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The timeshare presentations in Nevada are gettimg out of hand...

“...and walk away with a trip to beautiful Las Vegas Nevada! Enjoy a complimentary 5 day 4 night stay at any MGM casino resort all on us! No nonsense, no gimmicks. Just a bit of your precious time! Call today!”
Yes. A vacation extravaganza all on the arm. Courtesy of the Hibou Timeshare Corporation. All it cost was your time and cooperation for a timeshare presentation. Simple enough yes? I wish I would have realized how much better a couple of overtimes would have served me, than taking myself to that horrid building.
I was living in Phoenix AZ with my parents. Still half way bullshitting my final semester at college. I’ve got to be honest, I was checked out. It was summer..I was going to graduate and I had these final two classes in the bag. I could have failed my finals and still walked out with a C. Yes but that kind of luxury came at a price. My social life was the casualty in all of this. While I did have a tight knit of pals, my attendance to social gatherings were...well..less than punctual. I was usually doing work for one of my advanced classes. If not that, then I was pulling a shift at either of my jobs. Yeah..you could say I gave up the glamour of late night pizzas, puking in my friends car and hooking up with a random ASU frat sluts for a heavier wallet...except I was paying everything out of my own pocket. My gas, insurance, cell, college. I wasn't exactly hiding cash in the walls. My parents worked hard but..never did make a living to give me and my siblings an extravagant lifestyle. We were grateful though.
So when I heard that AD of how I could get a long needed vacation to party central Las Vegas, all for watching some BS timeshare I knew I wasn’t going to buy into, you bet your ass off I made that call. The phone only rang once before I got an answer,
“Thank you for calling the Hibou Timeshare Corporation, how can we help you?” a voice rang through the phone. The voice sounded shrill and sickly.
“Hi, I'm calling about the vacation in Vegas? Says that you need people for a presen..”
“Yeessss.” the voice interrupted “The timeshare presentation, well...we would be so honored to have you”
“Uhh..yeah...anyway I’d like to sign up? Is there a form online or do you take the information here?” I said..now feeling a bit tense.
“Well I'll tell you what...pack your things for the vacation. When we are finished presenting..we can send you on our way to Vegas. We just need..a bit of your time.”
That was that. He gave me the address, date and time of the meeting. The area was in a place called Amargosa Valley in Nevada. Luckily it was just about an hour away from Vegas. Before we parted ways on the phone, the operator said something...he said something that should have been a MAJOR red flag.
“Okay then, you’re all set...we will see you July 28th at 4:30pm. Not a moment later” he laughed
“Oh..and..one more thing, if you have some more specimens like yourself that might be interested in the free vacation...bring them along. They’ll all receive the same prize and you will receive $100 cash for every person you bring. We look forward to presenting you, Austin. Good day.”
I never gave him my name.
Still, my young dumb brain didn’t hear anything past $100 dollars. So I rounded up a few of my best pals and we were set to meet the reps over at the timeshare. The days leading up to the trip I couldn't get a hold of myself. It was so exciting. My first real vacation in...i couldn't remember how long. I longed for this type of adventure with my friends. We packed a truck full and set off to Amargosa Valley.
I brought Luke, Larry and Adam. We’d been friends since the 3rd grade. We all moved to AZ from different parts of the country that summer, so being new kids we naturally ganged up together. Luke was from Texas..we called him Tex. Real big guy. Loved to work out but definitely was a bit of a boozebag. Larry was from Ohio. Quiet in public but probably the loudest of us all. Always had some political conspiracy to talk about. Then Adam..Adam was interesting. He was from Florida...or Georgia...or Nebraska. Adam never could keep it straight about where he was from. He always had some sort of story and backtrack about where he’d come from. I personally thought he was probably from another part of AZ and just wanted to fit in...so we humor him and let him be the nomad of our group. I myself was originally from California...things got pricey so we made the move to blistering AZ.
That was my crew. No matter how long it had been, we were always as tight as ever. The ride was filled with laughing and gags. Stops at fast food joints and all around bullshitting. Yes it was an amazing time just driving there, we couldn't wait to get on with the meeting and head down to Boozeville USA. As we approached our destination...something felt off. Amargosa Valley had been a bit of a ghost town the whole drive. A gas station here. A small outlet there...but otherwise unpopulated. When we hit our destination we were met by a Chrome building. Smack center in the middle of the highway. As we parked at the only stall..we all took a look at each other.
“Well this is...odd.” Luke said plainly.
“Yeah man...are we really going there?” Adam shook out. Barely containing his fear.
“Look guys, I know it looks weird. This place is really clean and bright in the middle of a dusty desert but c’mon. It's like what...an hour of our time? Within 2 hours we’ll be on our way to the dopest guys trip ever.” I said...selfishly.
The guys all agreed. We got out, locked the car up and walked in through the sliding glass doors. The cool air hit us like a wave. Each of us breathing in the refreshingly cold air. The inside of this lobby..was also immaculate. Chrome everywhere. Right down to the sofas and chairs. A woman came from around the front desk.
“You must be here to be presented. I see you brought more specimens! What a joy! Will you gentlemen please follow me?” She said.
Specimens. Ugh. Her tone. That word still makes me shutter.
Me and the boys looked at each other..all with the same should we do it look on our faces. Maybe it was the cold air enticing our sweaty brows. We’d been a poorly AC’D truck for a couple hours. Or maybe it was the ice cold drinks she presented in front of us. Whatever the case we followed her through a door behind the front desk and were met with a grand auditorium. It looked as if it could hold maybe 50 people. And all they had was me and my knucklehead friends. As we sat down, sucking down sodas and waters, a mans voice came over the intercom.
“Welcome my friends to the Hibou Timeshare Corporation presentation. Today you will be examining the lifetime of these vessels. Determine whether or not you think they are a smart investment and make a choice if you would like to partake!” I recognized the voice. It was the same shrill tone that I set up the appointment with.
“Now my dear friends, it's time to sit back with your favorite drink...and listen..”
With that, a large projector screen came down from the celine. An old timey countdown began winding down.
From what I can remember, I heard the screams of something...unnatural. A scream so high tone that I felt as if my ears would burst with blood. I tried clasping my hands over my ears but to no avail. The screams were too overpowering. As soon as it started, I passed out.
I awoke looking at the lights on the celine. Unable to sit up. I could tell I was bareass naked on a metal table. I moved my head, the little that i could to see Adam next to me on another table. Naked as the day we were born. He was encased in what looked like a light purple energy field. Looking more in depth, I too had this field in front of me. Before I could speak the tables raised up. Bringing me upright. Bringing me face to face with Tex. To the left of me..Larry. “My friends, I present to you: Terramite 99-0 specimens.” a voice rang out. The same voice from the auditorium.
“They are..of the male species. Strong. Cunning and above all loyal...if raised properly.”
“HEY, you bastards. WTF is this! LET US GO!” Tex cried out. Before he could continue, the energy field tightened around him. Tex let out a scream that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The smell of burned flesh and hair filled the area. I would have puked had the horror of seeing my best friend being burned alive wasn't keeping my attention away from the smell. When the field lifted, Tex was stripped down to the muscle fibers. Hair burned down to the scalp. Tex convulsed until he finally relaxed into a hanging position on the table.
“Now see..specimen is now sedated. Reduced to a weaker position. With the energy field keeping him contained and the Auto-Reversal Time Warp engaging, we can have this specimen back into working shape immediately.”
There was an electrical hum in the air. As before my eyes, Tex’s skin began to heal. His hair growing back. And all burns subsiding. It was as if nothing had happened to him. He still hung in limbo, but we could see the breath return to his chest.The rest of us let out bits of gasps of horror and astonishment.
I could see Adam crying a bit in the corner of my eyes.
A figure appeared from behind me. A tentacle graced my shoulder, not even phased by the force field. I caught sight of the creature. It stood around 7foot tall. Skin that looked human but a head that was elongated. No nose. And eyes that were black as coal. It had two tentacles for hands. I could not see its feet, as it was covered by a long gown.
Larry screamed in anger. “Your...your...a...a…” he managed to get out before the creature silenced him.
“Shhhh….I am...a salesman is all. Now my friends I will demonstrate the life cycle of the Terramite 99-0’s.”
With that, Larry's forcefield began to hum. Right before my eyes Larry began to get...smaller. Not in stature necessarily, no, but in age. He went from being a young man..to a teenager..to that kid i met in 3rd grade..to an infant. His cries were extremely loud. Unaware of the horrors around him. At that moment I could hear Adam's field begin to hum.
“Please no! Please!” Adam begged.
“If you will direct your attention to our third pod:”
Adam then began to scream as he went from a young man..to middle aged man...to retirement age and finally...to a decrepit old man. Hair as white as snow. Wrinkled beyond recognition. Each breath looking to nearly be his last.
“From birth to the declining ages of 70 and beyond the Auto-Reversal Time Warp pods are the perfect tool to use when training your armys, your children, your slaves. Imagine...never having to replace workers. Never worrying if your training methods or punishments might go too far. Never losing a prisoner to death. And though the Terramites look to be difficult to control, I can guarantee their cooperation once put through the proper training.” The creature said. Full of glee in his dead eyes.
Between the crying of baby larry and incoherent babbling of old man adam, the room felt like it was spinning. Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger, the rest of the lights came to life. The room we were in were surrounded by seats, similar to the ones we sat in. However, sitting in these seats were ghastly creatures of different varieties. Some looked like the salesman creature. Others were ogreish. Large bodied creatures covered in a film of slime. Some of them even looked human. It was the eyes though...their eyes were a teal color with white pupils. Many many creatures looked up me and my friends. All of them began clapping their hands and cheering in unison. The claps were deafening. The cries of the baby felt as if a baseball bat was ramming my head. Adams babbling was terrifyingly disturbing. And Tex...hanging there. Eyes rolled back into his skull. I couldnt imagine the hell he began to feel. At this point I wondered what awaited my fate. The clapping stopped abruptly.
“Oh...Austin...yes, well if you want to know what fate awaits you just shut your eyes. Shut your eyes and quietly count back from 3.” the creature said...was he reading my mind?
Suddenly the urge to close my eyes overtook me. Almost as if I had no choice, I began counting down. 3….2….1….
Everything went black. I wasn't sure if i was alive or dead...or somewhere in between. I saw nothing but black for what felt like a lifetime. And in an instant...I heard that same shrill scream. Only this time I could not cover my ears. I couldn’t feel my body but I felt an unimaginable amount of pain. As the scream grew to its peak, I slammed my eyes open. Trying to catch my breath.
I was back in the car...we were all back in the car. The engine was on. Shitty ac blasting. The others were still out. I sat up in my seat. Not wanting to move too suddenly. The sun was beating down on us. I looked over at the time on the dash…July 28th 4:34 pm. I reached into my shirt pocket and I found several vouchers for the MGM hotels in Vegas along with $300 dollars. I also found a card that simply read “Hibou Timeshare Corp. would like to thank you for a bit of your time”
The boys came too. All feeling rather groggy.
“We all fell asleep huh?” Adam laughed. “We here?”
They didn't remember a thing. Not one thing. Not going in...not the reception area...not the freaky timeshare presentation...not one bit. I lied...i told them that while they were sound asleep, we arrived a little earlier than expected. The presenter had an emergency and left our vouchers at the front desk and apologized profusely.
“Wow, what a gentleman!” Tex laughed. “We definitely owe it to him to sit through another timeshare, probono.” Larry added.
I think it's safe to say that I will not be returning to this or any other timeshare. As I drove away I could see the building disappear in the rear view mirror.
So if you’re traveling deep within the southwest of the United States and hear an ad for a free vacation that's too good to be true...do yourself a favor..turn off the radio, call into work and ask for some overtime..because nothing is ever given for free.
submitted by G_A93 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2020 r/baseball Power Rankings -- Week 4: Top 10 Has New NL West Members, Flying Fish Soar, Blue Jays Plummet, Houston We Have a Problem but Phoenix and DC, Too

Hey Sportsfans — it's time for Week 4 of baseball's 2020 Power Rankings — Four weeks into the season and we've learned a lot: some teams win, some teams lose, and some don't play baseball at all. We solider on, trying to make sense of a season best described as 'baseball as viewed by a drunk Jake Peavy through a broken kaleidoscope'.
You may notice the Cardinals are being treated differently this week.
There was one tie this week between the #22 and #23 teams -- our 2nd tiebreaker, run differential, was used to break. Difference of just two runs!
Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are these:
"To an extent determined individually, you must take into account how strong a team is right now and likely to be going forward. You must, to some degree, give weight to the events and games of the previous week."
The auxiliary post with added data / fun can be seen here.
TRANSPARENCY: this link will show you who voted each team where and has added neat statistics!
If something is a little messed up, feel free to pester me let me know.
Total Votes: 29 of 30. So close.
# Team Δ Comment Record
1 Dodgers +1 Ohhhhh Mooookieeee, when you caaame and you gaaave without taaakinnnng, and I need ya today ohhhh Mookie. I am in love. Hell, even AJ Pollock did the impossible, and won me over despite his 0 for everything playoffs last year. Now if only Cody could find himself... Here's the scary part: The Dodgers are rolling and they are nowhere near playing at their ceiling. If you can't beat this team while its firing on half its cylinders, how the hell do you beat them when they're firing on all of them? 11-5
2 Yankees -1 Bit of a rough week for the Yankees, but the bats are still alive and well against pitchers I've never heard of. Everyone knows Judge leads the league in HR, but did you know DJ leads the league in Singles? Great to see him having a bit of a repeat from last season's performance. Additionally, Britton and Green have been fantastic out of the pen, and Chapman is going to be back at some point. 10-6
3 Athletics +4 Mon. had a ten run W vs. the M's. Next was TEX- Piscotty hit the 2nd walk-off GS of our year then we finished a quick sweep. The HOU series opener was cursed- we had 15 LOBs, left a runner on 3rd with 0/1 outs 3 seperate times, but down to our last strike A. Allen hit a single and M. Semien sealed the game. Montas/Luzardo/Bassit were dynamic and our pen is the league's best. Our lineup might lead MLB in Ks, but we're second in BBs. Just before sweeping the cheats R. Laureano, worth 1 bWAR, got his 2nd HBP of the day. We lead the league in those. After jawing at the RP, he arrived at 1st base. Their batting coach, a human dirtbag, taunted our mvp into a brawl even if it was he worked for a club shamed by scandals and a HS JV quality bullpen. 12-4
4 Braves 0 Roller-coaster week for the Braves. We lost our ace for the season. We got Markakis back and Will Smith made his debut. Acuña quadrupled his homer total in one day and Freeman continues to hit. Still looking good for us, but we definitely need to make a move. Our bullpen is incredible, but this meme made by u/riseupidemic sums it up: Our bullpen is doing big things, but... 11-6
5 Twins -2 We capped off a six game winning streak with a 4 game losing streak. Some were pretty flukey, but we really need the bats to wake up. Also, having three starters on the IL isn't ideal. 10-6
6 Cubs 0 The Cubs played well against the Royals, and then the Cardinals series was postponed. With no evidence that any Cardinals players actually went to a casino or broke protocol more than any other team, I believe that fans making moral judgments against the Cardinals are wrong. Perhaps we shouldn't blame teams for getting a deadly disease during a global pandemic; getting the coronavirus is not a moral indictment. Let's be better fans and better people as the world is falling apart. 10-3
7 Indians +2 The Tribe pitching continues to dazzle - the rotation has put up a quality start in all but two games, one of which was 5.2 shutout innings. Meanwhile the bullpen has a sub-1 ERA if you take away a single nightmare outing by Brad Hand. The less said about the batting order the better, but there's no way they can rank dead last in BA and SLG all year, right guys? G-g-guys? 10-7
8 Rockies +6 The Rockies have the 2nd best run differential in baseball going into Sunday's games due in large part to their starting pitching. Their offense has been middle of the pack so far but that's with Nolan Arenado hitting about as poor as we've ever seen from him. Charlie Blackmon is the early favorite for NL MVP as he racks up a .446/.475/.679 slash. Last week: 5-2. This week: 3 vs AZ & 3 vs Texas. 11-4
9 Rays -1 A return to Dome Sweet Dome is what the Rays needed to right the ship, splitting the sox and winning a tight series with the Yankees. The bats still need to come around, you would think it'd be hard to stay ice cold in Florida and all. The most inspiring things for Rays fans this week were the retunr of Austin Meadows and having a non-Zunino catcher not only bat, but also get the clutch walkoff to send the Yanks home. Let us all pray Charlie Morton is ok and flap on. 8-8
10 Padres +1 The Pads scored every one of their fourteen runs in the Arizona series by way of the long ball. We got to see Luis Pattiño in some relief after being called up, and saw Hos return to action. Fernando Tatis Jr. is very good at baseball. This week we started against the Dodgers, then played the D’Backs, while looking ahead we play the Dodgers, then have a series against the D’Backs… 9-7
11 Astros -6 Our pitching is, for the most part, bad. Seriously, almost our entire bullpen is comprised of AA and A rookies with a handful of MLB appearances under their belt. When the pitching is not bad, our offense is bad and we can't provide enough run support. I've seen enough extra inning games this season. Hard to feel confident in the team right now, but hopefully the beginning of a homestand will turn things around. 6-9
12 White Sox +1 Eloy getting tangled in the left field netting is going to be on lowlight reels for a long time and his 0-20 slide makes it worse. Thankfully, we're looking at a 4 day weekend with the Cards series in doubt. If you told the fanbase in the spring we would be 8-8 after 16 games, most would be happy. A week of the offense averaging 2.5 runs makes 8-8 feel a lot worse. On the plus side, Giolito has looked like an ace again and Moncada is on a 20 game on base streak. 8-8
13 Brewers -1 Props to BeHereNow91 for stealing my lead in about Yelich this past week, short version Yelich is rocking a 1.400 OPS this week. A few other key players have been getting some really interesting BABIP stats. Hiura with his .333 BABIP and only .250 AVG and Gyorko with the .375 BABIP/.250 AVG split. 6-7
14 Reds +2 It’s a special kind of hell having the best rotation in the entire league and the worst bullpen in the entire league. Yesterday’s loss was a microcosm of the season: leading 2-1 going into the 6th inning and trailing 9-2 by the end of the 7th. Michael Lorenzen has surrendered 10 earned runs in 5.1 innings while the combination of Gray, Bauer, Disco, and Mahle have allowed the same number in 64.1 innings. If you remove Tejay Antone’s stellar mopup job against Chicago, the Reds’ bullpen has an unfathomably bad 8.32 ERA. In other news, they’re batting .203 as a team and got shutout by the Indians two nights in a row. 7-9
15 Nationals -5 The Nats did not respond well coming out of their break. They have played poorly against AL East power-team, the Baltmiore Orioles, and have not given a lot of reason for hope. However, Sean Doolittle is a national treasure and it is completely unacceptable to harass a human on Twitter for poor sports performance. If you logged into your account and tweeted or DM'd Doo, you should be ashamed of yourself and turn in your World Series gear because you don't deserve it. 4-7
16 Mets +4 This was an interesting week. Just when you think the Mets are in freefall they come back, and go 4-2, including taking 2 of 3 from "The Best Team in the League" (technically, at the time) Miami Marlins. On top of that Conforto is swinging a hot bat, the team has scored a couple of actual runs, and deGrom even got a win (two in a row!). However, Alonso is quickly turning into Adam Dunn with a better (at times) glove, and the bullpen is still shaky despite Jared Hughes being the bright spot nobody saw coming. Well, what's see what this next week brings... together :) #GiménezNLROY2020 7-9
17 Phillies 0 The Phillies didn't have all that bad of a week all things considered. After a week long break, they split a series with the Yankees and went 1-2 against the Braves. Harper and Realmuto have looked great, and the introduction of Spencer Howard a better (?) Arrieta means the Phillies might just have a servicable rotation. The bullpen is a different story. If they can somehow put together a not terrible bullpen, they should have a shot at the playoffs and maybe some more. 4-6
18 Marlins +9 What this team has been able to do with a bunch of replacement players is a testament to the coaching staff Miami has. Primarily, the bullpen. We may have even found a couple diamonds in the rough. That being said, replacement batters havent fared as well. After some initial success, solid Mets pitching has shown that the lineup sorely misses Ramirez, Rojas, Cooper and Alfaro at the plate. Once our guys come back from covid, this team should be able to finish out tough games like yesterdays. Wouldnt be a surprised to see them finish at or slightly above .500 this season. We got Blue jays and Braves this week. 7-3
19 Tigers +6 Don't look now, but Detrot is one half game off the lead for the AL Central, making these boys rather tough to rank. If the Tigers can continue to be competitive, look to find Casey Mize getting the call sooner rather than later to help shore up the back end of the rotation. This week: 3 vs. CWS, 2 vs STL (although this is unlikely), and 3 vs. CLE. 8-5
20 Orioles +4 It's week 4 and the Orioles are at .500. A miracle if you ask me. They get swept by the Marlins (probably to avoid COVID) and then should have swept the Nats. Can anyone explain to me why the Yankees got a rain shortened win earlier this year and the Orioles have their game suspended? Weird... 7-7
21 Angels -3 Sometimes, a single play captures a season perfectly. 5-11
22 Rangers 0 Wear a mask. Wash your hads. Started the weekend with the worst record in the AL, now 2nd place in the AL West with a playoff spot after a sweep of the Angels and still 2 games below .500. That's the Rangers way. 6-8
23 Blue Jays -7 The Buffalo Blue Jays are finally going home! The first MLB game at Sahlen field will take place on Tuesday, and the migratory birds will be able to settle in. Hopfully it will lead to the bats waking up. The Jays have been the 5th worst hitting team in baseball by wRC+, posting a pitiful line of .218/.277/.366. Good thing the pitching has been good. 5-8
24 Giants -3 7-10
25 Red Sox -2 Decent week for the Sox this time around. Our pitching staff came to play for once, however with impeccable timing the offense decided to disappear for a bit, leaving us with a respectable 3-2 record for the week. Of note is Verdugo, who had a standout game against Toronto with 2 HRs as well as robbing one from off of none other than Former-Red-Sock Travis Shaw. Calling it now, Verdugo 2022 AL MVP 6-9
26 D-Backs -6 D-backs continue to underperform their talent level as their streaky offense can't buoy a terrible, no-good pitching staff. MadBum hasn't looked like himself all year and is currently being evaluated for back issues in Phoenix, while Ray is as frustrating as ever. Zac Gallen and Merrill Kelly have looked legitimately fantastic, but it's hard to get by on two good starting pitching performances a week. 6-10
27 Royals +1 A winning streak and a sweep of the Twins? Really? That just happened? While Brad Keller helps the rotation, and getting rid of Jorge Lopez helps any pitching staff, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This is still a rebulding team, and while the sudden show of competence is nice, the Royals are not suddenly going to contend for the postseason. Unless Lopez was that fucking useless... 7-10
28 Mariners -2 Justus Sheffield claimed his first career win this past week. Another bright light in a ridiculous season. Once baseball returns for real, the Mariners should be a force to reckon with as the new guys are looking fantastic. Evan White's glove is a beautiful thing. 6-11
29 Pirates 0 D̷̥̗̬͇͕̗͕̙̱̪̄̈́̆̃̔̂͆̍̆̒̓͛̑͝ȩ̶̣̞̣̻͈̲̰͉̰̪̏͛̅̅̈́͑̉̅̓̌̊͒͠͠a̵̡̡̙͚̭͕̳͕̖͔̫̪̘̐̓̿ͅr̸̡̧̢̙̞̤͙͍̭͕̦͙͈̀̍͋͋͜ͅ ̴̡̗̲̗͍̣̞̝̤̜̱̑͆͊͂͂̽̋̒̾͘̕͜T̴͈̝̥͚͂͘̚ẁ̶̢͎̱͈̳̘̜̙͆͐̈́͂͐̈́̔͊̂̕͠i̷̩̩̹̫̫̾́͌́̿͂̑͐͋͝͝n̶̡̧̠̘̝̟͔̩̫̩͈̰̍̔̽̈́̈́̕̚s̸͔̖̈́̈̇̐͘̚ͅ ̷̛͓͙̙͇͔̯̻̟͓̣̫͖͖͈͗̍̂͂͌̔̈́̽͊̐͋͒̇̕ͅǎ̴̢͎̪͇̬͔̻̼̯̀̀̋͂ͅn̵̳̩̰̠̱̳̯͕͊̔͐̿͛̇̊́̄͂͝d̵̡̹͓̣̺̪̦̺̗͊̈́͌̃̈́̆ͅ ̴̡̗̮̤̣͙̗̰̗̊͂͊̑̍͊̒̀̚͝T̵͇͍̯̄̑̈͛͗̉̅͂i̷̩̱̇̈́̈́g̴̡̧̣͈̪͉̹͈̞̺̜͖͕͇͋͐͒̿̚͝ͅe̷̮͊̌̈̃̔̂̇̊͌͘͜͝r̶̨̛̛̭̺͉͎͍̘̗͊̎̀͗͛̍͌́͊̉͒s̴̫̭͍͉̠̰̙̍̈́̋̕͝:̴̡̨͚̭̥͉͖͎͍̪͖͙͚̝͓̀̈́͂̄̌̾̒̂ ̶̨̢̢̫̱͉̣̥͈̈́T̸̡̧̢̩̖̼͈̮̙̟̬̹͕̈́̈̎͗͘͝h̵̢̥̳̣͔̜͈̝͎͎́̎̂̊́a̸̧̻̝̪̝͎̙̟͕̬̾͐̌̎̕ṅ̸̛͇̲̻͍̦͙̏̓͊̉̀͆̓̽̓̿̕k̵͍̳̰͉͑̑̊͌̆̃͒̚͠͝ ̶̛̱̮͈̙͖̫̉́͛̔̄͒̾͐͐̀̏͝ͅy̷̧̛̻̬͉̤̥͔̩̼̲͊̂̅͜ͅo̵͇̬͔̣̼̰̟̐̑͒̽͒̐̀̕̕ͅṷ̶̧̧̢̬̳͕̙̖̺̫̹̮̤̪̈́̌͂̒̔̽̉͂̅̇̕ ̶͇̻͓̱̘͔͚̙͙̟̉̋́̽͑̈́͌ͅͅf̵̛̮̈́͗͛̔̉̕͝ó̸̢̞̲͕̫̳͈͙͙̎̀̕͜͜ŕ̶̨͉̞̠̠̤̳̯̻̱̬̩̻̽̇̄̀̒̈͊̈͛͊ ̵̧̢̙̝͎͚̙̩̺̥̙̱̝̈͛̒̅̓̎͠ͅh̵̯̄̍͊e̷͍̗̞̬̪̣͙̦͇̲̓̈́̾̀̃̑́̽̀͌̀̍̚͝ͅl̵͈͖̰̭͐̂͑͝͠p̵̠͌͌̇͗̅į̷̨̡̱̻̭̮͖͗͐͗́͜͠ͅn̸̢̨̛̟̯̫̦̰̻̘̠̻̗̯g̸̢̥̯͊́̅͗̈́̉̇̿̈́͝ ̵̛̜̮̮̲̝͊́̀̄̈́̏̑͒͘͠t̴̤̥̓̐̾̄ḩ̴͖̼̞͔̱̦͎̞͆̇̋͆́͛́̓͘͝͝ė̷̛̥̠̏͌̎͗̀͒̃̓́̚͠ ̵̧͍̦͖̯͛̊̽͛͆̅͂̔̒́̇̿͘P̴̝̭̬̬̣̿̾͒̈́͌́̈í̵̡̭̠͈̦͕͕͓͚̲̓͋̎̈́͊̈̊̍̇͗͒̉͘͝t̶̢̨̡̩͚̖͇͍͍̥͈̀̒̀́̒͊̐̎͝t̶͍̪͚̻̭͍̩̼̮̰̺͌ş̵̨̠̮̱͔̪͕̜͎̻̳̱̆̇̈́̄͝͝͠b̸̡̮̝̯̗̥͋̓̾̃̈́u̵̳͂͌̈́͛̽̀̈́̾͝͝r̴͇̲̟̓̃̿͌̇̍̈͘͝͠ǧ̴̝̯̲̙̠̜̲̱͋͌h̷̢̢̡̛̬̹͈̠̰̼̼̭̤̹͂̑͗̂̌̈́̇͘͝ ̶̱̪̝̦̭̮͙̮̬͊P̸̢̤͈̰̠̟̹͕̐͂̋̃̌͌̓͝͠í̸̢͚̟͇̣̏̾̌ŗ̵̲͙͓͇͖̝̳̻̖̔̑̂̏̂̕͝ä̵͕̱̤̝̥̪͇̮͙̖́̑͒̈́͐ț̴̢̛̛͉͈̪̙̜̖͍͔͉͂̃̓̈́͛͒̋̆̈́͜͜ͅe̶͈̠̔̄̈́̐͒s̵̜͙͖͉̪̝̘̼̏̇̋̃͋̏͗̍̍͊̓͊̕̕ ̴̨̯̯̭̻͚͈̜̯̺̤̗̂͊͂̊̂̓̾̆̔͑̌̈́̕͝ồ̵̡̨̝̬͈̮̲̲̥́̽̆͂̅̓̽̄̈́̕̚͠͝ͅn̶̲͉͍̞̍̀̓̌̿͆͂̅̄̀̀̃͠͝ͅ ̷̳͖̭̤͓̹̞͚͉̥͔̟̱̣̍̂̽͜t̸̨̥̣̪͚̘̻͔̳̠̲̦̺̰͐̀̿̂͌̅͝ḥ̶̛͍͙̗͎̪̬̱̰̙̄͛̌͋̋ẻ̶͍̦͖̥͎͆́́͂̈́̚ͅḯ̸̢̜̖̖͍̭̙̱̙̘̫̙̂͑̀͒̓ͅr̷̼̯̗̙̞̼̄̈́ ̶̡̨̳͔̦̂̾̈͑͝͝ͅq̴̡̛̙͕̺̗̪̜͇͉͕̱̟̩̊͌̈́̐́̔͐̓͌́͛̈̏͝u̴̡̥͓͍̭̿̀̆̃̃̎̓̽̓͊̓͝͠ę̷͓̗͈͚͙̒̎͌͘̕s̶̡̝̮͚̜̣͚͇̖̭͖̓̈́̃̔͊̿͗̓̚̕ͅͅt̸̻̝̜̺̺̳͍̜͎̹͖̔̎̏̓̃̇̀̀̏̚̚ ̴̧̳̱̣̯͓̗̞̰̻̆͂̆̍̂͑̀͐̃̈̌͋̾͆͜f̵̣̻̝̹̖̱͍̂̽ơ̴̡̛͖̝̮͕̜̞̣̤̩̜̦̜̑̅̉͒̿̋̆̉͠r̸̨̙̹͚̰̣͓͐͆̋͆̓͂̆̃̓̃͂͛̌̿̃ ̸̢̨̙͓̱̫̯͉͙̘̙͙̻͇͆K̶͉̲̞̪̮̜̤͉͉̗̖̿̆́̂̀̄̍́͑ͅͅų̴̜͇͕͔̲̺̭͍̩͗̾̉̊̀̊̆̚ṃ̵̧̡̢̣̞̮͇͓̱̥̹̒̈ͅͅą̵͖̞̖̼̣̠̤̥̪͚͋͌̀̽̋͝r̵̢͚̬̺̍͒̂̒̽̏͝ͅ ̸̮̀̄̐̀͊̿̋͂͌̆̈̕͝R̷̡̨̬͚͙̫̻̱͍̬̭̅̿͒͋͒́̿̇̆̕ǫ̵̨̖̗̳͍̹͉̤̘̯̣͕͊̔̈̍̏͋̊͐̅͛͝ͅc̶͖̪̙̣̲̤̖͚̠̹̖̳̞͙̏̅̐͜ḵ̷̢̨̘̙̹͕̠̙͍̳͙̠͙͒͒̅̒ͅe̸̢̻̦̮̻͌̉̄̉̀̎̇́̇̽̑̓͂ŗ̴̗͙̲̝̱̠̭͙͕̮̯̱͠ 3-13
N/A, Quarantined Rank: 17||Cardinals|-2| 5 games lul |2-3
submitted by kasutori_Jack to baseball [link] [comments]

The timeshare presentations in Nevada are getting out of control

“...and walk away with a trip to beautiful Las Vegas Nevada! Enjoy a complimentary 5 day 4 night stay at any MGM casino resort all on us! No nonsense, no gimmicks. Just a bit of your precious time! Call today!”
Yes. A vacation extravaganza all on the arm. Courtesy of the Hibou Timeshare Corporation. All it cost was your time and cooperation for a timeshare presentation. Simple enough yes? I wish I would have realized how much better a couple of overtimes would have served me, than taking myself to that horrid building.
I was living in Phoenix AZ with my parents. Still half way bullshitting my final semester at college. I’ve got to be honest, I was checked out. It was summer..I was going to graduate and I had these final two classes in the bag. I could have failed my finals and still walked out with a C. Yes but that kind of luxury came at a price. My social life was the casualty in all of this. While I did have a tight knit of pals, my attendance to social gatherings were...well..less than punctual. I was usually doing work for one of my advanced classes. If not that, then I was pulling a shift at either of my jobs. Yeah..you could say I gave up the glamour of late night pizzas, puking in my friends car and hooking up with a random ASU frat sluts for a heavier wallet...except I was paying everything out of my own pocket. My gas, insurance, cell, college. I wasn't exactly hiding cash in the walls. My parents worked hard but..never did make a living to give me and my siblings an extravagant lifestyle. We were grateful though.
So when I heard that AD of how I could get a long needed vacation to party central Las Vegas, all for watching some BS timeshare I knew I wasn’t going to buy into, you bet your ass off I made that call. The phone only rang once before I got an answer,
“Thank you for calling the Hibou Timeshare Corporation, how can we help you?” a voice rang through the phone. The voice sounded shrill and sickly.
“Hi, I'm calling about the vacation in Vegas? Says that you need people for a presen..”
“Yeessss.” the voice interrupted “The timeshare presentation, well...we would be so honored to have you”
“Uhh..yeah...anyway I’d like to sign up? Is there a form online or do you take the information here?” I said..now feeling a bit tense.
“Well I'll tell you what...pack your things for the vacation. When we are finished presenting..we can send you on our way to Vegas. We just need..a bit of your time.”
That was that. He gave me the address, date and time of the meeting. The area was in a place called Amargosa Valley in Nevada. Luckily it was just about an hour away from Vegas. Before we parted ways on the phone, the operator said something...he said something that should have been a MAJOR red flag.
“Okay then, you’re all set...we will see you July 28th at 4:30pm. Not a moment later” he laughed
“Oh..and..one more thing, if you have some more specimens like yourself that might be interested in the free vacation...bring them along. They’ll all receive the same prize and you will receive $100 cash for every person you bring. We look forward to presenting you, Austin. Good day.”
I never gave him my name.
Still, my young dumb brain didn’t hear anything past $100 dollars. So I rounded up a few of my best pals and we were set to meet the reps over at the timeshare. The days leading up to the trip I couldn't get a hold of myself. It was so exciting. My first real vacation in...i couldn't remember how long. I longed for this type of adventure with my friends. We packed a truck full and set off to Amargosa Valley.
I brought Luke, Larry and Adam. We’d been friends since the 3rd grade. We all moved to AZ from different parts of the country that summer, so being new kids we naturally ganged up together. Luke was from Texas..we called him Tex. Real big guy. Loved to work out but definitely was a bit of a boozebag. Larry was from Ohio. Quiet in public but probably the loudest of us all. Always had some political conspiracy to talk about. Then Adam..Adam was interesting. He was from Florida...or Georgia...or Nebraska. Adam never could keep it straight about where he was from. He always had some sort of story and backtrack about where he’d come from. I personally thought he was probably from another part of AZ and just wanted to fit in...so we humor him and let him be the nomad of our group. I myself was originally from California...things got pricey so we made the move to blistering AZ.
That was my crew. No matter how long it had been, we were always as tight as ever. The ride was filled with laughing and gags. Stops at fast food joints and all around bullshitting. Yes it was an amazing time just driving there, we couldn't wait to get on with the meeting and head down to Boozeville USA. As we approached our destination...something felt off. Amargosa Valley had been a bit of a ghost town the whole drive. A gas station here. A small outlet there...but otherwise unpopulated. When we hit our destination we were met by a Chrome building. Smack center in the middle of the highway. As we parked at the only stall..we all took a look at each other.
“Well this is...odd.” Luke said plainly.
“Yeah man...are we really going there?” Adam shook out. Barely containing his fear.
“Look guys, I know it looks weird. This place is really clean and bright in the middle of a dusty desert but c’mon. It's like what...an hour of our time? Within 2 hours we’ll be on our way to the dopest guys trip ever.” I said...selfishly.
The guys all agreed. We got out, locked the car up and walked in through the sliding glass doors. The cool air hit us like a wave. Each of us breathing in the refreshingly cold air. The inside of this lobby..was also immaculate. Chrome everywhere. Right down to the sofas and chairs. A woman came from around the front desk.
“You must be here to be presented. I see you brought more specimens! What a joy! Will you gentlemen please follow me?” She said.
Specimens. Ugh. Her tone. That word still makes me shutter.
Me and the boys looked at each other..all with the same should we do it look on our faces. Maybe it was the cold air enticing our sweaty brows. We’d been a poorly AC’D truck for a couple hours. Or maybe it was the ice cold drinks she presented in front of us. Whatever the case we followed her through a door behind the front desk and were met with a grand auditorium. It looked as if it could hold maybe 50 people. And all they had was me and my knucklehead friends. As we sat down, sucking down sodas and waters, a mans voice came over the intercom.
“Welcome my friends to the Hibou Timeshare Corporation presentation. Today you will be examining the lifetime of these vessels. Determine whether or not you think they are a smart investment and make a choice if you would like to partake!” I recognized the voice. It was the same shrill tone that I set up the appointment with.
“Now my dear friends, it's time to sit back with your favorite drink...and listen..”
With that, a large projector screen came down from the celine. An old timey countdown began winding down.
From what I can remember, I heard the screams of something...unnatural. A scream so high tone that I felt as if my ears would burst with blood. I tried clasping my hands over my ears but to no avail. The screams were too overpowering. As soon as it started, I passed out.
I awoke looking at the lights on the celine. Unable to sit up. I could tell I was bareass naked on a metal table. I moved my head, the little that i could to see Adam next to me on another table. Naked as the day we were born. He was encased in what looked like a light purple energy field. Looking more in depth, I too had this field in front of me. Before I could speak the tables raised up. Bringing me upright. Bringing me face to face with Tex. To the left of me..Larry. “My friends, I present to you: Terramite 99-0 specimens.” a voice rang out. The same voice from the auditorium.
“They are..of the male species. Strong. Cunning and above all loyal...if raised properly.”
“HEY, you bastards. WTF is this! LET US GO!” Tex cried out. Before he could continue, the energy field tightened around him. Tex let out a scream that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The smell of burned flesh and hair filled the area. I would have puked had the horror of seeing my best friend being burned alive wasn't keeping my attention away from the smell. When the field lifted, Tex was stripped down to the muscle fibers. Hair burned down to the scalp. Tex convulsed until he finally relaxed into a hanging position on the table.
“Now see..specimen is now sedated. Relaxed into a weaker position. With the energy field keeping him contained and the Auto-Reversal Time Warp engaging, we can have this specimen back into working shape immediately.”
There was an electrical hum in the air. As before my eyes, Tex’s skin began to heal. His hair growing back. And all burns subsiding. It was as if nothing had happened to him. He still hung in limbo, but we could see the breath return to his chest.The rest of us let out bits of gasps of horror and astonishment.
I could see Adam crying a bit in the corner of my eyes.
A figure appeared from behind me. A tentacle graced my shoulder, not even phased by the force field. I caught sight of the creature. It stood around 7foot tall. Skin that looked human but a head that was elongated. No nose. And eyes that were black as coal. It had two tentacles for hands. I could not see its feet, as it was covered by a long gown.
Larry screamed in anger. “Your...your...a...a…” he managed to get out before the creature silenced him.
“Shhhh….I am...a salesman is all. Now my friends I will demonstrate the life cycle of the Terramite 99-0’s.”
With that, Larry's forcefield began to hum. Right before my eyes Larry began to get...smaller. Not in stature necessarily, no, but in age. He went from being a young man..to a teenager..to that kid i met in 3rd grade..to an infant. His cries were extremely loud. Unaware of the horrors around him. At that moment I could hear Adam's field begin to hum.
“Please no! Please!” Adam begged.
“If you will direct your attention to our third pod:”
Adam then began to scream as he went from a young man..to middle aged man...to retirement age and finally...to a decrepit old man. Hair as white as snow. Wrinkled beyond recognition. Each breath looking to nearly be his last.
“From birth to the declining ages of 70 to 100 Terran years…the Auto-Reversal Time Warp pods are the perfect tool to use when training your armys, your children, your slaves. Imagine...never having to replace workers. Never worrying if your training methods or punishments might go too far. Never losing a prisoner to death.” The creature said. Full of glee in his dead eyes.
Between the crying of baby larry and incoherent babbling of old man adam, the room felt like it was spinning. Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger, the rest of the lights came to life. The room we were in were surrounded by seats, similar to the ones we sat in. However, sitting in these seats were ghastly creatures of different varieties. Some looked like the salesman creature. Others were ogreish. Large bodied creatures covered in a film of slime. Some of them even looked human. It was the eyes though...their eyes were a teal color with white pupils. Many many creatures looked up me and my friends. All of them began clapping their hands in unison. The claps were deafening. The cries of the baby felt as if a baseball bat was connecting with my head every second. Adams babbling was terrifyingly disturbing. And Tex...hanging there. Eyes rolled back into his skull. I couldnt imagine the hell he began to feel. At this point I wondered what awaited my fate. The clapping stopped abruptly.
“Oh...Austin...yes, well if you want to know what fate awaits you just shut your eyes. Shut your eyes and quietly count back from 3.” the creature said...was he reading my mind?
Suddenly the urge to close my eyes overtook me. Almost as if I had no choice, I began counting down. 3….2….1….
Everything went black. I wasn't sure if i was alive or dead...or somewhere in between. I saw nothing but black for what felt like a lifetime. And in an instant...I heard that same shrill scream. Only this time I could not cover my ears. I couldn’t feel my body but I felt an unimaginable amount of pain. As the scream grew to its peak, I slammed my eyes open. Trying to catch my breath.
I was back in the car...we were all back in the car. The engine was on. Shitty ac blasting. The others were still out. I sat up in my seat. Not wanting to move too suddenly. The sun was beating down on us. I looked over at the time on the dash…July 28th 4:34 pm. I reached into my shirt pocket and I found several vouchers for the MGM hotels in Vegas along with $300 dollars. I also found a card that simply read “Hibou Timeshare Corp. would like to thank you for a bit of your time”
The boys came too. All feeling rather groggy.
“We all fell asleep huh?” Adam laughed. “We here?”
They didn't remember a thing. Not one thing. Not going in...not the reception area...not the freaky timeshare presentation...not one bit. I lied...i told them that while they were sound asleep, we arrived a little earlier than expected. The presenter had an emergency and left our vouchers at the front desk and apologized profusely.
“Wow, what a gentleman!” Tex laughed. “We definitely owe it to him to sit through another timeshare, probono.” Larry added.
I think it's safe to say that I will not be returning to this or any other timeshare. As I drove away I could see the building disappear in the rear view mirror.
So if you’re traveling deep within the southwest of the United States and hear an ad for a free vacation that's too good to be true...do yourself a favor..turn off the radio, call into work and ask for some overtime..because nothing is ever given for free.
submitted by G_A93 to nosleep [link] [comments]

[Post-Match] Phoenix Rising 5-2 New Mexico Utd.

FT: Phoenix Rising New Mexico United

Scorers: Parkes 5', Flemmings 18', Dadaşov 22', Cochran 52', Tinari 59', Flemmings 74', 86'
Competition: USL Championship Group C, Matchday 6/16
Venue: Casino Arizona Field, Phoenix, AZ
Attendance: few
Starting XI: Z. Lubin (GK); D. King, C. Whelan, A.J. Cochran (G 52'), O. Kontor (Sub 69'); J. Bakero (Sub 87'), K. Lambert (YC 58'), S. Stanton (Sub 62); S. Asante, R. Dadaşov (G 22', Sub 69'), J. Flemmings (G 18', 74', 86')
Subs: E. Dick (GK), J. Schweitzer (Sub 62'), J. Barmby, J. Farrell (Sub 87'), S. Moar (Sub 69'), J. Aguinaga, J. Calistri (Sub 69', YC 80')
Starting XI: C. Mizell (GK); A. Yearwood, K. Ryden, R. Tetteh (Sub 46'), J. Suggs; A. Tinari, J. Guzmán (YC 45+1', Sub 62'), A. Moreno (YC 87'), S. Muhammad (Sub 62'); C. Wehan (Sub 81'); R. Parkes (G 5', Sub 81')
Subs: P. Beigl (GK), S. Hamilton (Sub 46'), R. Williams (Sub 62'), D. Estrada (Sub 62'), S. Sergi (Sub 81'), D. Bruce, J. Ahlinvi (Sub 81')
0': Kickoff here in Arizona! For the fourth time we face off against Phoenix Rising, this time in a cross-group wildcard game. Both teams enter the game with identical records, and a win would either propel Phoenix to the top of group B, or cement our place atop group C for two more weeks. Notably, infamous traitor Santi Moar starts out on the bench, with few changes from either side's team in the previous match.
5': GOOOOOOAAALLL!!! IT'S ROMEO PARKES WITH A LOOPING HEADER OVER LUBIN! It's Moreno who picks out the pass, and Parkes spots an opportunity with Lubin a few yards off his line, and heads it from the edge of the box!! It's a flying start, and just how we'd like to start the game! Game on, PHX 0-1 NMU
18': GOAL FOR PHOENIX! JUNIOR FLEMMINGS DRAWS LEVEL! Jon Bakero plays Flemmings through who picks it up at the edge of the box, and he beats Tetteh to slot it past Mizell with a cool right-foot finish. After a quick start, we're back level. PHX 1-1 NMU
22': A QUICK SECOND GOAL FOR THE HOME SIDE! SOLOMON ASANTE FINDS NEW MAN DADAŞOV! The Azerbaijani continues his good form, latching onto a diagonal ball from the Ghanaian to turn it around. Now it's us who will chase the game, but there's a lot of football left. PHX 2-1 NMU
24': Good chance for Phoenix! Whelan plays Asante through and it ends up in the net, but not before the linesman calls offside.
45': 3 minutes added on.
45+1': J. Guzmán (NMU) recoeves a yellow card. It's not clear why, but probably an incident off the ball.
45+4': Someone just got fired from the grounds staff, as the sprinklers come on before a Phoenix corner!
HT: PHX 2-1 NMU After a bright start, which saw Romeo Parkes bag a goal and a fantastic celebration, we lost control. Phoenix piled on the pressure, sending a lot of quick attacking moves forward. They were rewarded with 2 goals in 4 minutes. Flemmings and Dadaşov both put themselves a little higher in the league top scoring chart, and that's how the half would finish. The second half will almost definitely see more goals, and maybe some substitutions. Lesesne would do well to add some width to the attack, maybe bringing Williams or Bruce into the midfield.
46': Second half kickoff!
46': NMU substitution 1/5. S. Hamilton replaces R. Tetteh, maybe looking for more flexibility of the defense in transition.
52': PHOENIX FIND A THIRD! A.J. COCHRAN GETS HIS HEAD TO A CORNER BALL! Asante again plays a part as he sends a high arcing corner in, and the big man hammers it home! There's some suggestion of fouling by the Phoenix players, but the goal will stand, giving United that much more to do. PHX 3-1 NMU
58' K. Lambert (PHX) sees yellow after entangling with Tinari.
59': GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAALL!!! ANDREW TINARI SCPRES HIS FIRST FOR THE CLUB! Yearwood drops a corner right in the middle of the 6 yard box, and after a brief scuffle Tinari backheels it in! It isn't pretty, but it'll do to cut the deficit back to 1! PHX 3-2 NMU
62' PHX substitution 1/5. J. Schweitzer replaces S. Stanton.
62': NMU double change, 2/5 and 3/5. D. Estrada replaces S. Muhammad in midfield. J. Guzmán makes way for R. Williams.
69': PHX double change, 2/5 and 3/5. O. Kontor makes way for J. Calistri. S. Moar (boo! hiss!) comes on for goalscorer R. Dadaşov.
74': PHOENIX RESTOREA 2-GOAL LEAD! BAKERO FLASHES IT ACROSS THE MOUTH OF GOAL, AND JUNIOR FLEMMINGS MAKES THE MOST! It's a brace for the Jamaican on the night and a brace of assists for Jon Bakero! Phoenix are asking questions that we haven't answered. PHX 4-2 NMU
80': J. Calistri (PHX) sees yellow for a shove on A. Moreno.
81': NMU double change, the last of the evening. J. Ahlinvi replaces C. Wehan, and S. Sergi comes on for R. Parkes, swapping out our front 2.
86': JUNIOR FLEMMINGS COMPLETES HIS HAT TRICK! SANTI MOAR (boo! hiss!) BEATS YEARWOOD DOWN THE LEFT, AND SLIDES A BALL IN FOR FLEMMINGS! It's a tidy finish into the roof of the net following a wide counterattack. We know all too well how good Moar (boo! hiss!) can be down the wing, and he notches an assist as Phoenix put the game, you have to say, beyond our reach. PHX 5-2 NMU
87': PHX substitution 4/5. J. Farrell replaces playmaker J. Bakero for the final few minutes. It's the final sub of the night for either side.
87': A. Moreno (NMU) sees the fourth yellow of the game.
90': 4 minutes added on.
FT: PHX 5-2 NMU You can see why they won the West at breakneck pace last season. We had some good moves, but Phoenix were quicker in transition, and the quality of their front 3 really shone through. Not a bad night for most players, including a first NMU goal for Andrew Tinari. Phoenix Rising best us for the first time in 4 matches, and the better team took the 3 points tonight. We go again at Colorado Springs on the 15th, and Phoenix host SD Loyal on the same day.
submitted by ghtuy to NewMexicoUnited [link] [comments]

Fuck what the law says, ignorance IS an excuse!


I am originally from Arizona. My mother remarried when I was 18 and still in high school - she had some mental issues that stemmed from long-term loneliness, so it actually didn't suprise me when she ended up marrying some guy from work after just a single week of dating. They got married without me ever officially meeting the guy.
Anyhow, one day (shortly after the marriage) during my senior year of high school I came home to find that my house had been sold, and my mom was moving out. She had an eviction notice from the bank, as it turns out my mother was going to lose the house, so the marriage was a way of her getting a safety net.
Long story short, I was told by my mother's new husband that I was an adult, and needed to start fending for myself. I was not allowed to move in with them (even though they had a guest room), and had to pack a bag, grab my dog, and go...to school.
I mean, I had class the next morning. I went to my wrestling coach with my issue and he allowed me to live with his family. When season ended I got a job, my own apt, and eventually a car. I was an honor roll student my entire life, but that last semester I failed all my classes because I had to work. I shouldn't have graduated, but the school principal ordered all my teachers to give me a C due to my situation...I had A's & B's in their classes the previous semester, so they were happy to do it.
I worked three jobs at a time trying to support myself and also put myself through school. Community college was only 900 bucks a semester, but that was hard as heck to save - given I was working for $5.25 an hour minimum wage. But, I did it...
I competed in NJCAA Football and Wrestling, eventually earning All-American honors in both. This led to a wrestling scholarship to a DII school. The scholarship was just enough so that if I maxed out my student loans, tuition was paid for. This school was in California so I had to move.
This started the next chapter of my life as a broke college student who lived out of my car, and would usually walk around with less than $100 dollars to my name. It was the sacrifice I chose to make in order to get my education, as the athletic schedule kept me from holding a job, so what money I did have came from working at a labor staffing agency on the weekends. You'd get like 50 bucks for roofing, drywall deconstruction, or digging ditches.
It was rough, but I don't think I minded it too much - I was just happy to be consistently moving forward with my life.

The Rant:

I kept in contact w/ my mother. She had her various mental breakdowns here and there, but I always hoped she would eventually revert back to normal. Anyhow, when she found out that I was living in my car she insisted on paying for my car insurance. She knew that I frequently ran out of money, and she didn't want me to lose my "home."
I decided to travel back to Arizona to spend the Holidays with her. She had told me that she had cleared this with her husband, but I guess she actually hadn't. Because when he found out, he threw a huge fit and eventually cancelled my car insurance.
I was commuting through Vegas at the time, when I received a call from GEICO wanting to know why I had cancelled my insurance. I had enough money at the time, so I actually paid for it myself and got my insurance back. I asked for clarification if everything was ok, and if I was good to continue driving, and the sales rep said that it was.
Later that night while I'm somewhere in between Henderson and The Hoover Dam I get pulled over by a police car for not having any insurance. I explained to him the situation, and he confirmed that I did indeed have insurance. Unfortunately for me, the DMV had already suspended my license plate. Not my driver's license, but my actual license plate. They also suspended my registration.
The police officer informed me that even though I was without insurance for less than an hour, since GEICO reported it to the DMV, the wheels were already set in motion. In fact, after checking the time of expiration, it was revealed that by the time the DMV had processed the suspension, I had already purchased back my insurance.
I asked the police officer how on earth I was expected to know this. He claimed that when the DMV processed the suspension they automatically issued a letter to the address on my license informing me of the suspension, and that I should receive it in 3-5 business days.
So I asked again, how on Earth was I expected to know my license plate was suspended, I had asked the GEICO rep if I was good to go, and he said yes. The officer told me that the GEICO rep had no way of knowing my license plate was suspended...and that there was no way of me knowing that it had been suspended either, not until I received the letter.
So I clarified that I indeed had insurance, and that I should be legal to drive, but because the DMV had already suspended my license plate I was in fact not legal to drive...even though it was absolutely impossible for me to know that my plate was suspended. He confirmed that was indeed the truth. He said that in order to get my license plate and registration reinstated all I'd have to do was visit the Arizona DMV and show them my insurance card. It wouldn't cost any money, it would take about 10 minutes to do, and the closest AZ DMV was in Kingman about a hundred miles up the road.
So I told him that I would drive to Kingman, go to the DMV, and get everything straightened out. The officer told me that wasn't possible, because he needed to tow my car.
I asked him how that was fair, and he stated that it wasn't fair. But in the eyes of the law ignorance is no excuse and he has to do his job.
We were on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. No street lights, no stores...nothing but dirt. I asked him what was I to do? He said I should call someone to come pick me up. I explained that I didn't live in Nevada, I didn't know a single soul in the entire state. That I only had about 200 bucks on me, which was gas money to get to Phoenix. On top of that my phone was dead.
The cop stated that he was authorize to get me off the dark road due to it being a hazard, and he could drive me to the nearest populated area, which was The Railroad Pass Hotel & Casino.
So they tow my car to a lot in Henderson, while the cop drops me off at the Railroad Pass Casino, and now I'm stuck. This casino was by itself in the middle of the desert. There was nothing else around. There were no sidewalks or neighborhoods nearby. Just the Casino and the highway...which was dark without any lighting. So I couldn't even walk to the next town. I was thoroughly stranded.
So I walk into the hotel lobby and search for an outlet to charge my phone. I find one, but security immediately stops me. I explain to them my situation, and they state that unless I'm staying in the hotel or making purchases I have to leave. I ask them to let me charge my phone for at least ten minutes, as it's completely dead. Nope, apparently I'm trespassing - so I have to leave.
They walk me out to the parking lot, and want to know where my car is. I told them that I don't have one, but they claim that there is no way for me to get their without a car. There aren't even any busses that stop at that casino. I explained my story again, and they still don't believe it. They think I'm a homeless hitchhiker. They claim that if I don't leave they'll call the police, to which I reply, "please do."
They leave, and I'm stuck in the parking lot asking people if I can borrow their phone. Eventually the police do indeed come, and I explained to them my situation. They arrest me for trespassing, cuff me, and take me to Boulder City where I spend the night in a jail cell.
The next morning the police verify my story, and the same officer who pulled me over offers me a ride to Henderson so I can get my car. No trespassing charges are actually filed, and when I get to Henderson the officer authorizes the release of my vehicle. He tells me to drive carefully, because I could get pulled over again by a different officer.
Two hours later I make it to the Kingman DMV, and in about 5 minutes they reinstate my license plate and registration. I go ahead and drive to my mother's house for Christmas, only to be given gas money from my step-dad and told to drive home.
That same night, I'm back in Boulder City and I'm pulled over by the same police officer. He had no reason for pulling me over other than it's suspicious that I'm still in the area. I explained to him my situation, and he apologizes to me for the hell I've been through. He lets me know that the impound lot will NOT be charging me for the tow, and offers to buy me dinner at, of all places, The Railroad Pass Casino. I politely decline and make my way back to California.
Now here is where life really begins to suck. The tickets I received for "displaying false plates" and "providing suspended registration" equates to about 7 thousand dollars. Which I obviously cannot pay. My driver's license is suspended shortly afterwards. I'm forced to drive carefully from then on out, basically parking and never moving. But eventually a warrant is issued for my arrest due to failure to pay. My car is towed one night (it was parked) and I lose my "home."
Luckily I was able to move in with my girlfriend, and after the police realize I have no money to pay them the arrest warrant is rescinded. I eventually graduate college, and get a job working in San Francisco tech. Lucky for me I don't need to drive anywhere. Everything is in walking distance.
Ironically enough, I got my job in tech partly due to this debt. You see, I actually wanted to become a police officer, and one of the degrees that I received was in Criminal Justice. I actually interned for two years at the police department while finishing up school. Following my graduation, I was denied entry into the police academy until all of my outstanding traffic tickets were paid.
I picked up a paid internship at a gaming company, that eventually turned into a full time gig. That's since morphed into various different jobs over the years, but all pretty cool. My intention was to save enough money to eventually pay off the ticket and enter the academy...but I've since become very jaded when it comes to the "system", so I ultimately just decided to stay in the Silicon Valley tech industry instead.
I thought the blunt of this entire debacle was mostly behind me, but recently I tried to marry my girlfriend of one year, but, I was denied my marriage license because I need to pay the tickets. Which w/ interest has ballooned to over $12,000 dollars. Which is about half of my current savings.


Fuck what the law says, ignorance IS an excuse!
submitted by GypsyGold to rant [link] [comments]

July MLS Thread

What happened in June?

Joe Wagoner, one of the founders of SRFC, stepped down from the club. In his own words:
This is a positive development that has been in the works for many months. When we sold Republic FC to Kevin Nagle in May of 2017, the agreement was that I'd stay fully engaged until the end goal was imminent and new employees were settled. We are there. That means it's time to turn the page on my role in this story.
I don't foresee Joe having to pay for a beer at a Republic match ever again.
Speaking of founders, Warren Smith is starting a USL Championship squad in San Diego with Landon Donovan.

New Sponsors

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento (read Wheatland) joined on for a "title sponsorship" for SRFC. No details on whether they are going to be a Quailyards stadium sponsor. The sponsorship was evident at the first home match after the announcement with both large field display and emcee announcements about it.
With legal sports betting potentially becoming a thing, this is not a surprising move.
Bella Graces Vineyards joins on as an indomitable partner. Their wines are now available at the matches. No indication of whether this is a similar "title sponsorship" as well, but it came soon after the Hard Rock announcement.

But there was dirt moving in the Railyards in June!?!?

True enough there was/is some construction going on in the Railyards. manybeaucoup was wise and chose not to try and take photos while driving on 5 but alerted us to it. The construction is essentially right where Kaiser will be as tallgoalie pointed out. Bourboneer really knows everything that is going on and is trying to lead us all off the trail.
I made sure to go and snag a panorama of the construction so I can get that sweet sweet karma that lilotimz has promised.

Where are we now?

As of July 1, 2019 it appears that presentations will be taking place the week of July 15.

MLS is officially expanding to 30 teams. This means that there are currently three (3) spots that are unaccounted for. While only 24 teams are currently playing, teams 25 (Nashville - begins play 2020), 26 (Miami - begins play 2020), and 27 (Austin - begins play 2021) have already been awarded. The expansion fees for teams 28 & 29 will jump to $200 million. This is a massive increase from the roughly $70 million fee MLS was charging when Sacramento Republic was initially looking to join MLS.
MLS states that the Board of Governors (BoG) have,
given the green light for league officials to begin “exclusive, formal discussions” with ownership groups in Sacramento and St. Louis for the chance to become clubs No. 28 and No. 29 in MLS.
Garber makes clear that this does not mean that the teams have been awarded. What it does mean is that spots 28 & 29 are currently earmarked for Sacramento & Saint Louis. There will not be a dark horse competitor at the last moment unless one of the two cities fail to meet the requirements set out by MLS. MLS expects to make their final decisions on 28 & 29 prior to the MLS All-Star Game on July 31 with 28 & 29 starting as early as 2021 or 2022.

What does Sacramento need to do now?

Garber states that Sacramento needs to
  1. Finalize corporate sponsorship support
  2. Finalize stadium plan
  3. Work on the training player development plan

What about the City of Sacramento?

The City of Sacramento unanimously approved the term sheet for the Railyards stadium. The term sheet outlines $33 million in tax rebates, advertising rights, and fee waivers. This is significantly different from the Golden 1 Center as the city is not putting cash towards the stadium. Since MLS announced they are expanding to 30 teams, [Mayor Steinberg has come out saying that, "we're gonna bring this home."(https://www.sacbee.com/sports/article229441734.html)
The Sacramento Bee reports that the City of Sacramento has set aside $1.8 million for administrative tasks related to stadium development.

What about Sacramento Republic?

Ben Gumpert talked with local media after the announcement from MLS. He states that Sacramento has never been as far along as they are now and thanks everyone involved. He says the next steps for Sacramento are to follow the process outlined by MLS as quickly as possible.
Apparently, the discussions between MLS and SRFC investors now center around design details for the Quailyards stadium.

Who is going to be team 30?

Garber mentioned a few cities as possible locations for team 30. Here they are in alphabetical order.

Previous Monthly Threads

December 2018
March 2019
April 2019 - Part 1
April 2019 - Part 2
May 2019
June 2019
submitted by Oublic to SacRepublicFC [link] [comments]

[Intro] Re-Intro Its been a crazy time and an re-intro is in order since Ive been away for awhile

Hello beautiful people!
My name is LsdAliceX9/StaceyLeia and Ive been a part of this community for 2 years now, although I have been off reddit for the most part of 6 months. Im introducing myself again for those who dont know me/dont remember and to give a little update as to what Ive been up to.
Im 40 now. whoa.. that feels so weird to say or think about because I am such a young at heart spirit and I never thought I would make it this far! lol.. I am living back in Tampa, Fl. now- I move around quite a bit and just recently spent 2 years in Phoenix. I missed Florida so badly that as soon as I got the chance I made it back to where I feel at home although I am originally from Michigan I have also spent time living in Minnesota and Wisconsin with short stays in Cali and in Pa.
I am in insurance agent primarily but worked for a little over year at American Express doing fraud prevention- that was a pretty cool job, but I am back doing work at home insurance sales currently. I have a 15 year old daughter that I have pretty much raised on my own and we have 2 pets- cats- a female orange tabby named Leo and a black and white male Playboy.
Ive never been married, but was in a relationship for 7 years that was at times abusive and very hard with someone who had some mental health issues. I never thought I would be free but 6 months ago we finally separated and I fell in love with my best friend at the time who had been there for me during some of those dark times. We have now been together for about 4 months and he moved to Florida with me. Im very happy and feel so loved.. its wonderful to have someone who is appreciative and caring, stable and loyal.
More on the sad side here now, my father passed away in June due to complications from advanced Parkinsons. He was only 65. It was hard, but I got spend time with him before he passed and I am grateful for that. My dad was my primary parent and he was by far the coolest guy in the world. Always kind and understanding, he was creative, a musician and played in bands, he had tons of cool hobbies that made my childhood full of experiences, like caving, Vegas, roller coasters, rockets, guns.. It was always fun times and I wish he would have gotten to have a healthy and full retirement. Sometimes terrible things happen to the best people, but this is life.
He left me some money through his life insurance and that money helped me move back to Florida and go on an adventure I had always dreamed of. I spent a month on the road in my Rv with my boyfriend, my daughter, her boyfriend, my daughters best friend and her boyfriend.
It was a crazy adventure! We spent 4 days in Vegas and got some affordable but beautiful suites to stay in. We stayed in a different casino each night- Next we visited New Mexico and Meowwolf- If you dont know what it is, look it up! It was an epic experience. We then went on to Colorado and participated in the legal recreations they have there for smoking while we visited some great campsites and Rv resorts. We had BBQ in Kansas City, Six Flags in MO., Mammoth cave in KY, Cedar Point in Oh. Visited family in Ohio and Michigan and then drove to New York city and went to times square. From there we made our way down the coast to have crab cakes and go swimming in Ocean City MD. We visited Savannah, Ga and ate gumbo at night at a quaint little old building by the river..and finally we got back to Florida. Me and my boyfriend took another short trip for his birthday down to the Florida Keys, saw the Coral Castle, went to fantasy fest and spent the day at Miami Beach.
Ive been back in town now for about 6 weeks and settled down in a big house in the middle of the city of Tampa. We have re-connected with all of our friends, we have been having the greatest time! The other two kids (18-19, so not kids really) that were my daughters friends went back to Arizona and we got some of our buddies here as roommates and now we are just doing the thing. Back to work, money has run out but we bought a car and furnished the house so all is well and normalizing now.
A few things that I like are sleep, dreaming, soft cuddly things, smells, incense, candles, I do astrology and tarot, I love movie worlds like Harry Potter, Marvel and Star Wars- as well as horror films and cult movies. I like psychedelics and things that are surreal or fringe. I love Graham Hancock and got to meet him twice in AZ. as well as David Icke- he is my hero. I LOVE animals, nature and beauty in all forms. I am into music like EDM, classic rock , blues and metal and my favorite "color" is holographic pastel pearl iridescence . One day I want to own a Hyundai Genesis and I want to visit the pyramids at Giza , Athens and Europe in the next 5 years.
I spend most of my time online, or watching movies it seems- kinda boring then spiked with very intense experiences. I hang out with a group of friends that are like burneravehippy types and we go to parties and festivals. I like to go out for drinks and dinners, although I am taking a dieting hiatus from alcohol and rich foods for a bit.I love to go to Amusement Parks, we got Busch Gardens passes as soon as we got here and we have already been 4 times. I cant wait to get my funds back up and got to Orlando to Disney and Universal again ! I love travel and novelty and to see new places. I love the beaches and the woods and just driving through cute little towns and feeling the vibe.
Life truly is an amazing adventure and I cant wait to experience more of it.
submitted by LsdAlicEx9 to Random_Acts_Of_Amazon [link] [comments]

[PubQ] Query Critique - I Did Not Build This Wall - Memoir - 72k words

I appreciate any advice.
How did I go from being a gifted 16-year-old college freshman with a full scholarship to being an underweight, depressed 19-year-old dropout tying a belt around my neck to commit suicide in my mother’s basement?
In I Did Not Build This Wall, I comb my childhood and family history for answers. With a prostitute mother, a father who hosted dogs for fighting, and a step-father who sold crack cocaine, I struggled to survive an abusive and neglectful upbringing in the ghetto of Atlantic City, New Jersey. A gifted student, I felt hopeless in the obviously dysfunctional school and community environment where violence, drug use, and corrupt school officials prevailed.
Then, while moving five times in middle and high school, I experienced a traumatic culture clash and social isolation. As a half-black, half-Iranian boy with a dour, street-smart persona, I was unprepared to fit in when I first met white and middle-class children, kids from a world alien to mine.
In high school, I first began to experience the dangerous physical symptoms of clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and a rare, one-in-20 000 sleep disorder called idiopathic hypersomnia. Panic attacks, suicidal and murderous fantasies, and episodes of sleeping more than 20 hours at a time dominated my late adolescence, eventually forcing me to drop out of college and move back in with my unsupportive, alcoholic mother. After five bitter years of struggling with therapists and a criminal neurologist, I finally recovered from my diseases enough to return to university, reflect on my lost potential and reestablish my life plans.
The stories of young, minority sufferers of mental illnesses are often unrepresented, as are that of sufferers of idiopathic hypersomnia, making I Did Not Build This Wall a unique memoir. It explores the history of the often-overlooked poor community in Atlantic City, NJ, contrasting that with the glitz of its historic tourism and casino industry. Additionally, I include parts of similar stories about other idiopathic hypersomnia sufferers and the story of a young Iraqi refugee girl I met in a psych ward, who’d run away from her abusive mother at 15 years old, be convicted as an adult with robbery in Phoenix, AZ, and kill herself in prison weeks after her 18th birthday.
With many memoirs of this type being written by older authors, they are often unrelatable to teenagers and young adults, demographics where depression, drug use, and suicide rates are rising. Almost the entirety of I Did Not Build This Wall takes place in my childhood, concluding when I am 23 years old. I am currently 25 years old and a senior undergraduate student of Cognitive Science at the University of Delaware.
submitted by breadstuffs to PubTips [link] [comments]

Things to Do This Week in Phoenix (April 29 - May 05)

Week of: April 29 - May 05
This is a weekly thread of some of the goings-on in and around the Phoenix metro area. Feel free to subscribe to our public Google Calendar of meetups and events as well.
This is not meant to be an all-inclusive list. Such a list would be large and unwieldy. If there is an event that you don't see posted here, please add a comment below. In the comment, include the event, date, time, cost (if any), and location. A brief description would also be dandy. Please upvote people who share good/interesting events, even if it may not be something you will attend.
Don't see anything of interest? Click on any one of the dates to be taken to a comprehensive listing of events for that day over at the Phoenix New Times' web site.
If you organize or know of a meet-up that you'd like to promote, please PM the mods and we'll look into getting it added to the calendar. We'll post these events up to six weeks out. At that point, we ask that you ping us again. This just helps to ensure that the events stay fresh and no defunct events appear on the calendar.
With that said, the moderators of Phoenix (including but not limited to their families, friends (ha!), pets, and possessions) are not responsible for errors in these listings. Please take the time to verify the date, time, location, and cost of an event before you head out.
Monday April 29
Tuesday April 30
Wednesday May 01
Thursday May 02
Friday May 03
Saturday May 04
Sunday May 05
submitted by charliegriefer to phoenix [link] [comments]

Sloan "Navy Blues" Anniversary tour announced

One of the most underrated bands around and definitely one of the most over looked albums from 1998. Vinyl reissue soon to be announced as well.
SLOAN – NAVY BLUES 2019/2010 TOUR Fri 20 September North Bay, ON Capitol Centre Canada Sat 21 September Midland, ON Midland Cultural Centre Canada Fri 4 October Burlington, ON Burlington Living Arts Centre Canada Sat 5 October Milton, ON FirstOntario Arts Centre Canada Tue 8 October Sarnia, ON Imperial Theatre Canada Wed 9 October St. Catharine’s, ON FirstOntario Perf. Arts Centre – Partridge Hall Canada Thu 10 October Brampton, ON Rose Theatre Canada Tue 15 October Sault Ste. Marie, ON The Machine Shop Canada Wed 16 October Thunder Bay Crock’s Canada Fri 18 October Winnipeg, MB The Garrick Centre Canada Sat 19 October Saskatoon, SK Dakota Dunes Casino Canada Sun 20 October Lloydminster, AB Vic Juba Community Theatre Canada Mon 21 October Grand Prairie, AB Better Than Fred’s Canada Tue 22 October Sherwood Park, AB Festival Place Canada Wed 23 October Calgary, AB Palace Theatre Canada Fri 25 October Nelson, BC Spirit Lounge Canada Sat 26 October Penticton, BC Cleland Theatre Canada Sun 27 October Vancouver, BC Commodore Ballroom Canada Mon 28 October Nanaimo, BC Nanaimo Entertainment Centre Canada Tue 29 October Victoria, BC Distrikt Canada Thu 31 October Courtenay, BC The Avalanche Bar Canada Sat 2 November Seattle, Washington Barboza United States Sun 3 November Portland, OR Holocene United States Wed 6 November San Francisco, CA Rickshaw Stop United States Thu 7 November San Diego, CA Casbah United States Fri 8 November Phoenix, AZ The Rebel Lounge United States Sat 9 November Santa Ana, CA Constellation Room United States Sun 10 November Los Angeles, CA The Echo United States Tue 19 November Cleveland Heights, OH Grog Shop United States Wed 20 November Chicago, IL Bottom Lounge United States Fri 22 November St. Louis, MO Blueberry Hill United States Sat 23 November Minneapolis, MN 7th Street Entry United States Sun 24 November Kansas City, MO Riot Room United States Wed 19 February Boston, MA Brighton Music Hall United States Thu 20 February New York, NY Bowery Ballroom United States Fri 21 February Philadelphia, PA Boot & Saddle United States Sat 22 February Washington, DC Union Stage United States Sun 23 February Carrboro, NC Cat’s Cradle – Back Room United States Tue 25 February Atlanta, GA Vinyl at Center Stage United States Wed 26 February Jacksonville, FL Jackrabbits United States Fri 28 February Austin, TX 3Ten @ ACL Live United States Sat 29 February Houston, TX White Oak Music Hall (Upstairs) United States Sun 1 March Dallas, TX Three Links United States Tue 3 March Nashville, TN The High Watt United States Wed 4 March Columbus, OH A & R Music Bar United States Fri 6 March Indianapolis, IN The Hi-Fi United States Sat 7 March Detroit, MI St. Andrews Hall United States Sun 8 March Buffalo, NY Iron Works United States
Read More: Sloan announce U.S. ‘Navy Blues’ tour dates | http://www.brooklynvegan.com/sloan-announce-u-s-navy-blues-tour-dates/?trackback=tsmclip
submitted by lonelyminotaur to indieheads [link] [comments]

Traveling to the Grand Canyon - Las Vegas - Los Angeles in October

Me and two of my friends are planning to rent an RV from Phoenix, AZ and go traveling in the West Coast of US.
Our first destination will be, of course Phoenix, where we're renting the RV from, then we'll go to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
We will have about 10 days of traveling, from 16th to 26th, maybe 27th if we have enough things to see.
Our main goal will be the Grand Canyon, followed by Las Vegas and Los Angeles. From what I saw on google, Phoenix doesn't have too many places to visit (not form what I found at least).
If you have some tips for half a day or maybe a day in Phoenix, that would be great. If not, we'll just land there, rent the RV and get going.
But the main goal will be the Grand Canyon. And there I ask you what can we do out there? (I found some beautiful falls, Havasupai Falls, which looked great) What can we visit? And what we'll be doing with the RV? Is there a parking lot for RV's out there? If yes, do I have to enter and exit the national park over and over?(and have to pay the entrance tax every time?)
So, for the Grand Canyon, our interests are what things we can do/hike/see? (maybe even hidden gems) And also what can we do with the RV (considering that we don't want to spend a fortune on parking or keep entering over and over again) (because that's why we got an RV. It's cheaper than renting a car and a room at an inn/hotel/airbnb)
Maybe spend 3-4 days in the Grand Canyon (if, of course, we have things to do there).
After that, we'll be going to Las Vegas where we found out there's Cirque du Soleil that we might wanna attend (but were not sure yet. And I know there's a bunch of casinos and cool hotels to see. Other than that, what other attractions are there?
We'll wanna go for 2-3 days there.
Then there's Los Angeles, which I don't know much (to visit). What good spots we can go out there that will not break our economy funds?
Probably around 2-3 days for Los Angeles too.
We'll gonna leave from Los Angeles at the end of the trip, so we're gonna ditch the RV once we arrive there...

I want to thank you guys in advance for the recommendations!

Edit: Oh, and I personally wanna see the Hoover Dam when we'll go from the GC to LV.
Edit 2: Also, maybe some rafting tips in the Grand Canyon? I'd love to go rafting!
submitted by SeaSkyLeo to travel [link] [comments]

Mermaids In Media [Compendium]

Status: Updated as of 09/12/2019 (Day/Month/Year)
Every link will be an easy to access one (Youtube, Deviant Art etc...).
Don't worry I won't add any cringy live-action SHIT, that is filtered/getting filtered with Blocktube/Videoblocker, so I won't even find it around.
Animated list has the best stuff at the top.
Syrens Hill https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1lpNICaCHa_p3PSSZa2Rw/videos
Mermaids In Popular Culture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaids_in_popular_culture
ANIMATION (RARE STUFF TOO, All is good but top stuff is a bit more creative)
Malta's Ad With Mermaid https://youtu.be/SPUvuTA3J30
Fio The Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnTZ6nLKrc
The Mermaid (with a TWIST!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HSYMgf4_h8
The Mermaid (sequel with a TWIST!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsbmJxQLq0c
Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbVzBHPjwKY
The Light Tower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SCoeqyt7H8
H20 Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf6OVaX3R4U
Dragon Quest Mermaid Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAspI8b8bEM
Courtship Of A Mermaid (animated storyboard) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnPUkafpRtc
Rusalka (russian style mermaid, masterpiece) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qS_xFdfTrs
Petshop Of Horrors Episode 2 - Delicious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Cpv8LXLmA
Beyond The Sea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maNr6mHSmEw
Silly Symphonies Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohp1SNJHSFY
Puyo Puyo OAV Mermaid https://youtu.be/j_4AKl4SiRY
Kasumi's Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV5roYRPVYQ
Chubby Mermaid Youtube Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSXpWrVmPxM
Mermaid And The Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOgZThpGUT8
Zig And Sharko Mermaid Cartoon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HTWxnd0aGU
Peter Pan Mermaids Lagoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp65oAmnG7c
Prince Blub and The Mermaid (fairy tale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOgULmdjY10
Shepard And The Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk0J_CVWFyk
Osamu Tetsuka's Mermaid (1964) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIUuypbhNkA
Latino Mermaid https://youtu.be/15a7pvcVVNg
Jolly Mermaid https://youtu.be/wtAI3Pj9xQE
Mad Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNvCwmJZuB4
Short But Sweet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbvnl5Ug4gI
Mermaid Princess https://youtu.be/faoO98c9tfY
Club Ad With Mermaid https://youtu.be/upiBKomZSWU
Mermaid On Lake Rock https://youtu.be/CnmArF6_7_k
Mermaid And Human Girl https://youtu.be/xkMZUhgmO1M
Mermaids In Sinbad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRszctXV4Wo
Mala The Mermaid (movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mawZQNK6bFQ
Videogame Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQ7raPjKPw
Snakes On A Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJYCsI81uhQ
Miracolous Mermaid https://youtu.be/6UkAuwaS_T0
The Mermaid And The Star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsy3bvZYdUc
Family Guy Flesh Eater Ariel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWy0MiVfAOE
Rusalka (minimalist animation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJU5OLiYzic
A Mermaid Happy Birthday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11e3jEEUEmE
Princess Starlas Ep1 https://youtu.be/gyAzKd5tqmY
1001 Nights Mermaid https://youtu.be/NGEp9qgbHl4
Polly Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8b-a7CpYqw
Mermaids Wants Burger https://youtu.be/1_s-ZB6sK_Y
Dysney's Mermaids Galore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeu1A3Vt5ws
Mermaid Simulator 0.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_GPyIXXFeo
Mermaid Simple Animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_aW6q123tQ
Mer Made https://youtu.be/N55z0npYDeM
You're Loving Ariel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXseM1Pbrpg
Mermaid Of Honor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1tVjKe2d0g
Mermaid On Mars (for real) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w171x9NfJG4
Luffy Meets All The Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZM8uv6Ys1Y
Oggy And Cockroaches Mermaids Episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeJrPx-P7CQ
Escaflowne Mermaid Scene https://youtu.be/-U6qUYdl3sM
Sirena (Mermaid) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRZ0_Pxw8lI&t=117s
Mermaids Are Jerks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_POB8i3dkpY
Mermaid Werewolf Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fLGdyxJzZM
The Magic Mermaid) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqjkywIJ_ys
Invader Lum Is A Mermy https://youtu.be/fLVoP_WTIUY
Blue Blink https://youtu.be/cxtI3qWi-5g
Kawaii Mermy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqYUlBtrF0s
Different But Entrailing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlj5iHLegw0
Mermaid Party https://youtu.be/ZSqg5Z9yubc
'Em Hips https://youtu.be/tjL9tN6q0B8
Eto Rangers Mermaid https://youtu.be/MwYhRJB8pkY
Plain And Simple Mermaids https://youtu.be/o0LywNVmILE
CGI Meets Live Action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10n1tK2qWNg
Sirenetta https://youtu.be/acmkHF50Spk
Back To Basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc0pz7TBEmM
Weird And Sad Mermaid Video (3D) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehk9dLWZFIk
Finya and Florin and the Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J0-dHMaFY4
Mermaids (parody) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vlD9eJw-qk
Just Checking https://youtu.be/0slxs6234Hw
The Lego Mermaid (lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rppg0I-94ZA
Adventure of The Little Mermaid Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHvY2cdgCl4
5 Fps Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnCU_SwXjK0
Barbie's Mermaid Adventure https://youtu.be/ImDFaOKVoTI
A Woman Jealous Of A Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2vIZqrwtCg
Mermaid Animation (loop) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqtJalX7hhQ
This Is Cancer Don't Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJip1Q8wIiI
LIVE ACTION (these are all good the same)
Mermaid Commercials https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mermaid+commercial&sp=EgQQARgB
Peter Pan (2003) Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC-p9lY2Ea0
Peter Pan (2015) Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqN96XYT3AY
Mermaid Kiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcHpQnlA46A
Kiss Of A Mermaid https://youtu.be/B1GEngLQuCk
Splash Underwater Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQyWVxeukv0
You're Loving Her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T-mwLaKEr4
Vengeance https://youtu.be/yHa1Is9lIoA
Lewis Mermaid https://youtu.be/EXrI60tKecM
Alcoholic Mermaid https://youtu.be/cRH3ik5BH9E
Clorox Commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxwbpQz8oSs
Herbal Mermaids https://youtu.be/YokhPV2Yd0E
Sloppy Mermaid https://youtu.be/9M5tgfk55mE
The Lost Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzjfSsClvB4
Vanity Mermaid https://youtu.be/hvwGp0uapa0
Comfy Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIIlQ7EKC1g
Gen-X Mermaid https://youtu.be/c07P9tEu0vo
Nescafè Mermaid https://youtu.be/YqQvLRKnpfc
Silky Hair Mermaid https://youtu.be/FU0v2IrDHGc
Casino Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RCL7r_FmZY
Scoundrel Mermaid https://youtu.be/CEbG0GBZOqo
Pepsi Mermaid https://youtu.be/l4ZDJ4tXT_8
Discount Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJuwHj13ygI
Medicine Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5zz_crCwGU
Penelope Cruz Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpiixRqLqLg
Mermaids In Hook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrYYqYfEhPo
Horror Mermaid Spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L98XviDtFjs
Sugary Mermaid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEuikgBGs0w
Lewd Dreamy Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbH4sW8M4Dc
Refreshing Water Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V1cg0GcvDM
Dorito's Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqphz153RmA
Mermaid Save Him From Cannibals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBH0M6X24k0
Trolling Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-952UU4xBk
MakeUp Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ijmJlnKWFY
Mermaid In SPACE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP01fz3aHFk
Mermaids (2018 chinese movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq2OBXp8PFQ
Pro-voke commercial (professionally made) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HvkDO7i8TM
Water Phoenix (Short Movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmBXjZ_7IQQ
Pirates Of Caribbean Mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Zq9cIqAPY
submitted by yotsmungand90 to mermaids [link] [comments]

Fallout:l New Vegas Road Trip

Howdy all, I have been meaning to tell ya'll about this for a while. on Black Friday 2018, a good buddy of mine and I set off on a road trip to visit some of the locations from Fallout: New Vegas. starting in Phoenix Arizona we made our way up to the Hoover Dam, then to Vegas, down to Goodsprings for dinner at the Pioneer Saloon, heading to Primm to stay overnight in Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino, and finally driving through Nipton and going back to AZ. It was a great time.

Our first stop, the Hoover dam, was awesome. It was huge and had some really interesting history. We just stood there, taking it in for a good while before heading back off to our next stop, Las Vegas.

Las Vegas was novel I guess. our first stop there was a sign company in Las Vegas, because I didn't think about it, and apparently typing "Las Vegas sign" into Mapquest doesn't bring you to the "welcome to fabulous Las Vegas" sign. it wasn't a big deal, because it ended up being only a couple miles away from the fabulous Las Vegas sign, it was pretty funny. The Vegas sign was fine, exactly what you'd think and very crowded. After that we took advantage of the hour of free parking at some hotel and went to the Coca-cola and M&M store. were both 18, so besides the fact that we're not able to gamble, we both have no desire nor the funds to do so, so Vegas ultimately was like the worst stop because it was too crowded and it was infuriating to drive anywhere. We got outa there quick and on our way to Goodsprings.

The Prospector Saloon in Goodsprings was good, the burgers we had were pretty good, but the atmosphere was great. People sitting around fire pits eating, drinking and laughing. The Fallout stuff already there is actually in the general store, which irl is just another bar. Inspired by u/ltcain's post, we brought them a Legion flag to hang alongside the NCR one. We thought it be kinda neat and authentic considering we brought it from Legion territory, Arizona. unfortunatly he hadn't hung our flag by the time we left, so one of you will have to snap a pic for me next time you're there. With full stomachs we headed over to Primm.

It was really pretty neat going to Buffalo Bill's because you could see the roller coaster twisting all around the building. Interestingly the roller coaster is really the only similarity between real life and in game. The building looked different, and the casino had a strong western and mining theme, which we got a good look at. There was some kind of concert going on the next day, so the line to check in literally stretched the length of the fairly depressing casino. after waiting an hour in line and a headache from the smoke smell, the room ended up being pretty good for the price and very welcome to us sleepy bois. A good night's rest set us up for the journey to Nipton and home.

Nipton was REALLY small. We didn't stop, because besides some interesting art and painted cars, the only thing really there was a general store which seemed to be more of a smoke shop. Unfortunately they may have taken down the iconic covered wagon sign, because we didn't see it at all. After that it was just the ride back home.

Drive to and from was about 5 hours each, and some of the best moments from the trip were just talking, joking, and listening to music in the car. It was awesome when a couple times while driving from place to place when some of the music from New Vegas shuffled on, like Big Iron, it was sort of atmospheric in sense, and we definitely sung along. good times, good memories. It was awesome to be able to get a new appreciation for both the real life places and their in-game counterparts, seeing the things that we've only seen digitally irl completely outdid what we imagined them to be like and know replaying NV we understand how much more grand these places are, and what they feel like. for example, concept art for the Strip shows it much larger and crowded, but because of technical limitations, couldn't do it. But now being to the strip, I understand what a grimy, bustling Strip would be like. You guys can check out some of the pictures documenting the trip in the road trip photo album.
submitted by 8-Bit_Fox to Fallout [link] [comments]


The Black Crowes' Chris and Rich Robinson will herald the thirty-year anniversary of their landmark quintuple platinum debut album Shake Your Money Maker with a world tour beginning June 17 in Austin, Texas. Tickets and VIP packages are on sale now. To celebrate the announce, the band will play two intimate shows, first at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City this evening, followed by the Troubadour in Los Angeles on November 14. More info about tickets will be shared on @theblackcrowes Instagram page. The Black Crowes, which Melody Maker proclaimed as "the most Rock n' Roll Rock n' Roll band in the world" will be playing their debut, described by Rolling Stone as, "a guitar-party cracker that marries Southern R&B crunch and Anglo cock-strutting attitude" in its entirety plus all the hits from the band's illustrious catalogue. The ever-volatile Robinson brothers have not played a show since 2013 when they vowed never to play or speak together again. Thankfully for fans, times seems to have healed these wounds.
Chris Robinson says of reuniting, "I'm thrilled & blessed to be playing with my brother celebrating the music we've made & bringing our lives together full circle. Long live Rock n' Roll & The Black Crowes!"
Rich Robinson adds, "First and foremost, I'm really happy to have my brother back in my life. To be able to play music again together and celebrate the first record we made as kids, is a gift. To have these songs stand up after 30 years is something I could've never fathomed."
In 1990, when journalists were lamenting the death of rock, as cheesy pop and hair metal dominated the charts, Atlanta's Black Crowes gave the genre a swift and much needed kick in the ass with Shake Your Money Maker. Fueled by singles "Jealous Again", "Twice As Hard", "She Talks To Angels", and the rollicking cover of Otis Redding's "Hard To Handle" the band immediately took the rock world by storm, topping Rolling Stone's "Best New American Band Readers Poll" in late 1990.
The Black Crowes went on to release eight studio and four live albums, selling in the tens of millions along the way; they sold out shows around the world; had legendary guitarist Jimmy Page join as a member; got kicked off a tour with ZZ Top for insulting the sponsor; got screwed by bad record deals; got married and divorced, fought amongst themselves and the rest of the world; in other words they've done everything a legendary rock group should do. 2020's reunion and tour produced by Live Nation is sure to further cement the band's legacy as one of the best and most loved rock bands of all time.
TOUR DATES:June 17 - Austin, TX - Austin360 AmphitheaterJune 19 - Dallas, TX - Dos Equis Pavilion June 20 - Houston, TX - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Presented by Huntsman June 23 - Tulsa, OK - BOK Center June 24 - Rogers, AR - Walmart AMP June 26 - Birmingham, AL - Oak Mountain Amphitheatre June 27 - Atlanta, GA - Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood June 30 - West Palm Beach, FL - Coral Sky Amphitheatre at the S. Florida Fairgrounds July 1 - Tampa, FL - MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre at the FL State Fairgrounds July 3 - Charlotte, NC - PNC Music Pavilion July 4 - Raleigh, NC - Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek July 7 - Nashville, TN - Ascend Amphitheatre July 8 - Nashville, TN - Ascend Amphitheatre July 10 - Virginia Beach, VA - Veteran United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach July 11 - Washington, DC - Jiffy Lube Live July 14 - Camden, NJ - BB&T Pavilion July 15 - Bethel, NY - Bethel Woods Center for the Arts July 17 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center July 18 - Wantagh, NY - Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater July 21 - Gilford, NH - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion July 22 - Mansfield, MA - Xfinity Center July 24 - Hartford, CT - XFINITY Theatre July 25 - Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga Performing Arts Center July 28 - Toronto, ON - Budweiser Stage July 29 - Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre July 31 - Buffalo, NY - Darien Lake Amphitheater August 1 - Pittsburgh, PA - KeyBank Pavilion August 13 - Minneapolis, MN - Xcel Energy Center August 15 - Chicago, IL - Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre August 16 - Indianapolis, IN - Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center August 18 - Cleveland, OH - Blossom Music Center August 20 - Cincinnati, PH - Riverbend Music Center August 22 - Milwaukee, WI - American Family Insurance Amphitheater August 23 - Maryland Heights, MO - Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre August 26 - Bonner Springs, KS - Providence Medical Center Amphitheater August 28 - Omaha, NE - CHI Health Center Omaha August 30 - Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre September 1 - Salt Lake City, UT - USANA Amphitheatre September 4 - Seattle, WA - White River Amphitheatre September 5 - Ridgefield, WA - Sunlight Supply Amphitheater September 8 - Concord, CA - Concord Pavilion September 9 - Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre September 11 - Las Vegas, NV - MGM Grand Garden Arena September 12 - Phoenix, AZ - Ak-Chin Pavilion September 18 - San Diego, CA - North Island Credit Union AmphitheatreSeptember 19 - Los Angeles, CA - Forum
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submitted by kentuckyfriedbuddha to devoradolinks [link] [comments]

My dad was drugged at a casino!

Need some help on what order of operations need to take place to help my dad, this just happened last night at Wild Horse Pass Casino in Phoenix, AZ. My parents are visiting from out of town and staying at the hotel in the casino like they usually do when they visit for the weekend, he went down to play poker like he normally does and a guy at the table with him was being super friendly. My dad said he remembers the guy offered to buy his next glass of wine and then he doesn’t remember anything after he drank it, but hotel security found him stumbling around the casino floor and he couldn’t speak and could barely open his eyes. They found out what his room # was and helped him get here and my mom said they brought him in but he could barely move or speak and then started vomiting and could not stop. They called an amulance and took him to the ER, he got an IV and was discharged early this morning. The hotel comped my parents room and are letting them stay another night as well so he’s sleeping now, my mom said she found an ATM receipt in his pocket for the max withdrawal (which is odd, my dad has never done a max withdrawal anywhere) and he had no chips on him (he definitely wasn’t coherent enough to cash out) and there was no money in his wallet (he always carries about $200 in $20s when he travels). My mom has requested the casino review the camera footage to see who this person was and what happened, does she also need to file a police report? What other actions does she need to take to make sure everything is handled correctly? Is the casino responsible for damages/medical expenses?
submitted by rah101010 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

On This Date In California Weather History (July 19)

2015: Moisture from Hurricane Dolores, along with monsoon moisture resulted in showers and thunderstorms over most of Southern California on 7/18 and this day. Rainfall ranged from 0.5" to 4", including a record 1.7" at San Diego on 7/18. This was unprecedented July rainfall: record single-day and July monthly total. These two days recorded two of the three wettest July days on the San Diego record. The San Diego River at Fashion Valley had two crests above monitor stage, 7.7 feet on 7/18 a nd 8.8 feet on this day. A debris flow hit the burn scar of Silverado Canyon on this day as well as flash floods in Moreno Valley, Perris, and La Mesa. Aided by lingering tropical moisture from former hurricane Dolores, intense thunderstorms with torrential rain developed near Desert Center. Over 6” of rain fell over several hours along and just to the south of Interstate 10, just to the west of Desert Center. Eastbound lanes of Interstate 10 collapsed where they crossed a heavily flowing wash. A vehicle drove into the hole in the collapsed bridge, trapping the driver and requiring rescue. I-10 was closed in both directions causing huge traffic backups. Two landspout tornadoes were observed in open desert just north of Landers on this day.
2013: On the evening of July 19th, a thunderstorm developed near Nellis Air Force Base along an outflow boundary and moved south across the Las Vegas Valley. This storm was one of the most intense ever to cross the valley with respect to wind. Nellis Air Force Base measured sustained winds of 59 mph with a gust to 71 mph. Sustained tropical storm force winds were recorded across the heart of the Las Vegas Valley with this storm. Damages were greatest in the areas in and around Nellis Air Force Base and in Chinatown. One apartment building was evacuated after a gas line broke. At least 12 buildings throughout Las Vegas had wind damage. Power was knocked out to casinos on Fremont Street and parts of The Strip. In addition, heavy rains caused up to two feet of water to flow across parts of The Strip. Water damage also occurred at 3 strip casinos from the rain, including a portion of the casino floor at Caesars Palace. Some 33,000 NV Energy customers lost power from this storm. A total of 243 trees were downed at the Desert Pines Golf Course. Damages were estimated at 2.5 million from this storm, with most of the damage from wind.

2009: Severe thunderstorm winds struck La Quinta foothills with gusts measuring 61 mph.

2005: The low temperature on this date was 95° F which set the warmest low ever recorded in Las Vegas.
The high temperature of 117° F on this date tied the hottest temperature ever recorded in Las Vegas.
The average temperature for the date was 106° F, which was the hottest day ever recorded in Las Vegas. The morning low was 95° F and the afternoon high was 117° F.

2003: Flash flooding was observed in and around the town of Pahrump, NV (near Death Valley). Water was running over SR 160 from SR 372 to Dandelion. In the town of Pahrump, roads looked like rivers with a dumpster floating in the road blocking traffic. Mud was going through the Post Office and a trailer park. Basin Ave. and State Route 160 were under one foot of water. Flooding extended half mile on Basin Ave. toward the west. A gas station, the city park, and a shopping center parking lot were completely flooded.

1987: A rare cold air mass for mid-summer descended on the region starting on 7.18 and ending on 7.21 and broke numerous low temperature records.

1985: Strong thunderstorms produced very heavy rainfall in the mountains and the adjacent desert. A mudslide at the top of the Palm Springs Tram trapped 150, all but 31 were rescued by helicopter. The 31 spent the night because the helicopter was grounded due to unsafe winds. The 15 minute slide was a debris flow carrying huge rocks and timbers. A thunderstorm plunged a light aircraft to the ground at Mormon Rocks, killing a family of 3. Flooding was reported “all over” in the Morongo Basin. A tornado in Needles hit a mobile home park and injured 6. It leveled 4 mobile homes and damaged 14 others. 1.50" of rain fell in Palomar Mountain, the greatest daily amount on record for July. 2.36" fell in Cuyamaca, flooding Paso Picacho Campground.
1974: A severe thunderstorm with winds up to 80 mph and heavy rain swept through Lake Havasu City, AZ, and completely washed out section 4-5 feet deep in some streets. Many cars were abandoned during the storm and a number washed away. 3 people were killed and 1 person was injured when their vehicle was carried down a wash by a wall of water estimated to be 10 feet tall.
1970: Mount Hamilton (East Bay) had a high temperature of 92° F.
1960: The overnight low in Death Valley was 102° F.
1960: Thunderstorm winds in the Tehachapis downed utility lines and damaged farm buildings.
1955: Heavy thunderstorms struck desert areas of Twentynine Palms and Barstow. One cloudburst hit Cherry Valley with 3" of rain in 30 minutes. A 75 foot stream of water crossed Highway 66 at Hodge, southwest of Barstow. Washouts were also reported around Twentynine Palms.
1954: A northward moving hurricane made landfall in central Baja California with the remnants moving into Arizona. Rainfall of up to 2" occurred in the mountains and deserts starting on 7.17 and ending on this day. This occurred during the El Niño of 1953-54.
1931: Carson City, NV, had a high temperature of 107° F, while Reno, NV, recorded a high of 105° F.
Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Las Vegas, Phoenix, & San Diego
submitted by derkimster to CaliforniaDisasters [link] [comments]

On This Date In California Weather History (September 11)

2017: Some deep tropical moisture associated with a fairly strong upper level shortwave pushed into central California on September 11th and produced a severe thunderstorm outbreak during the afternoon and evening. Numerous reports of downburst winds exceeding 60 mph were reported and the impacts form these thunderstorms included downed power lines, damage to roofs; and large objects being knocked over and damaged. Rainfall amounts were generally a quarter of an inch or less with a few locations in the Southern Sierra Nevada and Tehachapi Mountains receiving between a quarter inch and a half inch of rain. APRS station 5WSW Firebaugh reported a 59 mph wind gust from a thunderstorm. A dairy farm south of Hanford had several barns with extensive roof damage from thunderstorm winds.
8 telephone poles were downed on Jackson Ave. near 9th Ave. south of Hanford.
A tree fell onto a vehicle near the intersection of 13th Ave. and Houston Ave. near Hanford.
A microburst downed 30 powerlines in Mendota.
8 miles west of Caruthers a chicken barn was blown down by thunderstorm downburst outflow winds.
In Corcoran thunderstorm winds produced damage to a house and snapped several trees. Beams from a wood fence were snapped from from concrete support and shingles were blown off of a roof.
There were reports of nickel-sized hail in Corcoran. There were several trees down on northbound State Route 99 just south of the State Route 190 interchange.
Lightning struck a house near Hanford High School. A Weather Service forecaster providing onsite support at the Pier Fire reported penny sized hail at Pierpoint Springs.
2012: A stationary thunderstorm brought persistent, heavy rain to Mecca.
3"-5" of rain fell in just a couple hours (more than a year’s worth). Floodwaters damaged a school, a mobile home park and several orchards.
2012: On the afternoon of September 11, 2012 thunderstorms producing heavy rainfall moved across much of the Las Vegas Valley. Rainfall rates of a half-inch to nearly eight-tenths of an inch in 30 minutes resulted in significant and in some cases devastating flash flooding. A total of 1.18" of rain was measured by the automated weather station at McCarran International Airport. This set an all-time record for a calendar day for the month of September. Automated weather stations operated by the Clark County Regional Flood Control District as well as Mesonet weather stations, cooperative observers and spotter reports showed the heaviest rain fell in several areas. 1"-2" of rain fell in northern portions of Summerlin, NV, in and just south of downtown Las Vegas, NV, along Flamingo Road and Tropicana Avenue from near Interstate 15 to near Mojave Road and in southeast Henderson, NV. The highest total reported was 2.09" at an automated station operated by the Clark County Regional Flood Control District near Swenson Avenue and Flamingo Road by the Tropicana Wash. According to local media reports, at least 50 vehicle rescues took place throughout the Las Vegas Valley by Clark County Firefighters. 40 of these were swiftwater rescues. The largest number of rescues was 15 near the intersection of Sloan and Sahara with one rescue done by helicopter. Roadway flooding was extensive with several inches to several feet of flowing water reported on many roads especially in the central and eastern parts of the Las Vegas Valley. Interstate 215 was closed from Interstate 15 to Eastern Avenue after intense rainfall washed large amounts of mud and rocks onto the highway from nearby landscaping along the side of the road. This also resulted in the Airport Connector to McCarran International Airport being closed. The Charleston Underpass flooded for the first time since extensive construction work was done to mitigate this once flood-prone area back in the mid-2000s. The worst impacted area though was near the Desert Rose Golf Course. At least 45 homes were flooded mainly on and near Walton Heath Avenue. Most of these homes suffered extensive damage to their lowest level with many people loosing furniture and appliances. In some cases the force of floodwaters busted through concrete walls. Numerous vehicles in this area were flooded and some were floated 300 to 400 feet. Three dogs drowned to death that lived in one house. In addition, a worker at the Desert Rose Golf Course was swept away by the floodwaters from his tractor around 4:22 PM PDT on September 11th. His body was found dead two days later about two and a half miles away.

2011: Small hail was reported at Bodfish and Lake Isabella as was street flooding which was also reported in Kernville.
2011: Monsoonal thunderstorms brought flooding to Downtown Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Strip. A rain gauge in Downtown Las Vegas recorded 0.98" of rain in about 20 minutes. Water ponded up over curbs of streets from Downtown Las Vegas to North Las Vegas. Several inches of water flooded the Circus Circus Adventuredome. The parking lot at the Cannery Casino in North Las Vegas was flooded.... with some cars partially underwater. A few inches of water also entered part of the casino and movie theater.
2008: The Cascadel Fire began on this date in the Sierra National Forest at 2000 PST. The cause was human, from target shooting. The location was 3 miles East-Northeast of North Fork in Madera County. It burned 280 acres and was contained on September 17 at 1700 PST. There were no fatalities or properties damaged. The cost to containment was $3,100,000.
2008: A thunderstorm produced strong outflow winds measured at 67 mph in La Quinta. Another thunderstorm produced golf ball sized hail in Ranchita.
2004: The Nehouse Fire 25 miles east of North Fork in Madera County burned 204 acres. Its cause was human in origin but no fatalities,injuries, or structures-lost occurred.
2004: Severe thunderstorms in Borrego Springs produced one inch hail that broke windows. Strong winds gusted to 60 mph before the anemometer was destroyed, and knocked down six power poles. Training thunderstorms over Johnson Valley produced severe flash flooding. Hwy. 247 was washed out in numerous sections. Minor damage to homes occurred and 12 vehicles were trapped. In La Quinta, 138 trees were knocked down at one golf course with damage to a building. More trees fell down at other golf courses. Roof tiles were blown off. Damage occurred to power poles and transformers.
2004: The China Fire began on this date 15 miles southwest of Lake Isabella in Kern County. This suspiciously-caused fire burned 314 acres but there were no fatalities, injuries, or structures-lost.
2001: On this date 19 hijackers seized 4 U.S. commercial jetliners on the East Coast and flew two aircraft into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City destroying them, one aircraft into the Pentagon Building near Washingon, DC, causing severe damage, and one was destined for another target in the Washington, DC, area (either the White House or the U.S. Capitol Building) but the passengers resisted and the hijackers crashed the plane near Shanksville, PA. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed and civilian air traffic into, out of, and within the United States was grounded for days afterwards.
1998: Severe thunderstorms pounded the Las Vegas Valley and Lake Mead for a few hours producing golf ball size hail, a small tornado and widespread flash flooding. Large hail began falling shortly before 11 am PST and numerous hail reports came in for the next couple hours with some episodes causing damage to several automobiles. A small tornado tore the roof off a Henderson, NV, warehouse and destroyed a large block wall at a service station a short distance away. Heavy rain fell mainly on the east side of the metro area with amounts up to 1.85" in a two hour period. As a result flash flooding filled streets and washes and trapped several motorists although no serious injuries occurred. The heavy rain damaged about one acre of the 750 acre Sunrise Landfill and carried significant amounts of debris into the Las Vegas, NV, wash. The Clark County School District activated the "shelter-in-place" policy for school children at approximately 30 schools around the area. Children were not bused home until after flooding had subsided.
1990: It was 117° F in Borrego Springs, the highest temperature on record for September. This also occurred the previous day on 9.10.
1983: Half Moon Bay had a high of 94° F -- a record for the month.
1982: The morning low temperature at Reno, NV was a chilly 29° F.
1976: Record rains that started on 9.9 ended on 9.12 came from Tropical Storm Kathleen (called a 160+ year event by meteorologists). 14.76" fell on south slopes of Mt. San Gorgonio, 10.13" at Mt. Laguna, 8" at Mt. San Jacinto, 4"+ in the Little San Bernardino Mountains, and 1.8"-2.8" in the Coachella Valley. Deep Canyon (above La Quinta) recorded 2.96" in three hours on 9.10. Rainfall in the Santa Rosa Mountains above the Coachella Valley was called the a heaviest in recorded history. 6 were buried and killed in sand in Ocotillo. Floods of record were attained at numerous streams around the Coachella Valley. 1.84" of rain fell in Riverside on this day, 2.09" fell in Borrego Springs, 2.33" fell in Victorville, 2.57" fell in Idyllwild, and 5" fell in Palomar Mountain, each the greatest daily amounts on record for September. The Victorville amount is also the third highest daily amount on record. This occurred during the El Nino of 1976-77. Hurricane Kathleen also brought the southwest the highest sustained winds ever associated with an eastern Pacific tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 57 mph at Yuma on 9.10.
1976: The remains of Hurricane Kathleen move across Baja and into southern California near El Centro. With its circulation still intact, tropical storm force winds produce considerable damage in Yuma. Sustained winds exceed 50 mph, and gust as high as 76 mph in Yuma, AZ. One man is killed as a 75 foot palm tree crashes onto his mobile home. Severe flooding occurs in Mohave county.
1971: It was 100° F in Palomar Mountain, the highest temperature on record. This occurred on eight other occasions.
1960: North northwestward moving Hurricane Estelle dissipated west of the central Baja California coast from 9.9 to this day. On this day a thunderstorm hit the area east of Lucerne Valley. The resulting flash flood was four feet deep and washed out a section of road, stranding several vehicles east of Lucerne Valley.
1952: Chilliest morning in three day stretch from the 10th through 12th in Fresno; record lows were set each on morning and all still stand to this day. Low of 44° F on this date is the earliest 45° F or lower reading on record in Fresno.
1939: 4"of rain fell across the deserts and mountains as a dying tropical cyclone moved across Baja California into southwestern Arizona on this day and on 9.12. This was the second tropical cyclone to impact California during the busy month of September 1939. A strong El Nino contributed to the activity.
1939: The remnants from the second of three tropical cyclones to affect the southwestern U.S. in one month floods homes in Eldorado Canyon, roads in the California Wash near Glendale and washed out parts of Charleston Blvd. near Rancho Blvd. in Las Vegas, NV.
1888: Fresno set an all-time record high of 111° F for the month of September. This is also the latest in the season that Fresno has had a high temperature of 110° or better.
Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Las Vegas, Phoenix, & San Diego
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What's happening around town (Wed, May 15th - Tue, May 21st)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, May 15th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE Yoga (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Botanical Balance FREE YOGA presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays, 5:45 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Check in at the Visitor Center and find out location which changes depending on the season Instructors provided by This Land Yoga Bring a mat, water, and an “open mind”…
  • Crystal Bowersox (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🍴 Dope Poetry Night (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Wednesday night at the Ice Event Center Sports Bar and Grill located at the heart of Oklahoma City! Sign ups begin at 7pm and show begins at 7:30pmish. Free Admission! Free vendor set up! Bar Restaurant
  • International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2
  • Jessica Eve (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm Jessica Eve is a SingeSongwriter from Billings MT. Jessica has all the gears behind her vocal engine. She can pull the smooth slow long notes with...
  • 🎡 Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, May 17th Start Time: 8:00pm Crystal Bowersox, a northwest Ohio native currently calling Nashville home, has built her life around music. Crystal's love for music developed at an early age from a need to find peace in a chaotic world. Through art and creation, Crystal was able to direct her energy and emotion, finding a way to mend a mind in turmoil. For her, music was…
  • Reading Wednesdays, Ages 2-5 (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:30am Reading Wednesdays Every Wednesday, 9:30 am The Garden Classroom FREE Best for ages 2 to 5 Bring your youngster for story time each Wednesday at 9:30 am. Books are nature-themed and selected based on the season. We’ll begin with an interactive song and children will enjoy creating a small craft after the story. Join us the last Wednesday of…
  • 🏆 Ride of Silence Bicycle Ride (Edmond) Start Time: 6:15pm Come join the Ride of Silence as we honor those who have lost their lives or been injured bicycling. The mission of the National Ride of Silence is to honor those who have been injured or killed bicycling; raise the awareness of bicyclists on the roads and to share the roads; and to provide awareness of bicycling safety. The ride, 10- 12…
  • SINGO Wednesdays (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Beat the midweek hump with the new bar game that everyone is talking about! SINGO is a new and exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to their favorite music. Enjoy 1/2 price domestic drafts & discounted appetizers! Plus we will be giving prizes each night to the winners.…
  • 😂 Spencer James (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 18th

Thursday, May 16th

  • Apocalyptica in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get ready to be blown out of your seat when Apocalyptica stops in Oklahoma City to present their Plays Metallica by…
  • Art Adventures (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 10:30am
  • 🎨 Art in Bloom (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am This year, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art is offering an exciting new event for our members and community - Art in Bloom! Art in Bloom, hosted May...
  • 🎡 Bill Bloomer (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏆 Blood Drive (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:30pm Join the Oklahoma Blood Institute at Remington Park on Thursday, May 16th from 12:30 - 5:00 PM on Track North! Give blood and get a
  • 🎭 The Comedy Magic & Mentalism of Max Krause 13+ (Max's Magic Theatre - OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:15pm 13+ Ages
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Omaha Storm Chasers (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, May 20th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Dwight Yoakam in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Iconic country singer, songwriter and actor Dwight Yoakam is traveling to Oklahoma City to take over The Jones…
  • International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • 🎡 Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Crystal Bowersox, a northwest Ohio native currently calling Nashville home, has built her life around music. Crystal's love for music developed at an early age from a need to find peace in a chaotic world. Through art and creation, Crystal was able to direct her energy and emotion, finding a way to mend a mind in turmoil. For her, music was…
  • 🎓 Newcastle Graduation (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Newcastle Public Schools Graduation - May 16th, 2019 at 7:00 PM
  • 😂 Spencer James (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, May 18th
  • 🎨 Teen Anime Night (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm We will choose between three anime and partake in snackage. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie Chamber of Commerce ChooseGuthrie
  • 🏆 Three Thousand Thursday Thrills (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Thursday play in the Remington Park Casino gets a little richer in May. Just use your Club Remington Card when you play in the casino any day of the...
  • 🏆 WCRA Semi-Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, May 19th Start Time: 8:00am

Friday, May 17th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Celebration Of Life Park - Shawnee) Come join the fun at Shawnee's Downtown Block Party in Celebration of Life park located in historic downtown…
  • America in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Hear classic rock band America live as they take the Riverwind Casino stage, and witness the talents of this Grammy…
  • 🎨 Art in Bloom (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am This year, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art is offering an exciting new event for our members and community - Art in Bloom! Art in Bloom, hosted May...
  • 🎡 Bike to Work Day Celebration (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30am Come join fellow bicyclists at the Festival Marketplace for a short commemorative ride as we celebrate National Bike to Work Day. After the ride, enjoy yummy breakfast refreshments and bicycling camaraderie. http://edmondok.com/calendar.aspx?EID=7527
  • Divas! An Illusion Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Coming to The Boom May 17, 2019 it's going to be a fabulous night of illusions supporting our very own Miss Gay Oklahoma USofA 2019 Alizay Z. Paige as...
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Omaha Storm Chasers (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, May 20th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • 🎓 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress to sweat! Free Latin inspired dance fitness class. Space is Limited. RSVP. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie Chamber of...
  • Ghost In The Willow w/ Seth Norman, Side Effects (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Ghost In The Willow from Phoenix, AZ Local support: Seth Norman of Painting Fences Side Effects...
  • Kim Richey (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • La Tragedie de Carmen (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 19th Experience one of opera's most beloved performances at Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, as Painted Sky Opera…
  • 🎡 Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm Crystal Bowersox, a northwest Ohio native currently calling Nashville home, has built her life around music. Crystal's love for music developed at an early age from a need to find peace in a chaotic world. Through art and creation, Crystal was able to direct her energy and emotion, finding a way to mend a mind in turmoil. For her, music was…
  • Meet Me at Main (Yukon) Meet new faces, jam to live music and enjoy the summer sunshine during Meet Me at Main in Yukon. This monthly…
  • Plant a Seed for Cannabis Education Tour (OSU-OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:30am A Pre-Tour Event in Oklahoma hosted by The eCS Therapy Center's Plant a Seed for Cannabis Education Tour Cannacian™ Level One & Two Training Plus All-Day Cannabis Health Fair May 17th OSU-OKC 9:30am-7:30pm (Cannacian™ Level One 10am-2pm, Cannacian™ Level Two 3pm-7:30pm) (May 15th We will be at the Bartlesville Community Center from…
  • 🎓 Putnam City North Graduation (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Rebels Only Tour (Your Mom's Place - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Headliner: Who TF is Justin Time? Co-Headliner: Big Murph Big Po Music
  • Reckless Kelly in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Come to the historic Tower Theatre in Oklahoma City and honky tonk the night away with Reckless Kelly. For nearly two…
  • Skirvin Jazz Club - hosted by Christian Pearson (Skirvin Hilton - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Skirvin Jazz Club is an immersive live music experience at the historic Skirvin Hotel in Downtown Oklahoma City. We transform The Park Avenue Grill a swinging jazz club. We stage the band in the center of the room and seat the audience around the musicians, 360. We feature top talent, a full menu, and special featured drinks. This is the perfect…
  • 😂 Spencer James (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • 🎓 Surreptitious: The After Work Social Mixer (Avenue 101 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm $10 Fishbowls $3 Hennessy Black $1 Beers $10 Hookah ($5 the 1st Hour) 3 Wine ::NO COVER::
  • 🏆 WCRA Semi-Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, May 19th Start Time: 8:00am
  • Wheeler Summer Music Series (Oklahoma City) Gather under the Wheeler Ferris Wheel lights as local bands take the stage this summer in Oklahoma City. Make plans to…
  • 🎭 White Guy on the Bus (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Carpenter Square Takes a Ride with ‘White Guy on the Bus’ Carpenter Square Theatre takes a ride with “White Guy on the Bus” May 17-June 1. Bruce...

Saturday, May 18th

  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE Yoga (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Botanical Balance FREE YOGA presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays, 5:45 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Check in at the Visitor Center and find out location which changes depending on the season Instructors provided by This Land Yoga Bring a mat, water, and an “open mind”…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Omaha Storm Chasers (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, May 20th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • 🎓 Edmond Schools Graduation (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Santa Fe High School Graduation - May 18th, 2019 at 10:00 AM Edmond Memorial High School Graduation - May 18th, 2019 at 2:00 PM Edmond North High School Graduation - May 18th, 2019 at 6:00 PM
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • 🎓 Free Device Workshop (U.S. Cellular - Norman) Start Time: 9:00am Celebrate Moms and Every Bloomin’ Thing
    Being a parent is one of the most rewarding jobs, but it’s also one of the busiest, especially if you don’t rely on your smartphone to help lighten the load. Whether it’s ordering food on-the-go, paying bills and managing a budget or even using the latest apps to make sure your kids are safe,…
  • Garden Festival in the Park (Will Rogers Garden's Ed Lycan Conservatory - Oklahoma City) Kick off your spring with a visit to Oklahoma City's Will Rogers Park for the annual Garden Festival in the…
  • 🎨 Geek Con (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Always wanted to be a superhero? Love movies and comics? Do you love the library? You’re never too old to show-off your superpowers! Join us at the...
  • La Tragedie de Carmen (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Experience one of opera's most beloved performances at Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, as Painted Sky Opera…
  • Naughty By Nature Meet & Greet Upgrade Package (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • New Kids On The Block: The Mixtape Tour (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm New Kids on the Block are bringing their Main Event tour to Oklahoma City's Chesapeake Energy Arena. This exciting…
  • Of Mice & Men in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Head to Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City to witness an energetic night of post-punk and heavy metal tunes as Of Mice…
  • 🏆 OKC Energy FC vs. Real Monarchs SLC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on the Real…
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma State…
  • Okie Made Market (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Head to OKC's historic Farmers Market District and embrace your inner maker at the Okie Made Market. This fun and…
  • Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) The Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival in Oklahoma City features every Oklahoma brewery as well as other breweries from all over…
  • Oklahoma Victory Dolls vs No Coast Derby Girls (Arctic Edge Ice Arena - Edmond) Catch the buzz as the Oklahoma Victory Dolls put on an electrifying dance of athleticism and grace when jammers and blockers…
  • Organic Gardening (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Saturday, May 18, 10-Noon The Garden Classroom Member $14; Nonmember $19 Register by Tuesday, May 14 REGISTER HERE Topics will include building organic soil, companion planting, protecting beneficial insects, securing best heirloom seeds, and unconventional planting methods. Registrants will receive free seeds to take home. Tickets:…
  • Riversport Challenge (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Kick off the summer adventure season in Oklahoma City's Boathouse District with a twist on the traditional 5K race.…
  • 🏃 Riversport Challenge Kayak/Run Race (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) This fun race gives both youth and adults the chance to compete both on and off the water in a unique biathlon while also supporting RIVERSPORT youth outreach programs.
  • Rock the Park (Choctaw Creek Park - Choctaw) Come to Choctaw Creek Park for fun festivities and live music at Rock the Park in Choctaw. There will be three bands…
  • 🏃 Run 4 Air (Wild Horse Park - Mustang) For information: https://www.facebook.com/run4air
  • Skillet in Concert (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Spend the day splashing in the Renegade Rapids or screaming on the Silver Bullet at Frontier City Theme Park before relaxing…
  • 😂 Spencer James (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Tiffany - Upgrade Meet & Greet Packages (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:01pm
  • 🏆 WCRA Semi-Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00am
  • Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival (Riversport Rapids - Oklahoma City) Started in 2017, the annual Oklahoma City Whitewater Festival brings national athletes together in the hopes of taking home…

Sunday, May 19th

  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Omaha Storm Chasers (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05pm
  • La Tragedie de Carmen (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Experience one of opera's most beloved performances at Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, as Painted Sky Opera…
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma State…
  • 🏆 WCRA Semi-Finals Rodeo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 8:00am

Monday, May 20th

Tuesday, May 21st

  • Cats (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, May 26th You've heard the rage, now see it live at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. The record-breaking show…
  • Chisholm Creek Rooftop Hop (Chisholm Creek - Oklahoma City) This summer, prepare for ample live music opportunities. Each Tuesday night, head over to Chisholm Creek to enjoy Happy Hour…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each and…

See Also

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