance and open and unbiased minds -- a deepening of comprehension should take place. The strident insistence on individual views, however, can lead to contention, which is detrimental not only to the spirit of Bahá'í association and collaboration but to the search for truth itself. Beyond contention, moreover, is the condition in which a person is so immovably attached to one erroneous viewpoint that his insistence upon it amounts to an effort to change the essential character of the Faith. This kind of behaviour, if permitted to continue unchecked, could produce disruption in the Bahá'í community, giving birth to countless sects as it has done in previous Dispensations. The Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh prevents this. The Faith defines elements of a code of conduct, and it is ultimately the responsibility of the Universal House of Justice, in watching over the security of the Cause and upholding the integrity of its Teachings, to require the friends to adhere to standards thus defined.” “It is important for all those Bahá'ís who are engaged in the academic study of the Bahá'í Faith to address the theoretical problems which undoubtedly exist, while refusing to be distracted by insidious and unscholarly attacks and calumnies which may periodically be injected into their discussions by the ill-intentioned. Discussion with those who sincerely raise problematic issues, whether they be Bahá'ís or not, and whether -- if the latter -- they disagree with Bahá'í teachings, can be beneficial and enlightening. However, to continue dialogue with those who have shown a fixed antagonism to the Faith, and have demonstrated their imperviousness to any ideas other than their own, is usually fruitless and, for the Bahá'ís who take part, can be burdensome and even spiritually corrosive.” Letter from the Universal House of Justice, 2 February 1998, to an Individual regarding Academic Methodologies
By contrast, the Baha’i Faith recognizes Baha’u’llah as the latest Messenger of God and focuses on that acceptance as the starting point. The Baha’i Faith places high value on humility, a balance between individual rights and responsibilities and obedience to authority, respect for differences of opinion, sublimation of personal ambition, and avoidance of certain disunifying tendencies. The Baha’i Faith is also a classical religion in terms of have an extensive “scripture” (referred to as Writings) but also being able to point to a line of authority that is fairly clear and obvious, called the Baha’i Covenant, designed to protect the Faith from fundamental division in stark contrast with the religions of the past. It is in this context that, unfortunately, some Western Baha’is can become disaffected and lose the context and basis for the belief in Baha’u’llah. They never appear to address or ask the basic question about how Baha’u’llah, having lost His wealth and being exiled from His country and with limited education, could have written and addressed so much in such a short period of time. (See discussions at Bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh and the associated video at Light to the World.)
-How, for example, did Baha’u’llah manage to write a book such as the Kitab-i-Iqan (a book of over 200 pages in the original language even longer in English translation) in a couple of days and nights (Kitáb-i-Íqán - Wikipedia) in response to a series of questions?
-How did Baha’u’llah or His eldest son, Abdu’l-Baha, have the ability to answer questions on a wide range of issues and anticipate future events without access to libraries and resources and references that we take for granted today?
-Why did one of the foremost and most trusted religious scholars in Shi’ihi Islam, Siyyid Yahya, accept the Bab as the Promised One of Islam after being sent by the Shah of Iran and being highly skeptical (if not hostile) at first before being completely won over? This is explained by Baha’u’llah in the Kitab-i-Iqan (written in 1862):
“Therefore, should a person arise and bring forth a myriad verses, discourses, epistles, and prayers, none of which have been acquired through learning, what conceivable excuse could justify those that reject them, and deprive themselves of the potency of their grace? What answer could they give when once their soul hath ascended and departed from its gloomy temple? Could they seek to justify themselves by saying: “We have clung to a certain tradition, and not having beheld the literal fulfilment thereof, we have therefore raised such cavils against the Embodiments of divine Revelation, and kept remote from the law of God?” Hast thou not heard that among the reasons why certain Prophets have been designated as Prophets “endowed with constancy” was the could this people be justified in rejecting the Revealer and Author of so many volumes of verses, and follow the sayings of him who hath foolishly sown the seeds of doubt in the hearts of men, and who, Satan-like, hath risen to lead the people into the paths of perdition and error? How could they allow such things to deprive them of the light of the Sun of divine bounty? Aside from these things, if these people shun and reject such a divine Soul, such holy Breath, to whom, We wonder, could they cling, to whose face besides His Face could they turn? Yea—“All have a quarter of the Heavens to which they turn.” 1
We have shown thee these two ways; walk thou the way thou choosest. This verily is the truth, and after truth there remaineth naught but error.
Amongst the proofs demonstrating the truth of this Revelation is this, that in every age and Dispensation, whenever the invisible Essence was revealed in the person of His Manifestation, certain souls, obscure and detached from all worldly entanglements, would seek illumination from the Sun of Prophethood and Moon of divine guidance, and would attain unto the divine Presence. For this 222 reason, the divines of the age and those possessed of wealth, would scorn and scoff at these people. Even as He hath revealed concerning them that erred: “Then said the chiefs of His people who believed not, ‘We see in Thee but a man like ourselves; and we see not any who have followed Thee except our meanest ones of hasty judgment, nor see we any excellence in you above ourselves: nay, we deem you liars.’” 2
They caviled at those holy Manifestations, and protested saying: “None hath followed you except the abject amongst us, those who are worthy of no attention.” Their aim was to show that no one amongst the learned, the wealthy, and the renowned believed in them. By this and similar proofs they sought to demonstrate the falsity of Him that speaketh naught but the truth.
In this most resplendent Dispensation, however, this most mighty Sovereignty, a number of illumined divines, of men of consummate learning, of doctors of mature wisdom, have attained unto His Court, drunk the cup of His divine Presence, and been invested with the honour of His most excellent favour. They have renounced, for the sake of the Beloved, the world and all that is therein. We 223 will mention the names of some of them, that perchance it may strengthen the faint-hearted, and encourage the timorous.” Baha’u’llah, The Kitáb-i-Íqán , pp. 220–225.
(My response: first, if you have to write an entire novel of text to answer what should be a simple question, you might be trying to deceive readers by trying to impress them with your massive amounts of "knowledge".
The simplest and most straightforward answer to why Denis MacEoin left the Baha'i Faith was because he decided that it wasn't true and its teachings didn't make sense. And he found out things about it the Baha'i leadership wanted kept hidden!)
submitted by Seeker_Alpha1701 to exbahai [link] [comments]

How to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore

Original sources of this guide (might be more up to date in case you're viewing a mirror of it):
In this guide I will go through how to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore using companies that have a track record of being very resilient to DMCA takedowns. As a general disclaimer, youtube-dl is not illegal, no matter how much the RIAA wants it to be. Hosting it is not illegal, but the RIAA doesn't care about what's legal, so we'll have to act accordingly and not rely on companies that will bend over backwards for them. This post is basically my way of flipping the bird to the RIAA.
DMCA ignored hosting providers
RIAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
MPAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
United States Trade Representative report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
ESA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Europol report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
La Liga report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller reviews offshore hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller on what the most warez friendly hosting providers are
(Novogara aka Ecatel recently got busted for tax evasion and are shady as hell in general, allowing anything to be hosted on their servers, so it's best to stay away from them.)
Take into account what data center the hosting provider uses. If they don't run their their own data center the company running the data center can shut down the server if the data center isn't DMCA ignored. That isn't to say that resellers can't be resilient, but it depends on how resilient the data center they use is.
This goes without saying, but keeping the hosting provider secret makes it a lot harder to take down.
Some countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Korea force hosting providers to use government SSL certificates, meaning that they can MITM the connection.
CDNs and proxies to hide the real hosting provider
DDoS-Guard - Highly recommended. Based in Russia. Doesn't care about DMCA at all. DDoS-Guard is mentioned in the MPAA's Notorious Markets report and currently provides protection for Nyaa (the world's largest public torrent tracker for anime and manga) and Sci-Hub (the world's largest piracy website for academic papers which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers). Has a free plan and accepts Bitcoin for paid plans. DDoS-Guard might be inaccessible outside of Europe for a few hours/month, meaning that sites using it would be unreachable outside of Europe during that time. This is probably peering related, but I'm not sure. Just tell site visitors to use ProtonVPN's free plan and connect to one of their VPN servers in the Netherlands if that happens.
While I recommend DDoS-Guard, I'll list some other alternatives in case something happens:
CloudFlare - Might be a honeypot, especially since I'm not sure how they'd be able to get away with this otherwise, but CloudFlare works for now. Just don't expect privacy from them. They're a US based company so they'll probably be reigned in eventually, but for now they're having their Wild West days. CloudFlare has a free plan. If CloudFlare is not configured properly when set up the real hosting provider will be leaked. More info about that here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It's a myth that Cloudflare does not forward DMCA complaints, they forward everything. However, Cloudflare does not store any "sensitive data", which means forwarding "useless" information is similar like ignoring the DMCA request. A general advice is that whenever you use Cloudflare you should use a bulletproof backend server as well to avoid DMCA takedown request in the first place, so less or nothing gets forwarded (less "leakage risk").
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof
OVPN's public IPv4 proxy (the Switzerland proxy) - Swedish company that provided a proxy for The Pirate Bay for a while, went to court because of it, and won. The two advantages with their Switzerland proxy in particular is that it's hosted by Interxion - the same Netherlands based company that is hosting Feral Hosting's DMCA ignored seedboxes - and that Switzerland is a pretty good jurisdiction. OVPN also scores well on That One Privacy Site. Accepts Bitcoin.
Before we go into registering a domain, I think it's worth considering if it's really worth keeping the name youtube-dl or if it could be spun off into a more accurate and less trademark infringing name like media-dl, for example. It downloads video and audio from a lot more sites than just YouTube, after all.
Resilient TLDs (there are more options than just these)
.is - As of a few years ago ISNIC had only ever suspended one domain and it was connected to ISIS.
When we asked whether ISNIC would follow Greenland’s lead and move for a proactive suspension, we got a clear answer.
“The short answer is no. Such an action would require a formal order from an Icelandic court. ISNIC is not responsible for a registrant’s usage of their domains,” ISNIC’s Marius Olafsson told TorrentFreak.
“This policy applies equally to any .is domain,” Olafsson says, adding that it’s the domain owner’s responsibility to abide by the law, not theirs.
“Domains can hardly be considered illegal any more than a street address. A street address is not illegal even if there is illegal activity in one apartment at the address,” ISNIC says.
.ru / .su - Good for anything that doesn't affect Russia or go against Russian interests.
.to - Used by a lot of torrent and other filesharing websites. I have never seen one get suspended. .to is managed by a US company though, so it being "bulletproof" could change.
.cr is a resilient TLD according to the International Intellectual Property Alliance's (IIAP) report: domain is still online despite actions against it from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica. Other notorious infringing sites are following the trend of using .cr domains as a safe haven (e.g., Costa Rica’s failure to deal effectively with its obligations regarding online infringement, more than eight years after they came into force under DR-CAFTA, is a serious concern.
In case you want cheaper options that are available on Njalla, .ws and .ch are said to be pretty good.
.ec is also looking pretty solid as Library Genesis (the world's largest book piracy website, which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers) have been using it for some time without getting suspended.
Vulnerable TLDs
.com, .net, .cc, .tv, and .name are operated by VeriSign, a Washington DC based company that is controlled by the US government.
.org, .info, .asia, .aero, .ag, .bz, .gi, .hgn, .in, .lc, .me, .mobi, .mn, .sc and .vc are operated by Afilias, a company that blocked one of WikiLeaks' domains.
.site, .website, .tech, .online, .uno, .fun, .space, .store, and .press are operated by Radix, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
All TLDs operated by Donuts, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
Resilient domain registrars/resellers
Njalla - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. Njalla is a Nevis registered company that buys the more common domains from Canada based Tucows, which is pretty abuse friendly and some TLDs like .is they buy from the registry directly. They then lease it to you while legally speaking they own the domain. This means that you don't have to give them any personal information to register it and they take Monero. Njalla is mentioned in the RIAA and MPAA's Norotious Markets reports. Njalla has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and has support for registration via XMPP with OTR. Njalla is run by one of the Pirate Bay founders and they kept the Pirate Bay sense of humor alive when dealing with DMCA.
NiceVPS - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. NiceVPS is a domain reseller based in the Dominican Republic that buys the domain from easyDNS and then leases it to you, meaning that you don't have to provide any personal information since they own the domain on paper. Accepts Monero. Has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and warrant canary. I've seen NiceVPS recommended on some websites, but I'm not sure how solid it is. Doesn't seem to offer all of the TLDs that Njalla, Openprovider, and easyDNS offer, including a lot of the more resilient ones.
Openprovider aka Hosting Concepts B.V. - Netherlands based registrar that is one of the most abused registrars by rogue pharma sites. Doesn't suspend domains without a WIPO decision or court order. Has a full section dedicated to it in the United States Trade Representative's 2019 report and a brief mention in the 2020 report.
easyDNS - Canada based registrar that has a big focus on due process. The current registrar of The Pirate Bay's .org domain, which it defended against the RIAA. Wouldn't suspend a domain for a video downloader like youtube-dl unless ordered by ICANN, CIRA, or a court according to their takedown policy. Accepts Bitcoin.
There are a few resellers of bulletproof Russian and Chinese registrars that accept cryptocurrency, but because those are pretty much only used by cyber criminals they would not be a good look for this project. And there's also the risk that they'll just be gone one day without a word and no way to transfer domain and not much recourse. Because of those reasons I'm omitting them from this list. I think the above mentioned registrars and resellers will be good enough, the project is legal after all.
Worth considering:
In order to anonymously directly register a domain at any of the other mentioned services than Njalla and NiceVPS you'd have to fake the WHOIS information, which violates ICANN's rules and registrars usually suspend domains because of that. I could especially imagine easyDNS doing this. Not sure how the other registrars would react to that, but ICANN does have the power to withdraw their accreditation - meaning that the registrars would lose the ability to issue domains - if they don't follow ICANN's rules. In the cases of Njalla and NiceVPS they aren't a registrar, they just fill in their own details and buy the domain for you from a registry/registrar when you register a domain using them.
If you use Njalla or NiceVPS you're handing over control of the domain to somebody else and have to take their word for it that you'll always have access to the domain. It's easier to trust Njalla than NiceVPS in this case since it's known who owns Njalla and they have more of a track record than NiceVPS, which is fairly unknown.
Let's Encrypt - Free, uses open source software, backed by EFF, Mozilla, and others. Easy to set up and easy to maintain with an auto-renewal script.
If you're using CloudFlare, you'll have to use their phony SSL certificate.
Keeping your server secure and other technical advice
Check your server, and how reliable it is in terms of security and privacy, online services like can test your server and it's configuration to ensure nothing is "leaking".
Check if someone can see your hidden backend server IP via In general you should block every IP connection to your backend server, only allow your own connection, VPN's or reverse proxies. You quickly can check if someone has an "open" backend IP service via services like
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof
If you use CloudFlare, also check that your backend isn't leaking using CrimeFlare.
If you have set up email with your domain, use SMPT and a custom mail server so it doesn't leak your origin server IP. Email is the easiest way to leak origin server IP addresses.
Use SSH instead of VNC. With VNC the login information is sent unencrypted via plaintext, meaning that a rogue exit node in the Tor network and any server the login information is sent over on the clearnet could record your login information if they wanted to.
Use a password generator for all accounts and have it set to the max number of characters. Don't put the login information into a proprietary password manager or an online password manager. Make sure to back up the login information to multiple hard drives/SSDs/USBs/etc.
Try and make the site portable so that all software and all configurations can be saved to an ISO that can be spun up at any hosting provider at a moment's notice in case the site has to move at some point.
If you get a VPS, make sure it's KVM. KVM is much more secure than OpenVZ since OpenVZ doesn't have much separation between different customers on the same server. OpenVZ is also easy to oversell. Xen is also secure, but has worse performance than KVM.
Use nginx, it has a lot better performance than Apache.
Use MariaDB. It's a more up to date fork of MySQL developed by MySQL's original developer after he sold MySQL to Oracle. Contains bug fixes that sometimes have not gotten into MySQL yet. It is of course fully compatible with MySQL databases.
Basic security hardening (I'd probably use OSSEC + Shorewall instead of fail2ban and ufw, but I'm not an expert at this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
nginx configuration for improved security (and performance): GitHub Gist | blog post ( and are both Google Public DNS resolvers, so if you enable OCSP stapling, use a more privacy friendly DNS resolver, like Njalla's public DNS, one of the DNS resolvers mentioned on PrivacyTools, one of the DNS resolvers in DNS66's settings, or an OpenNIC server that doesn't keep logs. Digitalcourage e.V. and Chaos Computer Club are pretty trustworthy organizations, so their DNS servers from DNS66's settings along with Njalla's DNS resolver are probably solid, at least. Few OpenNIC servers seem to last very long, judging by that most of them were added in 2019 and 2020. If you use CloudFlare for the site, just use CloudFlare's DNS, they'll get site traffic data regardless, so just use them for that DNS resolver as well instead of sending out data to another party.
nginx tuning for best performance
nginx SSL/TLS hardening including HTTP Strict Transport Security
Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices
Let's Encrypt auto-renewal script
If you need FTP server software, Pure-FTPd is the most secure option. Use SFTP instead of FTPS for better security and less of a headache.
Disable password access for administration, require login using a SSH key, and limit the number of login attempts.
Change default ports, like SSH. If anyone tries to access the default SSH port, have the firewall block them for a few hours.
Disable root login.
More security tips for SSH are available here. Don't implement port knocking though.
Disable nginx logging once everything is set up to protect user privacy and improve performance.
Keep the software up to date to decrease the risk of your serveVPS being hacked.
Don't use analytics. If you have to, self-host Matomo (formerly known as Piwik). It's open source.
Keep up to date backups of the site on multiple hard drives/SSDs/etc.
Anonymous payments
Bitcoin is fully traceable nowadays and tumbling/mixing your Bitcoin won't make any difference.
Tumblers are useless
Against my better judgement, I’m going with this click bait heading, but the premise is correct. Due to the software running real time analysis on the ledger, simply avoiding taint and breaking up coins is now entirely ineffective, as it matches the full bitcoin amount to be received over a period of time, as the software is built around a neural net of sorts (talking out of school here, I’m not a programmer) it appears to self-correct in real time as a more "likely" or "accurate" owner conclusion is reached.
Source: Blockchain Analysis and Anti-Money Laundering (X-post from /DarknetmarketsOz)
Meanwhile Monero was the only cryptocurrency that that the US government couldn't track when they took down one of one of the biggest darknet drug markets and seized the site operator's cryptocurrencies. This is because Monero is the only major cryptocurrency properly designed to be private.
There has apparently been some recent developments when it comes to tracing Monero. You can read more about it in my comment on Reddit or Raddle. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage though.
Use I2P or Tor when transacting with cryptocurrency. I2P has some privacy benefits in its design over Tor:
Unidirectional tunnels instead of bidirectional circuits, doubling the number of nodes a peer has to compromise to get the same information. Protection against detecting client activity, even when an attacker is participating in the tunnel, as tunnels are used for more than simply passing end to end messages (e.g. netDb, tunnel management, tunnel testing) Tunnels in I2P are short lived, decreasing the number of samples that an attacker can use to mount an active attack with, unlike circuits in Tor, which are typically long lived. I2P APIs are designed specifically for anonymity and security, while SOCKS is designed for functionality.
However, I2P doesn't have as much funding and reseach or as big of a developer community behind it. I2P's userbase is also a lot smaller than Tor's. A full comparison about that can be found here. Monero chose I2P over Tor.
More information about Monero + I2P/Tor is available here.
Either get cryptocurrency donations or use a peer-to-peer exchange that doesn't enforce KYC (Know Your Customer) to buy Monero or Bitcoin. Unlike centralized exchanges, private sellers on decentralized exchanges won't automatically submit all their data to the government. Even if you get all of the cryptocurrency via donations and it therefore has no connection to your real identity at all you should still anonymize it via Monero so that it can't be traced from the donation wallet to the hosting provider which you want to keep hidden.
Some private sellers on peer-to-peer exchanges won't require IDs, while some might require it. If nothing is mentioned, it's worth asking the seller before you send them any money. A few even accept cash meetups and cash by mail (watch out for being scammed or mugged though). If you do go to a crypto for cash meetup, make sure it's in a public place with lots of people in case something goes wrong. LocalCoinSwap, LocalCryptos, and LocalMonero even has sellers that accept gift cards (which you could buy with cash in a physical store). However, most gift cards are only redeemable in the country they were bought in, making this an option that won't work outside of the countries the sellers are based in. The one exception to this that I know of are Steam Wallet gift cards, which work internationally.
If your method of paying for cryptocurrency involves going somewhere to buy it/a gift card/a prepaid card/a burner phone, consider leaving your phone at home since it's essentially a tracking beacon. If it's a cryptocurrency for cash meetup you might want to have it with you in case something goes wrong though.
From what I've read there are some centralized exchanges that don't require KYC, but at least some of them freeze funds if they think it seems suspicious (which I would imagine a Tor IP would fall under) and they refuse to release the funds until they have been provided with an ID.
If you decide to buy cryptocurrency using a normal payment method, a wire transfer would be the option that involves the least amount of companies getting the transaction info, though I don't think you'd have much recourse with getting your money back if you got scammed and paid via wire transfer.
Bitcoin ATMs may require ID and usually have surveillance cameras around them, but this may vary depending on where you live.
If you bought Bitcoin, use to exchange it to Monero. If the service provider only accepts Bitcoin and not Monero, exchange the Monero back to Bitcoin so that the Bitcoin has been anonymized. Don't pay in Bitcoin without exchanging it to Monero and back first.
Prepaid cards usually require SMS verification and are sometimes limited to purchases within the country they were sold in, so be sure to read up on whatever card you're considering using. Vanilla Visa gift cards used to be the go to for VPN buyers back in the day since they only required putting a zip code into a website, but things change, so read up about activation requirements and international purchases for the card in your country before buying anything and if you get information from an unofficial source, try and make sure that it's at least somewhat recent. If SMS activation is required there are two options. One option is buying a push-button burner phone and a prepaid SIM card at a physical store using cash, activate it at a major public place and then once the prepaid card is activated shut off the phone and take out the SIM card and the battery. Another option is buying access to a dedicated number in the same country that you bought the card in at an online SMS inbox site using cryptocurrency (the free SMS inboxes that have shared phone number might be used up already). The catch 22 there is that you wouldn't have any cryptocurrency yet at this stage, so it's not really an option unless you figure something out that I wasn't able to think of. If the prepaid card can't do international purchases you could withdraw the money into an anonymously created PayPal account (requires SMS verification). Expect the prepaid card and PayPal account to almost certainly get frozen if you try to pay with it over Tor. The risk is lower when paying via a VPN IP, but it's still a notable risk, especially if it's a VPN server with lots of users and you can never verify that the VPN provider isn't logging you. An anonymously paid for self-hosted VPN on a dedicated IP address in the same country that you bought the prepaid card would be less likely to cause the card to get frozen. A residential proxy/proxy would be the least likely to get the card frozen. Just don't connect to that residential or self-hosted VPN/proxy directly using your real IP address since your ISP would see that and since you would be the only user of that self-hosted VPN it would be directly identifying. You could use the prepaid card on public WiFi, but that will give out your general location and will give the WiFi network your IP address. It will also give the WiFi network your MAC address, so be sure to set the MAC address to be random (just search something like "[operating system] random mac address on wifi" on DuckDuckGo). Then there's the issue that most browsers other than Tor Browser, SecBrowser, and Bromite are bad combating browser fingerprinting. Sure you could also customize Firefox with arkenfox user.js (formerly known as ghacks-user.js) and a bunch of add-ons to combat all the different kinds of tracking, but you'll just make your browser more unique the more you modify it.
Anonymous Internet browsing
Use Tor when doing anything in connection with the site, including when using PuTTY and FileZilla. Verify the integrity of the Tor Browser installer using PGP before running it so that you know that it hasn't been tampered with. Use a bridge if you don't want your ISP/government to see that you're using Tor. Running Tor over a VPN may seem like a good idea, but even if the VPN provider really doesn't keep logs (which is impossible to verify) using Tor over VPN can make you easier to track since that makes the VPN service a permanent entry node [1][2][3][4] and there's also VPN fingerprinting. If Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a concern you can use Pluggable Transports [1][2] to disguise the Tor traffic. Keep Tor Browser up to date. Never run Tor Browser in full screen. That makes you more easily trackable as websites can detect the real resolution of your screen. Don't install any add-ons or plugins, that makes you a lot easier to track. If you have logged in and then logged out of a site it can link you to other accounts you have on the same site using session cookies if you login to those accounts without hitting the "New Identity" button to relaunch Tor Browser with a clean slate. Block JavaScript when the website doesn't require it, that's the closest thing you'll come to an ad blocker. Use the Hidden Service version of sites when available, that way your Internet traffic never goes onto the clearnet and it also adds three more proxies between you and the site's server for a total of six proxies.
Since you shouldn't use an ad blocker with Tor Browser it's important that you keep your operating system up to date to minimize the risk of getting infected in case you come across some malicious JavaScript via for example malvertising when you have JavaScript activated.
If you use Windows and don't want to switch to Linux (even though you can set up dual boot or just boot it from a USB without even having to install it on your computer), use a non-admin user account and have an admin account that you only use to authorize trusted software to run, that will mitigate 94% of critical Windows vulnerabilities. You can use a tool like W10Privacy to decrease the amount of tracking in Windows 10, just be sure that the tool you use is updated to match the latest version of Windows 10 or you might brick your OS.
Use an end-to-end encrypted no logs email provider located outside of Five Eyes, Germany, Enemies of the Internet, and countries under surveillance - preferably ProtonMail - when signing up for all of those services. Use a different email address for anything not related to the administration of the website. ProtonMail has a Tor Hidden Service, but signing up for ProtonMail is only possible on the clearnet address, so you'd have to go into Tor Browser's privacy settings and change "Prioritize .onion sites when known" from "Always" to "Ask every time" when you register the ProtonMail account. Change it back to "always" once the registration is complete. And yes, it is possible to sign up for ProtonMail via Tor. It's not easy finding an exit node that hasn't gotten blocked yet, and you will most likely need a secondary anonymous email account on another email provider to send a verification code to, but it is possible. Don't try using a disposable email service, ProtonMail blocks pretty much all of them so you'll just waste time and will probably get your account frozen. Once you have made an account, go into Settings > Security and then wipe and disable the authentication logs. Once that's done - before you sign up for anything - log out and wait a while then log back in, just to see if their anti-fraud system decides to freeze your account or not.
If you go for a email provider other than ProtonMail, keep in mind that it has to be there for the long haul in order to be usable. If it suddenly shuts down without notice, you're pretty much shit out of luck. So try and go for one that has been around for a while and seems like it will continue to stick around.
Comparison of alternatives:
Use a new username that you haven't used before.
Use end-to-end encryption for all private communications. ProtonMail has built-in end-to-end encryption between ProtonMail accounts. If you want to encrypt email with PGP when communicating with non-ProtonMail users follow this guide. That will allow you to import it into ProtonMail. Just remember that the subject line will not be encrypted by PGP. PGP/MIME gives out less metadata than PGP inline and is just better in general, so use PGP/MIME. For file transfers you can also use OnionShare if the receipient also uses Tor Browser or put the file(s) into a password protected .7z file using 7-Zip with the "Encrypt file names" option enabled + a password generator set to the max number of characters that you then upload to Disroot Upload. Be aware that the lufi software that Disroot Upload runs on keeps the filename visible after the file has been deleted. If you need an end-to-end encrypted pastebin, self-host PrivateBin or use Disroot's PrivateBin. Disroot uses a privacy respecting hosting provider and claim that they don't keep logs for services that don't require an account, such as Disroot Upload and Disroot's PrivateBin.
Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google. At least when doing work related to the site. It has a Tor Hidden Service that you can easily find by searching "duckduckgo onion" or "duckduckgo hidden service" on DuckDuckGo.
Rely on open source software and privacy respecting services when it comes to processing and storing data related to the site., awesome-privacy, AlternativeTo, and GitHub makes it easy to find privacy respecting alternatives.
Keep software on your devices up to date to decrease the risk of it being compromised by an exploit.
And yeah, I probably went pretty deep on some of the less relevant sections, but I thought it was best to include everything.
submitted by Fuck_the_RIAA to youtubedl [link] [comments]

Big research and hypothesis about that famous evil emblem

Big research and hypothesis about that famous evil emblem

The inquest emblem and the two hypothesis (left and right)
It started some times ago when I was playing the personnal story with my newly created character, and redoing the charge later for achievements. I wondered, why that symbol looks like this, surely there should be a reason. In all case, I think that the middle of the symbol is the asura, and that the outside border is the finite limit of the eternal alchemy. (The All) Where all others races are ignored. (I can get behind the idea, you can place all living form in the middle, but since it is an asuran organization...)
I will start with, maybe the one that is the most unexpected involving other organizations, the left one: FIRST HYPOTHESIS
In the superior area, the asuran colleges and in the inferior one, orders. This would assume that the orders and colleges are as old or older than the inquest, which one for reminder, is from around the fall of quora sum and when asura were chased by Primordius (~1120 After Exodus). In the middle, in that first case, it would be specifically the Inquest and all its members, overseeing that none of the colleges or orders would steal asura knowledges for themselves and lead to a second massive loss of knowledges for the asura society. It is doubtful about the organizations within their races but also the ones mixing all the races together like the orders. Through, compared to their original version, they gained a taste for world domination and feeling above others. But originally it is a kind of Priory Bis, only for asura, racist.
Also each of those organization could be asociated with a certain dragon:
-The college of statics. From wiki: "Members of this college are analytical and cautious, preferring to do the work right the first time and build things that last. They participate in large-scale projects such as building cities and the massive levitating stones that power them."
What if I tell you, that Primordius*, by wanting to purely anhilate any form of life, is also, by definition, a large scale project, and a thing that will last? It is analytical and cautious: It used the underground asura gates networks to spread even facter to overrun the depths of Tyria. Also statics. Yes, be burnt in lava, or caught in ash rain make you static, locking you in a state that will never change again.*
-The college of synergetics. From wiki: "The members of this college study magical metaphysics, cybernetic systems, and the theory of abstract structures. Their focus on the study of patterns and mystical complexities over the development of concrete applications leads other Asura to view this college as impractical and idealistic, if not downright muzzyheaded."
Metaphysics, phylosophy, doesn't it reminds mind? Cybernetic systems and abstract structures. This is the important part, Mordremoth doesn't content itself of capturing prisoners, it uses them in experiment pods, reshaping their anatomy, upgrading it in it's way, it is bioengineering, and it isn't so far from cybernetics. Plantnetics if you want. Some of the minions are abstracts but they do reminds us of things: Flowers, Dogs, Corpse, but not totally.
-The college of dynamics. From wiki: "The members of this college are typically enthusiastic about their highly experimental work, spontaneously imagining potential solutions to problems no one else yet perceives. They are known for devising ingenious, highly unstable and equally unpredictable contrivances, always on the bleeding edge of asura high magitechnology. Members of the college believe that an experiment is only a failure if nothing is learned from it. Dynamics is known to have an acute interest in charr technology. "
Experimental works, potential solutions that no one else yet perceives, ingenious but also unpredictable, bleeding edge of technology. Yes, it is Jormag. No one planned Jormag and Ryland to be under its influence, svanir are everywhere but nobody can say what the do something and when they will do it. It unpredictably ingeneously created a machine to speed the icebrooding process. Jormag experimented. It is also liking sciences and knowleges, asking it's minions to stay near taimi lastly to have the latest news, it is an unpredictable strategist, using the forces and technologies of the charrs but upgrading them with its magic. It is also very strange, the members of that college do have an interest in charr technology, just like Jormag. And from which college is councillor Zudo which one is okay to help Jormag? Dynamics!
-The priory. Gixx is an asura. Essentially, before extensions, the priory was essentially seeking and studying orrian artifacts, so zhaithan magics. It is, like I said way before, reference to Deep sea dragon Sbubbles domains which are to me about mind-washing or stealth. Even they, can't tell the name of that dragon. That dragon is related to knowledges, and manipulating them.
-The order of whispers. Stealth, and discretion, disguises, be discreet and not suspect in city or anywhere, staying in the shadows. Being incognito. Zhaithan shadow and death magic. They do lead some research on svanir artifacts, but they are the ones highly present in orr and ruins. We can name agent bentenga as asura.
-The vigil. Almorra, doing a great battle against one elder dragon menacing the charrs since a long time: Kralkatorrik. Always there during a fight against one of its important lieutenants, even here in dragonall. Efut is the asura. Both having the fury of battle, one for blood, one for storms.

The second one, has more support in game and elements indicating its validity, right one: SECOND HYPOTHESIS

The different elder dragons magic spot depending on Inquest HQ.
The more obvious one is the Infinity Coil Reactor, there are 6 zones, each one studying an elder dragon. It goes following a specific clockwise pattern: Mordremoth- Jormag- Kralkattorik- Sbubbles- Zhaithan and Primordius. Those surface zones labs perfectly fit their spot underground in the crucible. I will assume that Kralkatorrik lab in the crucible is here but innacessible (You can spot above, in the aquarium a path going into the rocky side of the bassin, also preparation facility goes further in south, but you can't go there due to force fields, but yes, the kralkatorrik lab isn't rendered).

For Rata Primus, you can somehow find the pattern but by using dragon's domain sometimes instead of seeking for the element: Most clear ones first.
-Kralkatorrik. Correctly placed, south-est, lab with a death branded minion, but brand crystal is the main aspect here same as death magic was the main aspect of alpha preparation vault. Brand Crystal everywhere.
-Zhaithan. Correctly placed, the room near the gate to access gorrik and blish is the place where the most awakened which are related to death are killed with the room defenses. The basement of that room is also the room monitoring the scarab plague, a dangerous plague that killed ton of individuals long ago. (I agree you also have the vault room south east, and also tons of cadavers here. But remember crucible, risens aren't only in alpha reserve but also in north, where normolly it's mordremoth)
-Mordremoth. At the first room, the gate hub, awakened are walking synchronously into the gate, all directed and pupetted by one individual, Joko.
Less obvious ones:
-Jormag. Dragon of persuasion. Here, by using codes, you triggers the bomb golems of who would be your enemy in normal times to kill the awakened. It mays be an indirect reference to jormag ability to twist minds and makes one fight another. Also you have those awakened inquests that spawns in the corridors, turned again, against you and working for someone different from their usual leaders.
-Sbubbles. Would it be secret or the power of being invisible and making other forget about yourself? You have a stealth console here, that allow to bypass it without issues, hinting to that. Also the area is quite empty, two gates closed. Nothing in the left, like it has been hidden what was researched here.
-Primordius. Conflagration and fire. It is kinda everywhere, because of the fire and the whole city falling apart. Due to the destructive nature of that dragon, the link may be the door blowing up to access to lower level, and saving that skritt in middle of a collapsing area near a burning console. No other console is burning apart that one. Skritt is also a race chased with asura from the underground, the place where that skritt is is deep into the complex, maybe again a metaphor regarding something rampaging the undergrounds.
So, to clear up the theory: For their headquarters but also the branches of the organization, they have that hexagonal motif to respect, and they have; for whatever reason to put the different magics and elders dragons following that order and locations on the layout of the facility. They must, when they can place an area for each elder dragon and its magic.
In that second case, at the center of the Inquest symbol, it would be the inquest, and around, the six elder dragons. It means, that the Inquest, when founded, was already aware there was 6 dragons menacing potentially their lifes. So the Inquest, protecting, and keeping an eye open on the six dragons and protecting the rest of the race from them since the accident of quora sum.

BUT what if both hypotheses were in fact, one, and linked?

Final explanation
The eternal alchemy is fully known by the inquest. It's their emblem! And their job is to study its compoments the best they can, it includes the asura, but also those six dragons. Therefore their labs and studies mostly directed towards draconic energies and elder dragons.
All those six diamond shapes are linked to a specific elder dragon.
The red outline, for that final hypothesis but also the two previous ones, is danger. Menace. But also supports. They allows the all / eternal alchemy and by extend the world of tyria to continue existing. So it is a danger, menacing the civilizations, but also of the end of the world if they are eliminated.
Inquest is the real dragon watch. It is, the saviour protecting the asura from another downfall.
They are the ones developing the cutting edges technologies and totally new perfectionned golems marks whereas the others members of asura society are still using their old and obselete marks.
They are the ones ready to blow up a landmass if it can help them understand better dragons. That's why they try to make an ultimate minion infused by every draconic magic under their control to control every dragon servitor on Tyria. To end that damocles sword above their head of dragons killing all asura.
They are creating knowledges about the dragons, whereas others labs only study basic life elements, like oozes, how to make holographic flowers, brews or teleporters.
But like any organization that looks like having infinite fundings, knowledges and power, some of its members got big headed claiming they will dominate the world. But within the organization itself you can find an individual refusing torturing and only completing the database and another one killing mindlessly quaggans for its own pleasures. But like us, one of their main study organism is mices and rats, here skritts.
submitted by Dark_Hadrian66 to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

Imperialism never ended part 1

I hope Caotaincool doesn't mind me putting this here.
From Robin Daveman on Quora.
What do you think about China's official using fake evidence (composed photo) to accuse real crime of the Australian military in Afghanistan? The big picture is that Anglo troops do war crimes, and all European and all Asian governments have known it for decades. Why do you think Pompeo threatened ICC when it wanted to investigate war crimes in Afghanistan? Trump Administration Sanctions ICC Prosecutor Investigating Alleged U.S. War Crimes ( ’Cause they are really guilty. And here is the UK’s part in it. Did UK Special Forces execute unarmed civilians? ( Here is Canada. Canadian Afghan detainee issue - Wikipedia ( And now Australia. Australian 'war crimes': Elite troops killed Afghan civilians, report finds ( The point is, these things are only the tip of the iceberg, and they are NEVER meant to be hidden from the local people. The local Afghans are all meant to know, and to fear the occupiers. The point is just to hide enough so that their bosses’ bosses’ boss can pretend not to know. On the ground, the so-called “Green-on-Blue attacks” happen almost every other day. Why. Basically these countries have long been fighting in “brown people countries” ever since WWII, almost continuously, where random killings of civilians are essentially permissible, because who’s going to hold you accountable, right? The Afghan goat herders? The Germans don’t want to be involved after losing a Defense Minister over Afghanistan German Minister Resigns Over Afghan Airstrike (Published 2009) (, and the Italians, even ten years ago, started make their own side “Peace-Deals” with the Taliban, where they paid the local Taliban some money so that the Italians get to pretend to patrol the area, but not really, but why do we have to bother each other when we have no quarrels with each other. Allegations of Taliban bribery stoke debate on Afghan engagement | DW | 19.10.2009 ( (They had to be there because the US called on Article V of NATO, but why the Saudis blew up the World Trade Center and the Afghan goat herders got the Article V treatment? Thus NATO stayed in Afghanistan for twenty years over it. Other than sky rocketing opium production, refugees walking over to Europe, and the Taliban gradually taking their country back, what do they have to show for it.) These war crimes have been reported, drip by drip, ever since Vietnam War. The Afghans submitted over a million war crime claims. Afghans submitted 1.17 million war crimes claims to court ( But so what? Has anything changed? Mr. Scott Morrison lives in his Anglo echo chamber, and views the publication of a political cartoon as being more outrageous than slitting the throats of two 14-year-old random Afghan boys. Some people are so used to being the oppressor, that even slight equality feels like an outrage. All he’s accomplished is to make the “Aussie killing brown kids” meme more and more publicized. Streisand effect - Wikipedia ( Remember all Asians are the native people of their land, so how the heck will they ever agree with Australians in Afghanistan killing native Afghans? They are all “the natives” themselves. The question is, are the 4.5 billion Asians OK with being at the bottom pile, the meat walking on two legs, whenever the Aussie troops feel like doing some practice on killing people. What are they going to do about it. An entry ban to any Aussie who has been to Afghanistan seems to be a prudent thing to do under the circumstances. It’s also a constructive thing for the Australian people too, because do they really want to live with some dudes who are used to slitting children’s throats, even if it’s an activity sanctioned by their government?
PS: Germany, because of history, is by far the most vigilant in terms of anti-Nazism. They didn’t even do any war crimes, just any hint of association with right-wingers, and the whole special force unit is dismissed! Germany to dissolve special forces unit over far-right links ( The Anglo troops, being the “winner of WWII”, don’t think troops doing Nazi thingy is a big deal. Just compare Germany with Australia. The former Nazi is the least Nazi of them all nowadays. It’s actually quite disturbing. Also, there’s a particular blind spot with the leading news channels such as the BBC. They like to throw accusations of “genocide” around, meant to revoke the Nazi concentration camp images. BUT, the last time the people in Asia and in Africa encountered genocide, it was when the Europeans and the Anglos came around colonizing. Congo lost half of its population. The American natives and the Australian natives got almost wiped out. Indonesia had their “spice islands” almost completely wiped out. The Mayans wiped out. China had Opium War. India had the Great Famine. These are the genocides the local people know. The Western colonization was horrifically brutal to the native people. These “journalists” are unbelievable idiots. They don’t get that when they happily recounting their “heroics” against the various native people - their audience happened to BE the native people themselves. Then they think they can “share our common value”. What’s the common value between the sheep and the wolf?
submitted by Leetenghui to WhampoaMilitarySchool [link] [comments]

Strategies to escape traps on the DreSMP

If yall didn't hear (i don't blame you, the dream smp is a mess rn) awesamdude is going to make an inescapable prison. it is heavily hinted that either techno or philza are going to be trapped in the prison, based on the wording, so i thought i would try and brainstorm ways to escape such a prison, because im a degenerate with too much free time that is way to invested in block game roleplay. Since there are many different ways to create (and thus escape) such a prison, i will list some of the common ways i found.
of course the trap could just be a roleplay trap (like that time they "trapped" tubbo in concrete) but with they way they are hyping this up, i would be kinda disappointed if it was not at least functional, and at best it would be a novel trap that we haven't seen before that abuses certain mechanics.
As a general tip, it is worth scoping out a trap to see what precautions were taken if possible. Is the area hollowed out around the trap? Or maybe it is encased in lava? Is there an elder guardian? What are the cords if you need to ask a friend for help? Does it use redstone? Is it encased in obsidian?
Depending on what your priories, blast resistance may be helpful (although i doubt it). Fire protection is actually useless because of the potion and god apples, avoid all mob based enchants, proj prot is probably going to be useless too. So it is probable that armor will have regular protection on it. Consider having a replacement set of armor (although in all liklihood it is useless due to unbreaking). Other than that basically all enchants should be applied. Thorns depends because it drains armor durability faster and is in general not worth it (it does make for some funny bits though). In all likelihood all your tools must fit in a single inventory (which should be enough space to cover for the vast majority of traps since most of them require overlapping tools), because opening an ender chest will probably be very difficult in a trap. Remember not to neglect a healthy supply of food in place of tools though. The ender chest should probably contain all the things needed for combat (like potions, a new set of armor if your current armor for whatever reason doesn't have regular protection) to swap in to once you have escaped.
I found a random quora thread that lists a bunch of basic bed traps. The obvious way to avoid this is to just not click on a bed. Your actual bed should be hidden in a place no one can find. Also, just don't die, and you won't have to respawn lol. You could also try breaking the bed, ender pearls could work if you glitch them between blocks, same with using boats to glitch, and if worst comes to worst, fire resistance and a efficiency 5 diamond (or gold if you want to go even faster) and haste to just break through. Since there might be an elder guardian, milk will help with that. Chorus fruit will work for a lot of these traps, but since the end is disabled, there is no way to obtain them.
A more advanced bed trap is inescapable because it will kill you on spawn. From the way the trap was described, i don't think bed traps will be used because they involve killing a person, and it seems like the trap it meant to actually keep a person alive while they are trapped. For a trap like this, you could relog constantly to stay alive, but you have to get a friend to free you.
With the classic haybale trap newer versions of minecraft break this by using a hoe. It is worth carrying around an efficiency 5 netherite hoe (gold hoe is even faster again), with haste potions (just in case lol) and milk (to remove elder guardian effect). it is important to note that while hay does not break faster with diamond, netherite, or gold the following items do: warped nether blocks and shroomlight break 0.05 seconds faster with a gold hoe, and sponges break 0.05 seconds faster with a gold and netherite hoe. does it matter if you use haste? idk, i didn't test it lol, but it could make the difference between an instabreak and a one tick break. with all that in mind, all gold tools i mentioned obviously break faster than netherite tools, so it might be worth having both. you could probably make gold tools last long enough with unbreaking III, so it depends on available inventory space. In previous versions it seems like there was a glitch that allowed efficiency V sheers to work on all blocks, although im not sure if that has been patched (if yall wanna test, let me know) and im not sure if it is fast enough. Fire also works on this trap (fire resistance may come in handy here as well) although it was done on normal difficulty, and with weakened fire spread, it may be more difficult on the servers easy difficulty (cowards lmaoo). People have mentioned using both wet and dry sponge which are not flammable, so burning it wouldn't work. Fortunately, hoes will still work in this situation. Obviously with this trap in mind (along with all traps where they just stuff you in a box), you should basically bring either efficiency and unbreaking gold and netherite tools of every type along with fire resistance and a milk bucket (to remove mining fatigue) and haste potions. Optionally, you could also bring a few water or lava buckets and an unbreaking flint and steal (as inventory space allows). The trap may also be able to be defeated by placing a redstone torch outside the trap. This is where the aforementioned scouting could come in handy, as you could see if they cleared out the space around the trap to prevent you from placing redstone torches to break the thing. This trap is also apparently vulnerable to rails (as are other piston based traps as well as the usual slew of glitching with boats and ender pearls. You could also apparently place a minecart on the rail and get out to glitch out.
The haybale trap can be replaced with any blocks that don't break faster with tools. Some of these burn, and some may break fast enough even without a tool. If the efficiency shear glitch got patched, you can try the redstone torch trick, or the rail trick, and the usual boat, minecart, and ender pearl glitch tricks. Some variations on this trap allow you to place tnt to break it (make sure you have the proper levels of resistance before you do this). Otherwise, you are kinda out of luck, and just like with a good bed trap, your gonna need a friend to bust you out (unless yall can think of some ideas, because i got none lol). Also, if you see a contraption like this, just try to avoid it lol. you don't need to break out of a trap if you don't get in in the first place lmaoo. you could also try reloging and see if the server boots you outside the trap.
This minecart nether portal trap can be broken by shooting the minecart with a bow and arrow, breaking the nether portal with water or lava, just reloging lol and having the server boot you out, or just getting out of the minecart before it goes into the nether portal.
The classic standard nether portal trap can be escaped with water and lava (fire resistance) breaking the portal and mining out with a pickaxe.
Super outdated traps are fairly trival to escape, with pearls, boats, minecarts, tnt, just mining it with haste, etc. given all the new mechanics in the game, so while you don't really need to prepare for these (especially since most of the tools you are going to use overlap with the more advanced traps), its good to keep in mind.
Honestly, I couldn't think of any more "prison" type traps. If yall have any ideas both for traps and how to escape them, let me know. This was a fun thought expriment, and it would be amazing if it was actually implemented lol (u/technothereddit wink wink).
submitted by Tauino to Technoblade [link] [comments]

Lore Overview of Elsie Bray and the Exo Stranger + Speculation on Rasputin's KALKI GOLEM, NAGLFAR STEP, and CALADBOLG

Warning for Spoiler Content

There's been a lot of talk on here recently about Elsie Bray and the Exo Stranger, plus a recent leak that appeared on raidsecrets: here's a link to that thread. Regardless of if you believe these leaks or not (I personally don't, but I' also not sure), this post is designed to address the lore surrounding these characters. Additionally, I wrote up a theory and some speculation regarding Rasputin's preparation for the Second Collapse based on this season's lore.

Background on Elsie Bray

The Divergence

Background on The Exo Stranger

Observations of The Exo Stranger

Additional Lore related to Elsie and the Exo Stranger

The Warmind Enigma
Chris Barrett posted in Myelin Games' twitch chat as "oryxbng" and Myelin talks about how this is not 100% reliable since it wasn't released in official lore fashion similar to the previous mention (timestamp: 3:20 - 5:00).
I would be cautious with this information for the time being, since there hasn't any follow up on it and is not attached to any specific lore entry or book.
Elsie Bray was rejected. 42 times. Long Slow Whisper.
Subroutine 4988.00.XK rejected. Long Slow Whisper next iteration recommended.

Theory: KALKI GOLEM is the Exo Stranger

Disclaimer: This contains SPOILERS from The Liar book ahead. Proceed at your own desire.
A few days ago, u/BC1096 proposed this idea on their post and I wanted to examine it further.
In the Book: The Liar - The Discovery, Felwinter and Felspring learn that Rasputin executed a protocol called "SIDDHARTHA GOLEM" through an Exo during the Golden Age to research human culture and knowledge. Felwinter learned that this Exo came from the Deep Stone Crypt and that this Exo was Felwinter himself.
Applying Logic: If SIDDHARTHA GOLEM is one of Rasputin's protocols, and if GOLEM pertains to a Clovis Bray Exo, then KALKI GOLEM must have been another Clovis Bray Exo linked to Rasputin.

Kalki and Golem — Mythology and Etymology

Analyzing some Mythology of Kalki
Analyzing some Etymology of Kalki
Analyzing GOLEM

Connecting KALKI GOLEM to the Exo Stranger

u/dobby_rams assessment of NAGLFAR STEP was to 'ferry the dead/hordes (Guardians) to do battle with the gods (Darkness/Pyramids)'. Both dobby and u/Grimlock_205 proposed the idea that unsecured/OUTCRY was connected to Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 4 in reference to NAGLFAR STEP.
You stand here now and now and now many times and here I am awonder, all awonder, how you manage it. How do you step forward. How do you step back. Do you step ACROSS is there a world of worlds, a web, and you a spider upon it. Are you searching for that one thread you need? Is that thread named victory?

Over a year ago, Grimlock deduced that 'KALKI GOLEM is a creation of Rasputin that will attempt to end the second Collapse' ... and I think Grimlock was onto something back then because this sounds exactly like the Exo Stranger's intentions.
thank you for taking the time to piece together this message, friend. the time of our final conflict is drawing closer and you and ana have an important role to play in the events to come. so watch over her, guardian. i would have no life without ana or the exoprogram. i regret that we have become strangers, but we each have a path that we must walk. and, ironically, there never seems to be enough time. tell her, rasputin's first attempt was in the right location, but the wrong moment. look here: 43.549573, -73.544868

12 Days Until Divergence + Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 2
The Black Garden + Queen's Court (Loop 7)
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 4
and you’re certainly not MINE although once you must have been
Help me be victorious. Tell me your secret. Tell me how to step.

Speculation: KALKI Symbolism, NAGLFAR STEP, and CALADBOLG

So, I'm not sure if these are even meant to be related to each other, but in mythology, Kalki is noted with a White Horse and a Fiery Sword, which sounds like NAGLFAR STEP (a boat) and CALADBOLG (generic for 'great sword').
If Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 4 covers "STEP", then what covers "NAGLFAR" for Rasputin's protocol?
If we're being literal, then "ferry" could refer to using the Seraph Bunkers' transfer gates as a means for passage akin to the Vex's gate network... but instead it would be between the entire Seraph Warsat Network and the sites like Caelus Station on Uranus. Rasputin will need Guardians to defeat the Darkness, but Rasputin also knows that it would take some time to get Guardians to... let's say Io.
But what about the actual vessel? The "boat"? Tatarstan may provide a clue.
"OK, Red. Back it up. These 'Seraphs' you keep referencing—what were they?"
::They were all things to me. Everything I required.::
"That… doesn't help. What were these Seraphs for? These files suggest that you built and stored planetary combat platforms for 'seven Seraphs.' I thought the Golden Age was a time of peace."
::It was a time of peace.::
"This is a lot of firepower, Red."
This leads us into CALADBOLG and the "fiery sword" associated with Kalki. By restoring Seraph assets to Rasputin, Rasputin will regain access to that "firepower." This is where Warmind Khanjali (the key to this firepower) comes into play. The Fiery Sword makes me think of what CALADBOLG could be: the 'great swords' being Rasputin's WMDs.

What do you make of all this?

While researching this topic, these are some Destiny Lore threads and videos I examined and may have referenced throughout to help provide some understanding and material for this theory:
Edit: There are no spoilers in the title. All of that information has been available for well over a year now and any spoilers have been marked in this post. Idk why you'd flag this for spoilers in the title when there's just not.
submitted by a_shadow_of_yor to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

10 algorithms every computer science student must implement at least once in life

I’m also going to avoid the obvious ones e.g. Binary searches and hash tables. And I’ll avoid some super esoteric ones.
Some of these are so within reach, that they even form actual coding interview questions! Hope you find them as much fun as I did.
In no particular order:
As you’ll see, most useful algorithms are usually not the hardest ones. They are often the most straightforward ones, ones that are easily understood and thus move the world forward.
I hope you will enjoy them.
submitted by saadmrb to compsci [link] [comments]

Golems and Rasputin's Development, a Deep Dive.

Spoiler Warning:
This post contains spoilers for The Liar lorebook and accompanying audio lines that will come with the end of “The Lie” quest. Don’t read if you wish to remain unspoiled for those developments, which are likely only days away.

Siddhartha Golem:

In The Liar lorebook Felwinter is shown to be the “SIDDHARTHA GOLEM”, a creation of Rasputin.
The Golem’s Purpose:
The Golem is a research project for Rasputin - its purpose is to provide insight through going out into the world and exploring/experiencing things his Tyrant of a father cannot - living a humbler life and experiencing Sonder for humans by existing on their scale.
The Golem’s Fate:
The obsolescent condition, the assessments of defeating the Golem, the Caesar references - Rasputin gave this pet project a time limit, so understandably didn’t appreciate it when the Traveler went combing through his closet and dragged up such an important skeleton.
The Golem’s Return:
Felwinter had too much Free Will to ever be a pawn of Rasputin again but still held the keys to Rasputin’s kingdom within him - thus he had to die.


The unsecured/OUTCRY loretab has big revelations on its own, but in context of what we now know about Golems, we can infer more about Rasputin’s plans for the future.
Pre-Existing Analysis:
I highly recommend reading these two posts by u/dobby_rams and u/Grimlock_205 that go through the whole tab in-depth - here are some takeaways worth emphasising:
The Three Executables:
After Executing LOKI CROWN, Rasputin Gives Three Commands. Again, those two posts above contain excellent analysis, however there are some details I wish to underline
Siddhartha and Kalki:
The choice of Siddhartha as the title/designation for Rasputin’s information-gathering Golem is a deliberate one - let’s reiterate:
Rasputin was able to become more ‘enlightened’ (gaining information, as opposed to Spiritual Fulfilment) through his Golem - in a roughly similar way to Hesse’s Siddhartha.
Taking that into consideration, what role might the Kalki Golem play?
Rasputin aims to defeat the Darkness with this Golem, he knows the end of all things (Kali Yuga) is rapidly approaching and either this Golem will emerge victorious and begin a new age, or be destroyed in the attempt.

The Rule of Three:

Destiny commonly acts in threes - beyond a point of humour or coincidence, it is a design choice that impacts many areas of the game - three is simply a well-balanced number. We’ve seen and heard of many infamous threes in-game, with possibly the most infamous trio in Destiny of course being the Hive Pantheon.
Another Triad:
This next section requires some and twisting of the text and significant spinfoil - theorise at your own risk.
TL;DR for Spinfoil:
Perhaps Rasputin will come to have a Third Golem, who uses secrecy and cunning.
Could we already have met the Kalki Golem?
With the revelations about Felwinter, it’s worth casting an eye over our known Exo for any other surprises that may lay hidden beneath the surface.
So, what options are left?:

In Conclusion:

Rasputin’s Golems are an incredibly interesting development in Destiny’s story not only because they are new, but the implications they could have for Rasputin’s role in the story and the development of his character are very exciting.
Make sure to read through this excellent post by u/a_shadow_of_yor which heavily influenced this one.
I am heavily indebted to both shadow and u/Black-Tear from the DestinyLore Discord server for their invaluable assistance in parsing and developing these theories, in addition to the many others in the Discord server whose corrections, opinions and ideas have all informed this post in one way or another.
submitted by TheKingmaker__ to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

What is the quickest and easiest way to find out what Latter-day Saints (Mormons) believe if I want to learn their theology? (my answer just posted on Quora)

Start here:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Wikipedia
The information about the Mormon Church dispensed BY the Mormon Church is significantly whitewashed to intentionally obfuscate the details of Mormon theology, temple rituals and documented history that are NOT faith-promoting.
The Information Age and the Internet have FORCED the Mormon Church to stop lying about its actual teachings and history. Most (not all) of the previously-well-kept-secrets hidden from Church members have been published on the official LDS website. You can read these inconvenient truths here:
Gospel Topics Essays
These essays have been meticulously wordsmithed by clever linguists to disclose non-faith-promoting teachings and history in the best and most favorable light possible.
If you would like to see this clever wordsmithing decoded into plain English … and also read the details not disclosed in the Essays, check out this informative resource:
Responses to Gospel Topic Essays On
The Mormon Church is a cleverly disguised Mind Control Cult that supports itself by brainwashing babies (and adults) for a living … a VERY nice living. The Brethren in charge have amassed a staggering fortune far exceeding $100,000,000,000 ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS of securities and assets.
The Brethren have cleverly hijacked the image of Jesus Christ as their public relations brand/mascot. Mormon Church propaganda now leads with “Come Unto Christ” … when the reality of Mormon culture relegates Jesus and his teachings subordinate to whom/what Mormons actually worship: their CULT LEADERS. Mormons are instructed ad nauseam in hypnotic vocal monotones from the General Conference pulpit to FOLLOW THE PROPHET and to … pay, pray, obey … pay, pray, obey … pay, pray, obey.
Mormons who start to lose faith in THE BRETHREN are instructed to “doubt your doubts.”
When you take a look under the hood of actual Mormon teachings, history and the endemic attitudes of its leadership, instead of Love Thy Neighbor and the Golden Rule and Judge Not (what Jesus actually taught) … you will find a long history of institutionalized racism, homophobia and misogyny (what Jesus never taught).
Blacks were banned from the Priesthood until 1978. Gays are reluctantly tolerated only if they remain celibate for life. Women are primarily baby factories (aka tithe payer producers).
I realize all of this sounds harsh, but it is the blunt truth about the Mormon Church. I was born a 5th generation Mormon on both sides. I speak from personal experience.
For endless other stories of REAL PEOPLE who have BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, check out the online meetup where over 170,000 ex-Mormons gather to share their experiences as Mormons and compare notes:
The Best Exmormon Forum on the Internet! • exmormon
==== end of post ====
For the full thread on Quora, go here:
submitted by GaryCybernaut to exmormon [link] [comments]

The Ever-Burning Lamp Has Been Hanging Right Above Our Heads

Then he set the sword on the mounting board. Its grey-white metal shone against the dark roah behind it. While the handle could be seen, it was dark enough to be almost indistinguishable from the wood.
On a mounting board. Its Folly.
Disclaimer: This theory isn't as solid as my usual theories. But, I think its still pretty plausible compared to most theories on this sub ;-). Hear me out

1) Folly Is the Equivalent of Kilvin's Everburning Lamp in the Books

If you caught my last thread, you're aware of the fact that Folly ignores/reflects light in an interesting way. Here's a quick refresher on that:
He drew the sword without a flourish. It shone a dull grey-white in the room's autumn light.
SUNLIGHT POURED INTO THE Waystone. It was a cool, fresh light, fitted for beginnings. It brushed past the miller as he set his waterwheel turning for the day. It lit the forge the smith was rekindling after four days of cold metal work. It touched draft horses hitched to wagons and sickle blades glittering sharp and ready at the beginning of an autumn day.
Inside the Waystone, the light fell across Chronicler's face and touched a beginning there, a blank page waiting the first words of a story. The light flowed across the bar, scattered a thousand tiny rainbow beginnings from the colored bottles, and climbed the wall toward the sword, as if searching for one final beginning.
But when the light touched the sword there were no beginnings to be seen. In fact, the light the sword reflected was dull, burnished, and ages old.
As you can read, Folly is ignoring the color of light sources. Autumn light does not gleam on it, so there's "no beginning" on it, unlike with Chroniclers face and the bottles in the inn. Autumn light does not reflect off it as autumn colored daylight, but instead the sword shines "dull-grey white".
The question is, why does this occur? What are some plausible answers?
I think its because Folly is absorbing light and, more importantly, emitting its own. Folly is functioning like a lamp that's projecting a dull grey-white aura of light outward. That is why it ignores the color of light sources.
The problem with this is---that would only make it an ever glowing lamp. Not an ever-burning lamp. Kilvin makes the distinction early on:
Kilvin was Cealdish, his thick shoulders and bristling black beard reminded me of a bear. "Right," he grumbled, folding his thick hands in front of him. "How would you make an ever-burning lamp?"
Each of the other eight masters made some sort of exasperated noise or gesture.
"What?" Kilvin demanded, looking around at them, irritated. "It is my question. The asking is mine." He turned his attention back to me. "So. How would you make it?"
"Well," I said slowly. "I would probably start with a pendulum of some sort. Then I would bind it to—"
"Kraem. No. Not like this." Kilvin growled out a couple words and pounded his fist on the table, each thump as his hand came down was accompanied by a staccato burst of reddish light that welled up from his hand. "No sympathy. I do not want an ever-glowing lamp. I want an ever-burning one."
Which makes this very clear. If Folly is merely emitting light, it is simply a glowing lamp. Not a burning one.

But what if Folly is perpetually burning? Can it count as an ever-burning lamp then?

Kote handed over two talents. "Keep the rest. It's difficult wood to work with."
"That it is," Graham said with some satisfaction. "Like stone under the saw. Try a chisel, like iron. Then, after all the shouting was done, I couldn't char it."
"I noticed that," Kote said with a flicker of curiosity, running a finger along the darker groove the letters made in the wood. "How did you manage it?"
"Well," Graham said smugly, "after wasting half a day, I took it over to the smithy. Me and the boy managed to sear it with a hot iron. Took us better than two hours to get it black. Not a wisp of smoke, but it made a stink like old leather and clover. Damnedest thing. What sort of wood don't burn?"
Kote goes through the trouble of having Graham craft a mounting board for Folly out of ~ mysterious ~ roah wood. Not much is known about this wood. But what we do know is that it is nearly impossible to burn. And it doesn't catch fire. While it can be blackened and give off a smell at some point during the process, it takes 2 hours of searing it with a hot iron to blacken it.
Keep in mind, red hot iron as commonly seen in blacksmithing is 1292 degrees farenheit and white hot iron is 2001 degrees farenheit. We don't know the temperature they used. But what we know for sure is that it takes extreme levels of heat to affect this wood.
Why would Kote need nearly impossible to burn wood as his mounting board for his sword? Maybe because the blade of the sword is extremely hot. Perpetually hot. Hot enough that it could be thought of as burning.
That is the most plausible, accessible explanation for why Kvothe chooses to use the Roah wood to mount Folly. It is emitting light and it is heated. This could also explain Kvothe's reaction to how Bast was carrying it:
"Where did you put it, anyway?" "In my room," Bast admitted. "Under my bed." Kote nodded distractedly, still looking at the walls. "Go get it then." He made a small shooing gesture with one hand, and Bast hurried off, looking unhappy.
The bar was decorated with glittering bottles, and Kote was standing on the now-vacant counter between the two heavy oak barrels when Bast came back into the room, black scabbard swinging loosely from one hand.
Kote paused in the act of setting the mounting board atop one of the bar rels and cried out in dismay, "Careful, Bast! You're carrying a lady there, not swinging some wench at a barn dance."
Bast stopped in his tracks and dutifully gathered it up in both hands before walking the rest of the way to the bar.
Why do you think Kvothe is so "dismay[ed]" at how Bast is carrying it? It could just be because its a valuable sword, but it could also be because Bast is carrying the equivalent of a torch in the form of a perpetually searing hot sword that also emits light. Not the sort of thing you should casually swing about.
Notice how both the scabbard and handle of the sword is black:
Bast came back into the room, black scabbard swinging loosely from one hand

While the handle could be seen, it was dark enough to be almost indistinguishable from the wood. The word beneath it, black against blackness, seemed to reproach: Folly.
Why do you think the scabbard is black, the handle is black, and the impossible to burn roah wood is also coincidentally black? Look, I'm not sure if they're all made from the exact same material, but at the very least I think its plausible they are made from material with similar properties in absorbing/dealing with heat.
Black absorbs heart, sure. But lets get deeper than that. In physics, there is the concept of Blackbody, Greybody, and Whitebody object.
Essentially, far as I as a non-physicist can understand it, a blackbody absorbs all light and radiation that comes its way internally. And emitts it.
This isn't my area of expertise and I doubt its Pat's, so I'm not going to get lost in it. If this is your area of expertise, have at it with these concepts: blackbody, whitebody, greybody, and black body radiation. Let me know whether they're adaptable to this sword that doesn't reflect light, but emits it and requires impossible to burn wood to hold it up.
All I'm going to suggest is that perhaps Pat used these concepts to conceptualize an object--a sword--that is doing some combination of absorbing all light and excess heat and emitting light and heat in a controlled way. Dull grey-white light. Extreme heat that stays on the blade, but doesn't diffuse through the air but is absorbed into the black material of the handle and then emitted into the blade. Or maybe the extreme heat that should be felt in the air is instead converted into dull grey-white light.
Think about how amazing that would be as a sword for Kvothe to wield. An extremely hot sword, with perpetual heat he can use as a sympathy source. Thats a plausible reason for why he treats it with such regard.
More importantly, if this is Cinder's blade, consider why he may need it --

(2)If Folly Is Cinder's Sword

IF Folly is Cinder's sword that Kvothe witnessed at his troupe's slaughter, then there's perfectly plausible reason why Cinder is wielding it---Cinder's chandrian sign:
Ferule chill and dark of eye
Its common knowledge that Cinder causes the area around him to be cold. Perhaps the heat is just magicked away. On the other hand, maybe Cinder absorbs a constant amount of heat from his surroundings into himself.
If that were the case, a sword that absorbs light and through other means manages to maintain an extreme amount of heat would be perfect for Cinder. For starters, if you're Cinder, maybe you need an extremely hot weapon to keep from freezing and shattering your weapon as you wield it, if the chill of your sign is exacerbated by touch. More importantly:
Don’t feel bad you didn’t recognize him. They have a lot of experience hiding those telltale signs.
Potentially, maybe it could be used to hide his sign. By offsetting the heat he normally absorbs from his surroundings.
Keep in mind that Cinder's chill was not present at Kvothe's troupe slaughter.
Seriously, read through the entire chapter. Kvothe never notes that the temperature has dropped or that he feels cold. Never. The only thing he says is that he becomes numb when he sees Teren's dead body:
I stood, unable to look away from Teren, the grey shirt, the red blood, the white bone. I stared as if it were a diagram in a book I was trying to understand. My body grew numb. I felt as if I was trying to think through syrup.
And we know Cinder is holding and using his sword in Kvothe's troupe's slaughter. And coincidentally, we never get anything that hints at Cinder's chandrian sign.
To the contrary, we never see Cinder with his sword at the bandit camp and Kvothe notes that he feels colder when he gets within eyeshot of the camp:
A long pause. “No way that is of the Lethani,” he said.
Having seen enough, I carefully slid down several feet until I was out of sight. I shivered as the rain continued to pelt down. It felt colder than it had a couple minutes ago, and I began to worry that I’d caught Marten’s cold. That was the last thing I needed right now.
Literally, the main difference between these two scenes is we see Cinder with his sword, when its not noted as cold, and don't ever see Cinder with his sword when it is noted as cold. Given that reality, I consider this theory at least plausible, if not slightly supported by the details of the book.
But what if Folly isn't Cinder's sword?

(3) If Folly Isn't Cinder's Sword, Kvothe Made It Using the Hidden "Magics" in Kilvin's Desk

And that's probably why he gets kicked out of the University.
But first, here are the "old magics" Kilvin shows Kvothe:
Kilvin tugged his beard idly with one hand. “I have a device devoid of any sygaldry that seems to do nothing but consume angular momentum. I have four ingots of white metal, lighter than water, that I can neither melt nor mar in any way. A sheet of black glass, one side of which lacks any frictive properties at all. A piece of oddly shaped stone that maintains a temperate slightly above freezing, no matter what the heat around it.” His massive shoulders shrugged. “These things are mysteries.”

Four ingots of white metal lighter than water that can't be melted or marred?

Sounds damn good for a sword. More so for an extremely hot one.

A stone that maintains a temperature above freezing regardless of the heat around it?

Sounds damn good for an extremely hot sword and/or the handle to one. Or its scabbard.

Black sheet with no frictive property?

Heat is a property of friction and this black sheet has no frictive properties.
Seriously, white metal, black sheet, ignoring heat. These are all objects Kvothe could plausibly use to create the appearance of Folly's component parts, as well as a sword that could be perpetually hot without melting, with a handle and scabbard that ignores the heat of it.
If Folly is not Cinder's sword, these are what Kvothe used to make Folly.
Which, Kilvin would never approve of... Kvothe would have to steal it, after all:
I hesitated to tell Kilvin the full truth. I knew all too well that the Master Artificer did not approve of artificery being used in conjunction with any sort of weapon. While he might appreciate the craftsmanship of such a sword, he would not think well of me for owning such a thing.
But if Kvothe is adamant on building this amazing sword, then he'll have to steal these "old magics" from Kilvin. From the University:
Do you know of any metal that could avoid breaking for so long as that? Let alone keep an edge?”
“Ah.” Kilvin nodded, his expression not particularly surprised. “There are such things. Old magics, one could say. Or old arts now lost to us. These things are scattered through the world. Marvelous devices. Mysteries. There are many reliable sources that speak of the ever-burning lamp.” He gestured with a broad hand at the hemispheres of glass laid out on his worktable. “We even possess a handful of these things here at the University.”
Maybe he steals them and ironically uses them to create a sword that is also equivalent to the ever-burning lamp Kilvin's obsessed with.
What would happen if he steals these old magics:
Another faint smile. “I know.” “. . . but in other stories he’s a right bastard,” Aaron continued. “He stole secret magics from the University. That’s why they threw him out, you know.
I suspect Folly's is the metaphorical ever-burning lamp of the series. That it has a weird interaction with light because it is absorbing light, emitting light, and holding extreme heat in its blade. That this is the reason Kote hangs it on a mounting board made of Roah wood, which is impossible to burn and hard to sear. That Folly's handle and scabbard, like the roah wood, has properties that control the extreme heat. That this is why Kote told Bast to be careful carrying it. And that this is why it counts as an ever-burning lamp.
Moreover, if Folly is Cinder's sword, I would guess Cinder uses it because it doesn't freeze due to his sign and it provides heat that Cinder's sign normally absorbs from the environment. Helping him hide his sign.
However, if its not Cinder's sword, I'd guess Kvothe made it. And he made it using the "old magics" from Kilvin's work desk. White metal. Black sheet. Cold stone. All of which have anti-heat properties. And that, since Kilvin would never approve of a weapon, he would have had to steal it from Kilvin. And that's why people say Kvothe was kicked out for stealing "secret magics".
EDIT: 1/19/2020 As pointed out by ChiefGe on January 17th 2020
Apologies for raining on your parade but i just restarted WMF and came across this passage,
Chapter 1
It wasn’t a particularly beautiful sword, not ornate or eye-catching. It was menacing, in a way. The same way a tall cliff is menacing. It was grey and unblemished and cold to the touch.
Full quote:
The red-haired man stood behind the bar, his eyes slowly returning from their faraway place, focusing on the here and now, on the inn itself.
They came to rest on the sword that hung on the wall above the bottles. It wasn’t a particularly beautiful sword, not ornate or eye-catching. It was menacing, in a way. The same way a tall cliff is menacing. It was grey and unblemished and cold to the touch. It was sharp as shattered glass. Carved into the black wood of the mounting board was a single word: Folly.
So, we can safely say that the idea that the blade of Folly is extremely hot is incorrect lol. There goes my favorite theory!
submitted by Jezer1 to KingkillerChronicle [link] [comments]

Article: Misogyny has no scientific basis of any kind: the evidence is of philogyny

Obviously misogyny exists but not in the overarching societal way feminists purport. Of course a feminist common veiw is misandry does not exist

Misogyny has no scientific basis of any kind: the evidence is of philogyny

There is no published science paper demonstrating the existence of ‘misogyny’ defined as the general hostile or negative attitude of men towards women. On the contrary, the notion is not just unsupported but contradicted by all pertinent findings. Data on either implicit or explicit ‘gender attitudes’ show consideration towards females by males either substantially greater than they afford other males—philogyny—or, at worst, neutrality; this even in special conditions in which it might be most expected. The failure to find evidence of ‘misogyny’ has been hidden by eliding the notion with the wider one of ‘sexism’, and in the absence of support for ‘hostile sexism’, ‘benevolent sexism’ was hypothesised; but this also has no basis, given the deeply flawed operational definitions of ‘sexism’ employed in studies. Taken together as ‘ambivalent sexism’, the mode in which this supposedly causes harm—stereotyping according to sex (dubbed ‘stereotype threat’)—has been comprehensively debunked. ‘Misogyny’ and ‘sexism’ have become defined circularly and are, therefore, entirely non-scientific notions in being unfalsifiable. However weakly defined, ‘misogyny’ evidently is nothing but ideological invention: a counter-factual, thereby itself an actually (anti-male) ‘hostile sexist’ notion and term that should never be employed in a scientific discourse other than in its investigation as at best a questionable, highly pejorative construct. Indeed, the use of the label should be investigated as an expression of misandry.
This has practical utility as feminism gets things wrong i.e. is unable to solve issues e.g. domestic violence, rape, etc and often actually makes them worse in society after feminists intervention due to applying patriarchy conspiracy theory ideas and misogyny conspiracy theories to problems. Since that isn't actually the cause, obviously your soloution to these problems wont work as your diagnosis is wrong. E.g. what Duluth creator hereself said:
"By determining that the need or desire for power was the motivating force behind battering, we created a conceptual framework that, in fact, did not fit the lived experience of many of the men and women we were working with. The DAIP staff [...] remained undaunted by the difference in our theory and the actual experiences of those we were working with [...] It was the cases themselves that created the chink in each of our theoretical suits of armor. Speaking for myself, I found that many of the men I interviewed did not seem to articulate a desire for power over their partner. Although I relentlessly took every opportunity to point out to men in the groups that they were so motivated and merely in denial, the fact that few men ever articulated such a desire went unnoticed by me and many of my coworkers. Eventually, we realized that we were finding what we had already predetermined to find."[20]
Criticism of the Duluth Model (feminism 101 basically) has centered on the program's insistence that men are perpetrators who are violent because they have been socialized in a patriarchy that condones male violence, and that women are victims who are violent only in self-defense.[15] Some critics argue that "programs based on the Duluth Model may ignore research linking domestic violence to substance abuse and psychological problems, such as attachment disorders, traced to childhood abuse or neglect, or the absence of a history of adequate socialization and training."[9][16] Others criticize the Duluth model as being overly confrontational rather than therapeutic, focusing solely on changing the abuser's actions and attitudes rather than dealing with underlying emotional and psychological issues.[16] Donald Dutton, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia who has studied abusive personalities, states: "The Duluth Model was developed by people who didn't understand anything about therapy,"[9] and also points out that "lesbian battering is more frequent than heterosexual battering."[17] Philip W. Cook points out that in the case of homosexual domestic violence, the patriarchy is absent: there is no male dominance of women in same-sex relationships, and in fact, female on female abuse is reported more than twice as frequently as male on male abuse.[18] Furthermore, some critics point out that the model ignores the reality that women can be the perpetrators of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships, as well.
The Duluth Model is featured in the documentary Power and Control: Domestic Violence in America with commentary from its authors as well as its main critics, such as Dutton.[21]
Erin Pizzey the founder of Chiswick Women's Aid, the first ever refuge in the world for victims of domestic violence notes in an interview in The Red Pill that men and women are equally capable of domestic violence, though over time domestic abuse shelters have shifted to be almost exclusively for battered women. [22] She foudn that 65 out of 100 of her first women were violent. THe shelters themseles were violent places. Note Erin Pizzey, for her statements was given death threats, credible bomb threats (all her mail was sent directly to bonb squad) and rape threats. They shot and killed her dog. She had to flee the country for many years with her family.
Here she speaks on Sky News discussing how it is a billion dollar business that the women do not want to give up:
Their [feminists] ideology also asserts that men were impervious to any therapeutic intervention, courtesy of their deeply ingrained patriarchal privilege.According to this new model they precluded anything but criminal treatment for men’s alleged violence toward women and children. Laws were passed that specifically forbade any couples intervention for men accused.[23]

2) Female DV victim's perspectice from Chani Joene Randazzo:

Feminism negatively affects mothers in need of the services of a domestic violence refuge.
Domestic violence refuges are all run on on the feminist Duluth model of domestic violence. This teaches that gender is the problem, not violence. This endangers women and children in several ways.
If they have a 12yr old son, they will be refused shelter. All post-pubescent males are banned from even knowing the street that the refuge is in. This includes police officers, taxi drivers and family members - even if they are a woman’s only support person. All men are believed to collude to oppress women, therefore all DV refuges have strict rules banning post-pubescent males. This leaves many women and children stuck in violent homes with no escape.
Because feminism believes gender and not violence is the problem, DV refuges end up sheltering violent women with their children. This means that women who are fleeing violence from others are met with more violence inside the refuge. Furthermore, those violent women are encouraged to see themselves as victims of male power so they receive none of the help that they (and their children) desperately need.
The violence inside many DV refuges is so bad that some women leave before they have a safe place to go.
Despite many women being referred to refuges due to violence from other women, women are still encouraged by refuge staff to view themselves as victims of men.
Around half of all children raised by violent and abusive women will grow up to be women themselves.
I was in two domestic violence refuges in 2004 and 2005. My 3 sons were all under the age of 7 at the time. We were sent there by children’s services due to my mother’s violence. The father of my sons was very sick at the time and being cared for by his mother on a bed in her lounge room. He was never alleged to have been violent.
We left the first refuge after 4 months due to the level of violence there. It simply was not safe. At least 4 women left due to the violence while I was there. There were several injuries, including a broken hand and stitches to a girl’s head. The level of abuse my children witnessed there was more violent than any of my mother’s drunken rages and far more distressing than their father’s illness. We left when my oldest son witnessed one of the women drop her toddler and kick him such that he became airborne. She later overheard my son saying we should tell the refuge manager what happened. The incident was witnessed by another staff member but nothing was done. So we left and stayed with my mother.
After another incident, we were sent to a second refuge. This one had only one other family in residence - a young Russian mother with a new baby and her mother. They were in the refuge due to violence from the older woman to her daughter’s husband. The husband demanded she leave. …domestic violence. The young mother herself was lovely. The only problem was that the refuge was a long way from any shops that sold fresh groceries. During a phone call with the father of my children, I told him this. He dragged himself out of bed and drove us back there with a load of fresh groceries. Except he was slow to pull up. I showed him where to stop but he ended up stopping way too close to the corner of the street the refuge was in. He got out of the car to try to help me with the kids and the groceries but his lungs couldn’t handle it. Our oldest son started to get distressed… this all attracted attention and we were seen. We were still 3 blocks and at least 300 metres away from the refuge itself, but that didn’t matter. He was a man so we had to go.
Our oldest son was so upset. He couldn’t understand why we had to leave. “Did Daddy do something bad?” he asked.I told him, no, Daddy’s done nothing wrong. They just don’t want Daddy knowing what street the refuge is in.“But why? Is Daddy a bad man?”I told him “no” again, saying Daddy’s a good man. They just don’t let any man know.Then he asked me if all men are bad. I told him no, but my heart was breaking.“But why do we have to leave? Will I be a bad man when I grow up?”Then a look of horror came across his little face and he said, “I don’t want to be a bad man.” He was 6 years old. And all I could do was hold him and cry.
We went back to live with my mother for another 4 harrowing years after that. I absolutely support equal opportunity regardless of gender but feminism is not that. Feminism ruined my life and the lives of my children for the better part of a decade. Feminism harms women and children as well as men.

3. Why do feminists support this approach if it actually HARMS women?

Because it allows around 5% of feminists to be very wealthy. It allows these feminists to create millions of book sales about issues that don't exist (see example of this feminist PROFFESSOR who has a book about how eating meat is toxic masculinity and contributes to the patriarchy In these cases feminists have literally created a gendered issue from thin air and will make millions from doing this... it allows feminists gender studies professors to be established with immense power as they run entire departments of fake gender studies**. It has spawned an entire industry of journalism and allows journalists to keep a job e.g. all real articles: sleep is sexist, air conditioning is sexist, knowledge is patriarchy, manterupting etc,. Most of all it and an explanation for why the feminists are advocating feminist policies on domestic violence that actually HARM women, is because it secures billions in funding and creates artificial jobs and government departments that shouldn't even exist ... in Ireland en get 1.7% of domestic violence spending so it is vital feminist keep this victim narrative which even harms women, so feminists can get basically 100% of the money and fake jobs. Counsellors, theraphists, auxillary organisations all have a stake and perpetuate these myths and false stats.
Individual CEOs in America are on $7.5 million. In the UK Reffuge CEO is on well over $500,000 with benifits and expenses. She was accused as having a toxic bullying culture wth nearly 20 employees leaving due to bullying, harrasment etc. She was accused of making them write her book (more $$) yet didnt not share proceeds and also hiring famliy members in nonsense roles. This is basic survival people want to stay in their job and maintain their 500,000k salarly and 200 employees. This explains the oddness of Reffuge and similar groups actively campaogining against male victims of DV, the average person may think, why would you do this? Its not a zero sum game - it is a zero sum game in this billion dollar industry.
** The grievance studies hoaxers will be of relevance here. These people took Hitler's Mein Kampf, changed it to be about men and submitted it to PEER REVIEWED feminsts journals.... THEY GOT ACCEPTED and were prasied. They also completely made up "science" stating men inserting things into their anus would make them more empathetic and reduce transphobia, how dog parks had rape culture etc.... ALL ACCEPTED by leading gender studies journals. The kind of journals that underpin public policy, that make stats and are used by Times, Forbes, NYT, etc for their articles, they inform governments and shape polcieis. This hoax highlighted how they would accept "science" that "sounded right" or they agreed with or felt good to them. Any actual science journal would have laughed them out of existence. This happens all the time, this fake feminst interpretation of a study was cited 1500 times, published by FORBES, Times, NYT, etc given TED talks on, UN, and more, despite being completely bogus:
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